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That Hot Night: A Firefighter Romance

Page 2

by Sullivan, Piper

  Connor flashed a smile as another door slid open and we stepped inside. “Hell yeah, they were. Ask her where she got them, I think Clara could kill me in those pants.”

  He wasn’t wrong. If sweet little Janey could get my engine roaring in them, no telling what it would do for Connor and his wife. “Might be what brings you baby number four.”

  He smacked me with the back of his hand. “Three, smart ass.”

  I laughed. “You should ask her.”

  “No, I think you should.” He gave me a long look as we moved up to his floor. “Later.” Connor stepped off the elevator and waved me off. “I’m gonna call Clara and tell her about the gifts I’m thinking about getting her. Experience has taught me that it’s better if she picks her surprise presents.”

  Connor was a friend of sorts, and the way the kid talked about his wife, almost made marriage and commitment seem like something other than a death sentence.


  The purple tuxedo pants had been out of my comfort zone, by at least two whole time zones, but the look on Rafe’s face and even on his friend’s face had made it worth it. More than worth it. But as I stood in the hotel hallway staring at my reflection, with Bo on speakerphone, I had my doubts.

  But this red dress, it wasn’t me. Not at all. It was too tight and too short and it showed of…everything. “What in the hell was I thinking?” My reflection didn’t look terrible, but it had to be the lighting because I felt like sausage stuffed into a casing. The color was striking and oddly didn’t turn me ghostly white, plus the sales chick had called me smoking hot in the dress.

  Smoking hot. How could I pass that up?

  “You were probably thinking that you look hotter than you ever have, and that’s no small thing,” she said in her signature matter-of-fact tone. The first time I bought something from Hope and Mikki, it blew my mind.” I smiled thinking of Bo’s trip to get something sexy and how awkward and uncomfortable she’d been.

  “You can’t see this dress Bo. It’s indecent!”

  She snorted and in my mind I could see her shaking her head, thick brown hair falling around her shoulders. “Let me see. You know I’ll tell you the truth.”

  ‘Too much of the truth,” I muttered and switched the call to video mode. “All right. Lay it on me.” I held the phone up to the mirror so she could get a full length view.

  Bo looked at me, tilting her head this way and that, nodding to herself and mumbling. “You look hot Janey. Like for real hot. Like if you wore that around town, the rest of us would talk about you behind your back. For being hot instead of being pushy, like we do now.” Her smile softened the blow but I made no apologies for who I was, a girl always willing to help. Sometimes a hammer worked better than honey.

  “Thanks, but doesn’t it matter if I don’t feel comfortable?”

  “Of course, it matters but you just need to own you great you look. It’s a little short, yes, but all the important parts are covered so relax. Chill. Just be one of those girls who looks effortlessly hot.”

  I snorted at that. “Effortlessly? I still have to do something to this hair and this face.”

  “Gloss it up and get gone,” she said with finality. “Tell me all about it. When you’re back in Tulip.” With those last words, Bo ended the call. So typical.

  I gave myself another view in the mirror. It was the last night of the convention and me and a bunch of girls were planning to go out, to leave the hotel and have a fun night in Santa Fe. And this red dress was exactly a fun night in Santa Fe kind of dress, which meant I had to get comfortable. To that end, I kept the dress on while I worked on my hair and makeup, refusing to adjust it with every move I made until the dress moved with me.

  It took an hour longer than it needed to, thanks to all the not adjusting I did but finally by eight o’clock, I was ready to have some fun so I left my room with the tiniest silver clutch I could afford on my impromptu shopping trip and headed down to the bar to meet the others.

  A quick glance at the clock said it was just after eight but there were not photo girls in sight. Not anywhere. Figuring I must be early, I slid up to the bar and decided to order something unusual. Something out of the ordinary. “A Mai Tai, please.”

  The bartender flashed a bland smile and got to work. I watched him work, wondering where the life was in this man. He was young, barely old enough to drink the alcohol he sold but his face and hands were without lines, without signs of living. It was a pity because he could be a compelling subject. In a few years.

  “Thanks,” told him and turned my attention to my drink. And my phone. There were no text messages or missed calls and I was starting to get the feeling I’d been stood up. Was it more pathetic to get stood up by one man or a group of women? Both felt terrible and I sucked down half the sweet drink in one big gulp.

  Then another.

  And another.

  “One more, please.” The bartender nodded without judgment and I appreciated his discretion.

  “Drinkin’ alone? That’s a shame.”

  Rafe’s voice sounded right behind me, so close I could feel the heat of his breath on my neck. I turned so barely an inch separated us. “Not alone anymore. Have a seat.”

  He blinked, surprised and I smiled, happy that I wasn’t the same old boring Janey. “Thanks. Great dress.”

  I looked down with a smile of surprise because I hadn’t adjusted it once. “Thanks. Too bad it’s all for nothing. I think the girls stood me up.”

  “You mean the group of women who left a few minutes ago? All dressed up to cause trouble?”

  “Yeah,” I said and sat up, hopeful.

  “Yeah, they were leaving when I got off the elevator.”

  I slid off the stool, wobbling slightly until I was able to steady myself and go after them. “I could still catch them.”

  “Uh, not quite.”

  “Why not?” Arms folded, I frowned at Rafe, suspicious for some reason. “Well?”

  “I watched you for a few minutes before I came to say hey, so they’re long gone.” I fell back against the stool, gasping softly when his warm hand reached out to steady me. “Can I buy you a drink?”

  “Nope.” I leaned in and smiled at him, feeling bold. Okay tipsy and bold. “But I’ll buy you one. Bartender, something manly for my friend here. He fights fires for a living.”

  “Friend? I’m your friend now?”

  I shrugged. “Sure, we’re friends. I guess we’re more like frenemies, right?” I didn’t know why that was. I didn’t dislike Rafe, but something about him always rubbed me the wrong way.

  “I don’t think you’re my enemy,” he said honestly and ordered a whiskey neat.

  “But you like to tease me.” He was always teasing and mocking.

  “That’s only because you look so damn cute when you blush. Your cheeks get all pink and then it slides down your neck and throat. Makes it hard to resist riling you up.”

  “Uh.” That was it, all I said. There was nothing I could say that would sound like an intelligent, coherent adult at the moment, so I said nothing else. I nodded and sipped my Mai Tai.

  “I’ve shocked you.”

  “A little, yeah. I thought you were just making fun of me.” And that made the tiny crush I’d been nursing since high school even more pathetic. But then, who didn’t have a crush on Rafe.

  “Now you know.”

  Yeah, but did that change anything? Not really. I had to ignore the pulse of awareness between us, the heat of his gaze on my body and the answering reaction. “Then we can be friends.”

  “Friends.” His lips quirked up and Rafe held his hand out.

  I stared at it for long time, like it was a live wire meaning to do me harm. Eventually I dropped my small hand into his large rough one, gasping at the shock of electricity between us and when I tried to yank it back, he held on tight.



  “What’s going on?”

  “Hell if I know,” he shr
ugged, looking as sexy and as bewildered as I’d ever seen him. “But I’m not ready to run away from it yet. Are you?”

  Good question. “I don’t know.”

  He chuckled and turned away, reaching for his drink. “Then let’s sit here, talk and drink. Until you do know. How does that sound?”

  Like heaven. “Like a really solid plan B.”

  He laughed again, the sound was deep and rich. Intoxicating. “Cheers to always keeping my ego in check, Janey.”

  “My pleasure.”

  “Not yet. Maybe later.”

  I gasped at his words, the satisfied smile that crossed Rafe’s face was irresistible, and I knew in that moment, I could feel the air shift, the atmosphere charge, and I knew something was happening here. Something big.

  And I fought the urge to run like hell.


  “You really didn’t have to buy me dinner, Rafe.”

  Janey looked at me across the very small, very intimate booth at the cozy restaurant inside the hotel. Cheeks flushed from the Mai Tai she sipped throughout the meal.

  “I know I didn’t have to, but I am really glad I did.” Not only did she enjoy the food, she ate in a way that was near carnal. But I also got to know Janey. The real Janey. Mostly. She was still a little prickly. “Plus you said something about dessert?” I didn’t think she meant sex but I didn’t think it was off the table either.

  She licked her lips slowly, a move that was so unconsciously sexy I felt my cock stir below the table. “Yep. Pietro, the concierge, said they have the best sinful chocolate cake other than his Nonna’s.” She shrug as if that somehow made him an authority on the matter. “You can order whatever you like, of course.”

  “Of course.” Who knew just verbally sparring with a woman could be so hot? So sexy. “Were you hoping to catch someone’s attention in that dress?”

  “No one in particular,” she shrugged. “But someone in the vague sense, yeah.”

  “Is it time to settle down, then?”

  “No, I don’t think it’s time or not time. But it’d be nice to hang out with someone who I could also kiss and see naked, go away with and get naked. Mostly naked things.” Her green eyes went wide with shock or maybe it was embarrassment.

  “So, you’re looking to get laid, is that it?” I was definitely interested in this turn in our conversation.

  The way her skin flushed told me she was more innocent than I would have guessed, and my body heated up wondering just how innocent. And how easy it might be to corrupt that innocence.

  “It’s not just that, but yes. That too.”

  “That, being sex?”

  She growled and rolled her eyes. “Yes Rafe, sex.”

  “Say that one more time,” I told her and closed my eyes, imagining another instance she’d say my name like that.

  Janey leaned forward and licked her lips, slowly before a sultry smile spread across her face. “Yes, Rafe. Oh yes, Rafe. Sex.” It was just the right mix of husky and breathy and I sat back with a groan.


  She rolled her eyes, disbelief written all over her face. “Sure.” Janey stood and I stood too, unwilling to let the night end so soon. “I’ll have dessert sent up to your room,” she said and turned away.

  I reached out to touch her arm just as our waiter passed. “Two of those sinful chocolate cakes, room 1708.” My gaze never left Janey’s, giving her a chance to push me away or tell me to make room for two pieces of cake.

  Instead she let out one soft sigh so her lips parted ever so slightly, and nodded. “Extra whipped cream please.”

  Hell. “Make it double,” I told him and pulled Janey out of the restaurant like the animal I was. A hot, tense silence sat between us on the way to the elevator, inside the elevator, all the way until we were on the other side of my hotel room door. “Leave now if you want.”

  Her chest heaved, and the little pulse at the base of her throat fluttered like butterfly wings. “No. I’m good.”

  “Good.” That red dress was a knockout and my hands itch to touch it and the woman underneath. “Really good.”

  “Is it?” Her question came out breathless and uncertain, and I was on her in an instant, mouths smashing together in a frantic energy that couldn’t be contained. Somewhere between Tulip and Santa Fe my body started to crave sweet little Janey and now here she was, gasping against my mouth and clawing at my back like she wanted me too. “Rafe.”

  My hands cupped her hips and slid up her curves, learning her sweetness along the way while she moaned and gasped into my mouth. My fingertips eventually found the hidden zipper on her left side and I tugged it down until the dress loosened and fell to the ground. “Tell me you want this Janey. I need to hear you say it.”

  She giggled against my lips. “You want this Janey.”

  A laugh escaped and I pulled her flush against my body before lifting here in the air and carrying her to the bedroom. There was nothing but moonlit desert outside the window but Janey in black lace was the best view in the house. “I do want you,” I told her and laid her on the bed, letting my hands slide slowly down the length of her body. “All of you.” She trembled under my touch, whenever my skin touched hers.

  “Rafe…,” she panted my name, and I was barely keeping it together.

  “Yes?” She was so responsive it took everything I had not to shuck off all my clothes and slide into her, making her moan until it was time to check out and head back to Texas. I let my lips graze her skin. Her collarbone, her jawline, hear small ear, her lips. Her belly button. “Tell me, Janey.” She was having too much fun to speak and that’s exactly how I liked my women.

  Janey was hot, damn near overheated as I kissed my way from her belly button down, stopping at the heated apex of her thighs and breathing in the scent of her arousal. “Oh!” My tongue flicked out to touch her, just the lace of her thong between us. “Oh, that’s…so good.” Her hips bucked, twice and one hand went to my head as her fingers tangled in my hair.

  I knew what she wanted, what her body was asking for and I was happy to give it to her. More than happy, because when I slid that scrap of fabric to the side and put my tongue on Janey, she bucked up against me and cried out, grinding against me in the wild dance of the uninitiated. It’s her first time. What kind of man didn’t make sure to please his woman like this, I didn’t know, but I wanted Janey to know how it should be.

  She moaned loudly, unable to contain her pleasure even for the sake of politeness. “Rafe. Rafe, yes!” Her hips started to move in bolder strokes as she grew more comfortable with her pleasure.

  A knock sounded at the door and Janey froze. “It’s probably dessert,” I told her and stood reluctantly. “I got a head start,” I told her with a wink.

  “I can’t believe you just said that!” She threw her head back and snapped her knees together.

  “Why? You’re as sweet as any cake,” I told her honestly, heat in my eyes as I took in the sight she made with rumpled black hair, cockeyed panties. The only flaw was that here tits were covered. “I want you how you were when I get back.”

  “Like this,” she asked and spread her legs, giving me a perfect view of her pink pussy.

  “Tease,” I told her and went to retrieve dessert, at the door just in case the bellboy thought he might catch a glimpse of Janey in black lingerie. “Thanks.” I tipped the kid and hurried back to the bedroom with a smile.

  “Is this better?” She was spread across the bed, back arched and legs spread from corner to corner, completely naked with a sexy smile on her face.

  I held up a bowl of whipped cream and smiled. “Stay just like that until this bowl is empty.” Heat flared in her eyes and she nodded, shocked into silence, temporarily anyway.

  “Oh. Okay.” The words came out strangled and stunned, but the heat in her gaze was undeniable. Then she arched her back and I was there, spreading whipped cream on her body and licking it off. Spreading it on. Licking it off. “Rafe, please,” she moaned and
arched into me, wrapping her legs around my neck. “Rafe.”

  Janey’s body tightened with unexploded pleasure and I held her close, letting my tongue, my mouth pull her closer and closer to the edge. Until she fell over. “There’s still whipped cream in here,” I told her with a smile.

  “Then I guess you should get in that position and don’t move until this bowl is empty.” Her words were a little hesitant but there was a thread of steel there I admired, and yeah it turned me on too.

  So I did as the lady commanded, and I didn’t regret it one bit.

  At least until the next morning.


  One month later

  It couldn’t possibly be a month since I’d done the craziest thing I’d ever done. Ever. I had a one night stand. With Rafe Montgomery. There was a lot more to the night than that, but even now, a month later, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. About him. When I closed my eyes the heat of the sun almost felt like the weight and the heat of his body pressed against mine.

  “Not that I’m insecure or anything Janey, but I’m pretty sure this whole thing works better if your eyes are open.” I heard the laughter in Jase’s voice.

  “Sorry. You caught me spacing out. It does happen occasionally, you know.” That came out much snarkier than I meant it to, so I flashed an apologetic smile. “Sorry, Jase. You’re right. Let’s do this!”

  He let out a low grumble of a laugh and I turned away to adjust the settings for the changing light, and to take a moment to compose myself. Jase, for all his good qualities, liked to gossip as much as the matchmakers did, and any indication of something juicy, and he would pounce.

  “Want to talk about it?”

  “Nope. Nothing to talk about.” Literally there was nothing to talk about. A big fat nothing, because despite the fact that he had licked whipped cream off every intimate part of my body and had given me three orgasms, my first three orgasms with another person, Rafe had been a ghost.

  “You sure?”

  “Yep,” I bit out and shook off the memory of the smile Rafe had worn as he slid into me, or the shock on his face when he realized the truth. Or the sweet, but totally hot way he’d turned all gentle when he did. And how did I end the most wonderful, most magical night of my life? I ran. Like a coward.


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