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Explorations- the Lost

Page 27

by Raymond L. Weil

  “Continue to advance,” ordered Trope. “We’re almost within range of those large structures we want to capture. Have all assault shuttles ready to go. They’ll be launching shortly.”


  Fleet Admiral Tolsen winced when he saw one of the forty-kilometer battlestations blow apart. It was evident the cargo ships of the Eternals had been designed specifically to take out the stations.

  “Admiral Zafron is ordering the three reserve fleets in to help with the defense of the Dyson spheres,” reported the communications officer.

  Race nodded. He knew this was necessary. Reports coming in indicated the fighting on the surface of all four of the Dyson spheres was heavy.

  “He also suggests we begin bringing the ships out of the Dyson spheres as the Eternals are all in interdiction range.”

  “Send the order.” Race leaned forward. Now would begin the main part of the battle. He had nearly four hundred thousand battlecruisers and fifty thousand dreadnaughts inside the four Dyson spheres waiting on his order to attack. Now was the time!

  “Should we order Admiral Grayseth and Rear Admiral Olsen to increase their attacks?” asked Colonel Williams, who was monitoring the four main tactical holograms. “So far they’ve been fighting harassing actions only.”

  “No,” replied Race. “We need to keep their fleets intact for as long as possible.” Race turned his attention to the tactical display showing the space just outside the area of the hub. He wondered how the Eternals would react to what they were about to see.


  Inside all four Dyson spheres the vortex control centers sent the commands to activate the vortexes which were capable of transporting ships to distant galaxies. Only in this case the vortexes were going to dump the ships out of hyperspace just outside the hub. In each Dyson sphere seventeen vortexes formed. Above the vortexes the waiting fleets began to move. It was time for them to become involved in the battle. The Originators had felt this was the safest way to move the fleets and not have to open the large access hatches.


  In Admiral Trope’s flagship alarms began to sound. He looked over at the sensors wondering what was happening.

  “We have hyperspace vortexes opening up,” reported the sensor officer. “I’m detecting sixty-eight of them.”

  “The Shrieels,” said First Officer Novast knowingly. “They’ve activated their vortex control centers.”

  “Scan those vortexes and see if anything is coming out!” Admiral Trope leaned forward in his command chair, his eyes focused intently on one of the tactical displays. It seemed the Originators and the Humans did have a trick up their sleeve. Now he was about to find out what it was.

  “Ships detected,” reported the sensor officer. “Originator battlecruisers and dreadnaughts are coming out of each hyperspace vortex.”

  Admiral Trope watched as entire fleets came out of the vortexes. For several long minutes fleet after fleet appeared. Finally the vortexes blinked out of existence, leaving the fleets behind. “How many?”

  “Four hundred and sixteen thousand battlecruisers and forty-three thousand dreadnaughts.”

  Admiral Trope leaned back in his command chair. “They knew we were coming. They’ve stripped their bases and the other Shrieels of ships to try to set a trap for us.”

  “What do we do?” asked First Officer Novast.

  Admiral Trope stood up and gazed at the tactical display. “We attack. We don’t deviate from our plans. We still have over a two to one advantage in ships. This battle can still be ours.”

  “We are Eternals and we will be victorious,” said Novast.

  “So we shall,” replied Trope, sitting back down. “It is essential we destroy all of their battlestations and as many of their mobile battlestations as quickly as possible before those other fleets can close. Call up more of our cargo ships. We need to intensify our attacks against those targets.”


  In space, the Eternals’ main fleet continued to advance on the shipyards and other major facilities of the Originators. The massive forty-kilometer battlestations moved to try to block their way. The results were disastrous.

  There were twelve of the large battlestations forward of the advancing Eternal fleet. They were protected by a handful of battlecruisers and dreadnaughts. Toward each one the Eternals launched two hundred of their battlecruisers with ten of their special cargo ships hidden in the center of the formation. The rest of the Eternal fleet closed to within weapons range, hammering the stations with missiles and energy weapons.


  Race saw what the Eternals were attempting to do. “Commander Garratt, get our fleet over to those battlestations immediately or the Eternals are going to destroy them. Communications, contact Admiral Bachal and Admiral Calmat and have them begin jumping their fleets in. We need to activate the interdiction fields as soon as possible.”

  On the viewscreen, Race saw one of the battlestations explode as its shields were overwhelmed. It never stopped firing its weapons as internal explosions tore it apart. “Commander Garratt, our fleet has one responsibility and one responsibility only. Protect those battlestations!”

  Race was glad he had twenty juggernauts with him. With a little luck he just might be able to save most of those stations now coming under attack.


  Admiral Zafron was growing more concerned with every passing minute. His fleet was heavily outnumbered and he had lost nearly half of his dreadnaughts while taking out the Eternals’ assault shuttles. The Dominator was coming under extremely heavy attack as the Eternals recognized the ship which had been such a problem for them over the years. The Dominator’s screens were awash in energy and already beginning to fluctuate. The three fleets he had called in he had been sent to help support the defense of the other Shrieels. For the time being, his fleet was on its own.

  Zafron’s fleet formation was full of exploding ships and even his juggernauts were beginning to fall victim to mass attacks by Eternal battlecruisers. A massive explosion suddenly shook the Dominator, nearly throwing Admiral Zafron from his command chair. Only the restraints holding him in place prevented him from being sent flying across the Command Center.

  “Major damage to the hull above secondary engineering,” reported Kazak. “We have a large number of compartments open to space and we’re streaming atmosphere. I’m sealing the affected compartments off.”

  Looking over at the damage control console Zafron saw a large number of red lights glowing ominously.

  “Should we pull back?” asked Kazak, his eyes focused on the admiral.

  Zafron shook his head. “No, we stay and fight. Move more of our surviving dreadnaughts up around us to provide support.”


  “The Dominator’s been heavily damaged,” reported Commander Garratt.

  Race’s eyes immediately went to the tactical hologram showing that particular battle. It was obvious Admiral Zafron’s fleet was heavily outnumbered and losing ships at a staggering rate. “Order Rear Admiral Olsen to go to his aid. With her juggernauts she should be able to push the Eternals back.” Race just hoped she made it to Admiral Zafron in time.


  Eternal Admiral Stord watched his tactical display as his fleet devastated the Originator fleet opposing him.

  “We have another Originator fleet inbound,” reported his first officer. “It has thirty of their mobile battlestations with it.”

  “No doubt trying to save the one we’re destroying,” replied Stroud. “Push the attack. I want the Dominator destroyed!”

  The Dominator had been a thorn in the Eternals’ side for years. It would help his combat record if his fleet was the one to finally destroy it.


  On the surface of the Shrieel Captain Minsk was nearing her objective. The fighting thus far had been intense. She had already lost two of her tanks and nearly half of her Marines and combat robots. Everywhere she looked were attacking Eternal warriors and warrior robots.

ow much farther?” she asked, looking over at Sergeant Kelly.

  “A good kilometer,” the sergeant replied. “I don’t know if we can make it. We’re taking massive losses.’

  In the distance, a flash of light indicated another nuclear charge had just been set off.

  “We must. We have two tanks left. We’ll follow them in.”

  Sergeant Kelly nodded. “When do we go?”

  Taking a deep breath, Captain Minsk answered. “Now; the longer we wait the fewer Marines and combat robots we’re going to have to make the assault.”

  A few moments later the two surviving tanks moved out, firing nonstop at the targets in front of them. Behind the tanks, the Marines and the combat robots moved out in staggered skirmish lines. Energy rifles were firing continuously as the Eternals attempted to stop the advance. Plasma charges fell amongst the attackers, blowing huge holes in their ranks.

  Captain Minsk was flung to the ground when a plasma charge exploded near her. Standing back up she saw no signs of Sergeant Kelly. The charge had gone off almost exactly where he had been standing. Taking a deep breath she headed forward following her two tanks. They were nearly halfway to their objective when several plasma charges hit the lead tank, blowing it apart.

  “Press forward!” she yelled over her suit com. “We have to take that site!” Raising her rifle she began firing at the enemy. They either reached their objective in the next few minutes or all of them would be dead.


  Admiral Zafron watched steadfastly as the Eternals blew apart the dreadnaughts helping to defend the Dominator. There was no doubt in his mind his ship was a priority target. The ship suddenly slewed sideways as a powerful blast struck the vessel. On the damage control console more red lights appeared, more than Zafron had ever seen before. He knew the Dominator was dying. His lone regret was he wasn’t going to get to tell his daughter goodbye.

  “Sealing off all emergency bulkheads,” reported Kazak as he fought furiously to keep the ship alive. “Power has been reduced by 42 percent. Weapons have been reduced by 38 percent. We have a hole in our side approximately four hundred meters long and extending inward nearly two hundred meters. Structural integrity is deteriorating.”

  “Rear Admiral Olsen is inbound with her fleet,” reported Captain Grayson. “She’s three minutes out.”

  “Two of our juggernauts are moving into supporting positions,” added Kazak.


  Eternal Admiral Stord gazed in satisfaction at the main viewscreen in his Command Center. The Originator ship Dominator was centered in the screen and it had a large glowing hole in its side. “Continue to fire,” he ordered. “Have more of our fleet target those two mobile battlestations.”

  “Enemy reinforcements are inbound,” warned Novast. “There are thirty of the Originators’ mobile battlestations in the incoming formation.”

  “Intensify our rate of fire. We must destroy those two mobile battlestations defending the Dominator and then I want that warship finished off. Its days of harassing our fleets are over!”


  The two juggernauts were tearing huge holes in the Eternal fleet formation. Dark matter missiles, antimatter missiles, and beam weapons were tearing hundreds of Eternal battlecruisers apart. However, the Eternal fleet was pressing forward. Originator battlecruisers and dreadnaughts were dying like moths in a flame. The two mobile battlestations’ shields were glowing brightly from the sheer amount of energy being focused against them. Then two large squadrons of battlecruisers broke from the Eternal formation and headed at high speed for the two juggernauts. Heavy weapons fire destroyed nearly 90 percent of the incoming warships but twelve survived long enough to slam into one juggernaut and eight into the other. In two massive blasts both juggernauts blew apart.


  Fleet Admiral Tolsen watched as the two juggernauts defending the Dominator were destroyed. Suddenly there was a brilliant light where the Dominator was. When the light died down the Dominator reappeared. The ship was broken in two with numerous explosions blowing out more of the ship’s hull. The entire vessel was a shattered wreck.

  “Dominator is down,” reported the sensor officer.

  Race saw Rear Admiral Olsen’s fleet arrive and go on the attack. However, it was too late to save the Dominator. The ship was gone.

  “Our other fleets are jumping in,” added Commander Garratt.

  On the tactical displays, Race saw the fleets from the Dyson spheres were appearing in different sections of the hub. The battle was about to greatly increase in ferocity. Taking one last look at the Dominator Race prepared to fight the next part of the battle. Doubtlessly there would be more losses to key personnel for this was a battle of survival. Either the Originators would reign supreme or the Eternals would.


  Admiral Zafron gradually regained consciousness. His entire body felt as if it was on fire. Staggering to his feet he looked around the shattered remains of the Command Center. Only the emergency lighting was on. All the consoles were dead and the room was full of smoke. A few groans of pain could be heard coming from some of the surviving crewmembers.

  “Kazak, report!” There was only silence. Zafron looked around the Command Center, finally spotting Kazak. A large structural beam had fallen on the military AI, smashing in his head. Kazak was no more.

  “He’s gone,” said Kia, coming over to stand next to Zafron. “He pushed you out of the way of the beam.”

  Zafron nodded, too stunned to speak. Kazak did not make it a habit of having his engrams downloaded. There would be no coming back from death for the military AI.

  “Kia, what shape’s the ship in?” Zafron knew with her neural implant she could contact the other AIs on the vessel.

  “Bad, Admiral. The ship’s been broken in two with major damage to both sections. There are currently fires raging in the compartments which still contain oxygen. All power is out except for emergency power. All weapons are nonfunctional. Communications are out. There so much interference from the ongoing battle I can’t contact any other AIs on any of our ships.”

  Zafron went over and sat down in front of an unoccupied console. “What about the Command Center and the sections immediately around it?”

  “The Command Center is still airtight. The emergency life support for this section is still functioning though I can’t say for how much longer. The corridor immediately outside the Command Center is pressurized as are a few more compartments nearby. Many of the others are open to space. For the time being I don’t see any way we can leave.”

  Zafron saw Captain Franklyn stand up. He had a bad cut on his arm. “Help attend to the wounded. Let’s see who’s still alive.” All they could do now was try to survive and hope rescue would eventually come. Of course, if the Eternals won the battle, they were as good as dead.


  Captain Minsk threw herself to the ground as several plasma blasts blew apart her last tank. Looking around she saw she had less than fifty Marines left and at the most maybe seventy combat robots. That was a fifth of what she had started out with.

  Standing back up she saw they were nearly to their objective. “Move forward. Corporal Jennings, take that bunker to the right. That’s where we believe the Eternals have the nuclear charges stored they’re using to attempt to blast a hole in the Dyson sphere. Corporal Mathew, hit the outpost to the left. That’s where they’re controlling the blasts. We take both of those and we’ll bring the blasting to a stop.”

  The two squad leaders began advancing on their targets with their combat robots in the lead. Energy beam fire and explosions dotted the surface of the Dyson sphere as the fighting intensified. Combat robots were blown into hundred of pieces as plasma charges took them out. Warrior robots were being cut down by intense energy rifle fire from the Marines. Then it was hand-to-hand as the combat robots and the warrior robots collided.

  The battle waged back and forth as the two sides fought for superiority. The Eternals were trying to keep the Marines a
nd combat robots from reaching their blasting site. Marines and warriors fell to the ground trying to kill each other.

  Captain Minsk found herself standing face to face with an Eternal warrior who towered over her in his battle suit. He knocked her energy rifle out of her hands. Then a hard blow to her stomach sent her falling to the ground. In desperation Captain Minsk reached to her waist and pulled the pistol she always carried. Turning it toward the Eternal, she fired a short blast of energy into his chest. The Eternal looked surprised as he fell to the ground dead.

  Feeling shaken, Captain Minsk stood back up.

  “We have taken our objective,” reported Corporal Jennings.

  “Same here,” added Corporal Mathew.

  “Excellent,” answered Minsk over the comm unit in her suit. “Destroy everything.”

  A few minutes later she arrived at the blasting site. A hole nearly sixty meters deep extended into the hull of the Dyson sphere. From what Minsk knew there was still over another hundred meters of heavy armor to blast through before they could reach any of the corridors that ran through the hull.

  “Form a defensive perimeter around the blasting site,” she ordered. Looking at her HUD she saw only seventeen of her Marines had survived along with twenty-two combat robots. If reinforcements didn’t reach them soon the Eternals would make short work of the survivors.


  Major Danforth had just received the report Captain Minsk had taken the blasting site. “Lieutenant Bates, I have another job for you.”

  “Yes, sir,” replied Bates. He had just finished relieving Sergeant Weisman.

  “I need you to make your way to the blasting site and reinforce Captain Minsk. We must hold that site at all costs.”

  “We’ll get the job done, sir.”

  “I’m also calling in reinforcements. We’ve got our perimeter established but it’s under a lot of pressure from the Eternals. With the reinforcements we should be able to hold and begin expanding outward. This battle is a long ways from over.” Looking upward, Danforth could see space was full of titanic explosions. The battle in space was not slowing down. If anything it was growing more intense.


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