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Taming Two Warriors

Page 14

by Evangeline Anderson

  “It’s been a while for me, too,” Vorn admitted, swiping at his own eyes. “Goddess, I’m glad we cleared the air. Living with you when you’re mad is like living with a fucking thunder cloud, sweetheart.”

  “Well, you’re not exactly a calm, sunny day yourself,” Jodi pointed out. “And speaking of clearing the air, shouldn’t we get out of this enclosed car? I can, uh, still smell your Mating Scent and it seems like it’s stronger than ever.”

  It was true—the warm musk of spice and leather and smoke was calling to her, making her want to lean forward and kiss him again. Not that she would, Jodi told herself. But still…

  “Yeah, your little pussy is calling my name too, baby,” Vorn growled. “We’d better get out of the car before we go at it again. Don’t know if I could stop myself next time from spreading your sweet thighs and lapping up your sweet honey.”

  “I don’t know if I’d want you to,” Jodi said honestly, though she felt her cheeks getting hot at the mental image of the big Kindred with his face between her legs tasting her pussy. She shook her head, trying to get rid of the erotic thought. “We really need some fresh air.”

  It was surprising how easy it was to talk to him now that the intense tension between them had been broken, she thought. And good to know she wasn’t going crazy. His scent had been affecting her—as apparently, hers had been affecting him.

  “Fresh air it is.” Vorn nodded. “Come on, baby—let’s go shopping.”

  He got out of the shuttle-car and came around to open her door.

  Jodi let him and didn’t even complain about the way he’d called her ‘baby.’ In fact, she almost caught herself thinking it was kind of nice. James never called her anything but “darling” and he said it in such a condescending way…

  No, stop that right now, she warned herself. You can’t start thinking negative, derogatory things about your fiancé. You love James and you’re going to marry him, remember?

  But why? whispered that skeptical little voice in her head.

  Jodi resolutely squashed it and turned to see that Vorn was offering her his arm. The courtly, old-fashioned gesture caught her so much by surprise that she found herself taking it before she could stop.

  The big Kindred grinned at her—his smile a white slice in his dark face—and then pulled her towards the door.

  The Todd awaited.


  Vorn couldn’t believe he and Jodi had finally had it out—or that they’d managed to do it without killing each other. He was really glad they’d cleared the air—both literally and figuratively, he thought dryly. One more night of living with the pissed off and extremely horny Jodi might have done him in.

  Or we might have ended up fucking on her bed and ruining both our lives, he thought. Or her life anyway—since she was already engaged to be Joined to another man. For his part, Vorn was actually starting to like the little female and think that maybe being bonded to her wouldn’t be so bad.

  Not that that would ever happen. She was, after all, going to get Joined to another male.

  A male who doesn’t deserve her, Vorn thought, frowning. A male who won’t even meet her needs. Fucking James is the one who ought to be taking her shopping for new toys—not that Jodi would need them if he’d do right by her.

  But that was none of his business. His only job right now was to protect Jodi and keep her happy. And if a whole basket of new toys would do the trick, he was damned-well going to get them. And he was going to keep his hands off.

  Still, he couldn’t help remembering the hot, forbidden kiss they’re shared. The taste of her sweet mouth, crushed under his…the feel of her full breasts filling his hands…the needy little moans she’d been making as they devoured each other from the mouth down…

  Stop it, Vorn warned himself Stop thinking of her like that. Remember, she’s taken.

  Great—but try telling that to his shaft. It was still at full mast from the kiss and the conversation. It was all Vorn could do to keep his hands off her and only knowing that it was wrong to break the vows of a female for another male kept him from it.

  The Todd wasn’t nearly the sticky den of iniquity Jodi had imagined it would be. It was brightly lit with fluorescent bulbs and the shelves were laid out in neat rows, almost like a grocery store.

  She wandered down an aisle that seemed to be devoted entirely to lube—warming lube…cooling lube…lube that worked with latex…and lube that was only for latex-free toys. She picked up a little tube of pink lube that said,

  “Mmm-mmm! Sweet strawberry gel for a pussy that’s finger-licking-good!”

  “You don’t need that stuff.” Vorn’s deep voice in her ear startled her and nearly made her drop the little tube.

  “What?” She turned around, her heart pounding.

  “I said, you don’t need that stuff. Your pussy would taste delicious without it. In fact, any pussy would.” He plucked the tube from her fingers and put it back. “That crap is for males who are too much of a pussy themselves to get on their knees and taste a real pussy. You know?”

  Jodi bit her lip.

  “And just how would you know what my pussy would taste like?” she demanded. God, were they really having this conversation?

  “By your scent, of course.” He shrugged, his broad shoulders rolling under his crimson uniform shirt. “If it smells good, it’s going to taste good, right?” He inhaled, his nostrils flaring. “And I’ve never smelled anything half as sweet as your pussy, little girl. Therefore, I’m sure it would taste fucking amazing.”

  “Well, you’re not going to get a chance to find out,” Jodi said lightly, amazed all over again at the easy banter between them. “That’s what we’re in here for, right?”

  “Right—so let’s stop fucking around with this stuff and go find the toys,” Vorn said. “C’mon.”

  He led the way down the well-lighted aisles past a display of sex-swings and a fucking machine that looked like someone had mounted a phallus on a piston until they came to a long, long row of vibrators and dildos.

  There must have been hundreds of them. Long ones, short ones, thin ones, fat ones, realistic ones with veins on their shafts like a real cock, candy-colored, neon ones that glowed in the dark, some that vibrated in twenty different rhythms, and jelly ones with a suction cup at the end you could stick to the shower wall and impale yourself on…the Todd had everything.

  Jodi’s eyes got wide as she scanned the abundance before her. There were so many to choose from! She had only ever shopped online before and somehow seeing so many products all lined up for her to pick from felt like an embarrassment of riches.

  Vorn looked at the display and nodded in approval.

  “Good, this is good. Well go on, sweetheart—pick one,” he urged her. “Or two or three if you want. Remember, I’m paying and the sky is the limit.”

  Hesitantly, Jodi reached for a vibrator called “The Slim Jim.” It was long enough but it certainly wasn’t very thick. Still, it was embarrassing to reach for what she really wanted.

  “Hey, don’t waste your time or my money, little girl.” Vorn plucked the Slim Jim out of her hand and put it back. Then he picked a new dildo out for her. This one was two or three times as thick and the package read, “The Big Daddy.”

  Jodi blushed and looked around. It seemed weird to be shopping for sex toys as openly as she might run to Wal-Mart for shampoo. But though there weren’t many people in the shop at this hour, she saw several browsing with the same nonchalance Vorn was displaying. One aisle over a gay couple was debating the merits of one butt plug over another and several aisles down a girl was on her cell phone asking someone which would be better for the bachelorette party—the penis-shaped straws that made you look like you were sucking a cock or the candy necklaces made of penis and ball Sweet-tart candies. Or maybe she ought to get both and the penis balloons too? They blew up huge and were such a scream!

  “It’s okay, little girl.” Vorn’s voice had dropped to a low growl. “Just
get what you want—get what you need. And you don’t need to give a flying fuck what anybody thinks about it.”

  “Well…” Jodi bit her lip, thinking that it almost seemed as though he had read her mind. “If you’re sure?”

  “I’m fucking sure, all right,” Vorn told her. “Come on—let’s get you a variety. But first, is this one good?” He nodded at the Big Daddy. “Will it be thick enough to fill you up right?”

  Jodi found herself blushing but she answered as though they were having a normal conversation, “I think so. It looks about the right, uh, size.”

  “Good.” He nodded and put it in the shopping basket he had picked up from somewhere. “Just want to be sure your little pussy is happy, baby. Now, what about one that vibrates?”

  He picked out a rabbit vibrator with “tickler” ears and showed it to her.

  Jodi bit her lip. God, was she crazy going sex toy shopping with the big Kindred? But somehow now that the air had cleared between them, it almost felt natural to talk to him like this. In fact, it felt like a relief.

  She could never talk to James about her little fantasies or show him her toys and he would certainly never offer to buy her new ones. James was a strictly missionary-position-in-the-dark kind of guy and he showed little to no interest in anything else.

  It was refreshing, Jodi thought, to be with a man who not only wasn’t threatened by her desire for toys but who also wanted to know which ones would help get her off the hardest and fastest. Even if Vorn was only doing this in order to help her stop making the “in heat” scent she was apparently putting out, Jodi liked the big Kindred’s practical and completely un-embarrassed approach to what they were buying.

  “What do you think?” he asked again, still holding out the rabbit vibe. “You like that? Like to have your sweet little clit tickled while you get your pussy filled?”

  Jodi felt her cheeks getting hot but since they were talking so honestly, she wasn’t going to lie.

  “That’s nice,” she said, nodding to the rabbit. “But for me it isn’t so much the stimulation as the fantasy that goes along with it.”

  “The fantasy, huh?” Vorn arched one black eyebrow. “What fantasy would that be, baby?”


  Jodi bit her lip. Should she tell him? But she’d already come this far…

  “I don’t just use the toys for how…how they make me feel,” she admitted. “I like the way they look too. I like the way I look when I’m all dressed up in a naughty little outfit and I’m using a toy on myself. So the visual aspect is almost as important as the sensory one,” she finished, trying for a normal tone of voice—as though it was perfectly usual to be discussing things with the big Kindred she’d never admitted to anyone.

  Vorn sucked in a breath, his golden eyes narrowing.

  “So what do you do—get all dressed up and then parade around that bedroom you put me in and watch yourself getting off?”

  “Something like that,” Jodi admitted. Her cheeks were flaming but she kept her head high, refusing to feel ashamed. “Sometimes I walk around the whole apartment. I like…” She cleared her throat. “Like to pretend I’m putting on a show, you know?”

  “That’s a show I’d fucking like to see,” Vorn growled, his golden eyes still hooded.

  “Maybe you will,” Jodi said lightly. “But remember—you can look but don’t touch.”

  “Got it.” He nodded and seemed to bring himself back from some inner fantasy. “So this little guy—in or out?” he asked, holding up the rabbit vibe.

  “Actually, I like him.” Jodi nodded at the purple jelly rabbit ears. “And those look like they would feel extremely nice. So I’ll take it.”

  “You got it.” Vorn put it in the basket. “Now what else…”

  They perused the isle, finding a few more dildos Jodi liked and then came to a section of vibrators that were only for clitoral stimulation. Jodi picked one up and examined it, looking at the back of the package.

  It was a round disk, about two inches thick and six inches across—about the size and shape of a roll of duct tape. Sticking out of it at intervals were pink latex tongues. Apparently once you turned it on the tongues turned in a circle, lapping at whatever was placed against them.

  Luscious Licking Action! proclaimed the packaging. Your pussy has never felt so pleasured!

  “You want that, baby?” Vorn said in her ear.

  Jodi frowned. “I’m not sure. I, uh, doubt it would feel like the real thing.”

  “Do you know what the real thing feels like, though?” he asked. “I thought that idiot James wouldn’t go down?”

  “Yes, but he’s not the only guy I’ve ever been with,” Jodi pointed out. “I had a few boyfriends as an undergrad who were, uh, somewhat willing to try it.”

  “Willing to try?” Vorn sounded like he couldn’t believe it. “You make it sound like some kind of fucking chore!”

  “Well…that’s how some guys treat it,” Jodi admitted. “Like it’s something they have to get through in order to get to the good part.”

  “Baby, licking pussy is the good part,” Vorn told her, his golden eyes blazing. “Getting on your knees between your female’s thighs and eating her until she’s shaking and crying and calling your name—it doesn’t get any better than that. What the fuck is wrong with human males?”

  Jodi sighed. “I don’t know. I just know that none of the ones I’ve ever been with have been very good—or very eager—to uh, go down.” She put the twirling tongue vibrator back on the shelf. “I guess that’s why I pretty much gave up on it.”

  Vorn shook his head.

  “That’s a damn shame, little girl. Every female deserves to have her pussy worshiped by a male who knows what the hell he’s doing and enjoys it.”

  “Well, who knows? Maybe James will suddenly develop an interest.” Jodi shrugged uncomfortably, knowing that wasn’t very likely. “Um…can we look at the other side of the store?” she asked, wanting to change the subject from her fiancé’s shortcomings. “They have outfits over there.”

  “Sure, baby—whatever your little heart—and pussy—desires,” Vorn said agreeably. “C’mon—let’s check it out.”

  They wound up picking several outfits like ones Jodi had been eyeing online but couldn’t afford. A naughty school girl set that came with a short plaid skirt, a thin white blouse that tied under the breasts, and thigh-high white stockings was one she really liked. But the leather mini skirt that zipped up the front and the back and a demi-cup black lace corset with naughty little see-through lace panels that could be pulled up or down to either cover or expose her nipples, was exciting too.

  Jodi wished there was a dressing room, but even though there wasn’t, she was able to pick out her sizes by sight. She liked that they had a plus-sized section, since her hips and ass and thighs most definitely fell into that category.

  Vorn bought her a variety of underwear too—a lot of crotchless panties and nipple-less bras that Jodi couldn’t wait to try on and parade around in. Anytime she worried about the price, he told her not to.

  “Get what you want—everything you want,” he told her. “Money is no object when it comes to making your little pussy happy.”

  Jodi took him at his word but when they brought everything to the register and the bored-looking female clerk rang it up, the final price horrified her.

  “Three thousand dollars?” she exclaimed. “That’s a car down-payment!”

  “No, baby—it’s a pussy investment,” Vorn said with such a straight face that she couldn’t help laughing. “Don’t worry about it,” he assured her. “I told you anything you want and I meant it.”

  “You two seem to be smart customers,” the clerk remarked, as she bagged up the last of their stuff. She looked at Vorn. “Are you one of them Kindred?”

  “I am one of them Kindred,” Vorn said, grinning genially and making Jodi laugh again. “Why do you ask?”

  “Well because—we just got a new shipment of dildos
they call The Kindred Line. S’posed to be the same size and shape as real Kindred equipment, if you know what I mean.” The clerk peered over her glasses at Jodi. “Though maybe you wouldn’t be interested, seeing as how you got the real thing right here.” She nodded at Vorn.

  “Oh, well…” Jodi started to demure.

  “Let’s see them,” Vorn said. “Bring a Beast Kindred one,” he told the clerk. “I want to see how accurate this ‘Kindred Line’ is.”

  “You got it.” The clerk bustled off to the back room for a moment and then came back with an extra-large box in her hand. “Here you go—you can open it if you want to,” she said, handing the box to Jodi.

  Curiosity getting the better of her, Jodi did exactly that. What she saw made her eyes pop.

  The dildo was extremely realistic with ridges and veins running down its considerable length and a broad, plum-shaped head only a little smaller than her fist. It was longer and thicker than her python had been but the strangest feature had to be at the very bottom.

  “What’s this thing?” she asked, sliding her fingers around the thick ridge of flesh that ran in a ring around the base of the shaft, just above the balls.

  “The mating fist.” Vorn’s voice was a low growl. “Once it slips inside a female, she is tied to the Beast Kindred for hours until their bonding is complete.”

  “Hours?” Jodi looked up to see that his golden eyes were blazing. “But how…how does he even get it in, in the first place? I mean, is this thing accurate to size?”

  He nodded. “Looks about right.”

  “But then how—I mean, this is really big,” Jodi protested.

  “Beast Kindred have compounds in their precum and cum that help a female open up,” he explained. “That’s what makes bonding sex possible.”

  “Bonding sex. Meaning…they’re tied together for life, right?” Jodi asked, looking up at him.

  Vorn nodded again, his golden eyes blazing down into hers.



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