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Iron Age Demons

Page 9

by Eden Redd

  Thorrin’s shoulders sank a little as a weariness colored into his expression. “I wish it were that easy. We have orders to kill all of you, but I don’t like taking a life unless it’s me or them. That only leaves us with the option of beating you to a pulp and dragging you to the castle there so you can tell us where the Idols are.”

  “Cyndi couldn’t beat us. What makes you think you three have a chance?”

  Thorrin eyed Will, “She did give us some intel on all of you. We trained pretty hard before making our way here. Fighting ghouls and hydras also helped. I think we are stronger than Cyndi. I don’t know, maybe we need to test it?”

  Will called up his stats, eyeing them in the corner of his vision.

  William Asher

  Hearts: 10

  Armor: 6

  Primary Weapon: Iron Hammer: Gem slot Ruby: Fire Damage

  Secondary Weapon: Iron Sword

  Tunic: Stone Protection

  Leggings: Swiftness

  Boots: Leaping

  Strength: 15 (Apprentice)

  Intelligence: 15 (Apprentice)

  Agility: 15 (Apprentice)

  Will: 15 (Apprentice)

  Mana: 13 (Apprentice)

  Path: Beast (Apprentice)



  Spell Book

  Fire Bolt (Apprentice)

  Ice Bolt (Apprentice)

  Earth Bolt (Apprentice)

  Air Bolt (Apprentice)

  Fire Weaving (Apprentice)

  Water Weaving (Apprentice)

  Will mentally cursed himself for not upgrading all of his equipment. He was so wrapped up in taking care of his kingdom, he didn’t take the time to gem slot his sword or change his tunic. Spell book was firmly against his thigh in its sheath, but he hadn’t actually used any spells in combat.

  Val held out her hands, claws bursting from fingertips and growing about a foot long. Morgan drew his sword, black eyes on the elf. Nova lifted her hands, stones bursting up from the wet mud and shifting into short swords. Sil held up a hand, the air whirling around and forming into a white spear. Folly held his spear, head low and eyes sharp.

  Thorrin’s hand touched the hammer hanging from his belt and pulled it free from its latch. Spinning it once around, he held it to the side. Will held his hammer sideways, both hands on the shaft. The two kept their unblinking gazes as the sound of rain filled the air around them.

  “The light will always beat the darkness,” Thorrin said like a prayer.

  “The light is blind and so are you,” Will said with a defiant tone.

  Thorrin’s body moved into a stance. Rain ran down his face before his eyes narrowed. Time slowed as the world around them took on sharper lines. Will’s heart slowed as he drank in a cleansing breath. Val flexed her fingers while questions raided her mind. Morgan kept his cold gaze. Nova and Sil bent their legs at the knees. Folly growled.

  Thorrin burst forward, pushing off Freek’s chest and causing the kobold to cry out in pain. The armored man charged like a freight train toward Will. Energy sparked along Thorrin’s hammer. Will brought up his hammer, the end bursting into flames. Heels dug in before he blasted forward like a comet. The two met and hammers clashed, fire and sparks filling the space between them.

  Bedlam erupted as both sides rushed toward each other. Bridget came at Val with a raised fist, electricity arcing along her hand and sparks shooting from her neck. Val came at her until the last moment where she jumped high into the air, the fist just missing her. Somersaulting, Val landed behind the woman and kicked out, only for her boot to miss. Bridget sidestepped, whirled around and rammed a fist right in the middle of Val’s chest. The pale beauty went flying, landing on her back. Legs spun, forcing her body back to a fighting stance, but Bridget was on her. Fists shot out in a barrage as Val dodged them, each time taking a step back. Energy burned at Val’s chest from the single strike and she ignored it as she tried to keep the strong green-skinned woman at bay.

  Morgan rushed ahead, silent as a grave. Faye charged. The two met in the middle and Morgan thrust his sword. Faye’s body shifted, dodging the strike before spinning away and falling into a battle stance. Morgan pressed his attack, sword slicing in small arcs and the elf dodging each one with little effort. The attacks continued, sword slicing at raindrops while the elf moved her body. When she planted her feet, Morgan brought his sword up and sliced downward. The elf’s hands flashed together, stopping the blade mid-swing. Morgan’s eyes widened as the sword was twisted out of his hands. The blade spun away, stabbing into the muddy ground, the pommel swaying back and forth.

  “Don’t make me hurt you,” Faye said calm as a spring pond.

  Morgan ignored her, lifted his fists and charged. The elf dodged two punches before her knee came up and her heel struck Morgan’s knee. Morgan cried out as he lost his balance. Faye stepped closer, fist cocked and ready when a shadow touched the edge of her gaze. Turning, she blocked an incoming spear with her forearms, Sil floating with hard eyes.

  The elf and kobold regarded each other before their bodies blurred. Sil’s white spear shot out in rapid strikes, too fast to see. Faye’s upper body moved in blurry flashes, dodging each strike. The two were caught in each other’s gravity, pressing their attacks when Morgan joined the fray. Faye’s movements slowed as she divided her attention. The elf dodged spear strikes and parried Morgan’s fists. The three of them swirled into a dance, each trying to land a blow.

  Will and Thorrin pushed at each other, sparks flying. Will growled his contempt as he twisted his upper body. Thorrin didn’t fall for it, pulling back and keeping his balance. Hammers raised, the two struck at each other like titans. Fire and light flashed in the rain as each fighter tried to gain an edge. Thorrin pulled back while swinging his hammer. When he stepped closer, his hammer made quick strikes. Will parried each one, feeling the power even from those small blows. When his boot slipped a few inches in the mud, Will was rewarded with a hammer strike to the chest.

  You have taken 4 damage! You have 6 Hearts remaining.

  Will stumbled back as Thorrin pressed his attack. Hammer falling, Will lifted his hammer and braced himself when four stone short swords came together and parried Thorrin’s attack.

  “Leave my love alone!” Nova screamed.

  Thorrin raised an eyebrow before swords pulled away and flashed forward. Four points stabbed out and Thorrin turned his body sideways. Arching his back, the stone blades were within a hair of cutting his chest. Thorrin stumbled backwards and a fiery hammer arced around. Hammer up, he blocked it, but Will grinned as he shifted the flaming hammer, fire licking at Thorrin’s face and hair. Pain surged as he retreated. A hand went up and pulled away a tuft of burnt hair.

  Will stalked closer. “You heard the lady,” the player smirked as he and Nova pounced.

  Val spun and dodged Bridget’s attacks like a ballerina in a hurricane. The green-skinned woman growled as she tried to land another blow. Electric fists punched at air as Val continued to keep her at bay. The pale beauty retreated until her back was to the wall. A fist came at her and Val sank down. The first strike cracked the stone as Val jumped up, driving her knee into Bridget’s jaw. The green-skinned woman’s head snapped back and Val saw her opening. Claws flexing, she was about to eviscerate the woman’s unguarded stomach, but hesitated.

  Bridget’s head snapped back down and glared at Val. The woman pulled her clawed hands back, eyes staring in disbelief.

  “I think I remember you,” Val said in a hushed tone.

  Bridget’s eyes widened a hair before her fist struck out. Val parried the blow with her forearm, but Bridget’s second fist connected with her side. Power exploded, Sending Val into the wall, bashing the side of her head. Blood spurted from a headwound and trickled into her eye. The wound began to close, but Val stumbled away, trying to regain her wits. The punch had an electrical charge and she fought through the stunned haze. She made it three steps before a fist hit her spine and sent her sprawling into the
mud. Bridget approached, staring at the pale beauty on her stomach, energy arcing long her clenched fists.

  Sil and Morgan pressed their attacks, but the lone elf kept them at bay. Arms and legs moving in a blur, she blocked every single strike until Sil’s spear point nicked her tanned cheek. Faye’s arms swung around, knocking them away and taking a step back. Hand up, she touched her cheek and blood painted her fingertips.

  Sil and Morgan stood side by side, fists and spear up.

  “I’ll take the high road,” Morgan whispered.

  Sil nodded.

  The pair burst forward, charging the tall, tanned elf. Faye readied herself and when they met, the very rain was knocked away. Morgan threw two fist strikes. Faye blocked them, opened her hand and drove her palm into his chest. The strike was so hard, bones cracked and Morgan bent in half as he was thrown. The black-eyed man hit the ground like a rag doll and slid through the mud for five feet.

  Faye took a step back and was greeted by a storm of spear strikes. Spinning away, Sil kept at her, jumping like she weighed nothing and striking out with the power of sharp battering ram. Faye parried a spear thrust and power rippled along her arm. The elf’s brow went up as she saw Sil’s unbridled determination glaring at her. The two moved with expert ease, neither one landing a strike. Sil hopped, pressing her attacks until Faye knocked away her spear and launched herself backwards.

  Sil watched as power glowed along Faye’s hands while she was floating back. The guardian let her spear vanish and she pressed her hands together. The air pulsed with power as Faye landed and bolted toward the kobold. Air swirled around Sil’s clawed hands. When the two closed the distance between them, Faye’s powered hand shot out while Sil thrust both hands upwards, a hurricane wind blasting forth.

  Faye’s strike grazed the kobold, but the effect was immediate. Power exploded as Sil was thrown back, but not before her wind strike hit Faye directly in the chest. The two were thrown apart, Sil landing next to Morgan, her senses reeling and Faye ungracefully landing on her ass in the mud.

  Thorrin, Will, and Nova sliced and swung weapons like three storms coming together. Sparks flew in all directions as they tried to prevent the other from landing a blow. Will and Nova moved in sync, parrying and attacking like two halves of the same soul. Thorrin’s power pushed at his limbs, moving and knocking away their attacks, muscles straining. Just as it felt as their battle would spin on into eternity, Will took a step closer and drove the shaft of his hammer into Thorrin’s face. The blow knocked his head back and blood spurted into the air. Nova rushed in, stone swords flashing and striking the stunned man in gray and gold armor. Blade tips sunk into weak spots along his armor with the finesse of the chef and the power of a machine. Thorrin grunted as blade points stabbed into his flesh. Without thinking, he swung his hammer underhanded at the attacking stalker. The hammer struck under her chin and sent her up off the ground and falling back.

  Will let go of his hammer and caught Nova, pulling her away just as Thorrin’s hammer came down, missing her chest by inches.

  Thorrin stepped back and glanced down, blood leaking from points in his armor. Hammer up, he stalked forward as Will pulled Nova back.

  “I was just going to beat you into the ground but the Silver Queen was right about how dangerous you are. Plan B, kill you all and break every stone in your castle until we find the Idols,” Thorrin sneered as he approached.

  “Will…” Nova managed as blood dripped from under her chin.

  The player’s heart hammered in his chest as he saw his hammer lying five feet away and Thorrin stepping closer. His mind went to his sword and his spell book. Laying Nova down, the player stood up, his left hand falling to his spell book and drawing it from its sheath.


  Stella lay in her bed, a flash of lightning filling her open window and rumbling thunder rising up in the vast distance.

  “I love thunderstorms,” the Witch Angel sighed, her thoughts floating to Will.

  Hand drifting between her thighs, she thought of Will and how she could seduce him again when he returned. She wondered what was taking him so long and figured he was simply caught in the storm, waiting for it to ease up.

  Sighing again, fingers slipped into her black leggings when the door to her room opened. Lifting her head, she didn’t bother to pull away her hand when a man in a dark cloak walked in, short sword in hand. Water dripped down along the hood and cloak as eyes fell on the gray-skinned woman.

  “Um, sorry to interrupt,” the man said with almost genuine shock.

  Stella’s upper body curled up. One hand picked up her hat and placed it on her head while her other hand stayed in her leggings.

  “Judging from how you entered my room with your sword drawn, you’re not a friend,” the Witch Angel said with a breathy edge.

  The man lowered his sword a few inches. “This is embarrassing. I wasn’t expecting you to be…um…in a compromised position. I would say I could come back, but I’m in a bit of time crunch.”

  Stella stared while her fingers danced along her raised clit. “What’s the hurry?” as she spread her legs.

  Shadowy bodies moved behind the man but they didn’t enter.

  “Well, since you’re here, we’re looking for some Idols. Do you happen to know where they are?”

  Stella gave the intruder a small smile, “I don’t normally do this with complete strangers, unless there’s a soul involved but, What’s your name?”

  The man stood up straighter with an awkward smile. “Renner Wulf. Kind of on a mission to save the world from… well… you and your master.”

  Stella let out a sultry hiss as pleasure rode her nerves. Body shuddering, she stayed in that moment for a few seconds before withdrawing her hand and sliding off the bed. Standing to her full height, blue flames bursting along her hands and looking to Renner with half-closed eyes.

  “Well, Renner Wulf, I have to say you might not have all the facts. I will have to ask you to leave.”

  Shadows lengthened under Renner’s eyes as he raised his sword. “Here I thought we were connecting.”

  “Sad to say, we were not. I like dead men and you’re just a hollow echo of a man from long ago.”

  Renner winced. “Ouch, right in the feels. Look, after everything, I’m sorry.”

  Stella stood her ground. Lightning flashed outside again and thunder rumbled a few seconds later. The shadows behind Renner grew restless. The cloaked man kept his gaze neutral. Blue flames encircled Stella’s hands as she didn’t blink.

  Lightning flashed again and in a blink of an eye, Renner was flying through the air, sword at his side.

  Stella side stepped as the sword came down, missing her by inches. Renner threw his shoulder into the busty woman with gray skin and bounced off of her, hitting the ground. Eyes wide, he looked up at Stella’s wicked grin.

  “I don’t like to hurt the living, even here in this virtual world, but that doesn’t mean I won’t do it.”

  Bodies rushed in, white skin glowing in the dim light. Stella turned to see a dozen pale white elves with braided ivory hair. They wore metal armor in the shape of leaves, short swords and daggers in each of their hands. They rushed enmass toward the towering witch.

  The elves moved so fast; Stella couldn’t get a word in as they rushed her. Swords and daggers stabbed out as Stella opened her hands and a stream of blue fire blasted out. The first elf was engulfed, but his body didn’t burn. Instead, his eyes closed and he went limp, crashing into Stella and bouncing off. The witch poured on the flames as the elves came at her. One by one they fell, but the rest grabbed their fellow elves and used them as shields. Rushing the witch, bodies crashed into her.

  Stella laughed as she grabbed an elf by the leg and swung him around like a club. Elves were thrown in several directions before others adjusted for her attack and pounced. Daggers and swords came close to her skin before elves were knocked from the air. Stella laughed maniacally until pain stabbed into her leg. Looking down, she saw R
enner’s sword buried a few inches in her leg and the man mouthing “I’m sorry.”

  The witch was about to give him a fist full of blue flames when swords and daggers sank into her. Stella grunted as she stepped back, smashing an elf in the jaw and sending him spiraling into a wall. Taking another step back, she whipped her hand around, backhanding four elves and sending them sprawling. Clutching at the daggers and sword in her gut, she pulled them out one by one until a shout stopped her.

  Renner remain low as he charged. Ramming his shoulder into her gut, the force knocked the witch back until her lower back hit the window edge. Stella clamped a hand on Renner’s shoulder and squeezed. Renner cried out in pain. A shadow appeared and Stella looked up to see an elf with a dagger in hand. An instant later, the point stabbed at her eye.

  Stella grunted and let go of Renner. Pulling the dagger out, she threw it aside. Renner grabbed at her legs and hoisted with all his strength. It happened so fast, the witch didn’t get a chance to grab the edge and was flipped out of the window.

  Elves moved to Renner’s side and helped him up. Lightning flashed again and the rogue moved to the window edge and looked down. Stella lay on her back, her hat feet from her. Her hair was splayed out and she had one leg over the other like a pin-up model laying on her back.

  “I’m really sorry,” Renner said before elves grabbed his arms and pulled him away.


  Milly walked along a corridor, concern creasing her brow. It seemed Will was gone too long and she began to worry. Pacing, she decided to stroll to the entrance and see if they were on their way back.

  Walking along, she saw the intersection up ahead and the stairs would be just around the corner. As she made her way, a chill ran down her spine. Turning, the Panu’s eyes widened as a man and a group of elves approached. Naked blades were at their sides and their eyes contained murderous intent. The man leading them raised his hands to show he was not holding a weapon but a short sword was sheathed at his hip.


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