Explorations- the Lost

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Explorations- the Lost Page 22

by Raymond L. Weil

  “I thought I would find you here,” said a female voice from behind him.

  Race turned around, seeing Massie standing in the hatch.

  “I thought you would be gone my now.”

  “A slight delay,” replied Massie. “It seems there’s a rumor going around the Eternals might be attacking the hub.”

  Race let out a deep sigh. “It’s no rumor. I sent all of our information to Jeremy and that’s what he came up with. I can’t believe we didn’t see it.”

  “We never considered the hub to be a possible target,” replied Massie as she came over to stand by Race.

  “What are we going to do, Massie? No matter what we’re going to lose a lot of valuable installations as well as people.”

  Massie sat down in the executive officer’s chair next to Race. “Don’t try to defend so much. Recall the fleets we have in Federation and Alton space.”

  “But what if they are the target? We could never reinforce them in time.”

  “Race, Jeremy is right. The only logical target for the Eternals is the hub. That’s how they think. Those fleets will serve no purpose where they are now. If you want to play it safe leave some ships there but bring the rest back home. But if I was you I would recall those ships and every other ship you can get your hands on. This is our opportunity to destroy the Eternals once and for all. Let’s not waste it.”

  Race sat there staring at the large blank viewscreen on the front wall of the Command Center. What Massie was saying made sense. But it would be one hell of a risk if they were wrong.

  Standing up, Race indicated for Massie to get up as well. “We’re going back to the Tower. We have some ships to recall.”


  In the intergalactic darkness between galaxies, Admiral Trope gazed at the multitude of ships he had gathered. He had just recently received the report of one of his stealthed battlecruisers finally locating the Originators’ secret base. It was far more massive than he had thought possible. No wonder they had dared to launch a new war against the Eternals.

  “This is amazing,” commented First Officer Novast. “Four Shrieels in one location and dozens of shipyards. There must be several hundred major structures there.”

  “A prize worth capturing,” replied Trope as he stood up and gazed at the viewscreens. “I want as many of our warriors and warrior robots as possible to go with the fleet. Pull them from wherever is necessary. We must capture as many of those facilities as possible including all four of the Shrieels.”

  “How are we going to capture the Shrieels? They will be heavily defended.”

  Admiral Trope smiled. “We land a million warrior robots on each one. Once they’re inside the Shrieels will be ours. We’ll jump a major part of our fleet near each Shrieel. As soon as we come out of hyperspace we’ll launch our assault shuttles. The Shrieels will have to divide their fire between our warships and the shuttles. I suspect most of their fire will be focused on our warships which will be destroying their weapon emplacements. That should allow most of our shuttles to land. Once they’re down the fleet will jump away from the Shrieels and engage the Originator ships that should be there. We won’t approach the Shrieels again until our warriors have secured them.”

  Novast nodded. “A daring plan and one which might actually work. How soon before we launch the attack?”

  “Five weeks,” replied Admiral Trope. “All of the ships we’ve summoned should be here by then. Also, contact all of our stealthed battlecruisers and have them return. We don’t want any of them tipping off the Originators that we’ve found their base. I don’t want them to know until our fleets descend upon them to bring them into our Empire.”

  “I will do so now,” replied Novast as he went toward the communications console.

  Admiral Trope returned to his command chair. He had toned down his nanites to allow most of his emotions to flow through him. It made a huge difference in how he looked at the Empire and the coming battle. He was about to become the High Lord of a massive empire stretching across a large part of the known universe. He could feel the desire for power running through him. It made him realize this was his moment and his time to become the greatest conqueror the Eternals had ever known.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Jeremy and Kelsey were in a brand new home built especially for them inside the large super battlestation. Kelsey was sitting on a comfortable couch next to Jeremy reading through some of the reports lying on the sofa. Jeremy was running his hand gently through her shoulder length blonde hair.

  “I can’t believe we can’t go home,” she complained. “Not after we’ve been away for so long.”

  “It’s for the best,” replied Jeremy. “Do we want to leave one war zone and go back to what’s soon to be a major battle?”

  Kelsey let out a deep sigh and laid the report in her hand down. “No, I guess not. At least here we know we’re safe. We don’t have a black hole staring at us over our shoulders.”

  Jeremy moved the reports out of the way and moved over closer putting his arm around Kelsey. “The kids are staying as well though I suspect Grayseth may be returning. There are a lot of Carethians living at the hub now and he feels responsible for their safety.”

  “What about Kathryn?”

  “Race is sending her father out on a luxury liner so they can be together. He wants her staying here for the time being.”

  Kelsey leaned back, trying to relax. “How bad is this battle going to be and are you sure it’s the hub that’s the target?”

  “You’ve read the same reports I have. Kathryn agrees with my assessment. It’s the only logical target for the Eternals to attack to change the war back in their favor. As for how bad the battle will be I suspect the Eternals are gathering every ship they can get their hands on to throw at us.”

  Kelsey sat up and looked at Jeremy. “How do you feel about not being a part of this?”

  Jeremy closed his eyes and then opened them. “It’s something I need to get used to. Race is the fleet admiral now and I would like to keep it that way. We’ve been away for over fourteen years and I believe it’s time for us to step away from guiding the war.”

  “What about the kids?”

  Jeremy shook his head. He knew Kelsey wouldn’t like his answer. “We have to leave that up to them. Remember how we were at their age? This is a decision each of them will have to make and I suspect we already know what that will be.”

  “The Special Seven,” remarked Kelsey with a frown. “I suspect they’ll grow to hate that name as much as we did the Special Five.”

  Kelsey stood up and gathered up all the reports scattered over the sofa. She put them down on a nearby desk and turned back toward Jeremy. “What would you like for supper?”

  “How about if I cook some steaks in the backyard? I noticed a nice barbeque grill out there which needs to be broken in.”

  “Sounds fine,” replied Kelsey. She really enjoyed the way Jeremy cooked steaks on the grill. “It will be nice with just the two of us.”

  Jeremy stopped and looked at Kelsey. “Want to invite Jason over?”

  Kelsey looked thoughtful. “He might come if we include Clair.”

  Jeremy looked surprised. “Am I missing something?”

  Grinning, Kelsey nodded. “Angela and I think Clair has a crush on Jason.”

  “Is it just a crush or more than that?”

  Kelsey shrugged her shoulders. “Only time will tell. I’ll go make some calls and see if I can get them to come over.”

  “I’ll go start getting the grill ready.”


  Jason put the phone down and stood looking down at it. He was in a nice set of rooms at an apartment complex. He had decided for the time being not to move in with his parents. They needed time to get to come to know one another again.

  “Who was that?” asked Mathew who had come along to help him get settled in.

  “My mother; she wants me to come over for supper.”

  “Sounds great, a home
cooked meal. Why the gloomy look?”

  Jason let out a deep sigh. “She wants me to bring Clair as well.”

  Mathew blinked his eyes. “What’s wrong with that? The two of you like each other.”

  Jason sat down on the edge of the bed. “I thought I would have more time to get used to the idea.”

  Mathew nodded his head in understanding. “Girls are hard to figure out. Andrea is just as bad.”

  Feeling surprised, Jason looked up at Mathew. “Do you like Andrea?”

  “Some, but not as in a permanent relationship way. She’s fun to be around and we have a good time when we’re together. For now that’s all either of us wants. However, you and Clair are older. Things might be different for the two of you.”

  Taking a deep breath, Jason began calling Clair. Maybe she already had other plans.


  Clair came into the kitchen where Angela had just started supper. She had a big smile on her face.

  “Why do I suspect I’m not going to like this?” said Angela, putting down the knife she was using to carve up a chicken.

  “Jason just called and he wants me to go with him to his parents for supper!”

  Angela sat down in a chair at the table and gestured for Clair to join her. “What do you want to do?”

  “That’s just it, I don’t know. This is sort of like a date but we’re not going to be alone.”

  “That might be best,” replied Angela, pursing her lips. “We still need to have our little talk about you and Jason sleeping together.”

  Clair’s face flushed. “Nothing happened.”

  “But it could have, couldn’t it?”

  Clair slowly nodded her head, refusing to meet her mother’s eyes.

  “Well, at least you’re honest about it.” Angela stared at her daughter. “Have you taken your precautionary medications?”

  Clair looked up startled. “What?”

  “Have you taken the injection to ensure you can’t get pregnant.”

  There was a moment of hesitation and then Clair answered. “Clarissa took me to get the injection over a year ago.”

  “Good,” replied Angela, trying to sound positive.

  Taking a deep breath Clair asked her next question. “So, what should I do about tonight?”

  “Go; see how it turns out. Just don’t stay out too late.”

  “You’ll be waiting up for me, won’t you?”

  Angela grinned. “You know I will.”


  Admiral Grayseth was listening to the reports on his damaged dreadnaughts. Preliminary estimates put it at a little over two weeks before all of his ships were fully repaired.

  “We shall return to the hub as soon as our last ship is ready,” he announced. “The Eternals are coming and we must be there to protect our clans.”

  “And we shall,” replied Rastell. “Our dreadnaughts with their blue energy sphere projectors will be needed.”

  On the main viewscreen, a dreadnaught was moving into one of the super battlestation’s main repair bays. It had a jagged hole in its hull with burn marks around it. Several other areas of the hull had significant damage as well.”

  “Give all the crews ten days off,” ordered Grayseth. “We leave in fourteen.” Grayseth knew in the coming battle against the Eternals many of his crews might not survive. The Great Hunt would soon be claiming more brave warriors.


  On board the Liberator, Clarissa was watching as repairs were starting on the hull of the ship. After a thorough inspection she realized how close the ship had come to being severely damaged.

  “It was close,” said Ariel, as she examined the damage. Already repair robots and AIs were present to begin the work.

  Clarissa suddenly smiled. “Jason’s invited Clair over for supper.”

  Ariel frowned. “Those new implants you and the kids have are worrisome. Can you spy on everything they do?”

  Clarissa flushed slightly. “Yes.”

  “Don’t you think they deserve some privacy?”

  Clarissa let out a deep sigh. “I know you’re right. When we get back to the hub I’ll have the necessary changes made. My implant does give me unlimited access to the children.”

  “That might have been necessary when they were younger but they’re all young adults now. It’s time to let them go.”

  Clarissa saw Mason come in carrying a hand held computer pad. He was making notes about what needed to be done. “Let’s get out of Mason’s way. He has a lot of work to complete.”


  Rear Admiral Kathryn Barnes was in the Command Center of the New Horizon. Everyone had been offloaded from the ship and work was still underway to return the ship to normal. After holding twenty thousand extra people the corridors and cargo bays were a mess.

  “Another day and the ship will be as pristine as it should be,” announced Camlin.

  Kathryn leaned back relaxing. “It feels strange not to be worrying about the next Creevak missile attack or if the battlestation would develop a problem and fall into the black hole while I was asleep.”

  “I understand your father is coming to see you.”

  Smiling, Kathryn nodded. “Yes, he’s coming out on a liner and should be here in about a week.”

  “Are you looking forward to seeing him?”

  Kathryn nodded. “Yes, for him it’s been over fourteen years. I’ve arranged for accommodations in the habitat. I can’t wait to see him and go out to eat at a nice restaurant or two. We always enjoyed doing that together.”

  Kathryn was going to spend the next few days checking out some of the nicer restaurants in the large city in the habitat. She was also going to spend that time relaxing and doing very little. After four years of being on nearly constant alert, it was going to be nice to just let her mind and body relax completely.


  Kelsey was actually feeling a little nervous. Is this what it’s like to be a mom and your son is bringing his girlfriend over, she wondered. Then she reminded herself she was the one who had suggested Jason bring Clair. She heard the front door open and prepared herself. Clair was a good girl; Kelsey just needed to keep reminding herself of that.

  Going into the living room she saw Jason and Clair standing in the door both looking unsure of themselves. Kelsey couldn’t help but smile. Clair looked so much like Angela did at her age. “I’m glad to see the two of you made it.” She went over giving both of them a hug. “Jason, your father is in the back yard cooking on the grill. Clair, how do you like your steak?”

  “Medium well,” Clair answered.

  “Can you help me in the kitchen?”

  “Sure,” replied Clair.

  Jason made his way toward the back feeling uneasy about leaving Clair alone with his mother. “She won’t bite,” he sent worriedly.

  “I know she won’t,” replied Clair. “But she’s still your mother.”

  Jason stepped outside, seeing his father standing over a smoking barbeque grill.

  “Jason,” said Jeremy with a welcoming smile. “Come over and help with these steaks.”

  Walking over to the grill Jason could smell the teasing aroma of the steaks on the grill.


  Looking startled, Jason looked at his father. “Why would I be nervous?”

  Jeremy laughed. “Leaving Clair inside with your mother. I would be nervous if I were you. I remember when I first met Kelsey’s father. He was the fleet admiral at Ceres. Don’t worry about it. Your mother likes Clair. I understand all of you went to the new Fleet Academy on the Dyson sphere?”

  “We even went to the Fleet Academy on Earth’s moon for a visit,” responded Jason. “We went up to see the monument at the top of the hill.”

  Jeremy nodded. “Yes, where my dad first saw the wreckage of the original Avenger. I spent many years there. What did you think of the academy on the Moon?”

  “It was very impressive but much smaller than the one on our home Dyson sphere.”

heard Rear Admiral Marks had to enlarge it. What’s it like now?”

  Jason and Jeremy spent the next few minutes talking about the Fleet Academy and some of the classes Jason had taken.


  Clair was in the kitchen helping Kelsey set the table. Kelsey had been asking her questions about their childhood and what it was like living in one house.

  “It was a big house,” replied Clair. “We also had Clarissa around constantly. She kept us all busy with activities and school lessons.”

  “I must say, she seems to have done a good job.”

  “Jason has really worked hard,” answered Clair. “He’s dedicated his entire life to rescuing all of you.”

  “You like him, don’t you?”

  “Of course I do.”

  “Are you in love with him?”

  Clair hesitated and then answered. “Yes, I have been for a long time.”

  Kelsey grinned in understanding. “It takes awhile for boys to figure it out. It did with Jeremy.”

  Clair looked surprised. “You two had the same issues?”

  “Yes, I think Katie and Kevin did too. Just be patient with him; he’ll eventually come around.”

  “Then you have no problem with Jason and I dating?”

  “Of course not, dear,” replied Kelsey. She could tell Clair was nervous talking to her. “Just don’t rush things.”

  Clair’s face flushed but she nodded. “We won’t.”

  “Let’s get the rest of the food on the table; the steaks should be nearly done.”


  Jason and Jeremy came in carrying a tray of steaks and baked potatoes. Setting the tray down in the middle of the table Jeremy explained which steaks were whose. “The medium one is mine,” he said as he speared it with a steak fork and plopped it down in his plate. He and Kelsey were sitting together with Jason and Clair sitting across from them.

  “So, tell me about the Liberator. How did you come up with the plans for the ship?”

  Jason and Clair both began explaining how they had developed the plans along with help from Clarissa, the Originators, and the Altons.


  After supper the four of them went into the living room to continue to talk. Kelsey found she was really enjoying the evening conversing with the two kids. In many ways, it was like a dream come true. She had so many questions to ask and finally she was going to hear some answers.


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