Erika: Modern Filthy Vikings

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Erika: Modern Filthy Vikings Page 1

by Moore, M. K.


  Modern Filthy Vikings

  ChaShiree M.

  M.K. Moore

  Breeding Nation Publishing

  Erika (Filthy Modern Vikings)

  By ChaShiree M & MK Moore

  © MK Moore 2019 Flirty Filth Publishing.

  All Rights Reserved

  By the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without permission of the publisher is unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for brief quotations used in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  The use of actors, artists, movies, TV shows and song titles/lyrics throughout this book are done so for storytelling purposes and should in no way be seen as an advertisement. Trademark names are used editorially with no intention of infringement of the respective owner’s trademark.

  This book is intended for adults only. Contains sexual content and language that may offend some. The suggested reading audience is 18 years or older. I consider this book as Erotic Adult Romance.

  ASIN: 9781093223989

  Cover created by Dark Water Covers

  Editor Melinda G @ MKB Edits

  Created with Vellum



  1. Erika

  2. Thane

  3. Erika

  4. Thane

  5. Erika

  6. Thane

  7. Erika

  8. Thane

  9. Erika

  10. Thane



  Other Books by ChaShiree M.

  About the Author


  Other books by MK Moore

  About the Author

  To MK Moore-Next Stop...the Dark Side. Love you-ChaShiree

  To ChaShiree M-Gangbanging has never been so fun. Love you too!-MK

  I was meant to be Thane’s. I belonged to him. I knew it the moment we met.

  I thought he did too.

  Yet, all I got was rejection and heartache.

  So, I closed off and moved on.

  Now he says, it was all a misunderstanding. That it’s not what I think.

  Can I trust him with my heart again?

  Do I even want to?



  “Holy hotness, Batman. Who is the smoking hot guy with your brother, Erika? He’s a hot commodity I have never seen around here before. Or in Moosehead for that matter.” I don’t turn abruptly to see what she is getting overly excited about.

  Lindsay and I may be best friends, but that is about all we have in common. Well, that and we are both sophomores in high school. She is the type of girl my mom calls ‘boy crazy and a teen pregnancy waiting to happen’. I would say she is more than a little boy crazy. There has never been a boy she has met that she didn't think was hot.

  Myself on the other hand, I am eternally shy. If a boy says ‘excuse me’ to me, then I am sputtering all over the place. Plus, I am pretty sure I am going to die an old spinster. As the only girl with two older brothers, my twin, and three younger brothers, I am pretty sure no guy will ever talk or come near me if they have anything to say about it.

  I finally get turned enough to look at the guy she is talking about. Yeah, I have never seen him before either. He is definitely new. We live where everyone knows everyone around and in these three towns. From looking at his profile I don’t see what has her in such a snit, until he turns all the way around.

  It's as if time stops in a single moment. Whereas before I could hear the echoes of conversations going on around me, now I understand nothing but the staccato of my own heart. It is beating so fast and loud that I'm sure everyone in the room can hear it. My stomach feels as if it is going to take flight with the butterflies that are prominent in there right now.

  I don’t understand why or how my body is reacting towards him. It is a sensation I have never felt before that is running through my body. I have been around plenty of boys. Every one of my brothers are in one sport or another and everyone converges on our house at some point for dinner, games, pool-time, and anything else you can think of. Nope, there has been no type of reaction from them. But this, right now is something entirely different. He. Is. Beautiful. Can guys be beautiful?

  I am completely entranced and don’t notice when he and my older brother Torran have walked over to us.

  “Erika, did you hear me?” Oh man. Way to go spinster. Focus.

  “Oh sorry I…I...umm...have a test…uh...sorry. What did you say?”

  “I said, Erika, this is Thane Collins. He just moved here from Regret, South Dakota. He’s a senior with me.”

  And just like that, I automatically feel everything in me deflate. There is no way in hell a senior would pay me the time of day. Not that I was actually thinking of trying to pursue him. I am not that type of girl. But, the thought that maybe he might find me attractive did flash for a second. Now...well….whatever. A girl can take a second, to say that even his name sounds like a God?

  “Oh. H-hi. Nice to meet you...Thane.” I reach my hand over to shake his and the moment we touch it is as if a lightning bolt is shot through my body.

  There are little flickers of fire that torch everything in its path. My eyes rise to meet his. I need to see if he feels even a fraction of what I did, and I am stopped. He is gazing into mine with alight of something. There are no words to describe what I am seeing to tell you.

  I can see his chest is moving up and down rapidly as he inhales, almost without exhaling and I have the momentary thought… ‘did he just sniff me from an arm's length?’ I am inclined to believe he did, because my body is awake with new sensations I have no idea what to do. It has made me more certain in this moment that I know what just happened.

  My parents and grandparents talk about it all the time. How, when they each met the other, they knew immediately they were each other's other half. My siblings and I thought it was all hogwash. Well. I know I have now met him. What should I do?



  Jesus. If I don't have to attend one more wedding it would a dream come true. I know it sounds weird since I am in the floral business, but it’s not that I have a problem with the actual weddings, per se. It’s the weddings for my family. Every time I have to attend one, I am painfully reminded that I am still single and will likely die that way. The one person I thought I was meant to belong to doesn’t seem to want me. Why am I always reminded of these two facts? Because he is present at every wedding since he is considered a part of the family, though he is only my brothers best friend.

  Thane went from being my everything, even though he was nothing to me yet, to the bane of my existence. He is the one dream I want fulfilled above all else, but it is destined to be forever out of my reach. The messed up part is, besides the fact that he didn’t want me, it soon became apparent that no one else did either. I never got asked out on a single date. Not one. There was no homecomings, proms, or any type of formal event for me. I spent most of my high school years at home with my family watching everyone around me enjoy their youth.

  Finally, by my junior year I realized it must be me. How unattractive am I that not one boy is interested in me? I decided then to find a way to be at peace with
my lot in life and moved on to try and make myself content. Unfortunately lately there have been an insurgence of weddings.

  Do not get me wrong. I am happy for each member of my family. Speaking of.

  “Hey, Auntie Erika. How's your day going?”

  “Hailey. I wasn’t expecting to see you today. What’s new?” My niece is the first girl born into this family, besides me, for years. As a result, she and I are very close. The need to stick together with all the male testosterone, controlling, and plain bossiness we have to deal with is survival for us.

  “Nothing. I just left the doctor’s office. You know great grandpa needed to check me out even though I had an ultrasound three weeks ago. You know how he is.” Oh, yea. My grandpa is still kicking and continues to practice medicine. He is one of the best men I know and loves his whole family with a fierceness and dedication like no other. No one better mess with his family.

  “So, how is everything?”

  “Fine. You would think I am the first four months pregnant woman in the universe the way everyone is acting. Especially Payton,” she says as she is rolling her eyes. I give her a smile of understanding, not about the pregnancy part but the overprotectiveness of the males. It’s almost too hard to try and not to let my envy show. Please understand that I am very happy for her, because it is clear to anyone who sees them that she is everything to him.

  I thought that someday I would have what she does and would be living my dream. But, I guess it is not in the cards for me, causing the familiar pang to return in my chest. It is the one I get every day I go home to an empty house. When I have dinner for one at a table built for a family to be eating there. Although for now, I do share it with my brother Sven for the moment.

  Lately, he has been absent for the past few months. He has been out trying to get the woman meant for him to be his. I can feel the tears starting to gather in my eyes. Slowly turn my head slightly away from Hailey making it so that she doesn’t see as I wipe my face. There is no reason to cry now. I have long ago stopped wishing and dreaming for...well...anything. All the mirrors are put away along with all the vision boards. What’s the use?

  Lindsay moved away to Charleston. She is an event planner and has been begging me to go there and join forces with her. Recently, I have been giving it some serious thought. The only thing holding me back is that I’m not sure I can leave my family. But, lately I have been thinking that maybe a change of scenery is exactly what I need.

  “So, I saw you and Thane talking at Uncle Torran’s wedding a couple of months ago. I thought for sure you two would have been married by now.” Ok, I thought pregnant women didn’t drink.

  “What would make you say something like that?” I ask with a little hurt in my voice.

  “I don’t know. It could be from the way he looks at you. And the way you look at him.”

  “Sweetie. Thane doesn’t want me. If he did then he would have done something about it a long time ago. Besides, what would a man like him want with a woman like me? He can have any woman that he wants.”

  “Auntie Erika. Are you being serious right now? You're are absolutely gorgeous. You have an ethereal beauty. What in the world is going on in that head of yours?” That is my very sweet niece.

  “Listen up noodle. There is now nor has there ever been anything between us. He walked up to me and said hi and asked if maybe we could meet for lunch or something to talk. I simply told him I was too busy. Which I am. But I thank him for trying to catch up. The only reason he even speaks to me still is that he is Torran’s best friend and I refuse to be anyone’s charity case.”

  “Wow. I have no idea what transpired between the two of you, but I hope he fixes it quick. I’m not sure that I like where your head's at right now. I love you, Auntie. You have always been there for me. I want you to know if you need me, I am here for you. Always.”

  Ok. Now she has ignited the waterworks. Though I have never allowed myself to voice the very painful experience of his rejection, it’s the knowing she senses something seems to be enough. She pulls me into a hug, until I can pull myself together, before leaving to finish all of her errands.

  Sitting alone in my shop, I can’t help but think about the one time I tried to initiate contact with Thane. He had been over playing games with the guys and they were all in the basement. We had been dancing around each other for months at this point. There were looks full of desire, faint touches, and moments I thought that meant something. When I found out the football team was coming over, I took extra time to do my hair, shave, put on gloss, and try to look my best without alerting my mom.

  I waited patiently for him to take a restroom break. When he went upstairs to go to the bathroom, I followed and then waited by the door. Deciding to pretend to bump into him by accident would be the best course. So that is precisely what I did.

  “Oomph...oh shoot. Sorry, Thane. I wasn’t paying attention where I was going.” I say with my face heating up. His hands are holding my upper arms, trying to keep me from falling.

  “Watch where you’re going petal. You could hurt yourself.” My breathing stops as I take in his use of a sweet nickname.

  Suddenly, my mouth feels dry and I lick my bottom lip. His eyes track the movement of my tongue and with what sounded like a growl he pins me to the wall. At this point, he then proceeds to kiss me in what had to be the kisses to end all kisses. I reach up and wrap my arms around his neck, trying to...I don't’ know what. There is a fire of need coursing through my teenage body. I didn’t actually know what it was at the time. All I knew is the flutters in my stomach and heart wouldn’t slow down.

  As my mouth is latched on to his, I inhale his scent for the first time up close. Man oh man, is that musky woodsy fabric softener smell going to be embedded in my brain forever. I need more of whatever the scent and feelings he has ignited in me. Before I could explore anything more, he sets me away from him with a look of disgust and runs as far as he can from me.

  That was the first time I felt, hideous, unworthy, and ashamed. I avoided him from that point forward. The embarrassment from the experience was too much. He didn’t come near me either. From that day and all subsequent days after, I felt how ugly and unappealing I was as high school came and went with no dates, inclinations, or interests from the opposite sex.

  Nope. There is no need in living through it again. No. I think I will continue to just...exist as I am. Alone.



  What the hell have I done? When Torran told me what an asshole I was, I stormed over to her, but she shut me down in her overly polite manner before I could say a fucking word. Which was just as well. I had nothing to offer her then. I made the decision then and there to fix this mess once and for all.

  Since the day I met her, eighteen long ass lonely as hell years ago, I’ve been in love with her. There have been things beyond my control, which made me unable to claim her the moment she turned eighteen. If I could turn back time, I’d have fucked her up against her locker the second I met her. An eighteen-year-old has no business thinking of a sixteen-year-old girl that way. But the moment she bit her juicy peach colored lip while looking up at me, I knew I was going to marry her one day. At the time I had no qualms then about warning guys off of her. I do feel terrible about it now because of what it did to her self-esteem.

  Getting to where I am now, I have to go back to the beginning. My father was a small time dime bag dealer who encroached on the turf of Juan Reynosa in the early ’90s. Reynosa offered my dad a job or death. He chose the job. Fast forward to 2001 and while the world was falling apart, we quickly and quietly moved to Bleak, Minnesota. What I didn’t know was that my father stole $500,000 from Reynosa, as well as twenty-five pounds of marijuana.

  I saw Erika before she saw me and asked around, determined to find out everything I could about her. The friendship I made with her older brother was in order to meet her. Luckily, his friendship sustained me when I needed it the most. Though at the time I hadn’t told h
im the extent of what was going on in my life.

  I was prepared to tell my girl how much she means to me on the eve of her birthday, Then disaster struck in the form of my parents, as all disasters in my life had been up to that point and even after. In fact, I am still cleaning up messes related to my parents.

  On that night, Reynosa finally found us, though to be fair he was only looking for my mother. He killed my father immediately, then took my mother and married her. I can only guess that my piece of shit mother was the one who told him about Erika. Reynosa made sure that I understood she was now off limits to me. It was a way to keep me in check. I decided then and there to not bring Erika into my fucked up life.

  He took off with my mother to some island, but I knew that he was always watching and waiting. My mother couldn’t wait to be rid of my father and this was her way. I later found out she called him to come and get her. They had been having an affair for years. My father found out about it and that’s when he went off the rails, moving us to Minnesota.

  Three months ago, after Torran got back from his honeymoon I told him about my sordid past. He suggested I contact his uncle Om and I did. Om is in the business of making things disappear and he’s just what I need to get this shit over with, once and for all.


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