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The Surpen King - Part 2 - Rise of the Elves

Page 21

by Charity Kelly

  “Is he here?” Estan asked. The Wood Elf King kissed his daughter hello then sat down beside Reed.

  Charlie looked about. “Is who here?”

  Estan ignored him. “I found Ceceta. She’s dressed like a cat. Rhen has to be near her. What’s he dressed like?”

  “A political figure,” Charlie told him.

  “Which one?” Reed asked.

  Lilly chuckled. “James.”

  “He’s dressed like you?” Reed asked, glancing towards James. Rhen nodded but kept his eyes on the crowd. Just then, Jet approached with his drink. Reed cocked his head as he watched Jet giving James a drink. That’s odd. When he noticed that the drink was thick and red, he gasped. “No way.” He leaned over to look at ‘James’’ face. “That’s the best costume I’ve ever seen.”

  Estan scoffed. “He’s wearing a hat. No offense, James, but your costume is terrible."

  “No, Dad,” Lilo said, “That’s not James. It’s Rhen. Rhen’s dressed like James.”

  Estan blinked then leaned closer. He couldn’t believe it. Rhen looked just like James. “You had us all fooled. How’d you make yourself look like him?”

  Rhen grinned. He was having fun fooling everyone. “I borrowed some of Ceceta’s make up to make myself look older.”

  Charlie waved at them to be quiet as Kate and Henry entered the room along with their son, William, and the Water Elf King and Queen. “Your majesty,” Plos said to James when their group arrived. Rhen nodded to him and his wife.

  Kate and Henry gave James a kiss while William sat down next to Reed. “You didn’t want to wear a costume tonight?” Kate asked Rhen, thinking he was James. “Why not? You usually love costume parties.” Rhen shrugged.

  Henry stood beside them rubbing his chin. He knew the man before him wasn’t James, but he couldn’t figure out who it was. When he looked across the room and spotted Ceceta staring at them, he laughed. Kate glanced up at her husband with concern. “Are you laughing at Ceceta?”

  “No. I was laughing at Rhen’s costume.” Henry chuckled again and sat down beside Lilly.

  “Where is the Surpen Emperor?” Plos asked. “What’s his costume?”

  Henry shrugged innocently. “You’ll see. He’s got on a very clever costume.”

  “What’s he dressed like?” William asked, sounding bored. “A Genister?”

  Lilly glared at William. “No, it’s something much more fun.”

  Charlie agreed. “He’s fooled all of us so far.”

  “Everyone except for Dad,” Lilly said. “Dad, you should’ve been a detective. You’re good at figuring things out.”

  Henry was surprised. “Did he really fool everyone but me?” Before anyone could respond, Kate said, “I can’t stand it. What’s his costume? Where is he?”

  Lilly shook her head. “We aren’t going to tell you. You have to find him.”

  “He’s probably dressed like the Black Angel or T–” William didn’t finish what he was saying, because Charlie, laughing as if he were drunk, pulled him backwards out of his chair.

  “Hey, William,” Charlie slurred. “I’ve got a friend you should meet. I think the two of you will hit it off.” He nodded towards Jet, telling him he’d be back then walked William into the audience to hook him up with someone.

  Kate sat down in Charlie’s seat next to James. “Tell me. What is Rhen’s costume?” When Lilly and the others refused, she added, “You should at least tell us why’s it’s so funny?”

  Plos had been scanning the room for Rhen when he noticed the guard elves were scattered about the room. “Why are our children not guarding Rhen?” he asked Estan. “Shouldn’t they be with him? They’re all spread out.”

  “It’s okay. I’ll explain it to you later,” Estan told him.

  Kate leaned into James. “Where is he?” she begged. James shrugged. “You must know where he is. You’ve been sitting here for a while.”

  Plos turned to study the bar area. “Give us a hint. Tell us what color he’s wearing.”

  “No,” Reed told them firmly. “You have to figure it out yourselves.”

  The Fire Elf King and Queen entered the room. Naci was dressed as a Ventarian bull, while Reman wore a flower costume. They bowed to James then greeted the others. “I understand that our children’s formal wedding plans have been postponed, again,” Plos said loudly enough that everyone could hear. When he and his wife had discovered that their daughter had had a secret wedding, they’d been upset that she hadn’t included them. To set things right, they had decided to hold a formal wedding to celebrate her union with Aaron. Plos knew that Naci wanted to keep his son’s wedding quiet. He’d been doing everything he could to stop Plos from planning a wedding. Plos was sick of it. “We need to settle this once and for all. They’re already married. I want to honor them. If you aren’t going to participate, then just tell me and I’ll arrange the wedding myself.”

  Naci was furious with Plos for screaming their personal issues across the room. Everyone’s eyes were on him, so he knew he had to answer. “We can’t pick a date without Rhen. We need to find a day when he can spare them. Right your majesty?” He turned to James.

  Rhen wasn’t sure why Naci felt he needed Sarah and Aaron, but he nodded and picked up his drink.

  “Alright,” Plos said, determined to set a date before the end of the night. Turning to Jet, he asked, “What’s coming up on Rhen’s schedule?”

  “Next weekend, at the start of the school’s vacation, we have Crystam and Tgfhi’s wedding. Rhen will spend the remaining portion of that vacation on Surpen. You’ve scheduled the ‘Save the Neptian Tiger Fair’ for the long weekend after that, right?” Plos nodded. “I know Ceceta and the others are planning to help you with the Fair. The following school vacation is Latsoh and Erfce’s wedding, so any time after their wedding would be fine.”

  Plos pointed his finger at Jet. “Put Aaron and Sarah’s wedding onto his schedule for the following school vacation.”

  “No,” Naci said. “That’d be too much work for us. Both of my children would be getting married in the same year.”

  “You’ve got plenty of time,” Lilly told him. “Their weddings are almost a full semester apart and only Latsoh’s wedding would be held at your palace. Aaron’s wedding will be at the Water Elf castle.”

  Naci bristled at her interference. He was still worried about his children’s safety. The priests hadn’t lessened their sermons against marrying out of the tribe one bit. “Do we need to check with Rhen and Ceceta to see if they’ll be okay with it?” he asked, hoping to find a way to delay the wedding.

  “They’ll be fine with it,” Jet told him, while looking at James. “Are you Thestrans fine with it?” Rhen nodded as Lilly laughed.

  “What’s so funny?” Kate asked. “It’s like all of you have a secret. I want in on it.”

  Reed reached for his drink. “You’ll find out soon enough, Mom.”

  Naci sighed and turned his back on the others. “I still haven’t found Rhen. He’s usually with Ceceta, but she’s standing by herself. Jet, is Rhen here?”

  Jet bobbed his head. “Yes, your majesty.”

  “Can’t you give us a hint as to what his costume is?” Kate asked.

  “No,” Charlie said, rejoining the group. He’d gotten rid of William and wanted to see his mom’s face when she discovered Rhen’s costume.

  They sat for a while in silence, watching the students party. Thamber and Thellis danced in the air above the band. Their gold and green powers sparkled behind them as they moved, making an interesting light show. A few of the older students, who knew Charlie, approached him to ask where Rhen was. “He’s here. You’ll just have to look for him.” The band paused to see if Rhen would sing a few songs. Ceceta yelled back to them that they’d have to wait until later. “He’s having too much fun, tricking people with his costume right now.”

  Kate sighed. “I give up. I can’t figure out what he’s wearing. At first, I thought he might be that big fis
h over there, but then I decided he wouldn’t wear a fish costume.”

  “Maybe he’s that Rasack on the right. Is he sharing his costume with someone?” Plos asked. Charlie shook his head. Naci pointed towards the back of the room. “He’s definitely the portal frame in the back. Even sitting down he’s taller than the people around him, so it must be him.”

  Kate had thought the same thing until the portal frame had turned sideways and she’d noticed that the man had a beard. “Surpens don’t wear beards.” She rubbed James’ arm. “Why didn’t you wear a costume?” Rhen shrugged. “Is everything alright?” Rhen nodded. “You’re sure?” Before Rhen could nod again, Kate reached under his cap to touch his forehead.

  Charlie laughed. “You’re checking to see if he’s got a fever? Do you want to feel me too, to see if I’m hot?”

  “No, dear,” Kate said, rolling her eyes. She stood up and moved behind James to give him a back rub. Rhen was surprised when he didn’t tense up from her touch. He must have truly forgiven her.

  When he’d been sick in the hospital, she’d been one of the people who had held him. He remembered hearing her apologizing to him for leaving him on Surpen. She hadn’t said it very loudly, but she had said it. He also had a vague memory of feeling her tears hit his cheek.

  Rhen sighed as her fingers massaged his back. It was good to be done with the hate. He could move on. He leaned forward and dropped his head down towards his chest to give Kate better access to his back.

  Charlie’s eyes widened as he watched Kate massage Rhen’s back. After Rhen had been left on Surpen, he had refused to let his mother touch him. It was surprising that he was letting her do it now.

  “Damn it, where is Rhen?” Naci growled.

  “Hi, everyone,” James said walking up to the group with his wife. The two of them were dressed like dragons. “Sorry we’re late.”

  Kate gasped. “James!?” She jerked her hands off of the man in front of her and glared down at his bent head, wondering who she’d been massaging?

  James frowned. “What’s the matter?”

  Rhen stood up and turned towards Kate. “Got you!” He waved at James. “Hey, big brother.” The look on James’ face made him laugh. Turning, he left them to join Ceceta.

  Charlie and the others were laughing at Kate and James’ stunned expressions. “That was weird,” James said, staring after Rhen. “He looks just like me.” James’ wife pulled him towards the dance floor so they could get a closer look at Rhen, while Henry put his arm around Kate. She was staring at her hands.

  “Rhen let me touch him,” she whispered.

  Henry leaned over to kiss her cheek. “I’m glad you decided to give him a backrub.” Kate smiled up at him. They turned towards the dance floor. “James is taking off his costume. Let’s get some pictures of the two of them together,” Henry suggested.

  Kate nodded. “Yes, please.” They walked over towards the crowd that had formed around Rhen and James. By now people were laughing all over the concert hall and most of the students were cheering Rhen for his costume.

  Ceceta leaned against the wall and kept watch on the elves around her. She’d been having a horrible night. On her way to the bathroom, someone had spilled their drink down the front of her cat costume. She’d heard several elves mocking her while she’d used the toilet and just now, while she was waiting for Rhen, a group of elves had “accidentally” backed into her, squishing her against the wall so hard that it’d hurt. They hadn’t stopped until she’d cried out. Rhen had joined her at once, but then he’d been called back to the dance floor to have a photo shoot with James.

  “Relax, Ceceta.” Latsoh had told her. “It was just an accident. You’re making a big deal out of nothing.”

  But Ceceta knew she wasn’t overreacting.

  Chapter 19

  Ventar Palace – Planet of Ventar

  Throughout her wedding ceremony, Crystam made sure Rhen was close by. When the last of her guests left, Crystam breathed a sigh of relief and leaned into Tgfhi. The wood paneled portal room glowed with the candles around it. Her mom had done an amazing job decorating. Candles lined all of the hallways and lit the windows. Purple flowers from their famous plumb trees, decorated every table in the palace. Her mom had even given the guests plumb tree seeds as a parting gift. Crystam chuckled, remembering the expression on Naci’s face when he’d opened the box. Plumb tree seeds were exceptionally valuable. It’d been a nice touch on her mother’s part. Tgfhi rubbed a hand up her back. “You look amazing. This dress,” he shook his head before bending down to kiss her.

  Crystam couldn’t help smiling, which made it hard for them to kiss. She had designed her dress. It was a low-cut, silky sheath the color of ripe Ventarian plumbs. She had felt the dress spoke for itself and hadn’t used any accessories to decorate it further.

  When Tgfhi leaned back, she said, “It worked. Thank the Gods for Rhen.” No one had passed out. The entire ceremony and reception had gone off without a hitch.

  Tgfhi grinned. “I know. We definitely owe him.” He stroked his hand up and down her back, enjoying the feel of her body.

  “Do you think Rhen knew what we were doing? He never questioned why we would want him beside us on the altar or next to us on the receiving line.”

  “I don’t think he does. My guess is he was just trying to be helpful.”

  “You really think he has no idea that his proximity lessens my powers?”

  Tgfhi shook his head. “He’s clueless. At least, that’s what Erfce told me.”

  Crystam reached for his jacket. She ran her fingers along his green lapel. “Your Tgarian colors complement mine.”

  Tgfhi laughed. “It’s as if we were meant to be. Let’s join the others for a nightcap.” Crystam tilted her face upward and nodded. Suddenly overcome by her beauty, Tgfhi grabbed her and pulled her in towards him before dropping his head down to hers.

  Crystam chuckled at the feel of his body pressed against hers. “We’ll be alone soon enough, husband.”

  Tgfhi shuddered as he lifted his head. “I like the sound of that, wife.”

  They walked into the small sitting room, where their friends had congregated after the party. On the tables and floor around the room were thousands of wedding gifts of varying sizes and shapes. Candles burned in the windows, filling the room with a soft light. “A toast to the newlyweds,” Charlie said, raising his glass in the air when Tgfhi and Crystam joined their circle.

  There were a few cheers and everyone congratulated them. Crystam blushed and dropped her gaze. She couldn’t imagine being any happier. This was probably the best moment in her life.

  She knew that if her powers continued to increase, they would eventually affect Tgfhi, which meant he’d be forced to leave her. Crystam closed her eyes to push the self-pity aside; she refused to cry on her wedding day.

  When she looked up, she found Rhen had moved over to sit on the coffee table in front of her and Tgfhi. His arms were out at shoulder height and his hands were clenched in fists. The corner of his mouth was lifted in a wicked smile. “Ceceta and I didn’t know what to get you for a wedding present, so we figured we’d give you something you could choose.”

  “Like a gift certificate to the University’s book store?” Tgfhi joked.

  “Hey,” Shno piped out. “Don’t laugh. That place is expensive.”

  “You’re not kidding,” Erfce agreed. He glanced over at Rhen. “That’s what we want for our wedding present.”

  Rhen laughed and dropped his hands onto his lap. “If that’s what you want, Tgfhi, I’ll have one for you when you get back from vacation.”

  “No,” Crystam said, elbowing Tgfhi in the ribs. “We want what’s in your hands. What is it? I’m dying of curiosity.”

  Tgfhi put his arm around Crystam. “You didn’t have to get us anything, Rhen. Those songs you dedicated to us during our reception were gifts enough.” Crystam leaned into Tgfhi. He was right. The four love songs that Rhen had sung had immortalized their love
for each other.

  Rhen leaned forward again with his closed fists in front of him. “I’m glad you liked them, but I want to give you a gift too, okay? This might seem weird, but Ceceta and I decided to give you…” He turned his hands over and opened his fists to reveal a white ball of light about the size of a grape hovering just above his palms.

  “Holy crap!” Charlie said.

  No one else spoke. They didn’t know what the balls of light were. Finally, Crystam asked, “Is it a type of flashlight?”

  Charlie, Rhen and Ceceta laughed. “No,” Ceceta told her. “We’re giving you a power.”

  Tgfhi released the breath he’d been holding. “What?” He couldn’t believe he’d heard her correctly. Was Rhen really giving them a new power? Could Rhen do that without realizing he was Themrock?

  Ceceta moved over to sit down next to Rhen. “We’re offering you both the ability to pick a power that you’ve always wanted and then Rhen will give it to you.”

  “Oh, Themrock!” Latsoh exclaimed as Jet whistled with appreciation.

  “Seriously?” Sarah asked. “Wow!”

  “I can’t believe it,” Aaron said. He stood up to get a better view of the white balls of energy floating over Rhen’s palms. “You can just give them any power they want?”

  Rhen shrugged. “Yes,” he told them, as if it were no big deal.

  Jack stood up and glanced about the room. “Anyone want to get married?”

  Rhen laughed. He was happy his friends approved of his gift. “So, do you know what you’d like?”

  “I want to be able to fly,” Tgfhi blurted out. “That’s what I’ve always wanted, but let Crystam go first.”

  Crystam hesitated. At that moment, Chara, Tgonar, Bosternd and Orpel entered the room. When they saw the lights hovering over Rhen’s hands, they asked what was going on. After Ceceta had explained it, Rhen turned back to Crystam. “So? Did you decide?”

  Crystam knew what she had to ask for. She hoped Rhen wouldn’t be mad when she rejected his gift for something else. “Rhen, I don’t want a power from you. I want you to take a power away from me instead.” She searched his eyes. “Can you do that?”


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