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SEAL Wolf Surrender

Page 27

by Terry Spear

  “Are you able to fight these guys, or are you here as the medic?” she asked Heath.


  “Then don’t get yourself hurt.”

  Heath said, “Believe me, I intend to do the hurting if this guy and his men come here.”

  Chapter 20

  When they arrived back at the garden center, Natalie hoped this would end this morning, with all the bad guys gone and all the good guys safe and uninjured. Everyone had been taking turns catnapping on the trip to the halfway point and now the return home. “We need to get the cats in the house this time,” she said.

  Still not dawn, the motion-detector lights were going off. Some of the men were running as wolves as Brock drove into the garage and shut the garage door. He wouldn’t let Natalie leave the Humvee until he and his cousins made sure her house was safe. “I’ll get Shawn to gather them up, using the treats like he did before. He’ll put them up at your parents’ house?”

  “Yes, thanks. And…I’ve got a gun,” she reminded Brock.

  “I know. Just humor me, will you?”

  She sighed. “Go ahead, be my hero.”

  He leaned down and kissed her cheek. “I’m your bodyguard and your mate.”

  “And I’m thrilled for that.” Even if she felt she could help out, he was a warrior and she was a gardener, so she understood his need to feel he had to protect her.

  “Good.” He gave her a reassuring smile and kissed her.

  Then he shut her door, and he and the others entered the house, guns readied.

  She sat in the garage, protected by the Humvee, trying to hear anything she could as the men walked through the house. The light in the garage was still on, but now it was fading. And then it was dark.

  No one was shooting anyone, so that was good news. But she wanted to be with them, not sitting in the car where she couldn’t see what was going on. She wasn’t a sitter. She was a doer. But she wasn’t foolhardy either. She waited for Brock to give her the all clear.

  The door to the garage opened. Natalie readied her gun, but then she saw it was Brock, backlit by the light that was on in the house. She sighed and smiled.

  He stalked to the Humvee and opened the door for her just as she was grabbing her purse and getting ready to leave the vehicle.

  “Come on, honey. Everything’s clear.”

  She left the car and hugged him. She hadn’t realized how anxious she’d been about him and the others, particularly after the shoot-out Brock and Shawn had dealt with earlier. “Nobody’s been here?”

  “We can’t determine if they have been for sure. They probably would have worn hunter’s concealment so we wouldn’t catch their scent.” Brock held her tight, running his hand over her back in a comforting way. She loved how he made her feel protected and loved. But their intimate contact was getting other things worked up. Pheromones were coming to the forefront. She felt his cock stirring against her, and her nipples were beginning to peak.

  He kissed her forehead. “It doesn’t appear anyone has accessed either home. No broken windows or locks. Shawn called me from your parents’ place. Dexter’s men probably would have come here first, figuring this was where we’d brought the money.” Brock’s phone jingled as he led Natalie into the house and locked the garage door. “Yeah, Devlyn? Hell, that’s good news. No one’s here so far. We’ll talk later. Have a great pack bonfire.”

  “They arrived safely in Greystoke with the money?” Natalie asked when Brock pocketed his phone.

  “Yeah. No problem at all. And Vaughn called me before I went out to the Humvee to get you and said no one showed up to eliminate Lettie. The team is going to sit on her place for a couple more days, in case there’s still trouble coming. Hopefully, we’ll neutralize all the key players before long, but if not, she’ll have to either move in with someone in the pack temporarily or hire protection. Our people can’t provide her security long term in Boulder.”

  “She’s lucky the pack members have offered her this much protection. I thought the world of you for sending your brother to protect Lettie, despite how she lied to you.”

  “You helped me see she wasn’t so bad after all. You’re a good influence on me.”

  She smiled wickedly at him, wanting to ravish him in the bedroom, but she was sure that wasn’t on the agenda for now. “What do we do now?”

  Brock led Natalie to her bedroom. “We’ll work shifts through the day so we can get some sleep but still manage to run the garden center. You can help watch the security monitors, but for now, Heath will.” Brock’s hands massaged her shoulders, pulling the tension from them.

  She felt like melting into the carpet. “And you?” She ran her hands underneath Brock’s shirt, bare skin to bare skin. She loved feeling his toned muscles and smooth, warm skin, and she suspected he wanted to make love to her before things got bad. Which made him her perfect mate.

  He smiled at her and combed his fingers through her hair. “I’m going to help alleviate some of the tension that keeps erupting between the two of us whenever we’re hugging each other so you can get some sleep.”

  “You are so my hero!”

  He chuckled, then began to kiss her, his hands slipping up her shirt and unfastening the clasp of her bra in front. Then he slid his hands over her breasts, making her already sensitive nipples scream for his touch. She moaned out loud.


  No! She didn’t want to stop this for even a second.

  “Should have thought of this first.” His voice was husky as he took a few strides toward the door and closed it. Then he rejoined her and took up where he left off, kissing her mouth, fondling her breasts beneath the T-shirt, making her feel sexy and wanted. “God, you smell so good,” he said.

  “And you.” But that was all she could breathe out as he bent down to kiss her mouth again, their lips pressed gently at first, then more urgently. Her hands slipped under his shirt again, sliding over his hard muscles to his pebbled nipples. She had made them do that, arousing them, just like his cock was growing harder, pressed against her belly.

  His hands moved to the bottom edge of her shirt. He lifted it to pull it off and quickly divested her of her lacy bra too.

  For a moment, he looked down at her breasts, and then his hands tenderly stroked them.

  He knew just how to get her motor running. Even now, she was wet and ready for him. And hot and needy.

  Their heartbeats ramped up, and he nuzzled her face and nibbled on her earlobe, his breath hot against her ear, tickling her, and she smiled. He cupped her breasts and began to massage them. Her nipples were so receptive as she leaned into his hands, wanting more of the heat and friction of his touch. Her breasts were achy and heavy, and she loved the way he enjoyed touching her.

  He rubbed his body against hers, and she felt his cock fully aroused, her blood already hot with desire. He was so sexy that she just wanted to eat him all up.

  “Hmm,” she said, wrapping her arms around his neck and rubbing her body against his swollen cock. Oh, she was so ready for this.

  He groaned with need, and she licked his chin, telling him she felt the same as he did.

  He pulled off his shirt and dropped it on the bed. Wanting him inside her now and attuned to every bit of him—from his tantalizing, musky male scent to the husky way he was breathing and the ravenous look in his dark eyes—she quickly jerked at his belt to unfasten it and unzipped his jeans.

  “Boots,” he said, his face taut with need as he scooped her up and set her on the bed and hurried to pull her boots off, then removed his.

  They’d needed to do that first!

  Socks were tossed, jeans were dumped, then they were back to kissing. Except that she still had her panties on, and he was wearing his boxer briefs. She slipped her fingers underneath his waistband to cup his buttocks. He did the same to her, sliding his hands down her panti
es to mold his hands to her bottom. Their chests were pressed together, their mouths kissing. But then she tugged his boxer briefs down over his narrow hips and smiled to see his cock free, and he hurried to slip the briefs off the rest of the way, and her panties too.

  She climbed onto the mattress. He moved in beside her and began stroking her clit, making her hot and desperate to find release. He was so good at it, and with all the kissing and touching beforehand, she was already reaching for the heavens. He inserted a finger between her feminine folds, pulling out and then rubbing his wet finger over her clit, lightly at first, slowly, circling the clit, then harder and faster.

  She groaned with the pleasure he was giving her.

  He lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her deeply. His touch was exquisite, and she was enraptured by him. Her breathing halted as she climbed to the peak, her nails gently scratching his sides, her fingers digging into his hips as she came. She swore his whole body was even harder than before.

  “Oh, yes,” she said, her voice as hushed as she could make it under the circumstances, and he smiled warmly at her before he slid his cock deep inside her for the ultimate feast.

  * * *

  Brock thrust deeply into his mate, intoxicated with the sexy scent of her, the feel of her wrapped around him, and the taste of her as he licked her mouth and tongue. The heat and wetness of her hugged his cock, ripples of her climax stroking him. He skimmed his mouth over her jaw, then kissed her mouth. She opened her mouth to his and sucked on his tongue. He groaned.

  Her fingers gripped his biceps as if she were falling off the edge of the world again. The muscles of her sex tightened around him, forcing a low groan to escape his lips. Their pheromones mixed it up in a wild tango, telling him just how right this was between them.

  She was just what he needed in a mate. Just as needy as he was when it came to taking pleasure in each other. She arched against him, moving her hands over his naked ass, her bare heels hooking over the backs of his legs. He pumped into her, so glad they hadn’t waited to mate. And then he felt the tumultuous explosion rock his world, and this time, she cried out, not holding back, and then blushed to high heaven.

  He chuckled and cupped her face, his elbows propped on the bed on either side of her, and kissed her again. “As much as I’d prefer staying here with you, I’m going to make some rounds while you get some rest. I’ll wake you later.”

  “Be careful, Brock.”

  “I will be.” He kissed her again, and she kissed him back. She finally released her hold on him, and then he left. After the mention of him being wounded a few times, he was afraid that she would think he wasn’t very good at dodging bullets. It just depended on how many of them were headed his way!

  * * *

  None of Dexter’s hired guns showed up at the garden center that day. Several of the Greystoke men served as guards while Natalie, Brock, and Shawn ran the garden center, as everyone took turns getting some sleep during the day in case they had to fight that night. They were beginning to think Dexter had called it quits, packed up and left. Unless it was taking him some time to recruit more men to carry out his bidding. That night, they were preparing for the onslaught again.

  Natalie closed her eyes and imagined Brock prowling around in the dark as a wolf with the others, and she couldn’t sleep. She heard him tell Heath she was going to sleep for a while and he was headed outside. Heath agreed.

  Then Brock must have shifted, because she heard the squeak of the wolf door.

  Sleep wasn’t about to come. Not when she was too keyed up about what Dexter might pull next. She left the bed, threw on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, and padded out to the living room to join Heath. She was still feeling embarrassed over being so exuberant during her lovemaking with Brock and was thinking seriously of asking her mom and dad if they could stay with another family so she could have some newlywed time alone with her mate.

  Heath glanced at her from where he was sitting, watching the security monitors. “Can’t sleep?”

  She shook her head.

  “Brock believes Dexter didn’t have enough men to recruit to deal with us. Or maybe he’s not planning to hit us until around three or so in the morning when he figures we’ll all be wiped out. If Dexter couldn’t grab his money already, he’ll probably figure you took it somewhere else. Maybe all the way back to the pack in Colorado. Then what? You wouldn’t be returning the same day, most likely. Or if you were, it would take several hours more to make it there and back.”

  That’s why Brock hadn’t felt the urgency to help the other men keep up the surveillance. She loved how astute he was when dealing with an issue like this.

  “True. So it sounds like Dexter didn’t follow us to Colorado,” Natalie said.

  “No. Or he would have realized there were too many people to confront. He didn’t follow us back or we would have known. We thought he might have sent someone to check to see what was going on at the garden center today, but no one suspected anyone was a spy that came to the business.” Heath smiled. “We’re so glad to have you in the pack, and I’m delighted you and my cousin are mated. Man, did he work fast.”

  She laughed. “It was mutual.” She began watching the monitors, despite how sleepy she felt. She could barely keep her eyes open, but her brain wouldn’t shut down.

  They watched them in silence, but she was glad Heath was observing them too. She was afraid she might miss something, she was so tired.

  Half an hour later, Brock walked into the house and saw her sitting up and watching the monitors with Heath. He shifted. “Hey, Natalie. Can’t you sleep?”


  “No one seems to be coming. Not that we’re going to let down our guard. Let me grab my gun and some clothes.” Brock came back a few minutes later, dressed and armed.

  Heath rose from the couch. “I’ll go out and watch for a while.”

  “Thanks, Heath. You don’t want to go to bed?” Brock asked Natalie, sitting down beside her on the couch.

  “No. I’d rather just watch the monitors with you.” She snuggled up against him on the couch while he observed the security monitors. But she laid her head in his lap and closed her eyes.

  He chuckled. “Well, this works too.”

  “It sure does.” She felt comfortable, safe, loved, and she so loved Brock for it. He gently stroked her hair while she drifted off to sleep.

  * * *

  Brock was watching the security monitors but only seeing his pack members moving around in the dark, some as wolves, some still as armed humans, in case Dexter sent armed humans again. He was glad Natalie and her parents could see what being part of a pack meant. How they helped each other out, no matter what the circumstances.

  After Brock had monitored the security screens for an hour and a half, Shawn came into the house. He smiled to see Natalie with her head on Brock’s lap, sound asleep.

  “Hey,” Shawn said, his voice hushed. He motioned with his head to her and then waved to her bedroom down the hall. “I’ll cover for you here. Why don’t you get some sleep?”

  That worked for Brock. And he really did plan on sleeping. Until he moved his sexy mate to the bedroom and she stirred awake and wanted more loving. And he was ready to oblige.

  Chapter 21

  Brock woke to a wolf’s howl outside the carriage house and Shawn yelling from the living room that they had movement in the gardens. Natalie was out of bed in a flash and throwing on clothes. Then she grabbed her gun.

  Brock hollered to Shawn, “Human? Wolves?”


  “I’ll watch the security monitors,” Natalie said and headed for the living room.

  Brock followed behind her. Shawn started to strip. Natalie sat down on the couch to monitor the security cameras.

  “How many are there?” Brock asked, looking at the monitor.

  “Five. Dexter and
his men, if he’s even with them, are outnumbered. He probably figures there are still only the two of us men and Natalie, instead of a combined nine of us,” Shawn said.

  “As long as there aren’t more of them coming in late as backup,” Natalie warned.

  “Agreed. I’m going out to help our men.” Shawn shifted.

  He was definitely eager to get out and fight with the encroaching wolves. Brock considered joining the others too, but he needed to stay here and protect Natalie. They had enough men on the grounds to deal with Dexter and his men. Brock just didn’t want anyone breaking into the house and putting Natalie at risk like the last time.

  “I’m staying with Natalie.” He shifted, and he swore she sighed with relief. He couldn’t have helped her the last time they’d been separated when they had the fight here. His cousin couldn’t have successfully dealt with the armed gunmen on his own. This time, his pack members should have the advantage.

  Shawn woofed in acknowledgment and dashed out through the wolf door.

  As a wolf, Brock sat beside Natalie, watching the monitor, but suddenly one of the security cameras went out, and all they had was static on the monitor.

  “They found the security camera on my parents’ home,” she said, alarmed.

  Then they saw a man’s face get close to the security camera on Natalie’s carriage house.

  Brock shifted. “Hell, it’s Dexter.”

  “He’s not running as a wolf.”

  But then the monitor’s screen turned to static.

  “We couldn’t see anything but his face. He must have shifted to obstruct the camera.” Brock was dying to go out and deal with the guy, but he wouldn’t. He was determined to stay here and protect Natalie.

  “I’m not doing anything now while the cameras aren’t working,” Natalie said.

  “You’re armed with a gun. If anyone breaks into the house, shoot him.”

  Something suddenly crashed through the kitchen window. Smoke started to fill the house. Damn it. The rogue wolves were trying to smoke them out.


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