Erika: Modern Filthy Vikings

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Erika: Modern Filthy Vikings Page 2

by Moore, M. K.

  Om helped me track down the island Reynosa took my mother to fairly easy. It’s amazing when you have good resources and what they wi1l do for you. My mother had died from cancer by this time and it was no problem for me to take Reynosa out. I shot him, point blank in the head and double tapped that motherfucker for ruining my life. His blood was literally on my hands and pretty much everywhere else in the room I found him in. I’ve never felt better about anything I’ve ever done. Due to my sudden and newly found freedom, there is only one thing I can think about…

  Claiming my girl.

  I may not be a Viking by blood, but I act like one. Only for her.

  I fucked up all those years ago and should have told her every fucking day since I met her, how much I love her. How she is the most beautiful woman I have ever met. I’ve wasted so much time and have no one to blame but myself.

  There was no way I could even think of another woman since that day. Everything I’ve done has been to finally bring her to me. There’s no fucking way I am going to let her go another minute without her knowing how much I love her and how I live for her. I’d kill for her again and again if she’ll just believe me. With everything that I was told, I know that I’ve got my work cut out for me.

  Erika Calliope Jorgenson is mine and nothing or no one is going to stop me from sliding into her virgin cunt and taking what’s mine. It is what I should have had done all along. This should and will be interesting.

  Knocking lightly on her door, I am surprised to see when a man opens it. A man who isn’t one of her many brothers.

  “Who the fuck are you?” I all but shout. Over my dead body does she think she’s going to be with anyone other than me.



  “Dorian, can I get you some coffee? A chocolate scone?” My friend Dorian surprised me and stopped by this morning. We went to Floriscape together, which is a very prestigious school for horticulture in Minnesota. Being the youngest ones in the class, we sort of found each other. The time we spent together as we went through school had my family thinking we were dating. I can understand the assumption, except for the little issue of him being gay.

  “No hun. I’m good. I came over to see if you want to join me in Boca Raton next weekend. I got hired to do a wedding for the senators daughter and two of my assistants are pregnant, so they can't go with me. You are my last resort sweetheart. What do you say?”

  “Well, I don’t have anything coming up so I don’t see why not. Hold on, let me go get my calendar and check.” As I am walking away to go to my bedroom, I hear someone knocking at the door. Shoot. It’s probably the order I placed for the geraniums for my house.

  “Dor, will you be a doll and get the door. It’s probably the delivery I am expecting.” Grabbing my date book I begin walking back into the room when I hear a voice that is only in my dreams now.

  “Who the fuck are you?” Is being bellowed into my home. My skin breaks out in goosebumps at the voice that can still send my heart racing. Even with it in tatters, his voice sends me into a state of need. No matter how much I tell myself that I am over him and have moved on, it is clear from the throbbing of my heart and the shiver in my walk that it is further from the truth.

  “Thane? What the hell is going on? What are you doing here?” I hope the tone of my voice doesn’t betray the very rapid beating of my heart. The way my soul longs for its other half. Sometimes I swear it can be heard shouting across the room to get what it wants.

  “I want to know who the fuck this is answering your door, Erika?”

  “I don’t see how it is any of your business who I have in my house in one capacity or another. Now if you would excuse us, we have things to discuss.” What is wrong with this man? If I didn’t know any better...

  “I came here to clear up the misunderstanding between us so we can move on toward...”

  “Thane. I have told you it is fine. You don’t have to keep explaining. I have moved on. No need for you to harbor any guilt about something that was clearly nothing to begin with.” I tell him.

  His muscles look as if they have grown, since I have started talking. His teeth are grinding against his jaw and making his already chiseled face further menacing and beautiful. Standing here looking at him, I can’t help but feel...everything, while taking in the bulk of his arms and chest. He is tan and filled with a massive amount of strength. I used to lay in bed at night and picture being wrapped in those arms, safe from everything. He would be between me and the world, and that was when he was still in high school. Before he was this...this...fucking huge and hot.

  “Jesus. Erika. How long have….have you two been together?” he asks. The sound of his voice would give the impression asking the question is painful for him.

  “Why, Thane? What does it matter?”

  “I can’t believe it's over. I wasted so much time...and lost everything anyway. Fuck!!!!” He roars, causing me to jump.

  I’m confused as to what’s happening and look to Dorian for help. At this point, I have no clue what to do. But when Dorian smiles at me, his gaze is almost giddy. I turn back to Thane in enough time to see him descending upon me. On instinct, I walk backwards trying to what I don’t know. His eyes are predatory and filled with so much angst that my heart can no longer take it.

  I can feel a tear as it drops down my cheek. It falls onto my shirt as it lays my heart bare for all to see. The one lone tear that is now staining my carefully laid wall and cracking the shield that was so long ago erected. Pinned to the wall with both his hands surrounding my face, as if I am his own personal Mona Lisa, starring me in the eyes. His next words almost wretch the air from my very lungs.

  “It can’t be too late. I have waited 20 years to have you. Tell me I haven't lost my chance Erika. Tell me you still belong to me, baby. I can’t bear to hear anything else.” He pleads.

  There is no hope for it with as lost as I am in his eyes. The green pools of regret and something I can't quite put my finger on in his eyes. They have captivated me. I know I am supposed to say something, but what those words are alludes me. Closing my eyes to fight the hold they have on me, I inhale a deep breath, which was a mistake. My nose is immediately filled with his outdoor sandalwood smell. It reminds me of the days spent outside in the sunshine looking up at the sky feeling so happy and loved.

  I want to open my eyes and grace myself with the beauty that is him. His nose, which was broken in one too many fights at school, is a bit crooked. Even though there is nothing that will take away from the appeal of his face. If anything, it adds to it. To the manliness that is all him. But, I don’t want to open my eyes because I know I will fall.

  “Look at me baby. Look at me and tell me that you don’t belong to someone else.” There is a desperation in his voice now.

  My eyes, of their own volition, open and before I can say a word, Dorian walks to the door and says, “She doesn't. I’m gay. Good luck.” And with a chuckle he leaves.

  The urge to tell him not to go, to stay with me and help me figure out what the hell just happened is poignant and present on my tongue. But it never comes. In shock, I watch right before my very eyes, as this big hulking giant of a man falls to his knees before me with a face wet and full of regret. In a matter of moments I realize that I am seeing tears. He falls to his knees and literally guts me in the most beautiful way.

  “Thank God Erika. I thought...I had lost everything.” he says as he is wrapping his arms around my waist and hugs me to him with is face against my stomach. My fingers automatically start to glide through his hair.

  “What’s everything?” I whisper to him.

  “You. You are everything, Petal.” Well, hell. What am I supposed to do with this?



  I am not sure I know how I got to this point. Everything in me seemed to snap at the sight of some other man answering her damn door, looking as if he owned the place. I was more than surprised when he said he was gay.

  “Get up, Tha
ne,” she says softly, but with her fingers still stroking my hair. I do as she asks.

  I can’t believe I am actually crying like a pussy, but fuck, I didn’t like the vision of the next fifty plus years without her by my side.

  “What’s all this caveman bullshit all of a sudden? I think this is the most you’ve ever even spoken to me,” she says with a confused look on her face. When I stand I put my hands around her forearms and squeeze them gently. Her soft skin is a balm to my soul.

  “That can’t be true, Petal. It can’t be?” I ask in a question. I stare at her pretty face and realize that I’ve done this to her. She bites her plump bottom lip and I am drawn to it and mesmerized.

  “So what the hell then, Thane?” She demands.

  “It’s a long story,” I start.

  “We have nothing but time, right now.” She says.

  “No. It’s not the time for all that. Not yet.” I say.

  “What the fuck is your problem Thane?” She yells at me with what looks like pent up frustration.

  “Erika, baby.”

  “No. You don’t get to come in my house after twenty fucking years and be all ‘Erika, baby’. Why didn’t you claim me then? You knew in that first fucking second didn’t you?”

  “I did, but it was complicated at that time. You were just a little girl when I first met you.”

  “I was sixteen and you were eighteen. That is not even illegal in Minnesota. Try again buster.”

  “Erika, I’m sorry. I can’t begin to apologize for the way things went down. You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, and you’ve gotten more and more beautiful as I’ve watched you from afar.” Her face contorts and tears fall freely down her face again. She wrenches herself out of my grasp.

  “Get out,” she seethes.

  “What?” I ask incredulously.

  “Get out. I won’t be lied to,” she says through clenched teeth.

  “I’m not lying, baby.”

  “I’m not beautiful. So you are definitely lying.” She throws at me.

  “I’m not lying.”

  “Not one person has ever said that, except my mother. Not once since the day I met you.” Her eyes widen. As realization dawns. “What did you do, Thane Collins?” She says jabbing her finger into my chest.

  Knowing the cat is out of the bag, I throw my hands up in surrender “I may have told people to stay away from you. Do you how hard it’s been keeping every single swinging dick in a three town radius away from my girl?”

  “Are you kidding me? Is this a, ‘I don’t want her but no one else can have her kind of shit’?”

  “Not at all.”

  “You should go. You’re an asshole,” she shouts at me.

  “Don’t be like that. Let me explain.”

  “The time for explanations was twenty years ago.”

  “Erika. Stop,” I say grabbing her up again. I slam my lips down on hers. She tastes like cinnamon and mine.

  She wrenches her mouth away from mine, then uses one hand to touch her lips and the other one to slap me. I bring my hand to my jaw.

  “I guess I deserved that,” I say lamely.

  “Ya think?” She asks before jumping into my arms. Our tongues war for dominance, but I win. When it comes to her, I will do whatever it takes to win her heart.

  “Tell me you’re mine,” I say reluctantly pulling away from her.

  “I’ve always been yours,” She breathes.

  Thank fuck.



  My mind mulls over last night, over and over again. Replaying the argument, which then turned into what’s got to be the hottest fucking make-out session since the Notebook scene in the rain. Hearing the man of my dreams tell me I am beautiful, and that he has wanted me as much as I wanted him was both amazing and confusing. I have gone over and over it in my mind and I can't seem to figure out what the hell could have held him back. Of course, the damn phone rings.

  “Jorgensen Florals. This is Erika. How can I make your day more fragrant?”

  “You can rub yourself all over me, so I can smell you all day when I’m not with you.” Holy hell! My voice is going to be all breathy and wispy when I answer him, so I take a second before saying anything.

  “Thane. What can I help you with?” There. I sounded normal. Well, sort of.

  “I just told you. But, before we get to that, I would like to know if you would go out on a date with me tonight?”

  “Yes!” Shit. I didn’t meant to blurt that out. Be cool Erika. Be cool. I clear my throat, but listening to him chuckle I can’t help but giggle.

  “Glad to see I am not the only one eager. What time do you close up today?”


  “Excellent. I will pick you up from your house at eight. See you then, Petal.”

  I love when he calls me that. It feels so...right. But now my stomach is in knots. I have been waiting for this moment for more than half my life, and it feels like now that it's here I have more doubts than a nun taking her vows.

  I grab the phone to make a call, only to be interrupted by the chime above my door.

  “Hi Auntie. The girls and I have dropped by to see if you wanted to hang out tonight?” In walks the light of my life Hailey with Taryn and Cymion.

  “Hey noodle. I would love too, but I am supposed to be going out to dinner with Thane. I don’t know what I was thinking saying yes.”

  “Well, I know what I’m thinking. It’s about damn time. I am telling you that everyone knew, but you. None of us understand why he has taken so long, but I am sure he is going to tell you.”

  “Yeah. Well, we will see. I must say I am shocked the guys let you ladies out the house without them. How did you escape?”

  “Well, I don’t know about them, but I'm attached to no one,” Cymion begins. But, girl we share a wall. Is all that is going through my mind. I don’t know why she’s fighting it so hard. “I know your brother feels like he somehow owns me or something, but whatever. I’m just trying to get through this,” Cymion says just as said brother bursts through the door making the bell tinkling above.

  “CYMION!!! Why the fuck is Detective limp dick leaving messages and talking about seeing you tomorrow evening? You are NOT going anywhere with him.” Oh shit. I have not seen Sven so bent out of shape since Randy Lavell tried to kiss me in the third grade.

  “For fuck sakes Sven. I keep telling you, you don’t own...” Suddenly, he is in her face and even I am a bit taken aback. I don’t know whether to cover my eyes or call 911. The heat between the two of them is blazing and can be felt by anyone within a hundred mile radius.

  “DON’T FUCKING FINISH THAT SENTENCE, PRECIOUS. We both know you are mine baby. I make you scream it over and over every night. You’re only running because last night I made it more real.”

  “I don’t know what… Sven put me down right now. I am going to kick your balls so HARD!!! Erika...” is the last thing I hear before the door closes.

  “Uhhhhh. Auntie Erika, should we do something about that?”

  “Nah. they will be fine.” What I’m really thinking is how much I want that too.



  Standing outside her door, I cannot help but be as nervous as fuck. I haven’t been on a date since tenth grade homecoming. When I knock, Sven answers the door.

  “Hey man. Come on in. She’s not done getting ready yet,” he says stepping aside to let me in. “You want a beer?” He asks.

  “No thanks. I’m driving,” I reply. I don’t drink much and I want a clear head for tonight.

  “No problem. Have a seat. I’ve never seen her do this before, so who knows how long it will take,” he says shrugging.

  “Where’s your girl?”

  “Asleep. I wore her hard headed ass out. Fucking pain in the ass women.” He grumbles as he walks out of the room.

  I take a seat on the couch. It is one thing in a long line of things that I feel guilt over. When she walks down the stairs
I almost tell her to change. She is absolutely breathtaking in her little black dress and black high heels. It leaves nothing to the imagination, but I don’t say anything. I leave my place on the couch and walk over to her.

  “You look amazing and very beautiful,” I whisper in her ear before kissing her glossy lips. She tastes like watermelon, just like she did back in high school when I allowed myself that one and only taste of her.

  “Bye Sven. Don’t wait up,” she says grabbing her little black purse. I help her into her coat. She bursts out laughing and I silently raise my eyebrow at her. She shrugs. “I’ve always wanted to say that.”

  “Let’s go, Petal. We have reservation in Minneapolis at Chez Bon Nuit.” She nods and we walk out to my car. I open the passenger door to help her in, but before I shut the door she stops me.

  “Do you mind terribly if we skip dinner and head over to your place instead?”

  “What?” I ask. Really needing confirmation of what she’s saying.

  “Can we go to your place? I’m not craving food,” she replies looking up at me. Her eyes are swirling with something I’ve never seen before.

  “Of course we can,” I say shutting her door. I walk around the back of the car to give myself a moment to catch my breath. Getting in the driver’s seat, I start the car and pull away into the street. It only takes three minutes to get to my house. It’s out of town and I don’t have immediate neighbors, which I love.

  “You live here?” She asks, as I pull to a stop in the driveway.

  “Yes.” It occurs to me then and there, which hurts deep in my heart if I’m honest to realize just how closed off from each other we have been. She has never seen my home. That one I built for her.

  “It’s so pretty and peaceful.” She says wistfully.

  “You should see after all the snow melts. It’s a riot of flowers.”


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