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Queen of Monsters and Madness

Page 58

by Frost Kay

He pulled away and pushed himself upright. Kneeling between her thighs, he stared down at her with glazed, burning eyes. “Lucky. I’m the luckiest man.”

  She swallowed hard, trying not to cry. She was the lucky one. She traced a pattern along his muscular thigh. “We both won.”

  He scanned her face and leaned down again, bracing himself on his elbows. “Sage.” He clasped her cheeks between his palms and stared at her. Slowly, he kissed her, his lips tender, but edged with a desperation they both felt. “Let me love you?”

  Heat flashed through her body, and a flush crept into her cheeks. This wasn’t something she had to think about. She knew her answer already.

  Sage curled her hand around his neck. “Yes.”

  He pulled in a deep breath, some of the tension in his body dispelling. Then he was kissing her again. Slow, deep, drugging kisses she never wanted to surface from. He found the buttons of her vest and undid them, brushing aside the leather. His mouth drifted to her chin, and Sage arched her neck as he kissed down her throat to the hollow between her collarbones.

  A memory slammed into her.

  She sucked a deep breath when his hand slid down, fingers brushing across the tender skin under her jaw then trailing over her abused neck.

  She turned her head to the side to break the kiss. The warlord’s mouth traveled across her jaw and along the side of her neck, following the path of his hand. His fingers caught the edge of her robe and pushed the fabric off her shoulder. The cold air made her shiver, and her eyes slammed open as he nipped at her collarbone.

  Sage gasped, and squeezed her eyes closed. The warlord had no place here. He didn’t get to ruin everything. He didn’t get to be part of this.

  “Love?” Tehl asked, nuzzling her cheek. “Are you all right?”

  She forced herself to breathe normally and opened her eyes, guilt almost drowning her. Even now, the warlord invaded her mind. “I’m sorry,” she croaked.

  He gave her a tender look. “You have nothing to be sorry about.”

  Tehl began to pull away, but she seized his arms to keep him from escaping. The warlord would not ruin this. She wouldn’t allow it.



  “No,” she said pulling him close to kiss him. “This is about us.”

  Her lips curled into a smile as his glazed eyes met hers. His finger caught in the linen of her shirt, exposing her shoulder. She shivered from the touch of cool air and as his mouth moved across her bare shoulder, his fingers skating over her body. Her skin heated, and she blushed as she ran her own hands along his arms and shoulders.

  This was how it was supposed to be. Mutual love and desire. The need for his skin on hers.

  She dragged her fingers up his neck and through his dark hair, her teeth nipping at his lips. He rumbled his pleasure, which had her lips curling against his. There was something gratifying about pleasing the one you loved. Heat scorched her cheeks as she contemplated her next move and then followed through.

  Sage reached between their bodies and slid her hands over the hard planes of his abdomen and up his chest. Stars above, he was perfect.

  He stilled and then sat up. The firelight haloed his dark form, shadowing his expression from her. He reached for the hem of her shirt and paused, asking an unspoken question. Sage gathered her bravery around her and sat up, pulling the vest and shirt over her head. Goosebumps broke across her arms as her body was exposed to him.

  “No corset?” he whispered, his voice rough.

  Sage crossed her arms over her chest and glanced toward the balcony windows. She shrugged one shoulder. “They’re uncomfortable and not practical when fighting.”

  She jumped when his hand circled her wrists and gently pulled her arms away from her body.

  “Don’t hide from me. You’re stunning.”

  She peeked at him from beneath her lashes and was almost burned by the heat in his gaze. “Such beauty should never be hidden from your husband.” His eyes drank her in as he leaned closer and placed a kiss over her heart. “Never.”

  He lowered himself onto her, and, again, his mouth found hers. His fingers moved to the button of her trousers, no hesitation this time. She inhaled sharply as he slid the fabric down, and his fingertips grazed her thighs as he traced the lines of her body. Her breath hitched at his teasing touch. An unexpected giggle escaped her when his fingers explored the back of her knees.

  He halted, and grinned. “You’re ticklish, love?”

  “Maybe.” She wouldn’t give him that information.

  A dangerous glint entered his blue eyes. “We’ll come back to this,” he growled as his fingers began their journey again, running over her hips, the curve of her waist, her chest, and then back down. Each touch was deliberate, like he was trying to memorize every inch of her.

  He kissed her again, his mouth hot and relentless. The world narrowed to just Tehl and her, and all she could do was hold onto him and remember to breathe.

  All thoughts fled when the last vestige of her clothing disappeared along with his. Her breath hitched as Tehl stared at her, awe apparent on his face.

  “I’ve never seen anything so precious and beautiful,” he whispered. He nuzzled her neck, his tongue darting out to trace her throat.

  Any nerves she had disappeared with his soft, honest words. Sage smiled as he pressed a tender kiss to her cheek.

  “So perfect,” he murmured.

  She relaxed and brushed her fingers along her husband’s sides, marveling at his strength. His breathing picked up and the world fell away when he pressed his body against hers, his touch growing wilder. She sank her fingers into his inky hair and yanked his mouth to hers, demanding more.

  No doubts. No pain. Just love.

  “I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything,” he panted against her lips. “This is everything.”

  “Everything,” she echoed, when he guided her legs around his waist and they melded into one. Her fingers dug into his shoulders, and her eyes widened, breath completely leaving her.

  He kissed her softly, cradling her in his arms. Tehl stroked her face, her lips, her eyebrows. He trembled and rested his forehead against hers, as if he was fighting to restrain himself. His dark lashes fluttered against her cheeks, and then deep blue eyes met hers.

  “Only me,” he whispered.

  “Only you,” she whispered.

  His smile was blinding, and then, he moved. For a moment she wasn’t sure if it was pleasure or pain, or a blend of both. All she knew was that it changed everything. Her awareness narrowed to nothing but him, his love, his touch, his kiss, and their bodies together.

  Tonight was theirs.


  There was something wrong with him. Tehl couldn’t look away from her.

  Sage slept in his arms, her warm, naked body pressed to his. The fire burned low, and the light was muted, painting her pale skin a soft golden hue that he wanted to taste. Again.

  He felt whole. Happy. And nowhere near sated. Even now, he wanted her again, to lounge in bed with her for days like they should have done at the beginning.

  She sighed in his arms as he adjusted to her, and ran his hand along her spine, reveling in the silky skin. The differences between them intrigued him. Where he was calloused and rough, she was soft. His gaze flicked down the bed to the tangled sheets and discarded clothes. His lips twitched. She didn’t wear a corset. That would prove to be distracting now that he knew.

  He glanced back at his wife. Her whole being was distracting.

  Sage snuggled into his chest, her long strands of hair a crazy mess around her head. He stifled his chuckle. Once her hair escaped its confines, it turned into an entity of itself.

  “You’re staring,” she said, not opening her eyes.

  Tehl pressed a kiss to her forehead, his gaze drifting to said hair. “It’s alive.”

  She thumped his arm and opened her eyes, smiling. “It can’t be helped.”

  He swallowed, emotion rocking him. Who
knew his wild, rebel wife would bring so much joy into his life? She had her flaws, granted. She was stubborn and held a grudge. But he’d take the good with the bad. The good out-shadowed all the bad.

  She blinked. “What are you thinking?”

  He ran his hand along her shoulder and scanned her face. “Did I hurt you?” It had been on his mind since he’d woken. The first time was always painful for a woman, and he didn’t want her to have any regrets.

  A smile darted across her lips. “I dare say it was quite the opposite. Most enjoyable night I’ve had ever.”

  His body tightened as she ran her foot up his calf. “You aren’t sore?”

  She blushed at his blunt question. “Yes, and no.” Her fingers brushed his chest. “I didn’t expect it to be like that.”

  “Yes,” he murmured. It could drive a man wild. No wonder Gav was so distracted after he married. Fingers brushed his thigh, causing his hands to press harder into her spine. Stars above. He was in so much trouble.

  “I wouldn’t mind if we…” Her cheeks heated again.

  He grinned and traced the blush with a finger. She was brash most of the time, but, add sex into the mix, and now she was shy. “I would love to touch you,” he groaned. “But your body needs time to heal, and I would like to care for you before reality knocks at our door.”

  “Care for me?”

  “Bathe with me.” It wasn’t really a question. “Let me care for my wife.” It was something his father had beaten into him. He and Sam were to always care for their wives.

  Sage shifted against him, watching him with lazy abandon. “I would love to bathe with you.” She slapped a hand against her belly as it growled, and she gave him a silly smile. “Sorry.”

  He grinned and swiftly kissed her lips. “Food is on its way, love. I’ll draw a bath.” He popped from the bed, and Sage hissed. He spun with a raised eyebrow and followed her gaze to the red smear on the sheet. She jerked the blanket over it, hiding it from his view.

  Tehl rounded the bed and sat next to his wife, who refused to look at him. “Don’t be ashamed. This is not shameful. It’s wonderful. Thank you for giving yourself to me. Your innocence is something I will always cherish.”

  She peeked at him over her shoulder. “You’re so blunt and then, every once in a while, you say just the right thing.”

  He smiled and opened the drawer of the side table, pulling out a handkerchief. Corner by corner, he moved the fabric out of the way to reveal the treasure he had hidden there. Two silver cuffs sat in his hand. His heartbeat picked up as Sage leaned close and ran a finger along the decorative cuffs he’d made for her.

  “I made them for you, since the other ones were lost.”

  “How long have you had these?” she whispered.

  “I started working on them as soon as we returned.”

  “Why wait until now to give them to me?”

  He cleared his throat and stared at his wife. “Because I wanted you to want to wear them. I wanted it to be truly your choice.”

  Sage smiled. “I want to wear them.” She held out her wrists. “Will you put them on?”

  The nervousness in her belly evaporated. She wanted this as much as he did. Sage gasped as he turned the cuff over, so she could see the inside.

  “What’s this?”

  “I thought you’d like it.” He touched the horse with wings engraved on the inside. “Peg makes you feel free. I wanted you to be able to carry her wherever you go. And know that even though we are bound, you will never be caged.”

  A fat, salty tear dripped down her cheek as he slid both cuffs into place.

  “Thank you. I love them.” She wiped the tear away and held her arms out to stare at her cuffs. “I’ll wear them with pride.” Sage threw an arm around him and kissed his left cheek. “Where are yours?”

  He pulled his cuffs from the same drawer, eager to wear them. Sage plucked them from his hands and slid a cuff onto each of his biceps. They stared at each other for a moment, both grinning.

  “Why are you so smiley?” she teased. “You happy to have your cuffs on me?”

  “Beyond pleased.” He kissed her shoulder, not able to help himself. “Maybe it’s because my wife shared my bed,” he tacked on, feeling lighter than he had in ages.

  “My bed.” Sage smiled impishly. “You should share my bed every day. It’ll improve your diplomatic skills. Really, it would be best for our kingdom.”

  Apparently, she had no idea how appealing that was, and how much he wanted to pounce on her. “You tease,” he accused and forced himself to leave the bed. If he didn’t, they’d stay there all day.

  “Only for you,” she called as he entered the bathing room.

  He glared at all the clothing that hid her body from his view. It seemed like a travesty to cover such beauty.

  “Stop pouting,” she said, rolling her eyes. “You’re the one who said we needed to be responsible.”

  “I’m regretting that decision now,” he muttered. Her answering peal of laughter had him smiling.

  She tossed her braid over her shoulder and winked at him. “Men, you all are always so predictable.”

  He growled and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her back into his chest. “I’m not the only one who enjoyed our time in the bath.” Her skin pinked. He grinned wickedly. He knew she enjoyed teasing him and now he had the perfect weapon with which to tease her.

  Sage opened her mouth to retort when there was a knock at their door. She scowled. “It was only a matter of time.”


  He let her go, and she pulled open the door. “Sam.”

  His brother entered, and closed the door behind him as Sage moved back to Tehl’s side to strap on the rest of her daggers. Sam eyed the two of them and then the bed. He froze and glanced away, a secret smile on his face as he met Tehl’s eyes, his gaze dropping to the cuffs circling Tehl’s biceps.

  His brother arched a brow. All Tehl could do was smile. He had a wife in truth now. Everything was as it should be. His grin widened. Nothing compared to what he shared with his wife. It was as close to magic as he could imagine.

  “So who’s demanding our presence this morning?” Sage asked, buckling her last sheath around her thigh.

  “Morning has come and gone. It’s late in the afternoon.”

  Tehl’s eyes widened as Sam grinned. Ah hell.

  “What have you been doing all day?”

  Sage blinked, and her mouth bobbed, at a loss for words.

  “Enough,” Tehl said, casting an apologetic glance at his wife. “What do you need?”

  Sam’s smile melted, his expression blank. “There’s news.”

  “Has another village been attacked?” Sage asked.

  “No, but Scythia’s army has been spotted.”

  “How far from the Mort Wall?” Tehl demanded.

  “A day’s walk from the Potam River.”

  So close. “Our soldiers need to be moved there immediately.”

  “Gav has them moving already. A camp will be set up shortly.”

  Tehl snatched his sword from the side table and buckled the belt around his waist. “We depart within the hour.”

  “The men are assembling now.” Sam stared at the floor. “There’s more.”

  “What is it?”

  “I married last night.”

  Tehl blinked. “That’s not funny.”

  “Do you think I would joke of my marriage?” Sam asked seriously.

  Why in the world would he get married? Then it occurred to him. His hands curled into fists, and he glared at his brother. “Who did you compromise?” He took a step forward, but a hand stopped him. Tehl glanced down at his wife. She wasn’t looking at him, but her narrowed eyes were focused on Sam.

  “It’s done,” she said. “There are much more pressing matters to deal with. His marriage hardly matters in the light of other things.” She stepped closer to Sam and hugged the bastard. “My congratulations.”

  Sam stared
over her shoulder at him as he hugged Sage. “Thank you,” he said softly.

  His brother didn’t even look sorry. “Mum would be so disappointed.”

  Sam’s face tightened, showing a flicker of hurt before he schooled his expression.

  Sage released his brother and stepped back. “Who is the lucky woman?”

  Sam focused on Sage. “Jasmine.”

  Tehl sucked in a sharp breath. “Out of all the women…” He broke off when Sage slapped Sam.

  Sage poked Sam in the chest. “Shame on you! She’s a good person.” She heaved in a deep breath. “I know I’m missing other pieces to the puzzle, but I’m too angry to figure out what they are right now. Leave, before I get the feeling back in my hand and I’m tempted to slap you again.”

  Sam nodded, a red handprint on his left cheek. He strode to the door.

  “Sam,” Sage called. He paused by the door and glanced back at her. “I’m upset, but I still love you.”

  Sam glanced to Tehl and then back to Sage. “Love you too, sis.”

  Tehl rounded on Sage as soon as the door shut. “Why were you so easy on him? What he’s done is deplorable. It’s shameful.”

  “Your brother is a good man. Every decision he makes is calculated.”

  True. After all these years, his brother had been discreet enough that he never had to marry any of the girls he dallied with. Why now? “You think he compromised her on purpose?”

  “It’s a thought, but I don’t know why.”

  “My brother is not one to be easily understood.” He shook his head. “It matters not now. The deed is done.” He drifted closer to Sage and stared down into her face. “I won’t ask you not to go.”

  “If you did, I’d ignore you.”

  “This is your battle as much as mine. But I wish…” That they had more time. His gaze dropped farther, to her flat belly. His hands curled around her hips and pulled her close. “Last night could have resulted in a child.”

  “I’m sure that’s not the case,” she argued.

  “But it’s a possibility. War is never quick or easy. If you show signs, you will leave the battlefield, understood?”

  She stared at her belly and then met his gaze. “If there is a child, I will leave.”


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