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The Bassi Group

Page 3

by Jeff Ping

  Chapter 3

  The Job

  He was truly surprised when he saw Vinny. Vinny was standing at the door to greet him as he left the “out processing center.”

  Vinny told Mike he remembered Mike's "DEROS" and wanted to be here to welcome him home." Vinny told Mike that he saw him get off the bus from Travis AFB and he spent an hour across the street in a bar while Mike out processed.

  "So, I just hung out her and waited for you to walk out a free man." laughed Vinny.

  Vinny informed Mike that he had secured him a good paying job with his Zio Lucien right here in San Francisco.

  “What kind of a job?” Mike asked. “And who the hell is your Zio Lucien?”

  “Sorry. Zio is Italian for Uncle. You’ll be working with me. We’ll be bag men or collectors. Your job is to protect me and persuade anyone that tries not to pay. All we have to do is drive around and collect money for Zio Lucien.” said Vinny handing a pistol to Mike.

  “So, really I’m your body guard and driver. Cool, I never thought I’d grow up to be a body guard or a chauffer let alone both. What’s the money we collect for? ” Mike asks.

  “Different things, receipts and cash from bookies, Whore Houses, Pimps, and payment for jobs or favors Zio’s men do for people.” replied Vinny.

  Mike hadn’t given much thought about what he would be doing after getting out of the Army other than going back to the machine shop. Mike thought about what waited back in Cleveland for him; a job that would be boring after his experiences of the last two years. Although he would like to see his mom again he certainly didn’t care if he ever saw her current husband Leo. Mike thought it would probably be the best thing for everyone if he just called his mom to tell her he was out of the Army but was taking a job here in California.

  Thus began Michael Mason’s career in crime. Mike and Vinny were still good friends so they just drove around and hung out together all day. His job primarily consisted of being Vinny’s driver.

  Mike had no complaints, the work was easy and he made three of four times what he could have in a starting position at a machine shop. He only had to draw the gun he carried once in the year he had worked with Vinny.

  Vinny had just exited a barber shop where he had collected the receipts and cash for the weeks betting. Vinny was greeted by three armed men. The first man told Vinny to hand over the bag containing the money and receipts. Mike saw the hold up from the driver's seat of the car where he waited for Vinny. He pulled his pistol and as quietly as possible opened his car door. Using the point and shoot techniques he had learned in army training, Mike shot all three men center mass. The assailants were all down but none suffered mortal wounds. Mike walked over to where they lay writhing. His next three shots did indeed kill them.

  So after working as security for Vinny and as a bag man for Lucien for less than a year, Mike was called upon to earn his security man money.

  The morning after the shooting Mike was summoned to Lucien’s office. He walked into the buildings lobby and took the elevator to the twenty-first floor where Lucien’s office was. He had met Lucien Bassi a couple of times while having dinner at Vinny’s parent’s home. But his acquaintance was only in passing and he had never been to Lucien’s office before.

  Mike exited the elevator and walked over to a door that had a nameplate that read ‘Bassi Steel’. He opened the door and entered the room. There behind a polished wooden desk sat a secretary. “May I help you?” She asked.

  Mike said, “Michael Mason to see Mr. Bassi.”

  “Do you have an appointment?” she asks.

  When Mike said yes he did, she picked up the phone and announced him to Mr. Bassi. Then she told Mike to go right in. Mike opened the office door and walked into the room.

  “Michael, how are you doing? Excellent job yesterday.” said Lucien.

  “Thanks sir; is there a problem? Sorry I had to kill those guys there on the street.” Mike said.

  “No….No, I understand you were outnumbered and had to deal with the situation as it presented itself. In fact, I was so impressed I have an additional special job a colleague needs performed.

  Vincenzo told me about the favor you performed for him involving an arrogant young officer in that stupid war you two fought in. The only thing that bothered me is that Vincenzo didn't solve the problem for himself. But this shooting was fine, since it was for Vincenzo's safety, I wanted to say thank you. He also told me that besides the favor for him he suspects you fixed at least four other problems while over there. Vincenzo suggested that I let you perform that same type of job for my colleague. There’s twenty G’s in it for you if you do a good job.” Lucien said with a smile.

  “Sure sir, whatever you need.” Mike said.

  “Come on now Michael, you don’t even know what the job is, how can you agree to do it so fast?”

  “With a better than a couple years salary on the line I’m sure that I won’t be turning it down.” Mike lied.

  If the job was based on the favors he had done Vinny, Mike suspected Lucien was going to send him to kill someone. Because of that suspicion, Mike was afraid that this was more than your casual job offer. Mike suspected that if he turned it down then was his future prospects would be pretty bleak, and short if he refused the job.

  “What do you want me to do sir?” Mike asked.

  “Do you know where Tony’s is on Beach Street?” Lucien asked.

  “No, but I’ll find it sir.” Mike said.

  “Good…Good, run over there and ask for Tony. Give him this card and tell him I sent you.” he said handing Mike a business card.

  Lucien looked down and picked up some papers off of his desk. Mike took the action as a signal that their meeting was over.

  He took the elevator back down to the street and walked to his car.


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