Explorations- the Lost

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Explorations- the Lost Page 23

by Raymond L. Weil


  Clair found the evening was going really well. She and Jason were sitting on a sofa next to each other.

  “This isn’t so bad, is it?” sent Jason.

  “No, I’m actually enjoying myself. Your parents are really very nice.”

  The four continued to talk with Clair telling Kelsey and Jeremy about some of the antics Jason had pulled when he was younger.


  Kelsey listened as Clair and Jason described their childhood. These were stories she really wanted to hear though it made her sad realizing what she had missed.

  Finally, Jason stood up and gestured to Clair. “It’s getting late and we’d better go or Angela will be calling.”

  “We need to do this again,” said Kelsey, standing up. “I’m sure the two of you have so much more to tell us.”

  Kelsey and Jeremy watched as the two young people got into an aircar and were soon on their way to Angela’s.

  “That went well,” commented Jeremy.

  Kelsey nodded. “Yes, it did. The two of them make a really cute couple.”

  Jeremy shook his head. “Don’t get ahead of yourself. They’re both young and a lot can change in the next couple of years.”

  “Did you let it change for us?”

  Looking at Kelsey, Jeremy took her hand and answered. “No, I didn’t.”

  Nodding in satisfaction, Kelsey shut the door and led Jeremy back to the living room. Kelsey hoped there were many more nights like this one in her future.


  Jason and Clair made it back to Angela’s and noted all the lights in the house were still on.

  “Everyone’s still up,” commented Jason.

  “What did you expect?” replied Clair, grinning. “I’m sure Andrea will be full of questions. She’ll want to know every detail of what we did.”

  Jason walked Clair to the front door and then the two hesitated, looking at one another. Taking a deep breath, Jason leaned forward and gently kissed Clair on the lips. “I actually had a good time tonight.”

  Clair smiled. “So did I. Can we do it again?” She waited breathlessly for his answer.

  “Of course, only maybe next time we’ll go out somewhere to eat so we can be by ourselves.”

  Clair nodded. “I’d like that.” This night had turned out better than she had expected.


  Jason opened the door for her and then closed it. Clair was nearly bowled over as Andrea came around the corner and grabbed her hand. “I want to hear every sordid detail.”

  Laughing, Clair shook her head. “I think you’re going to be disappointed.”


  Angela was sitting in the living room and had overheard Andrea and Clair. She smiled to herself. She was glad Clair and Jason’s first date had been over at Kelsey and Jeremy’s. At least this one was over and she suspected there were going to be many more to follow.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Commander Zafron was gazing at the large viewscreen showing the destroyed Eternal base on the planet below them. It was still smoldering with massive fires raging in several areas. The center of the base was marked by a giant blast crater.

  “Confirmed target destroyed,” reported Kazak with satisfaction in his voice.

  “Anything left that might be useful?”

  Kazak used the Dominator’s short-range scanners to scan the smoking area of debris. “No, everything’s pretty much destroyed. However, I can confirm there were no Eternals on the base when we attacked it. It appears all the base’s defenses were computer controlled.”

  Commander Zafron nodded. This did not surprise him. This had been the same storyline with all the Eternal bases they had attacked recently on planets or moons. Everything in orbit was normally stripped, including weapons.

  “We’ll continue to orbit the planet for another hour taking scans and then we’ll move on to our next target.”

  “Commander Zafron, we’re being ordered to report back to the hub immediately,” Captain Franklyn spoke from Communications.

  “Return to the hub?” repeated Kazak, feeling confused. “Why?”

  “For a complete refit and to take part in the defense of the Communications and Transport Hub from an expected Eternal attack. Our fleet is to continue to attack Eternal targets.”

  “They found it!” uttered Captain Grayson, turning around to face Commander Zafron. “The Eternals have found the hub.”

  “That was their target all along,” said Major Donaldson from Tactical. “It wasn’t the Federation or a Dyson sphere.”

  Kazak nodded his agreement. “It all makes sense now. It’s the only target which would let them take back the lead in the war. It also explains everything that’s been going on in these battles.”

  Commander Zafron stood up, folding his arms across his chest. “Kia, set a course for the nearest Accelerator Ring. We’re going home. I’ll leave Rear Admiral Munoz in charge of the fleet. He’s a competent enough admiral to continue the attacks.”

  “Do we take any escorts?” asked Kazak. It was going to take them several days to reach the nearest Accelerator Ring.

  Zafron nodded. “Assign four dreadnaughts and ten battlecruisers as escorts. They’ll return to the fleet as soon as we make our transition through the ring.”

  The escorts were quickly chosen and command of the fleet turned over to Rear Admiral Munoz. Immediately after that the Dominator made the transition into hyperspace and began its long voyage to the nearest Accelerator Ring.

  “This could be the end of the war,” commented Kazak. “If we can defeat this force of Eternal warships they may never be able to recover.”

  Commander Zafron knew Kazak was right. What would it be like to be at peace once again after so long? With the Originators, Altons, and Humans combined they could enter a new age of enlightenment and scientific advancement. “We have to defeat that force first,” Zafron reminded Kazak. “At minimum we’ll be facing half a million of their warships, maybe more.”

  On the viewscreen, he could see the Dominator moving rapidly across the sea of stars. It was a beautiful sight, one he hoped to see more of in the future. However, ahead of him was possibly the last battle with the Eternals and in this battle the Eternals would be risking everything. He should have guessed earlier the Eternals’ target was the hub. He was guilty of the same blind thinking as all the other Originators by believing the Eternals would never find the hub.


  At the Communications and Transport Hub, Admiral Hailey Mann was watching the large viewscreen in the front of her Command Center as almost all of the Accelerator Rings were active. Ships from all across Originator space were coming to the hub to defend it from the expected attack of the Eternals. The ships were arriving by squadrons and by fleets.

  “I’ve never seen so many ships,” commented Commander Sutherland in awe as over two thousand battlecruisers were emerging from one of the Accelerator Rings. “It’s been like this for several days.”

  “And it will continue to be for several weeks,” replied Hailey.

  Erick came to stand next to her. “What if we’re wrong?”

  “We’re not,” answered Hailey. “But just to be on the safe side we’ve left some key assets in place just in case we’ve guessed incorrectly.”

  “Fleets, battlestations, and juggernauts,” replied Erick.

  Hailey nodded. “I wish we could recall everything, but just on the small chance we’ve miscalculated we can’t take that risk.”

  Erick stood gazing at the multitude of ships showing on the viewscreens. “If the Eternals see those vessels they may decide not to attack.”

  Hailey folded her arms across her chest. “I’ve already thought of that. We’re going to put a lot of them inside the four Dyson spheres. The Eternals will never know they are there until it’s too late.”

  “Are we going to initiate a hyperspace interdiction field?”

  “In some regions we will to prevent the Eternals from escaping. However, due to the
area of space we need to defend around the hub our own ships need to be able to enter hyperspace to get to where they’re needed. It may be necessary to turn the fields on and off during the battle to make our deployments. It’s something I need to discuss with Fleet Admiral Tolsen.”

  Erick shook his head. “Sounds complicated.”

  Hailey grinned. “We have a lot of Originator military AIs who will help in the coordination.” On the viewscreen, one of the forty-kilometer Accelerator Rings activated and a juggernaut came through. “I wish we had more of those. They could be a real game changer.”

  Looking over at the large tactical hologram she had activated Hailey noticed several of the large research facilities were in the process of moving. A lot of work had gone into deciding where each structure at the hub needed to be for the attack.

  “It’s going to take over a week just to get all of these structures moved,” commented Erick, seeing where Hailey’s eyes were focused.

  “And we’re still probably going to lose some of them. All the research information is being downloaded and transferred to the Dyson spheres. If we lose a facility at least we won’t lose the research.”

  “What about fleet deployments?”

  “That’s what I want to work on next. Let’s look at the hologram and see where the most strategic places to place our fleets will be.”

  The two then turned to analyzing where their numerous fleets needed to be positioned. Caria, the ship’s primary military AI, came over to help. It was going to be extremely complicated as they had such a large area to defend.


  Race was over at one of the construction facilities for the juggernauts with Lyla Kadda. In the large construction bay a finished juggernaut was preparing to exit the facility.

  “There she is,” said Lyla as the massive ship begin to slowly move out. “She’s been modified just as you requested.”

  This was going to be Race’s new flagship. He had decided sitting in the Tower during the coming battle was not something he wanted to do. He wanted to be mobile and out where the action was taking place. He felt it would enable him to make more sound military decisions. He was still in the process of moving more of his admirals into these massive vessels.

  “How many more can we have finished in the next few weeks?” Race knew their time was rapidly running out.

  “Two,” replied Lyla. “I wish we could do more but the juggernauts take a lot of time to construct.”

  Race nodded. He would take whatever he could in the way of additional warships. “When is your construction facility scheduled to be moved?”

  “Tomorrow since we’re finished with this ship. It will take us two full days to move it to where it needs to go.”

  “I’ll feel better when we have all of our shipyards moved to a safer location.”

  Lyla stood with her hands on her hips. For an Originator she looked very beautiful, even to a Human. “This facility is heavily armed as are most of our shipyards. We even have blue energy sphere projectors mounted to the outer hull.”

  “The problem is, we’re going to have to be careful about firing off the blue energy spheres. What would happen if we hit one of our own facilities?”

  Lyla frowned. “We’ve discussed that. On a facility as large as this one the damage would be minimal. We estimate we would lose between twelve to fourteen percent of the structure before the effects of the blue energy sphere would wear out. Precautions are being taken to insure we don’t accidentally hit friendly targets.”

  Leaving the construction bay they walked back to where Race’s shuttle was waiting. On the way they passed a squad of heavily armed Marines along with twenty combat robots. They paused and watched as the squad went past them.

  “Do you really think the Eternals will land their warriors and warrior robots on our facilities and the Shrieels?”

  Race nodded. “It makes tactical sense. It will give them an opportunity to capture some of our technology as well as take some of our facilities intact. I don’t believe they’re coming to destroy the hub but to capture it.”

  Lyla looked surprised. “I hadn’t considered that. Do we have enough Marines and combat robots to keep all of our facilities and the Shrieels secure?”

  Letting out a deep breath, Race answered. “I hope so. We’re bringing in Marines from other Dyson spheres and quite a few combat robots.” Even as he spoke another squad of Marines along with their combat robots came down the corridor. Race knew this was occurring on every facility at the hub. They were preparing for all out war.


  In the far reaches of intergalactic space, Admiral Trope was studying the latest reports on the readiness of his fleet. Several million warriors were ready to be deployed as well as over twenty million warrior robots. Overall it was an invasion force he deemed to be unstoppable.

  “What’s our latest ship count?”

  “Eight hundred and forty seven thousand warships,” replied Novast, “with more still arriving. We have over two hundred thousand additional battlecruisers still in transit to us.”

  “Excellent,” said Trope. This was by far the largest fleet the Eternals had ever gathered. “We will suffer heavy losses in this attack but that’s to be expected. We will finally eliminate our greatest enemy and take over all of their technology.”

  “We may even be able to find out how to shut off the hyperspace interdiction field around our home galaxy,” added Novast. “The council will be quite pleased with us.”

  Admiral Trope did not reply. He had no intention of turning off the interdiction field. He fully intended to rule the Empire and the center of his power would be the Originator base he planned on conquering. He was not going to turn control back over to the council.


  Commander Zafron watched as the Dominator and its escorts dropped out of hyperspace near a large Accelerator Ring. The ring would take them back to the hub and what awaited them there.

  “Ring will be ready for activation in twenty minutes,” reported Kia. “The trip to the hub will take four days.”

  “Very well,” replied Zafron. “Release our escorts as we won’t need them for the journey to the hub.” They would be in intergalactic hyperspace the entire time where nothing would pose a danger to them.

  Zafron was relieved they were returning to the hub. His daughter was there and still in stasis. She had been with him on the Dominator when it launched on its initial mission and had survived these long years sleeping in her stasis pod. He had planned on awakening her when the war with the Eternals was over. Now he regretted not doing so sooner if it were true the Eternals were preparing to attack the hub. He had already decided if he and the Dominator survived the coming battle, the first thing he would do would be to awaken her. She had slept far too long and part of that was Zafron’s fault. It was time to correct that miscalculation.


  Time passed and finally the Accelerator Ring activated. The Dominator dove into the center of the swirling blue maelstrom to vanish. The ship’s next destination was the hub and the possible massive battle waiting in the future.


  At the hub, Massie Tolsen was preparing to leave and make the trip to New Tellus. She had attempted to talk her brother into letting her stay in case she was needed but he had been adamant about her going and staying with their parents until the situation with the Eternals was over. Her husband was off in another galaxy and would meet her at New Tellus in a few days.

  Massie had just stepped into the Command Center of the Hera. It felt strange to be back on board her old flagship.

  “Admiral on deck!” called out the Marine at the hatch. Everyone stood and saluted.

  “As you were and I’m retired,” Massie said, smiling.

  “How have you been?” asked Commander Braden Macleod. “I understand we’re taking you to New Tellus.”

  Massie nodded. “Yes, Race insisted I take a dreadnaught. I would have felt just fine on a passenger liner.”

fleet takes care of its own,” replied Commander Macleod. “It’s our pleasure to take you home. I’m sure your parents will be thrilled to see you. The guest quarters have been prepared and your luggage is already there. The flight to New Tellus will take four days.”

  “We’re preparing to get underway,” reported Falolt, the female Originator AI at the Helm.

  Commander Macleod indicated for Massie to take the executive officer’s seat next to his command chair. “Are we ready?”

  “Yes, let’s go so you can get back. We don’t know when the Eternals will be showing up here.”

  “Hopefully not for a few more weeks,” replied Commander Macleod as he sat down.

  Massie joined him, sitting down in the executive officer’s chair.

  “Helm, activate the Accelerator Ring and set a course for New Tellus.”

  Massie watched as the forty-kilometer ring activated. She saw the swirling vortex grow closer as the Hera flew rapidly toward its center. Then the ship was through the vortex and on its way. Massie let out a deep breath. She couldn’t help but wonder what she would find when she returned. Already many of the massive structures at the hub were on the move as they were being placed in their defensive positions for the expected battle with the Eternals. She knew from talking to her brother he did not expect all of those structures to survive.

  Massie placed her hand gently on her stomach thinking about the new life growing inside of her. If she wasn’t pregnant there was no way she would be leaving. However, she knew it was best and she was looking forward to telling her parents the good news. Leaning back she gazed at the main viewscreen showing intergalactic space. For her the war was over; she would soon have a family to take care of. She just hoped Race came through all of this. She didn’t even want to think about what it might mean if she lost her brother.


  Race watched as the Hera vanished from the hub. He let out a deep sigh. He felt a little guilty sending his sister off to safety but he felt it was his duty to protect the new life she would soon be bringing forth into the world. Standing up he walked over to the large window overlooking the city. He was high up in the Tower and could see for miles. He knew all through the hub fleets were moving and Originator facilities were being prepared for the coming attack.


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