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The Bassi Group

Page 5

by Jeff Ping

Mike walked directly to the bar and as Tony walked over to him Mike said, “It’s done.” And turning started to leave.

  Tony said, “Wait a minute kid, and slid a leather satchel across the bar to Mike.

  “I hear you are moving on, here’s something from me for the good work you’ve done. Stop in for a free drink if you’re ever back in town.”

  Mike opened the bag and looked inside. An Uzi lay in the bottom of the bag. He looked at the gun pleased and impressed with the gift. The Uzi was nice and it had to have cost at least a thousand dollars. It was nothing like the “Saturday Night Special” throw-away guns Mike usually used.

  “Thanks alot Tony.” Mike said with a smile.

  “Kid, you are a real artist. It’s been a pleasure.” Tony said smiling back at Mike.

  Mike returned back to his office and turned on a portable TV and watched the news. The noon news reporter was reading a story about a local businessman, Robert Morris and two others believed to be business associates of his, who were accompanying him, were gunned down in front of Mr. Morris’ Van Ness office just before noon. As she continued the story, she said that based on the description given by witnesses the suspected shooter was a young man with long brown hair. Police theorized based on threats Mr. Morris had received in the past, the shooting was the work of a radical political group dissatisfied with Mr. Morris’s controversial South Basin development plans.

  Just before quitting time Mike got a call from Vinny, “I just got a call from Ma and she told me Zio wants to see me. She told me that he said not to be late.” said Vinny.

  “OK, let me know if you can talk about it.” Mike said. As soon as Mike hung up the phone it started ringing. Mike picked up the phone and a voice said, “Michael this is Lucien. I would like to see you tomorrow at nine sharp, don't be late.” The phone went dead as the caller hung up.

  Mike wondered if he or Vinny had screwed something up. Needless to say Mike didn’t sleep well that night. But a water glass of Bourbon did let him drift off into a restless sleep. He jolted awake a full four hours before his appointment with Lucien. He was showered, shaved, and dressed two and half hours before his appointment.

  Mike left his apartment and drove over to the local Denny’s for breakfast. He pushed his eggs and bacon around and drank three cups of coffee over the next forty five minutes. Leaving a tip on the table he walked over to the cashier and paid his check.

  He drove to work and had just taken a seat behind his desk and picked up a Life Magazine when there was a knock at his door and Vinny walked in. Neither Mike nor Vinny were sure, but what this might be their last day on earth. They couldn’t think of another reason they were both called before Lucien.

  They stared at each other, minds racing. Mike could see Vinny’s lips moving in what he could swear was the “Lord’s Prayer.” After the eighteen months they had spent in Southeast Asia Vinny and Mike weren’t afraid of dying in a good clean gun fight. But death by strangulation or by having their heads caved in by clubs or hammers, now that just plain gave them both the willies and made their skin crawl.

  Needless to say they both were scared and thinking about anything they might have screwed up. Mike couldn’t think of anything he had done to earn the Boss’s wrath but they couldn’t think of any other reason they were called in together.

  When they entered Lucien’s office, Lucien looked up at Vinny’s grave expression and laughed. Then he said, “Relax nephew, would I have my la sorellina (little sister) send her only son to his execution? No…No this is a proud day. I’m giving you your own territory. Next Thursday you leave for L.A. and now that Michael has completed his business for Tony he will be accompanying you. Much of the work Michael has done for Tony this past year was to facilitate this move.

  The territory encompasses Riverside, San Bernardino and Palm Springs. Within the next five years I want to expand into Las Vegas. Los Angeles is to be your territory and Michael is your second in command. You are family so there won’t be objections to your young age. At least no open objections, but rivals will test you at first. Michael and a cadre of people he assembles will protect you and solve any problems you encounter. When you finally expand into Las Vegas, Mike will be given his own territory. He will be older and have established his credentials by then.

  The Los Angeles Territory is currently being operated by old Carlo Milo. Carlo is old and set in his ways and is comfortable with the status quo. He isn’t interested in expanding into Las Vegas. I have offered the Mission district to Carlo and told him to bring his people with him. You can pick any of his people that prefer to stay in the south land.”

  At the conclusion of their meeting Lucien asked Michael to stay for a minute. Vinny looked at Mike and told him he would call him later. When the door closed behind Vinny, Lucien said, “Carlo has declined my offer of the new territory. He says he would prefer to stay and retire there in Las Vegas.” Lucien handed Mike a check book and a piece of paper with some numbers written on it.

  “Use this account for money you need to protect Vincenzo. You can take five or six men from here to assist you. You can also go by and ask Tony to recommend some good people if you want. I don’t fully trust Carlo not to try and convince Vincenzo to leave his territory. I don’t think he would try a hit but play it safe and keep Vincenzo alive and well.”

  “OK, but lets do this, I’ll drive down this weekend and make sure there aren’t surprises awaiting Vinny at the airport.” Mike said.

  “Will you be ready to go that soon?” Lucien asks.

  “Sure, I pretty much live out of my suitcase, so no problem. I just have to take my extra car filled with a few items to the crusher then I’ll be cleaned out without a trace.” Mike told him with a smile.

  That evening while they had dinner Mike told Vinny about his uncles concerns and the change in his own travel plans.

  “How concerned is he that Carlo might try something?” Vinny asks.

  “He thinks everything will go smoothly but, Carlo is old and stubborn. He’s set in his ways. He just might try something stupid with his men. So it’s better to be safe than sorry. I will call in Reese Thompson my head of security at my casino to assist me and supply manpower. Three or four men and I will keep you under observation and defended.

  When you get off of the plane, go into the first restroom by the gate, before you head for the baggage area. I want to see if Carlo has any men watching for you. Go in take a leak and wash your hands. This will to give anyone tailing you enough time to catch up with you. Don’t worry and stay relaxed, you will be under observation. Just remember, when you get off of the plane go into the first available restroom. If you aren’t accosted, then can go to baggage claim and get your luggage. After you pickup your bags wait at the luggage carousel for me. I'll pick you up and drive you to the hotel. Just remember to stay in crowds and don’t get into an isolated spot and you will be OK.” Mike laughed and said, “Remember good old Lt. Keepers, and remember Mikey will take care of everything.”

  Unfortunately, Carlo did decide to go all gangster and take out the competition. When Vinny’s plane landed, two men that met his plane followed Vinny into the restroom. They in turn were followed by one of Reese's men Paul, who unknown even to Vinny had also been on the flight.

  As Vinny and Carlos men, followed by Paul, entered the restroom there was a man standing by the sink combing his hair. He and Paul drew their silenced pistols and shot both Carlo’s men that were tailing Vinny. Paul told his partner to load the bodies into a stall while he and Vinny continued on to baggage claim.

  The next attempt on Vinny was made when two more men decided to try to snatch Vinny at baggage claim. They died to silence weapons as well but slightly more publicly. They were shot by Paul and two bodyguards Mike had brought with him. Then all three men surrounded Vinny and Mike and escorted them outside to Mike's waiting limo. They left Carlo’s two men riding face down on the luggage carousel.

  Carlo never got to enjoy his retirem
ent. That night Carlo and his mistress died in his bed. Over the next five days fourteen of Carlo’s henchmen also disappeared. One died when he dived out of a twentieth floor window. The other thirteen bodies were never located. Instead they were interred in shallow graves north of San Bernardino off of highway 15. There were no further difficulties for Vinny’s assumption of Carlo’s territory.

  Since Carlo was part of Lucien’s family, the other gangs did not concern themselves with the internal squabbles. Mike had a reputation for speedy performance and no dependable eye witnesses. Michael occasionally made trips back to San Francisco to execute the hits Lucien passed through Tony. Mike handled jobs deemed too delicate or tricky to be handed off to anyone else. But most of Mikes work over the next three years was in and around Los Angeles with the exception of a rare job in Vegas. The killings in L.A. were mostly local hoods trying to fill the vacuum left by Carlo’s death. The hits in Vegas were messy public shootings designed to keep the gangs there at each others throats in order that Vinny representing the Bassi Group could offer to enter Vegas to bring peace and stability to the city.

  Michael amassed a small fortune over those next three years. He now owned a car wash, three restaurants in Los Angeles, and controlling interest in a small casino in Las Vegas. These businesses were originally needed to wash the money that Mike generated with his side job as a hit man. But after three years they were starting to generate income of their own. Mike bought 500 acres of desert land northwest of Las Vegas, Nevada. Mike had dreams of building a large house and compound but the lands current primary use was as a body dump.

  During the same three years Vinny had developed the small scrap metal company from which Carlo had orchestrated his empire into a powerful steel suppler that generated a large cash flow of its own. The legitimated Steel supplier generated a full fifty percent of Vinny’s money. Vinny still used the smaller salvage company as a control point for their gambling, prostitution and drug operations, but Vinny would like to get out of the prostitution and drug business. But Lucien would insist on a replacement income flow before he would allow the exit of the prostitution and drug operations.

  On the fourth anniversary of their assuming control from Carlo, Lucien Bassi made a surprise visit. That evening the trio went to dinner at one of Mike’s restaurants. Lucien raised an eyebrow as the staff hustled around fawning over Mister Mason and his guest.

  “Michael, based on the respect you are shown you must run a tight ship.” said Lucien with a chuckle.

  “Actually, I rarely come here and then usually only to visit Kurt the manager or for a nice meal. Kurt has full autonomy to deal with the employees. I try to never interfere with his running of the business. I think their behavior is due to the good work environment and the fact I pay top dollar in wages. Kurt, the gentleman that escorted us to our table, runs the day to day operation. That is the business model I use in all of my private operations. I hire good people then stay out of their way.” replied Mike.

  “I just adapted the method I saw you use with Vinny and me. I give them the freedom to work and then I just monitor the results. My only requirements are that the employees are well treated, well paid and happy the first two guarantee the third. The employees need to be happy and I demand successful performance. If they don’t perform well they are encouraged to find employment elsewhere.”

  “Lucien smiled and nodded his head. “Very good, I’m glad you were paying attention, not just accepting a pay check. But of course I already knew that. It shows in your work. Tony keeps asking if I have any others like you.” said Lucien. “I must say that you have both done extremely well here as well. What is your plan for expanding into Nevada?”

  Mike looked over and raised his hand palm up to Vinny, “Well, Mike has performed a few destabilizing hits in Las Vegas to keep them uneasy. I feel that our entrance into several partnerships there would be welcome. If you identify someone to lead the operation we can proceed. Currently, we almost have sufficient funds to break ground and start construction on a casino of our own. Mikey has part ownership in a small casino and feels he can supply sound qualified people to run the day to day operations.” said Vinny.

  Clearing his throat Lucien looked over at Mike and said, “Michael, I have family business to discuss with Vincenzo could you give us a half hour or so in private?”

  “Sure thing, Mr. Bassi would you like to use the manager’s private office?” Mike asked.

  “Yes, that would work very nicely.” said Lucien.

  Mike signaled to the manager and told him they needed to borrow his office for an hour or so.

  “Certainly, I will show you the way whenever you’re ready.” said Kurt and stepped back three paces to wait.

  Michael said, “I’ll take this time to have Kurt show me around his operation. I’ll be at the bar when you are finished.”

  He walked over to the bar and told the bartender, “Let me know as soon as either of those gentlemen exit the manager’s office.”

  “Yes sir” said the bartender.

  When Kurt returned, Mike waved him over and said why don’t you show me around and introduce me to any new personnel. “Kurt smiled and gave a slight bow of his head. We have a new cook’s helper and three new waitresses unfortunately only two of the waitresses are currently on shift.

  Over the next forty five minutes they walked around the kitchen area. Mike introduced himself and greeted the new cook’s helper with a smile then repeated the greetings and introduction with the two waitresses. Mike also lingered and chatted with few other employees with whom he was acquainted if only slightly.

  With the tour completed Mike returned to the bar and waited on Lucien and Vinny. Vinny appeared in the hallway leading from the manager’s office and caught Mike’s eye. Mike walked over to a beaming Vinny.

  “Lucien has big news” smiled Vinny. “Just let me know when Lucien wants me back inside.” said Vinny.

  Mike grabbed one of the bus boys and said, “John get a chair and wait here until I ask for mister Bassi. Then you can go back to your regular work.”

  Mike handed the bus boy a twenty and said, “Don’t move from this spot, got it.” The busboy nodded his understanding and grabbed a chair from the nearest open table.


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