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Dark Time

Page 13

by Summer Cooper

  “You’re very welcome, pet.” He moved back to kneel in front of me, and his hands slid beneath me to tilt me just right. “Now, let me focus on what really matters.”

  His face came in close, so close, but he didn’t touch me. Not yet. This was a tease I’d become familiar with, but that didn’t mean my body knew it. My thighs tensed, and my back arched as my body tried to force him to touch me. He knew the game, though, and remained out of reach.

  “You’re so wet for me, Emily. You smell so fucking good. I know you’re going to taste just as sweet as you always do. Like my own private candy stash that nobody else gets to touch.”

  I was focused on his words with my ears, but my body was still caught up on the sensation from my nipples. I needed more, I needed his touch. “Dylan, please. Make me come.”

  “Earlier didn’t take the edge off that hunger of yours then, pet?” His fingers stroked down one side of my labia, and I tensed all over again. The next stroke saw two fingers stroke me, one on each side, and my jaw clinched in anticipation.

  Soon, he’d touch me, but only when he decided I was ready. Not before then.

  “How are those clamps, pet? Do you want them tighter?”

  “No!” I said quickly, they didn’t need to be changed at all. I just needed him to touch me. Soon.

  “Good. Let me know if they need to be changed.”

  I knew he wouldn’t let me come, not until I was a whimpering mess, and he had me twisted up into knots that might never come loose. It was the kind of torture I’d craved from him from the moment I’d met him.

  He knew how to give it to me just right.

  “Thank you, sir.”

  His cupped my wet mound then, and I felt the squeeze of his fingers on me as an excruciating new tease. He wasn’t touching my clit directly, but it was touched. “Mm, that’s so good, sir.”

  “Thank you, pet. Now, don’t move.” His head lowered, and his hands tilted me just right to allow his tongue to delve into me.

  His wide tongue flattened on me and gathered every drop of my desire that he could get. My fingers grasped at my bonds, and my body tried to move in the normal response, but my legs were over my head. “Sir…”

  “Easy now, pet. It’s alright.” His lips closed over the skin there and sucked at me for a long moment that I thought would see my head explode.

  I wanted to scream at him to let me down, to flip me over and fuck me until I couldn’t take anymore. I wanted to tell him to suck my clit, but my mouth wouldn’t form words; it was all too good and my brain just wouldn’t function.

  “Dylan…” was all I could manage as his tongue flicked at me in tight circles. “Fuck, don’t stop, please don’t stop.”

  It was a tossup with Dylan. Sometimes he’d listen to me, at other times he’d do exactly the opposite of what I’d demanded. It just depended on his mood. I had a feeling he was going to make me wait, but I guessed he took pity on me.

  Instead of stopping to move to some other area to torture into raw awareness and need, he began to suck at me, and that set me off. I screamed his name, my hands straining against my bonds until I knew there’d be marks.

  I didn’t care, I’d wear wide bracelets for a week if I had to. All I cared about was the way my body exploded, the way something went tight, so damn tight, before it began to flutter in a pattern that sent me into orbit.

  That was the moment when Dylan displayed his skills with tying knots. A tug of his finger and my feet came down from the headboard and fell to either side of his body. In an instant he was deep inside of me, and he rode me right back up that precipice I’d started to come down from.

  I could barely feel my legs, but my arms wrapped around him as he held me close. His arms were buried under me as his hips pounded into me, hard and fast. I’d thought he’d drag this out, but he surprised me with how fervently he needed me. There was something almost desperate in the way he drove his body into mine, and I held onto him for dear life.

  I could feel my nails digging into his back as I exploded all over again, but I couldn’t stop the way my fingers clenched, or how deep I scratched him when my hands slid down his slick back. We were both covered in sweat, lost in each other, in pleasure, to notice that the new pleasure we felt was wrapped in pain.

  When I lifted my head away, he nipped my chin and then started to kiss me. He tore his lips away with a groan, and I took the moment to inhale deeply.

  “You are mine, Emily.”

  I had said it a hundred times to him, but it was something he needed to hear. It wasn’t necessarily ownership that he was proclaiming, though. It was his own emotions that he declared with that statement. He wanted me, he needed me, and he was mine as much as I was his. It was a moment that revealed just how vulnerable Dylan could be, hidden by the ownership claim.

  “I am yours, Dylan,” I told him, my breath a pant at his ear. “You are mine.”

  I clenched around him, my arms, my legs, my pussy until he suddenly came to a halt, just before his hips began to jerk into me.

  “I’m coming, Emily. Fuck, I’m coming.”

  That’s when something occurred to me. I thought I was due for my birth control shot. I went still beneath him and assured myself that everything I had read said it would take six months to get pregnant after the shot. Was that always the case?

  I didn’t say anything to him. I just snuggled into his side and let my thoughts wander. Surely my gynecologist’s office would have called to remind me, though? Of course, they would, I reassured myself. With a sigh of relief, I got out of the bed and headed for the shower.

  Dylan joined me, and we took the time to wash each other before we went to watch a movie in the living room. I’d decided to call the gynecologist tomorrow to find out when I needed to come in, and I didn’t worry about it anymore.

  I wasn’t ready to have a baby, not yet. I wasn’t sure I really wanted to have kids. I did, but at the same time, I wasn't sure it was something I should do. I wasn't in a totally committed relationship. Dylan and I had never talked about children, other than the mention of birth control when we first met.

  It wasn’t something I’d ever thought I’d have, not with the way my life was with my family. I wouldn’t have time to find a partner, much less get pregnant. Then, when I’d rebelled, I’d been looking to live and experience life, not strap myself with babies. Maybe someday, but not right now.

  We went to sleep after the movie, and I didn’t worry about it anymore after that. I was too tired to worry, and the need to sleep overcame any lingering doubts. I was wrapped in Dylan’s arms, safe and warm, locked away from the evils of the world. We’d dealt with my migraines, and we were about to move into a new home that we’d designed together. We’d even picked out the furniture together. We had a brand new life waiting on us, and I couldn’t wait.

  I snuggled closer to Dylan, even in my sleep, and found comfort from his nearness. Even unconscious, I needed the man who had made the world come alive for me.


  I spent the morning with Emily, in the bed of our old home for the last time. We were going to our new home tonight, and I couldn’t wait. I had a meeting with a candidate for the head of staff, and other than that, our day was free.

  When I’d made her scream my name for the third time, I finally let up and rolled over to my side. She cradled herself next to me, and we both caught our breath. I tugged at her hair absentmindedly, the silky strands sliding through my fingers always a fascination for my unconscious mind. It was something I did often, without realizing it.

  “Do you want breakfast, darling?” I asked, my brain still not totally functional.

  “I think we have a Danish left. We haven’t been to the grocery store since we’re leaving here tonight.”

  “That will work. It sounds so empty in here now, without all of our stuff.” I still hadn’t moved, and she didn’t show any signs of wanting to get up either.

  It didn’t bother me. All I wanted to do was lie there unt
il I could feel my legs again.

  “It does, but we’ll be in the new place tonight. Although, I will miss that pool.”

  “That’s why we have the hot tub. Not as good for exercise, but we can find other things to do in it.” I could hear how dirty my chuckle was, and that made me snort.

  “Are we just two sex perverts who can’t get enough of each other?” she asked with a hint of laughter.

  “Nymphomaniacs, you mean. We could be. Only for each other. I don’t have the energy, or the desire, to fuck anyone else.”

  “You wear me out too, you know? My poor legs are still shaking underneath the covers.” She glanced down and laughed again.

  “I know, I can feel them.” She pinched my side when I said that, and I finally slid out of the bed. I ran to the kitchen, microwaved the sweet pastries in the package they came in, and brought the carton of orange juice in. “I thought there was no sense in dirtying up dishes; we’ll live decadently.”

  “That’s fine, I just need something cold to drink to take my medicine.” She reached for the pill box she used to keep track of her dosages, and popped one of her pills in her mouth. “That’s done then. I’ll shower and head over to the new place with the last of the boxes, shall I?”

  “I’ll help. I don’t have that meeting until lunch time.”

  I’d hired a cleaning agency to come in and clean the place up after we left, and I’d arranged for the keys to be delivered to the agency that rented the place out. I was kind of sad to leave it, but at the same time, glad to. I’d dismantled everything in the play room and thrown most of it away. I’d kept the toys and the restraints, but the rest of it? I didn’t think I needed it anymore.

  Emily satisfied me in ways that I didn’t know a woman could. I wouldn’t give up the dom role completely, but I didn’t need the room to hide away in anymore. I hadn’t told Emily yet, but she’d figure it out soon enough.

  We moved the last few boxes down to her car and mine then went up for one last look around. I hadn’t left anything, and neither had Emily. We were free now to go live our new life, and I couldn’t wait. We even had our first meal planned already. Emily would go to the grocery store while I was at my meeting, and we’d cook the meal together later.

  I carried down one last bag of trash, disposed of it, and we headed to the new place. Emily had already unpacked most of the boxes, and the new boxes, plus some from my old office that I hadn’t unpacked yet, would be sorted today.

  We had new furniture in the house, and a very luxurious bed to sleep in. The kitchen appliances were all brand new and state of the art, and we’d decided to add in a lot of small appliances like mixers and cookware because we both liked to cook. It would be a dream come true for anyone who loved to cook, and to us, it was.

  It was the highlight of the penthouse, for us, in fact. Recessed lighting and four long windows along one wall provided plenty of light. A long countertop added workspace that was supplemented by an island about eight feet long that would also serve as a workspace. The fridge, stove, and microwave were all on the other side of the room where the sink was located, along with more space for cooking.

  The bathroom was small, with only a shower and a small tub that Emily kept calling a hip-bath. That we decorated in dark blue tiles with a good amount of light. The living room was small too, and we’d put a wraparound couch in there with several sections that folded out in recliners. A large television dominated one wall, since we both liked to watch movies, and if we didn’t feel like watching movies, we had a great view of the night sky over the ocean.

  Our bedroom was in the back, and there was only one window. It was on the side facing the land, and there was too much light back that way, so we’d hung blackout curtains in there, in an almond color. The bedding matched the curtains, but the plush carpet on the floor was a dark chocolate brown. There were two large closets and two chests of drawers.

  The other rooms were still empty, but we’d fill those with something later. For now, we had all that we needed. We’d been so eager to start our lives here that we’d decided to go ahead and move in without filling the other two rooms.

  “I’m going to get a shower, Emily. I need to get ready for that meeting.”

  “Alright. I’ll get ready to go too.” She pecked me on the lips and left the kitchen to head into the bedroom. Her clothes were already in her closet, so she didn’t have to do that today, at least.

  We left around the same time, and it wasn’t long before I’d made it to the restaurant. It was a new place that offered cuisine from several different European locations. I’d wanted to check it out to see what was offered and to sample the dishes. We had to decide what to have in ours that would make it stand out. There was also the added benefit that when I opened, I’d be able to tell my customers the good places and the bad.

  I planned to interact with our guests periodically, especially those who rented the penthouse and suites. A waiter quickly came to seat me when he found out I had a reservation, and from the looks of it, that decision had been a good one. The place was full. That was a good sign. I ordered a glass of beer and told the waiter I’d wait for my guest before I ordered.

  Her name was Michelle Gilder, she was in her mid-fifties, and had lost her last job when the resort she worked at was taken over by another corporation. The new owners had decided to replace everything, including the staff, good and bad, and she’d gone with them. Her resume spoke of loyalty, hard work, and came with professional references that glowed about the woman. She had experience managing staff, and I thought she’d be a perfect fit for us.

  “Hi there, Mr. James, I’m Michelle Gilder; it’s nice to meet you.”

  I pulled my head up from the file I’d been studying and smiled as I stood. “Hi, Michelle. Please take a seat.”

  “Thank you.” She looked around, and I could see she was pleased with the place. It wasn’t very expensive, but it was also a treat to eat at a place like this.

  “Here’s the menu, what would you like to drink?”

  “Coffee, please,” she said to the waiter with a kind smile.

  “Great. Let’s decide on what to eat, shall we?” I wasn’t nervous, but I did find these kinds of meetings sometimes impersonal.

  My adoptive father had taught me that this was an important part of hiring senior staff, however. You got a chance to judge how they treated those in lower positions, and you could get a glimpse of how they would treat your employees. I didn’t want someone who treated my staff like they were replaceable. I wanted to garner loyalty and prevent loss through high turnover rates.

  My brain was in business mode, but the lunch went smoothly, and the woman with curly brown hair met my expectations. She treated the wait staff kindly and with a smile, she was able to answer my questions eloquently, and she had a firm understanding of what the position entailed. She’d also managed to make me laugh a few times and had put me at ease.

  I liked that about her.

  “I’d like to offer you the position, Michelle. I’d like you to come into the resort and make a decision. It will be another month or two before we officially open, but I’ll need you before that. I need to start the hunt for staff right away and you and I will work together to hire some of the more senior staff. We can talk about salary, benefits, things like that, if you’re interested. I’ve been looking for someone who understands my vision, and I’m pretty sure you do.”

  Brown eyes lit up with happiness, and she gave me the brightest smile I’d ever seen. “I’d be glad to, and yes, I think I understand your vision well. Your staff will be safe with me.”

  “Good. Now, how did you like your meal?” I sat back and waited for her answer.

  “It was lovely, something I’ve never had before, but I liked it.” She looked down at the empty plate and then up at me.

  She didn’t say anything about how long the plate had sat there, something I’d done as a test, when I asked the waiter to leave it before she came. I’d asked him to do sever
al things, like bringing her white wine instead of what she’d order to drink, and to spill a glass of water on the table.

  She’d responded nicely, but without fear of correcting the order, and she’d helped the man to clean up without complaint. She’d earned herself a gold star so far.

  “I’ve never had chorizo served like that myself. It was nice, a very good choice. Would you like desert?”

  “No, thank you, I’m too full. It was a wonderful meal.”

  “Great. I’ll have my assistant call you, and you two can set up a date to come in and have another talk. If you want to go now, you’re free to do so. I think I’m going to stay and try the desert.” She stood, her bag under her arm, and I stood with her.

  She held her hand out, and I took it to shake. “Thank you, Mr. James. I really look forward to hearing from your assistant. Thank you for giving me a chance. I know I’m an older woman, but I promise, you won’t regret it.”

  “Shhh, I don’t care about your age, just how well you can do the job. You have a great day now, Michelle. It was a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Thank you.” She beamed at me before she left.

  I felt good about my decision to hire her, if she accepted, and I had no doubt she would. I sat to speak to the waiter.

  “Thank you very much for your help, Tim. There will be a nice tip in it for you.” I gave him a wink, and he took the plates away.

  “No problem, Mr. James. Would you like desert?” He was as attentive as ever, and for a moment, I thought about trying to poach him from the restaurant.

  “No, but thank you, everything was excellent. I’ll make sure to leave some flyers from the restaurant in the resort if you’ll bring me some with the bill.”

  “Thanks, that would be great.” He walked away, happy, As I waited, I glanced down to the entrance and saw none other than Trent Thompson.

  For a man who was always jet-setting around the world, he seemed to be awfully focused on Myrtle Beach lately. My blood boiled when I looked at him, and thoughts about how he’d treated Emily flooded in. That didn’t help, but I had to remain calm. I paid for the meals, left a hefty tip, and slid the flyers for the restaurant into my folder.


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