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The Surpen King - Part 2 - Rise of the Elves

Page 8

by Charity Kelly

  Rhen wasn’t sure how Nirs knew about the Code Book, but he did know that the Vivist King was wrong. He wasn’t a Genister, so he wasn’t held accountable to the Code Book’s rules. Stepping forward, he made sure his cape was resting on Nirs’ head.

  “What’s he doing?” James asked Bosternd as he watched the Black Angel force Nirs to back up again.

  Bosternd grinned. “He’s doing what he does best. The Vivists haven’t got a chance.”

  Ceceta’s bracelet started to beep, making Nk swear. “It’s too soon. He isn’t going to have enough time to finish with Nirs. We may have to fight a war after all.”

  Out on the lawn, Nirs stepped back yet again. “So, I guess you are friends with the Surpens. Where’s their Emperor? We haven’t seen him in a while. Is he well?”

  Suddenly, Rhen appeared on the lawn behind Nirs’ soldiers. He strolled through the Vivists’ ranks towards Nirs and the Black Angel. Rhen was dressed in his full military battle outfit. His red tunic and cape looked brighter than normal against the Vivists’ grey hides. Rhen clicked to the Vivists using his tongue as he made his way to Nirs. He stopped beside the Black Angel and saluted the Vivist King.

  “Rhen?” Nirs had thought that Rhen was the Black Angel. He was surprised to see he’d been wrong.

  Everyone watching from Thestran’s palace was stunned. What was going on? They had thought that Rhen was the Black Angel, but how could that be when he was now standing beside the Black Angel. Had Rhen switched places with someone or was he really not the Black Angel? Had someone, with the power to change their form, been pretending to be him in the hospital?

  Nirs continued, “I was just asking about you. Where have you been?”

  “Busy,” Rhen clicked with his tongue. “You’re well, I see.”

  “Yes.” Nirs flicked his tail, telling his soldiers to return to their ships. He couldn’t defeat Rhen and the Black Angel. Together, they were much too powerful. “I didn’t know you were friends with the Black Angel.”

  “He’s like my brother,” Rhen clicked, giving Nirs a toothy grin. Nirs straightened his tail and his men quickened their retreat. At this rate, they’d be gone before Nirs made it back to his spacejet. “Going so soon?”

  Nirs dropped one of his front pincers to the ground. “Yes. Something has come up.”

  Rhen waved a hand in the air and clicked, “Well, I guess I’ll be seeing you.”

  Nirs hesitated. “I think we might have made a mistake regarding your place in the Convention. We’d be honored if you would join us at our next meeting.” They needed Surpen back on their side. They had been wrong to alienate Rhen. Now it seemed as if they were running the risk of having Surpen join Thestran’s Council. That would be bad for the Convention members. Very bad.

  Rhen tilted his head and clicked, “I’ll think it over and get back to you.”

  Satisfied, Nirs pushed off from the ground with his pincer, his actions swung his body about and he scurried off on his eight legs. A moment later, Rhen watched as the Vivists' ships began to leave Thestran.

  Ceceta’s bracelet was beeping rapidly by the time Rhen and the Black Angel began to run back towards Thestran’s palace. As they neared the steps to the Grand Hallway, James could see that Rhen was laughing. “What’s going on?” he snapped, when Rhen was close enough to hear him.

  Rhen hesitated, but the Black Angel grabbed his arm and pulled him along. The elfin royals glared at Rhen. They didn’t know what was happening. Had Rhen had been pretending to be Themrock? Who was dressed as the Black Angel? Was that the real Themrock? When the Black Angel reached Ceceta, he grabbed her hand and pulled her along so she was running too. They ran up the stairs into the family’s wing of the palace and down the hallway towards the hospital with the entire Thestran royal family, the elfin royals, Bosternd, Nk and their school friends following along behind them.

  Most of the Thestrans were yelling at Rhen. “What’s the meaning of this?” Naci barked.

  “You have some explaining to do,” Estan, the Wood Elf King, said.

  “Who’s the Black Angel?” James hissed.

  Rhen glanced behind him and laughed in silence at their words. The Thestrans were livid. Only the Surpens, his elfin guards and his University friends remained silent.

  As they reached the hospital room, Rhen noticed that Thellis had replaced all of the walls except for the one in the hallway. He was about to sign to Ceceta about it, when his ankle bracelet began to beep. Rhen and the Black Angel dropped to the ground holding their ears. Bosternd and Nk, who were right behind them, fell over their bodies, but the others stopped in time.

  Ceceta ran the rest of the way into the hospital room, grabbed Rhen’s shot and returned to the hallway. She raised her arm to inject Rhen with his antidote, when someone screamed, “Wait!”

  Thellis appeared out of a green swirling vortex of lights above them. “Ceceta, wait! Don’t give him the shot or everything will be lost.” He bent over in the air, covering his ears.

  A silver glowing Genister flew down through the ceiling. She screeched, “Oh, Gods the noise,” then disappeared.

  “Give him the damn shot,” another Genister yelled through a pink swirling vortex of flashing lights. “It’s too loud.” The pink Genister fell forward through her vortex onto the ground. Her translucent form curled into a tight ball as she tried to protect herself from the noise coming out of Rhen’s bracelet.

  “Which one was first?” Thellis asked. Green tears were streaming down his ghostly cheeks.

  “That one.” Ceceta pointed at the Black Angel.

  “Rhen,” a turquoise Genister yelled as she flew up through the floor beside him. She covered her ears with her hands and hollered, “Pull yourself back together. We can’t give you the shot while you’re split. It won’t work.”

  Rhen crawled over towards the Black Angel and lay down on top of him, but nothing happened. Neither man could focus, because the pain in their head was too great.

  “Cover him,” a masked Genister yelled, while flying out of a sunburst orange swirling vortex of lights. He pointed his finger at Rhen and the Black Angel and zapped them with a burst of his powers. A blue metallic helmet appeared on their heads. It must have been silent inside the helmet, because Rhen and the Black Angel stopped squirming. The Black Angel rose to his feet and pulled on the helmet with his hands, while Rhen put his head between his knees and tugged at the helmet to remove it.

  “Gods, it’s so loud!” the orange Genister yelled. He floated to the ground with his hands over his ears.

  “Thestrst, what are you doing?” Thellis barked. “They can’t rejoin while wearing Genister helmets.”

  Thestrst leaned over to try to lessen the noise. “I know, but we can line them up and push their bodies into each other, then rip off their helmets so Themrock can phase himself back together.” Thestrst screamed. He couldn’t take the noise anymore. He flew back through his vortex to escape.

  Thellis groaned and turned towards Ceceta. “You heard him. Do it.”

  Ceceta grabbed the Black Angel and pushed him up against the wall. “Bosternd, hold him here.” As soon as Bosternd had him, she bent down, and with Jet’s help, pulled Rhen up off the floor. They maneuvered him so he was in front of the Black Angel. Ceceta then shoved Rhen into the Black Angel. Their bodies bumped together with enough force that both men became angry and started to swing at each other. Ceceta looked up at Thellis. “He doesn’t understand what we want him to do.”

  “Tharis,” Thellis yelled to the pink Genister, who was rolling around on the ground. “Phase into Rhen and tell him what we need him to do. I’ll phase into the Black Angel.” Thellis phased into the Black Angel’s body as Tharis flew into Rhen’s. They both popped back out a second later. Ceceta turned Rhen around and pulled him back towards the Black Angel. She placed his hands on the Angel’s shoulders. As soon as Rhen realized who he was holding, he stepped closer. The Black Angel wrapped his arms around Rhen and waited.

take off their helmets,” Thellis yelled. There was no response. “Thestrst, take off their helmets!”

  Thestrst’s orange vortex appeared in the sky. He stuck his head through it and asked, “Is it time?”

  “Yes,” Thellis shouted.

  Thestrst’s vortex grew bigger as he swung his hand through it at Rhen and the Black Angel, removing their helmets. The Thestrans watched as a moment later, Rhen’s body disappeared inside the Black Angel. Ceceta jabbed the Black Angel’s arm with the shot she was holding, silencing his ankle bracelet. At once, the Black Angel slumped to the ground. Bending over, Ceceta took off his sunglasses and the scarf that was wrapped around his head. When she pushed back his cloak to reveal Rhen, James groaned. Now he understood. Rhen could split his body in two. He glanced at the others to find they were equally embarrassed. They should have realized it. Themrock could do anything.

  Rhen raised his hands and signed to Ceceta, I can still hear it in my head. Hasn’t it gone off yet?

  “It’s off, love.”

  “No thanks to you,” Thellis snapped at Thestrst. “Where the hell did you go?”

  “Hey, at least I did better than Thamber and Thatch. Thamber wouldn’t even come. She said the bracelet was too loud and Thatch only lasted a second. Besides, I got the job done.”

  “No,” Tharis said, her pink powers flaring with anger. “Ceceta, Thellis and I got the job done.” Thestrst stuck his tongue out at her then disappeared in an orange puff of smoke.

  Bosternd reached down to help Rhen to his feet. Rhen stumbled, so Bosternd put his arm around his waist to support him. Together, with Nk’s help, they walked Rhen over to his bed in the hospital room.

  “Why did you split yourself in two?” Jet asked, following along behind them.

  “He had to.” Thellis flicked his fingers, using his powers to lift Rhen onto his bed. He then finished fitting the last hospital wall back into place. “Nirs figured out that Rhen was the Black Angel. Rhen needed him to doubt it. If Rhen hadn’t of proved to Nirs that the Black Angel was someone else, you’d all be dead right now. Rhen saved your lives… again.” He turned back to Rhen. “That was a very clever move you pulled on the Vivists. Clever, but risky. You used a lot of power to pull that one off.”

  “Yes,” Thamber said, flying into the room on a golden cloud. Her short blond hair bounced as she landed on the ground. “How did you split your body in two without using your full powers?”

  The room was silent as everyone stared at Rhen, waiting for his answer. Looks like I’m a freak show attraction, Rhen signed to Ceceta. Do you think we could possibly fit anyone else in here to stare at me?

  “Do you hear a man’s voice?” Thamber asked the other Genisters, while glancing about the room. She was hearing James as he transmitted Mary’s translation of Rhen’s signs. Thellis used his telepathy to explain to the others what the Thestrans were doing. Thamber snorted with appreciation. “That’s clever.”

  What’s clever? Rhen signed to Ceceta, his hands resting on his lap.

  Ceceta noticed Rhen’s head was lolling to the left and he wasn’t moving his limbs. I don’t know and I don’t care. What’s going on? You look off. Rhen didn’t reply.

  The elves started to talk amongst themselves, while the Genisters turned away from Rhen’s bed and milled about the room, staring at various items as they waited for Rhen to answer Ceceta’s question. Finally, when they were about to give up, they heard James transmitting Rhen’s response, Are you sure we can’t go home?

  Yes. We have to stay here. Ceceta glanced about the room. No one was paying any attention to them. So, she signed, tell me, what’s going on?

  Remember when I had to teach Tgfhi how to fight because Erfce predicted I wouldn’t be able to help him during an attack? Ceceta nodded. I think the Rasacks are going to attack Tgarus soon. Ceceta, I’m dying.

  Quickly, Ceceta signed, You aren’t dying.

  The pain, Ceceta. It’s unbearable. I have to transfer control of Surpen to Bosternd and Nk in case I die.

  You’re not going to die. You’ll be fine as long as we give you the antidote.

  Rhen closed his eyes as he worked to keep himself from passing out. It felt like every cell in his body was on fire. Everything’s changed.

  What do you mean? Ceceta signed.

  He grimaced as he tried to shift his weight. My little trick to fool Nirs has doubled the amount of venom in my body. You’re going to have to give me twice as many shots for a while. Ceceta cursed under her breath. Let’s go home, Rhen signed. I don’t want to be here with these people.

  Ceceta shook her head. No, they’re our friends. We should stay.

  Friends? Did you see the way they looked at me when they thought I was tricking them? Only the Surpens were true. I don’t trust the Thestrans, Ceceta. They’re too fickle. I want to die with people I trust and admire.

  First of all, you’re not dying, so stop saying you are; and secondly, our friends didn’t doubt you, nor did your guard elves. They’ve got your back. We’re going to stay here until you’re well.

  Rhen could tell he wasn’t going to be able to sway her. Help me up. I need to transfer my crown over to Bosternd and Nk before the next shot.

  Don’t transfer your crown. They don’t want to rule Surpen.

  You aren’t listening to me. Rhen struggled to sit up. The movement made him want to throw up. He hesitated a moment before signing, The pain is so intense that when you put the lotion on my back I’m going to pass out and I don’t think I’m waking up anytime soon. With care, Rhen slid himself off the bed and motioned for Bosternd and Nk to approach. They ran to his side and helped him into the bathroom, where he could officially give them control over Surpen in private.

  As soon as Rhen was gone, the elfin royals rushed to their castles to warn their people that Rhen might be passing out.

  When Rhen came out of the bathroom, a few minutes later, he walked over to his bed and lay down on his stomach with his legs hanging off the edge. He was too tired to pull them up the rest of the way onto the bed. Bosternd stepped out of the bathroom holding Surpen’s Crown in his hands. Nk was behind him. He carried the official Surpen Sword of War in his weapons belt.

  Jet bowed to them. “Emperor. Commander.”

  “No,” Bosternd said, shaking his head, while holding the crown out in front of him as if it might attack. “Please don’t call me that. I told Rhen it’s only temporary, until he’s well. I don’t want to be Emperor. Don’t tell anyone he transferred power to me.” Bosternd placed the crown on the counter under the medicine cabinet. “Nk, we should return to Surpen. After the Black Angel’s visit today, I’m sure we’ll find our palace packed with diplomats who would like a word with him.” Nk nodded and the two men left.

  “He didn’t take his crown,” Jet said.

  Ceceta walked over and carefully placed it onto the shelf next to Rhen’s shots. “I’ll store it here for now.” She glanced over to see Thamber using her golden powers to lift the lower half of Rhen onto the bed. When she was done, she flew up through the ceiling with the other Genisters. Ceceta wondered where their safe places were. Since they had all taken elfin bodies, they’d be unconscious soon too.

  Chapter 10

  Plos’ Office – Water Elf Castle

  Plos stood up from the clear rectangular basin in his office. He’d been storing his documents in neat piles within the low trough, since he’d had to sell his Ventarian plumb tree desk set for medicinal supplies for his people last year. His blue and green cape was hanging off the opening to the tube that ran into the basin. Plos’ eyes scanned the clear tubes that crisscrossed the ceiling in his office. The tubes ran through every room in his castle and were large enough to comfortably fit a Mencurian pig. He wondered, yet again, what they might be for and why they were connected to troughs in most of the castle’s rooms.

  A buzzing sound caught his attention. Bending over, he snatched his communicator out of the trough. Sarah’s image was on the screen. “Hi, swee
tie. How’s everything going at the hospital?”

  "Ceceta thinks Rhen has finally stabilized. I hope she’s right, because I’m tired of blacking out.”

  Plos couldn’t agree more. “Me too. I hope Themrock heals quickly so we can get our powers back.”

  “Dad, there’s no guarantee that Themrock will restore our powers. Besides, if it puts him in danger, then I don't want them."

  Plos nodded but his eyes fell on the defunct fountains outside his window. "I’d settle for getting the fountains going again. They’re majestic without water, but with..." He whistled. “They’d be breathtaking. Tourists would flock to see them.”

  “Which would be a nice financial boost for us.”

  “Indeed.” Plos took in the peeling paint on his office walls and the rotten wooden window frames. Swinging his cape around his shoulders, he asked, “So, is Ceceta right? Will Rhen stay conscious?"

  Sarah glanced behind her. Plos assumed she was checking to make sure Rhen couldn’t hear her. She started walking down the hallway outside Rhen’s room. "I think so. She’s still giving him two shots every time her bracelet sounds off and the black mark on his back has finally started to shrink. It was really bad. At one point it covered his entire back.” She paused. “Rhen’s mother was here. She came to help Ceceta. I felt bad because I didn’t realize how tired Ceceta was. None of us noticed that she needed a break. We should have helped her."

  "Don’t feel bad. She could have asked for help.”

  “I guess so. I think she’s used to taking care of Rhen on her own and it didn’t occur to her. Aaron and I agreed we’d keep a closer eye on her so we can help her out from now on.”

  Plos’ eyebrows rose when she mentioned Aaron. “You seem to be rather close to the Fire Elf Prince.”


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