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Doom of the Three Stones - The Tales of Big and Little #1

Page 5

by Josh Kilen

  The Princess was thoughtful, "Yes, that might be possible, but the castle is well defended. You wouldn't be able to defeat all of Shirlee's minions by yourselves."

  Big nodded in agreement and Little continued, "That's true, which is why we would need a diversion." She didn't know how to ask what needed to be asked.

  The Princess, however, understood what they needed and bowed her head in consideration. "So, you want us to draw the army out to give you time to retrieve the Stones and stop Shirlee on the inside. Is that it?" she asked.

  Big and Little were not sure the Princess liked the plan, and nodded meekly. The Princess started to laugh.

  "Of all the crazy plans, that's the craziest I have heard yet. But it's also the one that just might work. Very good my Friends." she congratulated them.

  Big and Little smiled from ear to ear.

  The preparations were swift. The Princess, the Elders, and Bjorn swept through the City to rally the people. The battle would be difficult, and they had little chance of defeating Shirlee's army without any Stones, but it was their best chance to stop the evil cat.

  The entire City mobilized and marched onto the plain, ready for battle. All together, they set off for the land of Lee to storm the Castle of Doom. The Giants marching in the back, the Princess and the Elders leading the way with Bjorn, Big, and Little. They trudged along for days.

  Finally, the dark Castle came into view. Storm clouds gathered around the highest spire, swirling up into the sky. Fear filled their Army of Light and some thought about running back to the Underground City.

  It was then that Bjorn turned and faced his Army. He raised his hands in the air to address them.

  "My friends and brothers, today we do battle with the greatest evil we have ever known. Shirlee seeks to rule all the worlds, to destroy our Land, and to enslave us all. We stand against him today! We will fight against this darkness, we will bring light to our Land once more! Now grab your weapons, lift your hearts, and join me. To Glory and HONOR!!!" As Bjorn lifted his Battle ax in the air, the army did the same with their weapons. The Army charged toward the castle and shouting a fearsome battle cry, one that would put fear in all but the most battle hardened pizza crust.

  The Princess turned to Big and Little, "Our fate, and the fate of all the worlds is in your hands now, we trust that you will not let us down. Now go, and good luck."

  Big bowed low to the ground, "We won't fail you your Highness." And he and Little made their way to the back of the Castle to find a way inside.

  As the Good Army charged ahead, the gates of the castle opened. Out of its massive entrance poured thousands of pizza crusts, followed by an army of garbage monsters, bouncing apple cores, and slithering banana peels. Shirlee used the power of the Stone to animate objects that our world takes for granted. Do you ever see those peels again, or pizza crusts? Now you know where they go.

  The armies clashed in the field before the castle. Bjorn wielded his ax and began cutting down crust after crust. The army held their own, until the garbage monsters attacked. The Army of Light wouldn't last long against them.

  At the back of the Castle, Big took out Bjorn's crossbow and with Little's help shot the arrow to the top spire. The attached rope hung down on the wall and the Dogs slowly climbed up the side. Once they made it to the top, the tall spire was directly above them.

  They found the door up to the top of the spire and ran up the stairs. Once there they opened the door to see Shirlee working the controls on a huge machine with the Evil Gnome standing next to him, looking dazed like he was in a trance. Power cords cris-crossed the whole room, all connecting to the largest pile of cheese that either of the Dogs had ever seen. Embedded in the cheese were the three magic stones, glowing brightly.

  Shirlee heard the door open and looked over at the Dogs, his eyes grew wide. "YOU!!!" he screamed.

  Episode 19

  Big and Little broke into the tallest spire of the Castle of Doom and interrupted Shirlee's final take over of the worlds. Shirlee looked over in disbelief when he saw the Dogs. "YOU!!!" he cried out.

  Shirlee ordered the Evil Gnome to attack. The Gnome, with the same entranced expression jumped over to destroy the dogs. Shirlee attacked as well, claws bared, trying to swipe at the Dogs and take them out.

  But Big and Little had been trained by the best and they dodged the Gnome and Shirlee's attacks. Even so, Shirlee had nothing to lose and attacked with all the viciousness he was capable of.

  Around the room they went, swiping and biting, moving and weaving, they danced about. For every cut that Shir made with his claws, Big or Little made one of their own with their teeth and paws.

  Shirlee retreated to the other side of the room with a well executed jump. Chest heaving from exertion, he said, "I see that you've been trained. Let me guess, Bjorn. I can tell his moves anywhere. Who do you think trained me? And who do you think trained my crust army? Ninja Crusts, ATTACK!"

  Out of the shadows ten pizza crust ninjas leaped out with swords ready and came after the Dogs. It was a furious battle, one that Big and Little didn't know if they could win. Little looked over at the Evil Gnome, pleading with him, "Please, I know that you didn't mean to take the Stones. This isn't really you! Remember your Brother. Remember what he always wanted for you!" Little dodged two swords and yelled to the gnome. "Please! Help us!"

  The evil gnome shook his head slightly, finally coming to. He looked up at the battle and saw his new friends losing against Shirlee and the Ninja Crusts.

  Big tried to take on 3 crusts at once, biting and swallowing where he could but the crusts cut and slashed into his arms and legs. Little ducked two crusts that made a diving thrust, then kicked two more that tried to advance. Flying into the wall, Big was there to dispatch them and fill his hungry belly. Shirlee joined the battle as well, cutting and scratching, but his wounds were many and he was getting tired. Unfortunately, so were Big and Little.

  The formerly Evil Gnome jumped in and ripped apart several more crusts, to cheers from Big and Little. Shirlee was outraged, "How did you override my mind-control?" he asked. "You have betrayed me," Shirlee said to the Gnome, “and now you will pay." Shirlee attacked the Gnome, tapping into the power of the Stones. He sent a dark cloud all around the Gnome and the cloud became black as night. Big ran over to save the Gnome but it was too late, the cloud collapsed in on itself and disappeared. "Noooo," screamed Big as he skidded to a halt.

  Two crusts remained, standing to either side of Shirlee. He was almost finished, the cuts and bite marks on his body were red and sore. He was limping badly and he had trouble moving. Big gave Little an encouraging look and they drew strength form each other. They had to finish this.

  Shirlee and the crusts attacked once more. Big blocked a crust sword meant for Little's head with his front paw and yelped out loud, but twisted his head around and bit the top of the crust off, the bottom falling uselessly to the ground. Little kicked the last crust into the machine, accidentally resetting the controls. Shirlee jumped on top of Little, giving her access to his soft underbelly. She bit down hard. Shirlee screeched in pain and batted Little away. He retreated once more.

  The Energy crackled all around them, the power of the stones made more intense by the cheese. Shirlee rested in one corner, Big and Little in the other, the cheese in between. No one could take much more.

  Shirlee summoned his strength and jumped for the closest stone, the Stone of Power. Big saw what Shirlee was doing and went for the Stone of Courage, Little following, snatching away the Stone of Wisdom. Without the Stones to power it, the machine shut down with a loud whirl, and the energy dissipated. Everything got very quiet, except for the sounds of battle from outside.

  Shirlee looked derisively at the Dogs and laughed weakly, his eyes turning black like the darkest night. "Three stones, and I will have them all. You cannot defeat me!" he declared and lifted the stone to his mouth. In one motion he swallowed the power stone. Immediately he grew to three times his size and
all his wounds and bruises began to heal.

  Big looked over at Little and swallowed his stone, she following his lead. The Dogs could feel the magic begin to change them from the inside. The final battle had begun.

  Episode 20

  Big, Little, and Shirlee had each swallowed a magic stone. Shirlee the Power Stone, Big the Stone of Courage, Little the Stone of Wisdom. Shirlee began to grow to a monstrous size and all this wounds were healed. His claws and fangs became fearsome and terrible. He turned into the power hungry monster he had always been on the inside.

  Big saw Shirlee growing into a giant beast, but he wasn't afraid. His heart was bigger than any creature's before and nothing could make him turn away. His body was healing as well and he felt stronger and faster. He started to smile despite the danger.

  Little's change was more subtle, she didn't become bigger or stronger. Her body still hurt but she also knew exactly why it hurt and how to move to avoid the worst pain. She was growing smarter and wiser. Her mind was sharper than anyone's and she quickly understood what was happening.

  Shirlee attacked with a thunderous roar, swiping at Big. With his extra speed, Big was able to move quickly out of the way. Shirlee skidded into the wall, pieces of stone and timber flew everywhere. He swiped again at Big but only managed to gouge part of the floor. Big turned and jumped directly at Shirlee, headbutting him into the wall again. The spire tower shook from side to side.

  Little looked around for something to help. Her eyes settled on the cheese. Something inside said the cheese was the key. Then she figured it out. It was all so simple.

  "Big! It's way past lunch time. EAT THE CHEESE!" she shouted. Big didn't need to be told to eat cheese more than once.

  He immediately leaped over and scarfed down more cheese than he thought possible. Little did too. As they ate, their bodies grew larger, making them able to eat even more cheese. Before Shirlee knew what was happening, the Dogs had grown larger than him. They stopped eating and turned to look at the evil cat. He spit at them, "I will still defeat you, no matter what size you are!"

  But something strange happened instead. The Stone of Power, lodged firmly in Shirlee's gullet, was attracted to the cheese in the Dogs. Shirlee began to make a choking sound and the Stone flew out of his mouth and hovered between the dogs.

  Shirlee immediately returned to his former size and he cowered before them. "Please, please, don't hurt me. I'll do anything you want. I'm not a bad kitty, it wasn't my fault. It was my father! He told me to!"

  Big and Little took pity on him.

  Once again, Little knew what to do. She spit the Stone of Wisdom out towards the Stone of Power. Enhanced by the energy of the cheese, the two Stones began to crackle with energy. Little told Big to do the same. Big spit the Stone of Courage into the group.

  Fireworks. Brightness. Brighter than a hundred suns all around them. The Stones were coming together and they shot into the air like a rocket, leaving a rainbow trail behind them.

  Outside, the Army of Light was almost finished. Bjorn, The Princess, and a few of their best warriors defended themselves against an onslaught of garbage monsters but the outlook wasn't good. This seemed to be their last stand.

  A garbage monster lifted its fist for the final blow when the rainbow shot high into the sky, sucking up all the crusts, apple, peals, and garbage. They all flew through the air, into the rainbow, never to be seen again. When all the evil creatures made by the Stone's power were gone, the rainbow collapsed in on itself with a deafening CRACK!

  The evil was gone.

  The pink haze shown all around them, turning from purple, into a blue sky. The sun shined bright and the seven moons were glowing.

  Big and Little blinked at the bright sun and the blue sky. Then Big looked over at the corner.

  Shirlee was nowhere to be found.

  Episode 21

  Both Big and Little looked around the room, but there was no sign of Shirlee. Had he been sucked up into the rainbow? Did he escape in all the commotion? There was no way to know for sure.

  Big and Little limped down to the battle field. The soft grass was trodden and beaten down. Many warriors found their final resting places here on this field, and the remaining soldiers were taking them to be buried. Even if you defeat evil, there is always a cost when you choose to fight. This was a lesson Big and Little would never forget.

  They walked carefully over to Bjorn and the Princess. The remaining Elders were with them as well, but Bjorn stood in their middle. He had been elected as Chief Elder.

  "Thank you my friends. You have saved us. Whatever you wish, it is yours." said the Princess.

  Big looked over at Little, she spoke for them because she knew they wanted the same thing. "It was our honor to help, we will never forget this. But we have People who must miss us at home, we need to go back." Big nodded his head in agreement.

  The Princess smiled, "Of course Dear Ones, as I said, whatever you wish. In fact we will escort you there ourselves. Come," and off they went, back to the tube.

  Once there, the Princess placed her hand on each of the Dogs heads and said a blessing. "If you can, please find a way to come back. We will guard this portal into your world now at all times, but you are honorary citizens and may come and go as you please. I hope that you return soon so that we may feast in your honor."

  After many tearful good byes and the game of fetch with the Giant King that Big promised, the Dogs entered the tube and went back to the real world.

  As they arrived in the attic once more, they didn't see the guard dogs anywhere. They were wary but the attic seemed to be empty. As they crawled out of the window, it seemed as if their adventures were finally over.

  "I hope our people have some cheese waiting for us," said Big.

  Little was shocked, "Are you serious!?! Didn't you get enough cheese back at the tower…" Their voices trailed off in the distance.

  Meanwhile, in a back corner of the attic, two vicious guard dogs were bowing before a fluffy orange tail…

  Want to see what happens next? Buy The Tales of Big and Little – Part Two: Shirlee’s Revenge. Available at most major online retailers.

  Preview of Sean Ryanis & The Impossible Chase

  Episode 1

  A lone spaceship blasted through hyperspace, intent on its destination. Its captain, Sean Ryanis, stared at the view screen, tapping the console impatiently. Worry lines creased his face and his mouth was turned down into a terse frown. His co-pilot Shaker glanced over at his partner and told him to chill out.

  Ryanis grumbled, "If we miss this job, I don't know when another’s gonna come around. Can't we push engines any faster?"

  Shaker looked doubtful, "Their already at maximum. If we push 'em harder and they break, we don't have the parts to fix them. Don't know 'bout you but I don't want to be stranded in dead space. Like I said, chill. We'll get there in plenty of time."

  Ryanis fell silent, he knew Shaker was right. Their ship, the Tiberius, started out as an old junky transport until he and Shaker got their hands on it. Over the years they turned it into the best independent frigate in the galaxy. But it still wasn't a good idea to push it too far.

  It had been 4 weeks since their last job and supplies were running low. They were heading to the Firnote Quadrant because they heard the local magistrate needed of a couple of ships to transport goods into dangerous territory. The Tiberius had just enough fuel to get there, so this trip was a big gamble.

  Ryanis closed his eyes, leaned back, smiling to himself as he thought about the 'dangerous' situation that lay ahead of them. He didn't know what the magistrate's idea of dangerous was, but Ryanis and Shaker had probably seen worse.

  The loud blaring of the Tiberius' alarm shook him out of his daydream. The paticular noise let them know that it was a local planetary distress call.

  Without opening his eyes, Ryanis said, "Shaker, turn on the coms, let's see what it is."

  Shaker rolled his eyes, "Need I remind you that we only hav
e enough fuel to get to Firnote and that's it. If we take a detour, there's no more payday. And remember what happened the last time we took a detour? I believe the Duke and Dutchess on Kloxon 9 still have a warrant out for your arrest."

  Ryanis smiled wider at that thought, "I know, I'll be good. Can't hurt to listen, right?"

  Shaker muttered sarcastically, "Can't hurt to listen..." as he flipped on the comm switch.

  The speaker crackled and a pretty voice filled the ship's cabin, "All available fighting ships, the planet Martosis is under attack by a Malogan strike force. We are taking heavy losses. More enemy ships are arriving by the second. Bounty will paid to all independents able to destroy at least 5 enemy ships. Please, help us... All available fighting ships..." The message repeated.

  "Hear that? Bounty!" Ryanis began to adjust the controls and set a course for Martosis. Shaker knew better than to get in his way, especially when it came to his instinct for money. Somehow Ryanis always knew the right angle to play and they usually ended up on top.

  Despite his faith in his partner, Shaker was still a little nervous, "Fighting Malogans isn't my idea of an easy bounty. In fact, it's downright dangerous." But as he spoke, Ryanis' eyes sparkled.

  Ryanis reached over and slapped Shaker on the shoulder, "Don't worry old buddy, I won't let anything happen to you," he said. He punched the hyperjump control and the Tiberius entered hyperspace on route to Martosis.

  The ship jumped right in the middle of a full fledged war zone. Hundreds of ships shot across the sky, laser beams shooting everywhere. Explosions lit up space like a fireworks display. This wasn't exactly what they signed up for.

  Just then, two Malogan fighters locked onto the Tiberius.

  Episode 2


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