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Eyes of the Innocent

Page 40

by Christopher Wright

  Chapter 33

  "We might have guessed," Matt told Zoé and Lauren when they returned to the hotel. "All Inspector Flanagan was concerned about was who'd taken the photographs. I didn't tell him about Pete, of course. He made all sorts of threats, but Steve made threats of his own, citing Simon Urquet as our attorney. I thought Simon's power and influence would be legendary. He's managed to get DCI a lot of publicity, and he used his legal powers to fight off several court cases when Domestic Chemicals International fell apart. But neither legal nor ecclesiastical powers proved enough in the end, and we were shown the door."

  Lauren turned to Stephen Valdieri. "If I know you, sweetie, you and Matt have a plan."

  Matt noticed Valdieri was looking slightly guilty. Hardly surprising, considering the plan they'd come up with on their way back to the hotel.

  Valdieri gave a little cough. "Matt and I are going there tonight. We're going with Matt's original plan. We're going to dig up the casket."

  "But they have security lights everywhere," Zoé said. "I saw them. And Wendell Harris he will be there with his gun."

  "We think we know how to do it," Matt explained. "We've been looking at the photographs in detail, especially the first lot we took over the Senator's woodland when the plane was off course. His trees go right up to the boundary. It looks like a fence of some sort. It's not a wall. There's no room for lights there. I know it sounds easy, and I'm sure it won't be, but if we can get into the clearing where the grave is without triggering any alarms, we'll be out of sight from the house."

  "They will see your flashlights," Zoé said. "I am sorry to be such a blanket that is wet, but I do not think you will get away with it."

  Matt shook his head. "We don't need flashlights. If we can feel our way to the cabin, we know exactly where the grave is. We can dig it up in complete darkness, by feel alone."

  "And you will need a spade, and something to cut through the fence."

  Matt caught hold of Zoé and gave her a hug. "All sorted. We stopped on our way back and bought everything we need. Spade, wire cutters, everything. Stephen bought some dark blue coveralls. His best suit is a bit too classy for this job. My outfit is fine as it is."

  Lauren shook her head. "I won't allow it," she said firmly. "You will both end up in jail."

  "Not us," Matt said. "Senator and Mrs. Harding will end up there, with a bit of luck." He glanced at Valdieri. "Maybe I should say with a bit of prayer."

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