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SEAL Wolf Surrender

Page 5

by Terry Spear

  Brock was drawn inexplicably to the she-wolf, her blue eyes hypnotic, making him lose all thought of anything but her. Gauging her expression, he felt she was enjoying herself.

  “That would have been a good idea.” Devlyn squirted a neat line of ketchup on his hot dog wrapped in a bun. “What I don’t get is why the wolf was drunk going onto the flight. And an ugly drunk. That would be a sure way to get into trouble, like he did.” He took a bite of his hot dog.

  “Some people who drink too much are happy drunks. Some get ugly,” Natalie offered. “Maybe he was having a really bad day.”

  “But why before a flight when he had all that money to protect?” Devlyn shook his head. “If it were me, I certainly would have waited to have a drink after I arrived at my destination and once I had secured the money.”

  “That’s you, dear.” Bella leaned over to kiss him. “That’s why you’re a pack leader.”

  Several agreed.

  “I’ve been pondering it too,” Brock said, grilling a hot dog for himself. He had offered to make one for Natalie, but she was happily eating s’mores. He thought she was cute. “Was he angry about something? Afraid of flying, and he hoped drinking would calm him? Or maybe he was celebrating.”

  “I think it was more likely he was angry about something. He was angry the whole time I saw him. Of course, he could be like that all the time. Some people don’t seem to have a kind word to say to anyone.” Natalie made another s’more.

  Brock motioned to her s’more with his hot dog. “Do you want to go running after we finish burning all the money?”

  She tilted her chin down and smiled at him. “Are you trying to say I’ll need to work this off?”

  Everyone chuckled.

  “Sounds like a great idea to me,” Angie said. “A nice run as wolves to finish off the night properly, then time to go to bed for the big day tomorrow.”

  Brock was glad he’d suggested it. He hadn’t had time on the last assignment to stretch his legs as a wolf, and he was eager to do so now. With Natalie.

  Everyone agreed.

  “What do we do with the suitcase? I hate to throw out a good bag, the clothes, and the shaving kit, but he’d know it was his if he ever caught up to it,” Natalie said.

  “We can donate them to a charitable organization,” Brock said.

  “Good idea. I hated the idea of destroying a perfectly good suitcase.” Natalie removed the guy’s name card from the tag holder and tossed it into the fire. “To think, if he hadn’t been drinking, we would never have known about this, and we would have just been enjoying the pre-wedding party.”

  “Yeah, but this made for a nice finale.” Bella finished the last of her hot dog.

  “Ready to go for a run?” Devlyn asked.

  “I sure am,” Bella said.

  “Me too,” Angie said. “If I eat anything more tonight, I won’t be able to fit into my wedding gown tomorrow.”

  The women headed inside the ranch house to strip, while the men did so outside. Normally, they wouldn’t have been shy about stripping and shifting in front of the others, but Natalie wasn’t familiar with the pack, and Angie was still new. Before long, the she-wolves were bounding out of the house as wolves, all gray except for Bella and her twin sister, who were red wolves. Brock couldn’t help but look for Natalie, the only wolf of the bunch he didn’t know when in her wolf form.

  She was a pretty gray wolf with black tips on her fur and a blonder chin and underbelly, running next to Angie, a pure-black wolf.

  For a second, Brock thought about keeping his distance to prove he didn’t have the hots for Natalie like some of his cousins did, though he noticed they were staying away from her, as if they thought he had already laid claim to her. But he was her bodyguard, so he was sticking close to her. He suspected a lot of the others would be watching out for her, too, because she didn’t know this area and they didn’t want her to get lost, should she get separated from them.

  They took off running, Bella and Devlyn following behind, watching for stragglers. Natalie was sticking close to her friend, but Angie was playing with her betrothed, nipping and biting, and Brock thought Natalie looked a little lost. He had been keeping a watch over her, but now he joined her and brushed up against her to let her know she could rely on him to be her friend. That she was not alone.

  She smiled at him, showing off her pretty canines. In that instant, he thought something special passed between them. He hoped she didn’t feel quite so much as if her friend had left her behind. He realized being here was probably hard for Natalie because she didn’t seem to be all that outgoing and it might be difficult for her to make new friends. Without knowing anyone, she had to feel like an outsider. Wearing a wolf coat didn’t automatically change someone’s underlying personality.

  They ran with the others, but Brock stuck by Natalie’s side, and she didn’t bother trying to stay close to Angie and Aaron any longer. Brock was glad he’d made her feel more comfortable on the run. Then she started to really explore the area, not worrying so much about who she was with. The pack had dispersed, so they weren’t all on top of one another. Though the land was their pack’s property, they still had to watch out for trespassers—hunter types—and they made less of a target if they weren’t all bunched up. Plus, they could let the rest of the pack know if they saw someone who shouldn’t be on the land.

  Natalie headed straight for the river. Others did too, but spread out from her and Brock. They were still within eyesight when the trees and shrubs didn’t block their view, so it wasn’t as though she and Brock were alone together. He knew his brother would give him a hard time about saying he wasn’t interested in the she-wolf. But if the roles had been reversed, his brother would have done the same for Natalie, and it had nothing to do with his interest in her as a wolf.

  Brock found himself hoping she liked the area, but he scolded himself for even thinking about it. She wasn’t from here and she wasn’t coming back, except maybe to visit her friend. He should just be hoping she was having a good time while she was here.

  When she reached the bank, she stepped into the water and drank. He joined her and drank his fill.

  He was thinking again about how he was going to locate the rogue wolf once he made sure that Natalie was home safe—if someone else from the pack didn’t do it first. Natalie suddenly headed into the river. Their double coat of fur would keep them warm. Brock just hadn’t expected her to go swimming. He joined her, as a good bodyguard would. She glanced over at him and smiled.

  They swam for a bit together, then heard Angie and Aaron howl. It had been an hour, and they were heading back in. Natalie bit playfully at Brock, surprising him before she headed for the shore. He swam after her, and when they reached the shore, she shook off the water on her fur. Then he shook his off and got her wet again. She barked at him.

  He laughed. The sun began to set, casting yellow and orange across the trees, and he couldn’t have enjoyed the end of the day any more than he did now.

  Then they raced each other back to the ranch. Brock stayed outside with the other males to shift and dress while the ladies went inside to change.

  When he entered the ranch house, Angie was wearing pj’s already, looking tired and ready for bed. Natalie was wearing jeans and a shirt but was barefoot.

  “You might want to stay in Natalie’s room to really protect her,” Angie said. She smiled, gave Natalie a hug, and headed off to Aaron’s master bedroom suite.

  “That won’t be necessary,” Natalie said. “Night, Brock. Thanks for sticking around. And for the wolf run. That was so much fun.”

  “It was my pleasure.” He hadn’t had that much fun with an eligible female wolf in forever.

  Natalie smiled and retired to her room. Brock sighed and made up the sofa sleeper. This sure wasn’t how he had thought his cousin’s wedding was going to play out. Hopefully, they wouldn�
��t have any issues during the big day.

  * * *

  Early the next morning, Natalie was excited for Angie, though the whole business of the counterfeit money was a black cloud hanging over her head. She didn’t have to worry about anyone coming for her and the money though. Not with all the pack members here, setting up for the walk across the grass to the dance stage, which was the altar for now. It was a cool, clear morning, the sky blue with white, puffy clouds drifting across the expansive view, mountains off in the distance.

  The stage was decorated with white lights and wildflowers mixed with roses all in pinks, reds, yellows, and blues. Natalie wished she could have been here earlier to help out with the decorations, but everyone in the pack had assisted, from the guys building garden arches and a gazebo and hanging the lights to the ladies decorating with flowers, ribbons, and lace.

  Brock approached Natalie before everyone dressed for the wedding. “The pack paid for the gazebo and arches as a wedding present. Since Aaron is so gracious about letting everyone come here for pack parties, it was the least we could do.”

  “That’s really nice. Angie said one of your more senior wolves is walking her down the aisle. A former pack leader, she said.”

  “Yeah. When we were young, a fire spread through the area, killing most of Bella and Serena’s family and some of the Greystoke pack members. Many of us were youngsters. At the time, Argos was our pack leader. He helped to gather our people and lead them to safety across the river, where we stayed until it was okay to return to our land and rebuild the homes that had been destroyed.

  “Some of the homes had been spared, but no one could have remained there during the fire and lived; the smoke had sucked the oxygen out of the air. We buried our loved ones and started anew. Argos was a great and fair leader, until Volan fought him to remove him as the pack leader. But the wise old wolf continued to teach us how to live and prosper and always knew that Devlyn would one day have the strength to lead. Devlyn finally killed Volan, freeing the pack from his tyranny, and Bella proved she also had what it took to be a pack leader, showing a female gray she wouldn’t rule at Devlyn’s side as his mate. In honor of everything Argos has done for us over the years, Angie asked him to walk her down the aisle since she has no male relative to give her away. She said your dad would have, if he could have come to the wedding. Devlyn would have, had Argos not wanted to, but Argos was thrilled to be asked.”

  “That will be so special.” Natalie noticed everyone was going to the guesthouse and the ranch house. “It must be time to get dressed.”

  “Yeah, see you in a little bit.”

  Everyone in the wedding party had dressed with a western theme for the big event: cowboy hats, boots, flouncy white skirts, and blue jean jackets for the bridesmaids; blue jeans, white shirts, and denim jackets for the guys. Angie was absolutely glowing in a lacy white gown with an overskirt of blue denim, the front of the denim cut in a V to show off the lace. She also was wearing a white cowgirl hat and boots. Natalie swore she was more nervous for her friend than Angie was for herself.

  After everyone was dressed for the wedding, and before Angie walked down the grassy aisle between the chairs they’d set up for the event, she pulled Natalie aside in the house. “One of Aaron’s other cousins was supposed to walk you to your place, but Brock insisted he escort you, and the good doctor, his cousin Heath, will escort another of the bridesmaids instead.”

  Natalie thought Brock was so sweet to insist. He was total SEAL wolf material.

  Angie was looking at her curiously, waiting for a response.

  “Sure. Good thing. He’s serious about being my bodyguard.”

  Angie smiled. “That’s what he said.” Then she laughed. “Okay, just wanted to make sure you were fine with it, and he wasn’t pushing to do this while you were unaware.”

  “Was the doctor upset with the change of plans?”

  Still smiling, Angie shook her head. “He said he knew that while Brock was denying he would be hooking up with another woman in the next millennium, he really didn’t feel that way.”

  “He’s not hooking up with me.”

  “He kissed you, right? When you said you were trying to pretend you were ‘together’ together, I know he had to have kissed you. And I imagine Brock is like Aaron—a consummate kisser.”

  “I kissed him.”

  Angie laughed. “You go for it, girl.”

  “We’re not hooking up.” Though if Natalie had the chance to get to know Brock Greystoke, who knew how things might evolve?

  “Uh, yeah.” Angie winked at her.

  “Time for everyone to line up,” Bella said, getting the ladies ready.

  Natalie gave Angie a big hug. “You are so beautiful. And I’m thrilled you met Aaron. He and the rest of the pack seem wonderful. I’m so glad for you.”

  “Could be you too. Just hang around and get to know some of the guys. They’ve been so warm and welcoming. You’d love it here too.”

  “They have been, but I’ve got to get back to work.” Natalie realized that was all she’d been doing the last couple of years. Even when Angie had wanted her to go skiing with her, Natalie hadn’t felt she could leave her parents to run the garden center by themselves. For Angie’s wedding, sure, but not just to have fun.

  “You know what they say about all work…”

  “They say you get to eat and pay the bills.”

  Angie smiled. “Right. But just think, you might have learned to ski under the tutelage of a hunky male wolf.”

  Natalie could just imagine how badly her parents would have felt if both she and Angie had left them.

  Then Bella took charge and had all the bridesmaids line up. Bella was in the lead, and the best man and groomsmen came to escort the matron of honor and bridesmaids to their places. Natalie thought Brock looked right dapper in his western wear as he escorted her to the front, her bouquet of roses and wildflowers in her hands.

  Argos led Angie up the aisle next, and she truly was beautiful. The elderly man looked as pleased as could be to give the bride away.

  It was lovely here, so special, and perfect for her friend who loved horses. Natalie got to thinking that when she married, she wanted to have a garden wedding. And a honeymoon in the tropics.

  * * *

  Brock was glad the wedding had gone off without a hitch. Now everyone was ready for the afternoon feast and then dancing. He couldn’t help seeking out Natalie once the ceremony ended. He saw her talking with some of the ladies, and he didn’t want to intrude. But he was watching his bachelor cousins and some of the other males in the pack, ready to intrude if they made a move toward her.

  Vaughn joined him before they all took a seat for the feast. “Taking your duty to heart?”

  Brock should have known his brother would be watching him observe Natalie.

  “Yep. Can’t call myself a bodyguard if I’m not guarding my client’s body.”

  Vaughn smiled. “She’s safe here. Well, mostly. You just have to watch out for our bachelor cousins. If she falls for one of them, you’ll have to see her all the time and know you didn’t get the girl because you were still riled over the old flame.”

  “She wasn’t a ‘flame.’”

  “Not like this one could be, I betcha.”

  “If I asked Natalie to be my mate, you would be shocked.”

  Vaughn smiled at Natalie.

  “You would.”

  “Yep. I told you that you were thinking of her in that way.”

  Aaron joined them as one of the pack members took pictures of the bride with her bridesmaids. “Thinking of who in what way?”

  “Nothing.” Brock gave Vaughn a look that told him to quit talking about it.

  Vaughn looked at Natalie but didn’t say a word.

  “Ahh, I should have known. The ladies always fall for the SEAL wolves,” Aaron sa
id. “I was damn lucky Angie hadn’t met you.”

  “Not this time. She was much more interested in a rancher type,” Vaughn said.

  Aaron laughed. “Looks like the weather is going to be perfect. We won’t have to move to the barn for the feast and dancing.”

  Aaron had converted a large, red barn into a place the pack could use for social gatherings. In anticipation of good weather, the tables were set outside for the feast. Blue flax, wild rose, western wallflower, and columbines in the surrounding field provided a spectacular mass of color for the festivities, with the mountains nearby snowcapped, the sky blue, and the sun bright. A gentle breeze was blowing as the barbecued pork ribs and chicken, steaks, corn on the cob, potato salad, coleslaw, rice, and baked beans were being served. The large wooden stage was ready now for dancing, and band equipment was already set up.

  Natalie was smiling pretty for pictures with Angie, giving her a big hug for one of the shots and turning to see Brock watching her. She smiled at him, and that made his day. As much as he hated to admit it, his brother was right. If Natalie hooked up with one of his cousins or any of the other bachelor males in the pack, he wouldn’t like it. She wasn’t anything like Lettie. She had no hidden agenda. She was here just to celebrate her friend’s wedding. Natalie wasn’t trying to snag a male wolf’s attention either. And that intrigued him all the more. How could he win over the she-wolf who could only think about getting back to her parents and helping them out at the garden center?

  Family meant the world to him, and he appreciated that she felt the same way about hers.

  He winked at her, and she blushed.

  * * *

  Natalie had been afraid she wouldn’t fit in, that Angie and her mate would be too busy to spend a lot of time with her. They were, but Brock was always there for her instead. And she really appreciated that. He was cute when it came to serving as her bodyguard, yet she thought there was more to it than that. The scoundrel winking at her made her blush to high heaven, and she noticed that Bella’s sister had snapped a picture of her and Brock. She sighed. Nothing could ever come to anything between them with them living so far apart. Still, she loved how he had made her visit here even more special.


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