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Red Hot Steamy Romance Boxed Set: A Steamy Military Romance Series Collection

Page 22

by Penelope Wylde

“You’re doing it again, man. Stop overanalyzing everything.” Caden worked to keep the growing frustration from his tone.

  He and Reece had been through some rough times together and that put it mildly. War had a damn strong way of bonding a unit and its members. They’d quickly become friends and now partners, but if Reece wanted to throw on the brakes before they even left the damn parking lot, Caden would have no problem in giving his best friend a pounding if that is what it took to knock some sense into that thick skull of his.

  Caden angled his head to keep the beach in his peripheral while he waited for Reece to gather his words. “Just let it happen, Reece. You saw how easy the three of us fit together. You had no problem earlier and I can see how she affects you.”

  “That’s what scares the shit out of me. It’s too easy and I can’t keep away from her. That kind of power is dangerous.” Reece retreated into his chair, slipping his glasses into place once again.

  Fuck. Classic Reece move when something weighed on his chest. “There’s something different about her. I get it.”

  “Not everything is supposed to be hard.” Caden stood up and shoved his fists into the pockets of his jeans. He had to do something or he’d be tempted to give the man a good wake-up call.

  “Fuck it. Look, Reece, Abigail’s not like the other women we’ve dated together or alone. You’re right. She’s different on so many levels. Give her a chance to prove it, if that’s what you need. We’ve chewed on this topic for the last six months and there’s no going back after what we’ve already shared with her.”

  “Do you really want to go through with this? Taking her? Damn man, what if...”

  “What if she leaves like Heather? I know that’s what you’re thinking. She left us a year ago, Reece. And if Abigail wants to leave, well, then that’s up to her. Not a damn thing we can do about it, but I’ll tell you one thing. While we’re here figuring the clusterfuck of a situation out, I’m not going to sit around waiting for you to grow a set. We decided a hell of a long time ago that our fucked-up way of life is the way it is. We are who we are, Reece. Not many accept it. Heather is one of them. She couldn’t take the people talking or her family’s disapproval. Time to move on. If you want to back out, go your separate way, no hard feelings. But if you want something real, Abigail’s upstairs naked and fucking horny for us. That’s enough for me. For now. Everything else will play out like it’s supposed to. Or not, hell, I’m not a fucking fortune teller. I’m just not waiting around anymore.”

  With that thrown out there, Caden did an about-face and crossed the threshold to what awaited him upstairs. They had a lot of work to do to nail down the group behind the threat on Abigail’s life, but it was all in the hands of their team at the moment.

  For now, they had to shift gears for their afternoon meeting with the Jalisco governor. Training the federal police of Mexico as private contractors would look damn good in their portfolio, a topic that was hitting a little too close to home since the revelations of the past few hours.

  His fists ached to give the fucker after Abigail a good pounding, but today’s meeting was a bigger move toward taking the bastards down for good.

  He took the last steps that led him to where Abigail showered and his mind looped back to his talk with Reece. Damn. He had better ways of spending his morning than going over the same old argument with him. The man would have to make up his own mind.

  Chapter Nine

  Abigail tilted her head back and let the warm stream of water work over her body like a lover’s touch, loosening the knots of tension until the remnants of yesterdays stress dissipated.

  She stepped out of the spray of water and moved closer to the window. The wall of glass bricks broke away to reveal the panoramic view of the ocean just beyond the large open window directly opposite of her. It was love at first sight.

  From the second floor she could see in either direction of the empty beach. Since arriving, she hadn’t seen anyone walk along the sandy shore. The guys’ private spread was like a hidden gem. Peace had no price, especially this morning and she lavished in the cool ocean breeze along her wet body.

  Captivated by the water, she watched the waves break against the sand, the thunderous vibrations working their way inside her, amping her libido notch by notch.

  What are you doing here, chica?

  Taking it an hour at a time. It was the best she could do.

  Where was her sister when she needed her? Did it matter? Probably wouldn’t do her any good. Shay would tell her she was out of her flipping mind and she’d agree. But she was too deep to turn around now. Not that she really wanted to.

  How could she forget how Reece and Caden made her feel? How could she not want more of the same?

  But where were they?

  If she was a betting woman, she would have said five minutes tops before the men were in here with her, but close to fifteen minutes had passed since she’d climbed the stairs alone. She let out a sigh. Men could be so frustrating. What if they were regretting their little foreplay back on their plane? What if they realized making a pass at their assistant was a bad idea after all?

  Abigail turned to the water for another rinse. Instead, she crashed nose first into a wall of naked muscle. Strong arms wrapped around her, pulling her close. Water cascaded over her face, and she sputtered to catch her breath.

  A masculine chuckle worked over her, the sound as soothing as the large hands holding her steady.

  She didn’t need to see him to know which one was in the shower with her. “Caden, you scared me to death.”

  “Sorry, sweetheart. The view was too beautiful to tamper with.”

  “You should give a warning next time you plan on sneaking up on me.”

  “Yes, ma’am. Noted and filed.” Caden moved his broad back in front of the water to block the spray from hitting her in the face. She wiped off the excess water before settling her hands on his solid chest.

  He pressed her closer and that was when she realized his chest wasn’t the only bare part of him touching her.

  Her core tightened.

  What really caught her full attention was the indent to his hips that dipped to a very impressive, pulsing cock lightly bouncing between them.

  “Hope you don’t mind. Thought I’d join you in the shower.” He angled his head and spoke in a husky voice. He worked in the right amount of heat because the warmth that hit her from head to toe stole every ounce of air, leaving her panting in his arms. She didn’t know how, but he knew exactly how to push all her buttons.


  Not giving her time to adjust to having him so close and so naked, Caden swooped in and gathered her face between his palms, planting warm kisses along her cheeks, forehead then the very tip of her nose. “I love you all flushed and feisty. If I could bottle up your essence, it would be the most intoxicating drug in the world, baby, and every man would gladly take it just to have a part of you.”

  “And how about you? Am I your kind of poison, Caden?”

  “Oh, Abigail, you were made for me and I’ll prove it before too long.”

  “Maybe it will be a sunrise for three?”

  She gave him her sexiest smile and ran her fingers over the dips and grooves of his chest. A dark thought settled over her, erasing the smile.

  “Where’s Reece?”

  “Give him a little time, sweetheart—he’ll come around. He just needs to pull his shit together and drop the demons that ride him a little harder than the rest of us.”

  It burned a hole in her heart to think it was her he didn’t want. On their flight, he hadn’t participated much in their amorous moment. He’d made sure she was content and pleasured, but he’d let Caden take the reins. What kept him disconnected? Hell, he was the one that had kissed her first. Her face burned and the damn butterflies started up their torture again. She hated not knowing where she stood, and these two had kept her at a constant tilt for too long now.

  Reece was the damn king of sending mix
ed signals. She didn’t know what was real and what was a front for others. What would it take to get him to see she wanted this as much as she thought he did? She bit her lip, her chest tightened and all she wanted was to put her arms around him and kiss the man senseless.

  “It kills me to see that tortured look tarnish such a beautiful face.”

  Both she and Caden swiveled to face Reece who stood in the doorway, his shoulder propped on the wood, hair mussed in a sexy mess and barefooted. His ankles crossed and hands shoved in his pockets. A look of uncertainty twisted his features.

  Abigail held Caden’s gaze for just a second before he nodded. He moved to the side and held her hand while she stepped out of the open-style shower. Water trailed ribbons down her body to make small pools along the red Spanish tiles, but she paid no mind to them. She only had eyes for Reece. His face turned pained, dark.

  She faltered in her step.

  She leveled her chin and shoved away the doubt that wanted to creep into the recesses of her mind. Hadn’t she resolved to get him to see she wanted this?

  Either do or don’t, chica.

  Abigail pushed forward despite the warning she saw in the depths of his eyes, ready to help him see just how important this moment was to her.

  She invaded his personal space, wrapped her arms around his neck and tugged him closer. Which wasn’t an easy task given the half foot or more he had on her.

  With her hands buried in his hair, she locked him in right where she wanted him. In a slow movement, she closed the distance, touching her lips to his in a gentle brush of skin, teasing the seam with the tip of her tongue until he opened for her.

  He pushed up from his leaning position and snaked his arms around her waist. Water soaked through his clothing, but neither of them cared. He cupped the globes of her ass, kneading the plump flesh. He hauled her closer against his huge, bulging erection.

  Eagerness spiraled through her, sending a rush of goosebumps along her body. He tightened his hold. Her nipples pebbled and pressed into his chest.

  Abigail shuddered from the exquisite pressure. The smolder in his eyes darkened and he groaned deep in his throat. She smiled. Mmm, he had such a sexy growl.

  She stole a glance toward Caden. He stood with his arms braced against the half wall outlining the shower area, his eyes lasered in on her.

  She raised her eyes up to Reece’s and released her hold on his hair. She moved her hands to the hem of his black T-shirt. In a single tug she revealed her warrior, drinking him in slowly.

  She whimpered, tingling all over from wanting all of him naked. Right now.

  She gasped, unable to hold back the shock that hit her like a punch to the gut. Scars she hadn’t noticed the previous night in the subdued lighting stood out in the bright morning sunshine.

  They weren’t as extensive as Caden’s burns but they were still there and denoted everything the man had gone through to protect others.

  Protect her.

  She swallowed past the lump lodged in her throat. Fear of him putting himself in harm’s way for her took root in her mind and she couldn’t shake it.

  “Don’t worry about those, darling. It’s from a long time ago.”

  She traced a finger over a jagged scar along the crease of his left arm and another over his left ribcage. It had to be five inches long. “I can’t imagine the pain you must have gone through. Both of you.” She whispered the words, afraid to say them any louder in fear of something more severe happening to them. She looked to Caden again and then back to the scar beneath her fingers.

  “Do they bother you, Abigail?”

  She pulled back, shocked. “No. Never.” She searched his eyes, desperate for him to know she would never be bothered by the sight of his old wounds. Or Caden’s. She shot a look at Caden and he smiled in understanding.

  She turned her face up to Reece’s. “Kiss, me, show me you want this. That you want us.”

  Scars forgotten, a wicked smile played with the corners of his mouth, erasing the haunted look in his eyes. With one hand he fisted the long, wet length of her hair and tugged her into his arms.

  “I think I can do better than that.”

  She loved the teasing promise to his words. He devoured her lips, tongue and delved back in for more.

  Just as quickly he pulled back.

  In three swift movements, Reece disrobed and stood before her in all his masculine glory. Her gaze drifted over his rock-hard body, lean waist, and thick, throbbing cock obviously swollen with the need to fuck her.

  Her mouth watered and her heart melted just a bit more at the look in his eyes.

  Heat eased up her neck and settled in her cheeks. She took a deep breath and smiled, her gaze traveling further. She wanted a taste of both her men. She knew the workings behind taking two men, but she couldn’t help but worry if her body could handle so much at once.

  Reece watched her closely. He moved in, closing the small distance between them. With a gentle hand on her neck, he settled his forehead on hers. “We’ll take it slow. Only do what you feel comfortable with.” He gazed down at her with that sexy-as-sin smile that had her heart doing backflips.

  She returned the smile and moved to where Caden stood waiting and looked over her shoulder, her smile fading a degree when her gaze landed on the worst of his scars. The reason he walked with a slight limp.

  Angled in a jagged downward slash, a red, puckered scar marred the skin along his right hip and thigh. She turned her attention away from the obvious bad memories, intertwined their fingers and led him back to where Caden waited for them in the cool water. Now wasn’t the time for questions, but she would be honored to one day hear of their times in Afghanistan should they want to share.

  Reece turned his attention to Caden and nodded in silent understanding. They were so connected. She looked away, not wanting to intrude on their silent communication.

  Reece tipped her face up to look at him. “On second thought, Abigail, forget the sweats and T-shirt offer for after your shower. You won’t be needing them for a while.” He claimed her lips for another kiss before he pulled back with a devilish grin that melted her heart instantly. Like cotton-candy-in-your-mouth, sweet.

  Caden sidled up behind her, his massive cock pressing into the cleft of her buttocks. She can feel the pulsing need, the bulging veins beating against her ass and her pussy drips with her arousal.

  With a single hand on her abdomen, he pulled her back and rocked his hips.

  She melted into strong arms.

  Reece trailed his fingers along the paths of the water down her chest, across her sensitive nipples until he reached her bejeweled navel. He paused to run a finger along the jewelry before continuing on until he found what he wanted.

  He leaned in close to her ear, his fingers resting on the lips of her pussy. In a husky voice laced with desire, he said, “Did you know you’re wearing my birthstone?” Fire lit his eyes when he pulled back and it was all she could do to look him in the eye.

  Yes, but should she tell him that?

  “Tell, me Abigail. Did you pick that on purpose? Hoping I would one day see it?”

  She nodded. “And I have another for Caden’s. I switch depending on my mood.”

  She parted her thighs hoping to encourage his hand lower. Instead he swirled tiny circles just above the crease of her pussy. It drove her mad.

  “So what days do I get?” Amusement creased the lines around Reece’s eyes.

  “If I’m feeling irritated or edgy and having a don’t-want-anyone’s-bullshit kind of day, I use yours.”

  “I’m almost afraid to ask the days I get.” Caden’s lips curled into a smile along her neck.

  No use in holding back now. So she took the direct route. One she knew they would appreciate. “Horny days. Days where I allow myself to dream big and let my heart have room to grow. I don’t have many of those days, though.”

  “Horny days or growing days?”

  “Growing. Horny days have been every damn d
ay since I walked into your office for that dreadful first interview. I think the collection of pictures on my phone can attest to that.”

  Her admission froze them where they stood, but she didn’t imagine the sudden pulse of Reece’s cock against her ass or the thick drop of pre-cum coating Caden’s.

  Reece groaned and she reached out, taking his massive length in the palm of her hand.

  “Damn, that feels so fucking good,” he groaned.

  “Let’s make up for some lost time.” Reece turned her in the shower and scooped her right leg up to wrap around his thigh, her other firmly on the shower floor. She tensed, afraid of hurting him.

  “No, darling, I never want you to withhold yourself from me. Give me everything and never feel sorry for me.”

  If she were not already certain of her feelings for her men, she’d fall for them all over again. Her back against Caden’s chest and a leg thrown around Reece, she stood open to him—them—ready for what they wanted.

  Reece trailed his free hand along the length of her leg, up her thigh until he reached the V between her legs. He parted her lips and dragged a thick finger through her drenched pussy.

  Between her folds, the tight bundle of nerves throbbed, begging for his attention. He didn’t disappoint. He swirled a finger around her clit and dipped back between her folds but didn’t stop until he found her back entrances.

  She gasped. No one had ever touched her there.

  He kneeled in front of her, spreading her further to him. “Slip your leg over my shoulder, Abigail.” Caden held her steady as she did his bidding.

  “It’s my turn to taste you. Caden swears you’re pure smack.”

  He dipped his head between her thighs. The second his tongue made contact with her swollen bud Caden pinched her hard nipples.

  Raw need zing between both points to collide in the middle and spread from there in an all-consuming need.

  She fisted Reece’s hair from the sudden shock of sensations. Caden grabbed her chin and tilted her head his way. He crushed his lips into hers, demanding, stroking, taking what he wanted from her.


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