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To Whom it May Concern

Page 13

by J. S. Cooper

  “What’s so funny?” I said, my eyes fluttering open to look at him as he gazed at me. He pulled his fingers out of my panties and rubbed them against my stomach.

  “Just how wet you are.” He winked at me as he reached his fingers up to his mouth and sucked on them. “I can taste your juices, Savannah, so sweet and horny, just like you.” He kissed my lips, and I pushed him off of me.

  “You’re an asshole.” I glared at him, my body trying to keep up with my brain.

  “No, I’m just a sexy piece of meat.” He laughed as he rolled over onto his side. His fingers idly played with my breasts and he pulled me close. “I guess you already know that you lost the bet.”


  “So that means no additional $5000 for you.”


  “But we forgot to state what my prize was if I won.”

  “Your prize?” I shook my head. “Your prize was having me here in the first place.”

  “Was it?” His hand slid from my breasts back down toward my panties, but this time they rubbed over the top of the material. I tried to stifle a moan as he rubbed my clit. Part of me wanted to tell him to stop, but it just felt too good. I was embarrassed that I was loving the way that he was making me feel. “You can choose my prize. So I want either: one, both of us to sleep naked tonight, or two, you share the bed with me again tomorrow night and you can wear what you want.”

  “I’m not sleeping naked with you.”

  “We’re both pretty close to naked right now.”

  “Close isn’t the same as actually naked, though.” I couldn’t imagine what would happen if we were both naked. Actually, I could imagine, and while I did want to have sex, I didn’t want to have sex right now and with him.

  “So, we sleep together tomorrow night, then?”

  “Fine,” I mumbled. I sounded pissed, though inside I was quite excited by the possibility of spending another night with him.

  “I’ll let you fall asleep now. You have an early morning tomorrow.” He kissed me on the forehead and rolled over. “Sweet dreams, Savannah.”

  Why had he stopped so suddenly? Confused, I turned over onto my side and closed my eyes and willed myself to drift off to sleep. A moment later, he tucked me up against himself, spooning me again. This time his hand lay on my bare stomach as his hardness pushed up against my ass. I didn’t even bother trying to move, even though I was feeling hornier than ever, with him pressed up against me.

  “You were right not to choose us sleeping naked together,” Wade whispered in my ear as he kissed the back of my head.

  “Oh?” I murmured back to him.

  “If we were naked right now, my cock would be nestled warmly in your pussy or your ass.” He chuckled as his hand slid up to my breast and he held me close. “And I’m not sure you walking funny because I slammed the hell out of your pussy with my massive cock would be the best way to start your third day at work.”

  He laughed. My panties got even wetter, but I kept my lips firmly closed, refusing to respond to his comment even as excitement coursed through me. Maybe there had been more to his job advertisement after all. And maybe I’d be quite okay with finding out exactly what that was.

  “Also,” he whispered into the room. “I wouldn’t want your boyfriend to get jealous either.”

  I froze at his words and stifled a sigh. Shit, not only did Wade think I was a slut and a tease, he most probably thought I was a cheater as well.

  Chapter 11

  I woke up, relieved to find myself alone in Wade’s bed.

  “Oh, man,” I grumbled, making a face as I picked my T-shirt up from the floor and slipped it on. I grabbed my pajama bottoms and hurried out of the bedroom. As I made my way along the corridor, I thought about the previous night and how I’d let Wade touch me. My cheeks heated up as I thought about the way he’d played with my nipples as we’d drifted off to sleep. I couldn’t believe I’d let him do that. And tonight, I was supposed to sleep with him again. Only tonight, I would stop him if he tried to do more than kiss me. Yes, I would let him kiss me again, but I wouldn’t let him go any further than that. No, his hands would have to stay to themselves.

  I knew that was easier said than done, though.

  I hurried to shower and change and then made my way to the kitchen in my maid’s outfit so that I could make breakfast for him. I felt like a bit of a fool as I whisked eggs for an omelet. When I’d gone to college, I’d never imagined that I’d end up with a job like this, but then again, most of my graduating class was probably in jobs they never expected to be in. That was just how the economy was going right now.

  “Well, good morning, Savannah. How are you today?” said a warm voice. I looked around to see Henry standing there with a box in his hands. “I brought some donuts. I hope you don’t mind if I join you for breakfast?”

  “Not at all. Have a seat. I love donuts.” I took the offered box from him and opened it up to peek inside. “Wow, these smell fresh.”

  “They should still be warm as well.” He grinned. “I got some glazed and jelly ones. Do you have any fresh coffee? Maybe I’ll have one now.”

  “Ooh, I just put the pot on. I would love to have a hot donut as well.” I beamed at him. “You’ve made my morning.”

  “I’m glad to help.” His eyes moved back and forth over my uniform and he raised an eyebrow at me. “I like the outfit.”

  “Do you really?” I shook my head. “I feel like a fool. Your brother ...” I let my voice trail off, unsure how to continue. I’d just gotten out of his brother’s bed. I’d spent the night making out with Wade, sleeping half-naked. His fingers had touched me in my most intimate place, and I had wanted more. I couldn’t tell Henry how confused I was about everything that was going on. How could I? He’d think I was crazy.

  “I bet I know what you’re going to say.” Henry laughed and took a bite out of the donut he’d just taken from the box. “You’re going to say that my brother is an ass and a jerk and thinks far too highly of himself.” I allowed myself one quick nod. “I’m surprised you wore this outfit.”

  “It’s not an outfit, it’s my uniform.”

  “Is it really? That’s the uniform of an assistant to a billionaire?”

  “I don’t know.” I pursed my lips. “Well, I mean, I do know. It’s demeaning as hell, but what can I say? He’s my boss, he makes the rules, not me.”

  “And you just go along with them?” He looked thoughtful for a moment. “Maybe I won’t be getting my Ferrari after all.”

  “Sorry, what?” I grabbed the whistling kettle and poured the hot water onto the freshly ground coffee beans in the French press. “Would you like milk and sugar with your coffee? Or do you prefer it black?”

  “I prefer it black, but thanks for asking.” He sat back down and I could tell from his expression that he was thinking about something. “Savannah, I want to tell you that I think you’re a very strong woman, an intelligent one as well. You shouldn’t allow my brother to intimidate you—”

  “Are you saying I intimidate her?” Wade strode into the kitchen, body dripping with water and a frown on his face. “Good morning, brother of mine. Morning, Savannah.” He strode over to me and smiled. “Sleep well, did you?”

  “I slept okay.” I shrugged as my eyes fell to his wet, muscular chest. How I wished I’d run my fingers over those abs last night. I’d have to make sure to touch them tonight just to see how they felt.

  “Good.” He smiled and leaned down to whisper in my ear. “Did you know you snore when you sleep?”

  “No.” I blushed and glanced over to Henry who was now staring at us with unconcealed curiosity in his light green eyes. He looked so much like Wade as he sat there, but there was something more boyish about him, something gentler that made him seem more approachable and fun-loving.

  Unlike Wade, who was now standing there, staring at me with a veiled look of lust in his eyes. Wade was all man. There was nothing boyish about his looks, personality, or att
itude. Henry was the sort of guy that would ask if it were okay to toss you onto your back and kiss you; Wade was the sort of man who’d just do it. I shivered as Wade touched my arm. His fingers were slightly cold.

  “How much longer until breakfast is ready? I’m ready to eat.” He grinned. “Whatever you’re offering.” He winked at me as he glanced down toward my legs. I gasped at the insinuation in his tone. “You okay?” He tilted his head to the side, a teasing smile on his handsome face.

  “Your fingers were cold and you’re still wet,” I mumbled.

  “I bet I’m not the only one that’s wet right now,” he said under his breath so that only he and I could hear him. I blushed bright red.

  “What’s going on?” Henry stood up and approached us. “And, brother? Why do you have Savannah wearing this ridiculous getup?”

  “Because I can.” Wade sounded smug. “Why do you care?”

  “Maybe because I have a vested interest in Savannah’s work here.” Henry shot back at his brother. I frowned, confused. What vested interest did he have?

  “She’s not single, you know, brother.” Wade chuckled. “She has a boyfriend, and who knows what else going on.”

  “Well about that ...” I bit down on my lower lip, feeling awkward. “We, uh, we broke up.”

  “You broke up?” Wade turned to me with a raised eyebrow. “Really?”

  “Really.” I nodded. “It wasn’t going to work out.”

  “So, between late last night and this morning, you broke up?” Wade smirked. “Interesting.”

  “It was already getting bad,” I lied, wanting to change the subject.

  “Must have been.” He arched one eyebrow. “Shit, if my lips and fingers can cause an immediate breakup, who knows what other parts of me can do.”

  “It had nothing to do with you!” I snapped. Both he and Henry looked at me with surprised smiles.

  “What the hell has gone on between you two?” Henry looked at Wade. “I know you work fast, brother, but really? Two nights with your new assistant and you’re already making moves?”

  “He’s not making any moves,” I said quickly, embarrassed. “Now are you guys hungry or not?” I grabbed some plates and quickly moved them to the table. “Have a seat, and I will serve you both.”

  “Yes, dear.” Henry shook his head and laughed as he headed back to the table. “Wade, it seems to me that you found your perfect woman.”

  “Perhaps.” Wade looked at me with narrowed eyes and took a seat. I glared at him and turned around so that I could grab the pan with the omelet. “I think you just got a text.” Wade held up my phone, which had been resting on the table.

  “Okay, must be Lucy.” She was the only one who would be texting me before nine in the morning.

  “No,” Wade’s voice sounded dry. “It looks like it’s a Gordon. And he wants to know if you have any plans for tonight.”


  “Is that one of your friends in the city?” Wade said, his voice sounding irritated. “Shall I tell him you’ve moved?”

  “He’s not a friend in the city.” I shook my head as I approached the table. “He’s actually a man I met last night. A very nice man. He’s an actor.” I placed the dishes on the table. “Help yourselves, boys.”

  “A man you met last night?” Henry grinned. “You work fast, Savannah.”

  “I don’t.” I blushed. “He just ended up sitting next to me.”

  “Is he the reason you dumped your boyfriend?” Henry looked happy as he grabbed a piece of toast. “And here Wade was thinking it was because of him, but it’s because you’ve gone and met yourself a new guy.”

  Wade shot a dark glance at his brother then looked back at me. “You do seem to flit from man to man, don’t you, Savannah?” He sounded angry. “Are you going to tell Gordon about last night?”

  “No.” I glared at him, and Henry’s eyes widened.

  “Oh, shit, what happened last night?” He looked back and forth between me and his brother. “Don’t tell me you guys fu— I mean made love.” He cleared his throat. I could tell he was trying not to laugh.

  “No, of course not.” I shook my head quickly as Wade just sat there staring at me. “We just had a little bet, that’s all, and I shared his bed.”

  “Well, that’s not really all, is it, Savannah?” Wade grabbed a piece of bacon. “You slept in a pair of panties and a short T-shirt, with no bra. Not exactly the most conservative of attire.”

  “But you—” I realized he was deliberately trying to get a rise out of me. “If I recall correctly, you were the one trying to make moves on me. I was just trying to sleep.” I shrugged casually. “Pass my phone, please, I don’t want to leave Gordon hanging. What time will I be off tonight?”

  “Tonight?” Wade raised an eyebrow. “Oh, didn’t I tell you? I thought you could make a nice dinner tonight. Henry will join, won’t you?” He looked at his brother who was still grinning from ear to ear. “Have it ready for seven p.m., and set the table for three.”

  “So I’m to eat dinner at home tonight, is that what you’re saying?”

  “I’m saying you are making dinner for three tonight.” Wade shrugged. “And I’m assuming it will be a three to five-course meal, so it should last several hours.” He bit into a piece of bread. “But of course, if you have some sort of booty call with Gordon tonight, I guess you can fit him in. Don’t forget our arrangement for the night, though.”

  “I do not have a booty call arrangement with Gordon.” I grabbed my phone from him, trying to hide my fury. “And even if I did, it’s none of your business.”

  “As you say.” He shrugged. “It’s none of my concern. Just make sure to cook a nice meal for tonight.” He suddenly pulled back his chair and stood up. “I need to go and shower, and then I have a call.” His expression was blank, and I had no idea what he was thinking about. “Go to the library and start work at around ten a.m. I’ll place a stack of files on the desk and I’ll send you an email about some tasks I need done. Then you can go to the village later to pick up some groceries. Henry, give her the keys to the Range Rover and show her where to put the gas and all that.” He pushed his chair under the table. “You can drive into town yourself. I take it you have a phone with Google Maps on it so you don’t get lost?”


  “Good.” And with that he was gone, striding out of the kitchen and not looking back.

  “Well, I must say, you and my brother have some real chemistry going on, don’t you?” Henry looked surprised. “I haven’t seen him this irritated in a while.”

  “He’s a jerk.”

  “Yet you like him.” He smiled at me gently. “That’s why you’re putting up with it, isn’t it?”

  “No!” I protested quickly. “I just met him. I need the money. That’s the only reason why.”

  “He’d like to think that.” Henry shook his head. “But I’m pretty sure I know differently. Well, tonight will be fun, won’t it? A regular little dinner party for the three of us to get to know each other better.”

  “What does that mean?”

  Henry laughed. “Oh, Savannah, if looks could kill.” He took another bite of toast. “My brother might be crazy and I might be a flirt, but we’re not kinky. Well, at least not that kinky. I don’t mind having a threesome, but not with my brother.” He made a face. “Definitely never with my brother, and if I’m honest, not with another man. I prefer my threesomes to be of the two-women variety.” He laughed as I blushed. “You are quite innocent, aren’t you?”

  “No, no, I’m not.” I looked down and ate a piece of omelet. “I just want to ensure you know I’m not interested in any group sex activities or anything. I know that I took this job and came up here as if I were some sort of desperado, but I’m not. My best friend, Lucy knows I’m here, and she’s willing to come up at any time to bring me home.”

  “She sounds like a good best friend.”

  “She’s the best.”

  “Well, that’s good,
then.” Henry sat back. “I have a feeling you’ll be needing someone to vent to very soon.” He continued eating.

  I just kept my mouth shut because I wanted and needed to do a lot more than vent right now.

  Chapter 12

  “Hey, Savannah, I know you might have planned the menu already, but I had some special requests.” Wade strode into the library and took a seat at the table next to me. “First off, I’d like to start with some mini quiches and maybe a shrimp cocktail.”

  “Uhm, okay.” I closed the laptop. “Let me write this down.”

  I grabbed a pen and my yellow legal pad and looked at my current menu. It consisted of tomato soup, garlic bread, devilled eggs, and spaghetti. I scratched those items off and wrote down his suggestions, feigning indifference to the requests. How the hell was I going to make mini quiches? I didn’t even know how to make proper-sized quiches.

  “Anything else?”

  “I was hoping you’d be able to make a beef Wellington for the main dish. And maybe a blueberry pie for dessert? Or a peach cobbler, as you’re from the South.”

  “Well, we don’t really consider ourselves as being from the South.”

  “But Florida is in the South.”

  “Yes, but we’re not Southern. Not like people from Alabama or Georgia or—”

  “Is this your way of telling me you don’t know how to make a peach cobbler?”

  “This is my way of telling you I don’t know how to make shit,” I mumbled, covering the words with a cough.

  “Sorry, I didn’t understand what you said.”

  He peered at me expectantly, and I couldn’t help admiring his handsome features. I wanted to run my hands through his hair and stroke his beard and lean in and kiss him. But that wasn’t the type of relationship we had. Not that we had a relationship at all. He was my boss and maybe a possible hookup. He wasn’t my boyfriend.


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