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Acts of Survival - Orbit the Sun – Part 11

Page 5

by John Stevenson

Everybody had assembled in what used to be the hotel lobby: they were all quiet and reflective. For all their problems Earthrise would now be with them for as long as they lived, but nobody was missing; nobody wanted to stay any longer than they had too.

  “Capture… the Lander is docked?”

  Andrew looked at Tricia and turned to the assembly. “All those going over to the Mars Explorer, time to say your goodbyes; you will be transferred in about ten minutes?”

  The mood of anticipation changed to one of loss; after months of forced cohabitation the moment had finally arrived when familiar faces would disappear and suddenly there were mixed emotions. People who were not really friends began to hug, and some even began to tear-up.

  Not so Ralph as he came up besides Peter.

  Peter appeared not to notice. “Done?” he said in a whisper to his side.

  “Yes.” Ralph replied softly.

  The other seven: including Peters boys, were readying in front of the doorway that led to the airlock.

  “The Mars Explorer is underway,” said Andrew. “Thrust will slowly build over the next few weeks. All you need to do is shut down once you get close enough to Earth. Alisha will instruct you all on what to do and when to do it; and I shouldn’t have to warn you to leave things as they are. Likewise with the navigation, Alisha has programmed everything into the data banks. Everything is set to get the Explorer back to Earth, all you have to do is enjoy the ride; so make the most of you trip?” Andrew smiled. “And don’t forget to remind them back home that we’re waiting… Okay the airlock is opening and the pressure is equalizing… It’s time to go, and good luck… have a safe…”

  Everybody was taken by surprise as suddenly Peter was stepping forward. “There’s been a change of plans,” he said loudly, attracting everyone’s attention.

  Andrew looked at him suspiciously. “What are you doing?” he said defiantly.

  “I would have thought that was obvious; I am taking the spaceship back to Earth?”

  Andrew shook his head. “No your not.”

  Peter slipped his hand into his shirt and pulled out a cylinder attached to a handgrip. It looked like a blue plastic toy.”

  “You want to see my ticket?” Peter pointed the weapon at Andrew. “All of you step away from the door.”

  “The would be passengers hesitated, until one: Cathy spoke defiantly. “The only place I’m going is onto the spaceship back home.”

  “Maybe you didn’t hear?” peter said now pointing the gun at him. “I said there has been a change of plans.”

  Cathy glared at peter then without warning made a lunge for the pistol.

  Without hesitation Peter pulled the trigger.

  There was a stunned silence as everyone watched Cathy fall to her knees and slumped to the floor.

  Emma was quickly at hers side; she turned her over and they all could see her shirt was covered in a spreading stain of red. Emma didn’t need the medical qualifications she had to know what she instantly did. She looked up at Andrew. “She’s dead.”

  All the horrified eyes turned back to Peter as he spoke again. “As you can see I am serious.” Peter nodded to Ralph and the man pulled out another pistol. In three steps he was standing over Emma; Ralph dug his fingers into Emma’s air: pulled her head back and forced a plastic gun under her jaw.

  She gave out a yelp of surprise making everybody turn in her direction.

  Ralph grabbed her by her shoulder and pulled her up. He pushed her towards Vincent and the other thugs who were now beside Peter.

  “Don’t hurt her?” Andrew said anxiously. “Go; take the ship; we will be better off rid of you.”

  “I don’t intend to hurt her; well not so long as he does as she’s told?” He pushed her towards the airlock door.

  Andrew looked at him uncomprehendingly. “Take the ship, but let her go?”

  “She’s coming with me.”

  “With you?” Andrew looked at Bethany. “She can’t; for pity’s sake man she’s needed here?”

  “And what do you expect me to do if I get sick?”

  Andrew went to move forward but both Peter and Ralph aimed their weapons towards him.

  “Andrew do not think I am ungrateful; you have been of some help to me so I would prefer not to shoot you, but if I have to I will?”

  Andrew knew he would and he made no further move. “They won’t take you?”

  “Yes they will when they realize their lives depend on their cooperation. Now where my bitch?” bring her.” Peter pointed to Jennifer.

  Fear flooded through Jennifer’s body and she tried to move back into the crowd, but Vincent pushed his way through and grabbed her. She kicked out but he punched her in her stomach. She doubled up with pain as he dragged her still gasping to the door and pushed her through

  “Okay boss?”

  Peter turned to him. “Okay? But your not coming?”

  Vincent looked at him uncomprehendingly as the smile slowly faded. “What do you mean?”

  “Exactly what I said; I’m taking Ralph: your not coming.”

  “But you said I’d be your right hand man?”

  “While I needed you I would wouldn’t I? Face it Vince your muscle, nothing more, and I’ve got all the muscle I need once I get back home?”

  Vincent refused to believe what he was hearing. “You said you could use me?”

  “And I have. I told you what you wanted to hear, but I don’t need you any longer. I only need people I can trust and I can’t trust you. You are too unpredictable; I can’t be sure what you will do next, and people who work for me do what I want and put my interests before theirs?”

  Vincent snarled and went to lunge at Peter but Ralph was ready for him and his gun discharged. Vincent fell to the floor clutching his knee.

  Peter waved his weapon side to side. “Nobody move; nobody follow us, and don’t try anything or the women are dead. I’m sure you all realize by now that these things work quite well.”

  Everybody stared as Peter opened the door. He looked down at Vincent as the man sobbed in pain; then he was gone.

  Nobody moved until Andrew did. “Contact Mathew; tell him what’s happened and warn him to be ready when the Lander gets over there?” He looked down at Vincent; Bethany was beside him trying to stop the blood. “Get him patched up and onto the shuttle; we leave as soon as Alisha gets back.”


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