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Page 18

by Ellen, Melissa

“Fine. I’m here to lecture you. Sue me. It’s my right as your friend. In all the years I’ve known you, which is a long fucking time, I’ve never once seen you this tore up over a woman. Not even Jenna.”

  “It’s over.”

  “Word around town is that’s your choice. So, tell me why you’re sitting here, drowning in a bottle of whiskey, instead of curled up with her by a cozy fucking fire, snuggled under a blanket, sipping on cocoa.”

  “That’s a pretty picture you just painted.”

  “Yeah, I’m a real Van Gogh. Stop deflecting.”

  I dragged a palm over the scruff I hadn’t bothered to shave in days. There was another knock at my front door. My brow creased as I looked that direction. “Who is that?”

  “Hell if I know. It’s your house.”

  I exhaled, slamming my can on the counter. I muttered a line of curses as I stomped to the door and swung it open. I stilled when I saw the woman standing in my porch light.

  “Hey, stranger,” her voice trembled slightly with a nervous smile as she tucked her dark hair behind her ear.

  It took me a few seconds to realize she wasn’t just my imagination. “Cricket,” I responded, scanning her from head to toe. “Nice pajamas.”

  She laughed, and something inside me stirred.

  Roger cleared his throat from behind me. I stepped to the side, twisting to look at him.

  “I’m gonna take off.” He slid past me, giving me a clap on the shoulder. “Nice to see ya, Jenna. You look good.”

  She did a mock curtsy in her ridiculous pajamas as she grinned. “Thanks, Roger. I didn’t mean to run you off.”

  “No, worries. I was on my way out anyway.” Taking the steps down from my porch, he looked over his shoulder at me with a worried expression I didn’t understand.

  What the hell did he think was gonna happen?

  I watched him leave, trying to figure out how my night had turned out this crappy, and why everyone felt the need to drop by unexpectedly. I scanned the fields, wondering if they were all hiding in them, waiting for their turn to bombard me with their stupid words of wisdom.

  “Can I come in?” Jenna asked, drawing my attention back to her. She was pulling the edges of her coat snug across her chest.

  “Yeah.” I nodded, stepping aside.

  She walked past me, stopping just inside the entry. Her eyes traveled through the room as mine traveled over her. She looked good. She looked happy. Even in those silly pajamas.

  She slid out of her jacket, handing it over to me. I took it and hung it up on the coat rack. She clasped her hands in front of her, looking at me expectantly.

  I cleared my throat, nervous about being alone with her. It was a weird feeling, one I couldn’t quite put my finger on. I’d say it was guilt, but as far as I was concerned, I had nothing to feel guilty about. “You wanna drink?”

  “No. I’m driving and already had a few shots of tequila before getting the nerve to come over here.”


  I couldn’t even hear the word without thinking of Devin. If I had to take a guess, they were likely doing those shots together, and that was the reason for Jenna’s visit.

  I tucked my hands in my pockets, ducking my head. It pissed me off to think about Devin sitting somewhere taking shots of tequila because of me. I was pissed at how things ended. Pissed at the world for its unfairness. Pissed at myself for a million reasons I didn’t want to go into.

  “She loves you, Wes.”

  My head snapped up at the sound of her words. Four words and she had my undivided attention. I wanted to know everything Devin might have told her behind closed doors. But I wouldn’t ask. Because the shit between us was over. Finished. Done.

  Her body softened, her eyes full of the same sadness and disappointment I’d seen in them when I left her behind years ago. “You love her, too. I can see it. Even after all these years, I can still see the real you.”

  “Don’t Jenna.” I dug my fingers into my palms.

  “Why Wes? Why can’t you just open up?”

  “Jenna,” I warned again, but she just kept pushing.

  “She’s not gonna wait forever for you to stop being a jackass.”

  “This is none of your business.”

  “It is!” She stepped into my space, poking a pointed finger into my chest, causing me to take a small step back. “She’s my cousin! My best friend! And so were you at one point in our lives until you pushed me away!”

  “You were already gone!” I roared, my breath heaving with every excruciating heartbeat I was forced to feel. Her words were like weights, dragging me down to the bottom of the ocean.

  “No, Wes. I was right there. I’ve always been there for you. You just refused to ever fully open up to me. You couldn’t even tell me how you felt about me all those years ago.”

  “Is that what this is about? Are you jealous? Mad that I slept with your cousin and not you?” I smarted off.

  “Fuck you, Wes,” she gritted through her teeth.

  “No, thanks,” I sneered, taking another step back, folding my arms across my chest. “I may be a prick, but I draw the line at married women.”

  “I don’t know why I even bothered,” she huffed, brushing past me and yanking her jacket from the hook. She whipped back around to face me as she struggled into it. “I thought if I talked to you, you’d come to your senses and realize you were about to let a great woman slip away. I guess I was hoping you’d changed.” She reached for the doorknob.

  “Shit,” I cursed, pulling at my neck. Even with the alcohol muddling my brain, I knew I couldn’t let her leave like this. “Cricket, wait!” I grabbed her arm, stopping her. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean all that. I’m a dick. We both know that.” And I’d probably had way too much to drink, not that I’d be using that as an excuse.

  She yanked her arm away, still glaring at me.

  “Please.” I looked away, blowing out a breath. “Stay… I could use the company.”

  She crossed her arms, her eyes narrowing with suspicion. “I won’t sleep with you.”

  I felt an unexpected laugh bubble up, trying to burst from my mouth, thinking back to the night I first met Devin and how alike they were, yet so different.

  “I wouldn’t dream of sleeping with you either, not just because you’re married…but because I’m in love with your cousin.” I stared back at her.

  She smiled, her posture relaxing. “I knew it. Now we just have to figure out how you’re gonna get her back.”

  The little pussy in my chest jumped at that. “You think she’ll take me back?”

  “With my help, yeah. But you’ll have to do a lot of groveling. To both of us, after your douchebag comment earlier.”

  For the first time in what had to be weeks, my lips curled up in a genuine smile. “It’s good to see you, Cricket.”

  “You too, Wes. I missed you.”

  “Same.” I hugged her to me.

  Her little arms snaked around me, giving me a tight squeeze before they fell away. “All right, enough of that.” She pushed from me, walking into my living room and tossing her coat aside. “We’ve got our work cut out for us.”



  My bed bounced. Then a few sweet giggles erupted beside me. “Wake up, Devin! Santa came!”

  I groaned, rolling onto my stomach, covering my head with my pillow at the sounds of Jenna’s girls’ laughter. I wasn’t feeling so great after finishing off the bottle of shit tequila Jenna had left me alone with. I’d planned to drive home to stay at my own place, but thought better of it when the buzz from the tequila kicked in.

  One of their tiny hands prodded me in the ribs.

  “Give me five more minutes,” I moaned.

  “Momma says we can’t open the presents until everyone is up.”

  She would. It was likely a ploy just to torture me some more. She’d been like Fort Knox when she returned home late last night. When asked what took so long for her to get flour, she’d claim
ed they were out at the local supermarket and she had to drive to the next town over to get some. I knew something was up the moment I cornered her and asked her point blank if she’d gone to see Wes. She avoided my eyes while denying it.

  That was fine. I knew the truth. It just made me wonder what had been said between the two of them, and if she was lying to spare my feelings. I dropped it after that, deciding I didn’t want to know. I was more determined than ever to move past the heartbreak he’d left me with.

  “Pleaaasssse,” they begged in unison. “Wake up!”

  I twisted to my back, tossing the pillow from my head. “Fine. But you each owe me your share of Christmas cookies in payment.”

  They giggled and then jumped off my bed, running out of the guest bedroom, screaming, “She’s up! Can we open now?”

  With one more stretch and another groan, I pulled myself out of my bed. I padded across the wood floors of my aunt and uncle’s house to their guest bathroom. After struggling with the stupid onesie, I went to the bathroom, washed my face, and brushed my teeth.

  The house smelled of fresh coffee and sweet baked goods as I made my way downstairs, where all the rambunctious voices of my family were.

  I took a seat on the couch next to my mother, who was watching the girls sift through all the presents, looking for the ones that belonged to them. She patted my leg and I rested my head on her shoulder.

  “Merry Christmas, honey.”

  “Merry Christmas, Mom.” I forced a smile. Even though I felt anything but merry, I put on a happy face for her. I didn’t want to be the Scrooge that ruined my family’s Christmas.

  Jenna sat on the other side of me, handing me a cup of coffee. “Peace offering.”

  “Thank you,” I relented, taking it from her. I couldn’t stay mad at her anyway. Plus, the coffee smelled freaking awesome.

  “You’re welcome.” She smiled, lightly bumping my shoulder.

  The rest of the family filed in soon after. My dad kissed my mom, then the back of my head before taking his own seat across the room. The sounds of excited voices and laughing took over as we spent the rest of the morning opening gifts around the Christmas tree.

  * * *

  After breakfast, I stuffed the ugly onesie back in my bag and zipped it closed. Slipping my arms through the sleeves of my flannel shirt, I did a final scan of the room to make sure I had everything.

  “Leaving so soon?” Jenna’s voice came from behind me.

  “Yeah. I’m sorry.” I glanced at her. “I’m kind of exhausted and need some quiet time. I’ll come back before you guys leave tomorrow.”

  She walked deeper into the room, taking a seat on the bed. “I get it. Sometimes, I wish I could slip away and hide from everyone, too. What I’d give for a few moments of peace and quiet these days.”

  “You’re welcome to come with me. We can share a bottle of wine and binge on Netflix.”

  “Ugh. Sounds like heaven. Don’t tempt me.”

  I chuckled, picking up my bag and resting the strap on my shoulder. “Last chance.”

  “Nah, you go ahead. I don’t think Brad will forgive me if I disappear on him two days in a row, leaving him alone with the kids and in-laws.”

  She stood from the bed, giving me a hug. I squeezed her tight, missing her already.

  “Oh, good. You’re still here,” Uncle Robert interrupted with a relieved sigh as he stopped outside the room. “There was a message on the emergency line for the clinic.”

  “Is everything okay?” I asked.

  He shook his head, glancing over at Jenna and then back to me. “No. I could use your help on this one. You mind riding with me?”

  “Of course not. What’s going on?”

  “It’s a couple horses outside of town.”

  “Let me get my kit. I’ll meet you at the car,” I confirmed without hesitation, already rushing out the door.

  * * *

  Uncle Robert had little information about the situation for me as we drove. It was abnormal for him, but I chalked it up to a panicked client not giving him much in the voicemail.

  It wasn’t until we slowed at the entrance to the Monroe farm that I realized the expression on his face, the one I’d interpreted as concern for the animals, was guilt, and likely concern for his own wellbeing.

  “What are we doing here?” I turned on him.

  “Don’t be mad at me, kiddo. This wasn’t my idea.”

  “But you’re taking part in it anyway.”

  He cringed at my tone. “I’m sorry. The women in this family can be very convincing…and scary.” He eyed me, leaning away and closer to the driver’s door.

  “Is this even really an emergency?”

  “Depends who you’re asking.” He slowed the car outside the massive horse barn. He shifted it into park before turning to face me. “Do you hate me?”

  “No. Not if you turn this car around and take me home, now.”

  He gave me a weak smile, his eyes full of remorse. “No can do. I love you, but I also love golf. And I’ve been promised a weekend of it if I did this.”

  “You’re selling me out for golf!” I gawked.

  “Yep,” he declared, the remorse long gone.

  I blew out my breath in annoyance as I latched on to the handle. “Fine. Let’s get this over with.”

  We walked toward the barn and around a large trailer hitched to a truck I didn’t recognize. I expected for Wes to be the person to greet us. Instead, it was Tucker walking up, with Lily bouncing with anticipation beside him. I looked back at the trailer, where I heard a horse kicking around inside, suddenly remembering the Christmas surprise Lily was getting today.

  “Devin!” she squealed, running full speed and wrapping me in a hug at my waist. “Did you come to see my horse?”

  Bending at the knees, I lowered, taking her little hand in mine. “I sure did.” As much as it would annoy me, I truly hoped this was a trick and nothing was wrong with her horse.

  Uncle Robert and Tucker exchanged a quick greeting and handshake before Tucker was playfully tugging at Lily’s ponytail. “You ready to see her, Lily-pad?”

  “Yep!” Her cheeks were pink from the cold wind hitting them as she grinned, her eyes full of joyous excitement.

  The trailer door slowly swung open as Clark Thomas led the filly we’d visited months ago out of the trailer. She had a big red bow at her neck and a new tan saddle with pink stitching already on her back.

  Lily jerked Tucker forward as she took off. He was the only thing weighing her down and keeping her from running in a full-on sprint toward her new horse.

  I watched as Tucker helped her into the saddle. Her whole body radiated a contagious joy. I’d been so focused on the heartfelt moment, I hadn’t noticed the others joining us from inside the house, not until I felt Wes pressing close behind me.

  His hand landed at the small of my back as he leaned down, his low voice meeting my ear. “Can I show you something?”

  My stomach stirred, taking flight as soon as his breath had brushed against my cheek. Without looking at him, I nodded, unable to form words, too focused on the heat of his touch and the tenderness of it as he rubbed his thumb lightly over my back.

  His fingers lowered and intertwined with mine, his strong hold sending goosebumps across my skin. I followed a step behind him as he led me away from his family toward a nearby field. It only took a second for my eye to catch the beautiful black stallion in the distance. He was galloping through the tall, brown grass, as if burning off some steam before slowing to a stop, facing us head on.

  My breath caught as I stared back at the horse. “Is that…?” I took a few more steps forward, breaking our connected hands. “Oh my gosh,” I gasped, stepping up to the fence line. The horse took a few timid steps toward me, before picking up his pace, his head nodding up and down as he trotted right to me. I reached out my hand as he neared, brushing his nuzzle. “He’s…I can’t believe it.”

  “Glad to know I can still render you spee
chless.” I caught the smug smile on his face from the corner of my eye as he stepped up beside me.

  “Don’t flatter yourself.” I glanced at him. “The horse did. Not you.” I continued to rub down his wiry coat. He was perfectly content allowing me to.

  “What do you think?”

  “He’s beautiful. I’m amazed at how far he’s come. I can’t believe he’s tamed. It’s like he’s a different horse.”

  “Glad you like him. Because he’s yours.”

  “What are you talking about?” I spun to face him, my chest tightening.

  “I bought him. I want you to have him.”

  “Wes, you know I can’t accept him.”

  “You can. And I hope you can accept my apology for being a dumbass.”

  “Is that what this is? What he is?” I waved a hand toward the horse. “An apology?”

  He shook his head. “They’re two separate things. I want you to have him even if you don’t accept my apology. I’m just hoping you’ll accept us both.”

  I stared into his eyes as I mulled it over, knowing I couldn’t go back to the way things were. “Hypothetically speaking, say I did. Where does that leave us?”

  “Hopefully, naked in my bed.” He winked with a smug grin.

  “Wes,” I chided, looking back at the horse.

  “I’m kidding, Doc. Mostly.” He cupped my cheek as he forced me to meet his eyes again. “I want to give us a real shot. I figure if this guy can change for the better, maybe there’s hope for me.”

  “A real shot?”

  “Yes. A couple. Girlfriend, boyfriend. Whatever label you want to put on us, I’ll take. I just want you at the beginning and end of every day.”

  “I want that, too… But what happens when you get scared and act like an idiot again?”

  “I don’t know. You planning on breaking my heart, Doc?”

  I linked my hands at the base of his neck. “You gotta trust that I won’t. Someone once told me trust is a beautiful thing when it’s with the right person.”

  “Sounds like a smart guy.”

  “He can be. But it’s rare.”


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