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Succubi's Curse Online

Page 28

by Lanak F Tanor

  If you didn’t like Succubi’s Curse Online, I am sorry, I tried. Be sure to leave a review on Amazon, as reviews are an indie author’s best friend. Praise me like I am Shakespeare or shoot me down with criticism. I’ll be thankful for both.

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  Want to read more by me?

  Go grab “Catmaster Online”. I published it under my other pen name A. J. Chaudhury. This particular book is close to my heart as I wrote it at a time when I was sick, and getting lost in Kitty’s world helped me a lot to recover from my illness.

  A violent cat in a virtual world…

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  An excerpt from Catmaster Online…

  Chapter 1

  We moved deeper into the tunnel. It was so dark that despite the fact that we were cats we struggled to see properly. A human would have probably lost his way a long time ago.

  “Why are you so tense, Meow?” I asked, observing that Meow looked quite pale. Usually there was a sparkle in his eyes, which was missing. Whenever we went on any quest together he would be quite excited, but today he looked like a dead cat walking.

  “It’s nothing,” Meow muttered back.

  I nodded. I hoped he would get over it himself. My main focus at the moment should be the quest. I had to save my master at all costs.

  As we moved further, I noticed that after a particular point, I suddenly started becoming more afraid, my heart beating faster. I felt there was something wrong. Well, what else could be expected from a tunnel that belonged to the red Dogmen?

  I cast Spell Seeker, and a message popped up in my vision.

  Spell Detected!

  The area you are in has been bewitched with the Fear Charm.

  The main purpose of this spell is to make you fearful and nervous.

  So I was right, I thought as I dismissed the message window.

  “There is a fear charm over this place,” I told Meow. The latter however just let out a grunt.

  “Get Human Hands ,” I told him. “I have a feeling we’d need them soon. Our paws won’t do.”

  Meow nodded again. He was so… unlike Meow today. Yes, this was a much more serious quest than the others we had been to in the past, but still it was making me uneasy to see that he was so grim. The toes of Meow’s paws elongated, and the shape of his paws became like the hands of a human, except they still remained hairy. He pulled out his sword from its sheath. I myself cast Human Hands on my paws.

  You have selected Human Hands.

  The shape of your paws will become like the hands of a human.

  You will lose 5 mana every ten minutes for as long you continue with the spell.

  I pulled out my sword. I liked its touch. It brought me considerable comfort.

  We turned a corner and I let out a gasp as I saw that the tunnel ended.

  “But this couldn’t be possible,” I said, confused. I had been expecting the vile Dogmen to show up, not the sudden end of a tunnel!

  “You said you were sure that this was the tunnel,” I said to Meow. The latter looked away from me.


  I slapped Meow.

  “What’s wrong with you today?”

  “There is nothing wrong with him,” a voice suddenly boomed in the tunnel. It’s owner invisible. From what it seemed, the voice could have belonged to the tunnel itself.

  I looked at Meow’s face, searching for answers. But he totally avoided my eyes, looking down.

  “I want an answer to this, Meow,” I demanded to him.

  Meow backed away.

  Suddenly many figures materialised in the tunnel.


  Their bodies were like that of humans, while their heads were dog-like. They also had tails. Most of them carried swords, but there was one Dogman that wore a turban and carried a staff – a wizard. To his staff was attached the skull of a cat.

  “Meow, help me!” I cried. I threw myself at four dogmen as they neared us, swinging my sword madly. My aim was always the vital parts of their bodies. Within seconds, they lay limp on the ground.

  Done, I stole a glance at Meow and was devastated to see that he was standing still in a corner. None of the Dogmen were trying to harm him either. I put two and two together and realised that I had been betrayed. My heart pained for I had really trusted Meow and regarded him as a friend.

  Perhaps I was weak in the moment and one of the Dogmen took the opportunity to stab my back. I fell to my knees.

  You have been stabbed!

  You receive -125 health!

  I gritted my teeth and stood up as my back flared with pain.

  I let out a great cry and put my sword into the stomach of the Dogman that had stabbed me.

  Just then, I felt the sharp edge of a sword sink into my shoulder.

  You have received a cut!

  You receive -75 health!

  “This is interesting!” I heard the wizard laugh.

  I needed to get out of this situation, even though it could mean that Meow might die. I had to use the Blast. It was a spell for only the direst circumstance, and this was a dire one for sure. It would deplete all my mana, and even reduce my own health, but there was no other way.

  I pulled my arms together and closed my eyes.

  “Activate Blast,” I muttered in a tense breath.

  I felt a wave of utter power leave my body, as the cracking sound of an explosion almost made me deaf.

  You have been injured!

  You receive -150 health

  Oops! You can no longer continue with Human Hands as you lack sufficient mana!

  The clang of my sword falling onto the floor reached my ears, as my paws could no longer grip it. Only now did I dare to open my eyes. They went wide when maniacal laughter reached my ears.

  I looked around in my shock.

  Most of the Dogmen were standing and others were in the process of getting onto their feet. The wizard was the guy that was laughing. The clothes of the Dogmen had been torn with the intensity of my blast. But none of them had died, when all of them should have. Even Meow was on his feet, a look of great regret on his face.

  “You really thought that would work, did you?” the wizard laughed. “In some other place it might have, but this tunnel is a special place, you see… Grab the idiot!” he commanded his minions. The Dogmen immediately grabbed me. I could do absolutely nothing. I was powerless. I had zero mana and just a few hits could kill me so low my health was.

  “Now, do your job, Meow,” the wizard said. A glowing dagger materialised in his hand and he threw it to Meow.

  Meow grabbed the glowing dagger and approached me. All the while he didn’t look at my eyes. When he reached me, he didn’t wait for long. A tear rolling down his face, he buried the dagger into my heart. The world swirled as a message popped up in my vision.

  You have died!


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