Iron Age Demons

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Iron Age Demons Page 11

by Eden Redd

  Will’s sensitive ears twitched as he made out some of Milly’s words.

  Milly pulled back and turned around, Nova just behind her and looking to Will. Together they stepped forward, approaching him. Nova’s gaze turned from sorrow to something deeper. The room grew warmer as Will could see Milly and Nova’s demeanors switch to something needy and primal.

  Milly pressed her body to Will, her tongue taking a lick at his neck and brushing her lips against his ear.

  “She needs you. We need you,” Milly whispered.

  A small voice wanted to speak up and question their motives, but it floated away. The longer he knew Milly, the more he saw she was direct in indirect ways. It wasn’t lost on Will as Milly gave lustful gazes to many. The way she spoke of Stella, the player thought they may have been together intimately. The insatiable times they were locked in loving embraces seemed to only brighten her fire and her needs.

  “My lord, we are here to please you. Let us please you,” Milly said with a small sinister whine.

  Thoughts drained away as blood rushed. Will’s manhood strained against his now tight clothing. Milly could sense the need to be free and took hold of his belt and unbuckled it. Nova stood and watched for a moment as Milly pulled away the belt with the sword. Hands moved of their own accord as Nova reached for Will’s hammer and pulled it from over his shoulder. Several hands pulled at his clothes, helping him to undress until he stood in a simple loin cloth, his cock straining against the thin fabric.

  Nova stepped closer, four hands touching Will in different places. One touched his chest while another at his hip. A third hand touched his leg while the fourth one touched his neck. Milly stepped back and watched as the stalker could barely contain herself.

  “I want you,” Nova stated simply before pressing her dark green lips to his.

  Will savored the taste as her tongue slid into his mouth. The upper pair of her arms circled his neck while the lower set of arms reached low. One hand pulled down his loincloth while the other hand took hold and began to stroke his veiny shaft. Bliss bloomed as Will lost all sense of himself in the hot chamber.

  Milly stepped closer, taking hold of Nova’s skirt and under clothes and pulling them down to her ankles. The stalker stepped out of them, but didn’t break her embrace. Hand moving back and forth, Will’s cock nearly vibrated with needs. The tender touching soon parted as Milly helped Nova remove her top.

  Will looked down on the jade colored Nova. Her body was fit, but with tender edges. Breasts defied gravity as pale green nipples pointed. The apex of her sex bloomed with a hint of wetness. Milly stood beside her, eyes dripping with lust.

  “You must rest my lord. Please, lay down,” Milly instructed.

  Will gave them a wicked smirk before sliding into bed. Milly and Nova followed, crawling in after him and hands pressing against his chest so he would remain on his back. Member standing on its own power and throbbing, Milly and Nova took hold, stroking it in unison.

  Nova’s eyes widened a little as Milly bent down and gave the tip a gentle lick.

  “I’ve… never done this… before,” the stalker whispered with embarrassment.

  Milly lifted her head, but continued to help stroke. “It’s okay. We are all family here.”

  The panu shifted to her side so she could face Nova, “Do what comes naturally. We will be here to make sure you’re safe.”

  Nova shook her head, “When I get too excited, I may blow up.”

  “We won’t let it come to that. We will take it easy,” Will said with a reassuring smile.

  One of Nova’s hands moved to her womanhood. Fingers touched pale green folds and wetness flowed. Touching herself, a gasp rose up as she looked down on Will’s throbbing member.

  “You can control the tempo,” Milly said with a sultry edge.

  Nova catching her meaning, crawled up a little. Milly pulled back and crawled to Will’s side. The two watched as Nova stroked with two hands while one hand moved between her supple thighs. Something sparked and she pressed Will’s member to her dripping valley. Slowly, she let gravity take hold and a moan filled the bedchamber.

  Milly kissed Will’s neck as Nova slid down, thick inches spreading her tight world. Halfway down, her hands clutched to Will’s stomach, easing her descent to paradise. When she reached the base, inner walls slowly accommodated his size. Nature took hold, hips gently moving, barely an inch showing before she sank down.

  Will’s body reacted by his cock becoming hard as granite. Nova’s body moved in fluid motions as she rode him, engulfing his cock. The tempo grew and pleasure washed over them. Milly watched, her own hand touching her hairy valley. Fingertip making circular motions along her clit inflamed her own needs. The scent of sex drifted over their naked bodies and keen senses.

  Will was lost in the growing bliss. Nova let out small cries of pleasure, increasing and decreasing the intimate connection. Magic danced along nerves. Nova’s breathing quickened and then energy glowed along her bouncing breasts.

  “Slow down,” Milly ordered with a smile, her own fingers working self-love magic. “Enjoy his cock.”

  Nova slowed, inner walls not wanting to let go of the throbbing member. Will touched her hips, but Nova pulled them away so they could hold hands. Upper hands entwined fingers with Will while the lower pair of hands helped control the slower tempo. The energy sparking died and Nova tilted her head back, closing her eyes.

  “I feel it. I feel it,” Nova moaned.

  Will’s hands tightened in Nova’s hands. Spirits warmed each other as the stalker could not slow down. No energy sparked, but Will could feel her getting closer as her body betrayed her. The mood dripped with lust and love. The outer world seemed to stop as their bodies moved to a primal rhythm.

  “Will…” Nova cried out.

  “We love you,” Milly said with a blissful hiss, fingers working her glowing clit.

  “Nova,” Will said as his own self-control began to break away.

  Nova’s eyes opened as heat flushed her neck. A shrill moan rose up as she squeezed Will’s manhood. Explosions lit up her inner world, followed by a flood of desire. Body shuddering, Will and Milly watched to see if she would explode. No energy sparked except for the deluge of ecstasy filling the jade colored woman.

  Hips slowed and Nova gasped for breath. Hands let go, but she didn’t break the connection. Instead, she picked up the tempo, chasing after the feeling swirling around her body. A new push and pull caused wetness to slide down Will’s cock.

  Milly looked to Will. “I need your kiss,” she whispered.

  Will watched as Milly rose up and crawled over his chest. Thick thighs at the sides of his head, he saw the wicked gleam in her eyes just before she pressed her dripping womanhood to his mouth. Tongue slipping out and lips closing on her mound, he attacked her clit with seductive frenzy. Milly moaned and soon the chorus of Milly and Nova filled the bedchamber. Green hands reached under Milly’s arms and cupped heavy breasts. Milly guided Nova’s fingers to touch and caress her nipples while Will invaded both of them.

  The connection flared and Will felt himself losing the battle against his self-control. Cock thickening, Nova let out a heated gasp, barely able to contain Will’s power. Milly’s hips moved to her lord’s masterful tongue. The trio locked as the tipping point touched all of their bodies.

  Nova let out another loud moan, body trembling to her inner dam cracking. Bliss exploded along her nerves and she wailed in delight.

  Milly sucked in air, the tempo taking control. When Will licked her just the right way, the Panu’s body shuddered and she whimpered as a string of orgasms assaulted her senses. Unable to stop, she moved her hips to his tongue, begging for more and was rewarded with another orgasm, followed by another.

  Will was lost to their bodies on him. The heat and love bathing their forms had become too much. Hands on Nova’s hips, he helped her along as she was lost to divine bliss. When the inner needs reached their zenith, Will grunted between Milly�
�s legs. Hands clamping down on Nova, he held her to him as his hips thrust up an inch and white seed spurted. Heat and ecstasy bashed into senses as all three could not contain themselves, riding the wave.

  Will grunted again as another spurt filled Nova’s thin space. The stalker looked down, feeling come leaking away, but still riding his hard cock.

  Milly looked down on Will’s eyes with seductive wanting. “Maybe a little more so we can be sure we all have a good night’s sleep,” Milly said with a wicked smile.


  Bodies gathered at the main gate, horses nearby. Food and water were placed in saddle bags by panu while Morgan held the reins. Val stood with her hood up, darkness touching the edges of her face, but her mind faraway. Stella looked around at everyone gathered. The town had turned out to see them leave. Sil addressed Freek, Folly, and few other kobolds, giving them final orders before they departed.

  Will looked to the gathered crowd, Milly, Nova, and Belle standing at the front with kind, sad eyes.

  “We hopefully shouldn’t be gone too long,” Will said simply.

  “We will keep the lantern on for your safe return,” Milly smiled.

  Freek and Folly moved to Milly’s sides.

  “We will guard the town and castle with our lives,” the two kobolds said in unison.

  Nova gave a strong nod, her heart light and free.

  Morgan brought the horses closer. Val and Stella climbed onto their horses. Morgan was next. Sil leapt into the air and landed on her horse. The moment her legs clamped down; the kobold’s eyes widened. Taking the reins, she pulled as the horse trotted a few steps before it calmed down.

  Will moved to his horse, put a foot in a stirrup and hoisted himself up. Sitting, he looked to everyone again with a confident smile.

  Milly approached, lifted a hand and touched Will’s leg.

  “Come back with victory or defeat. It doesn’t matter which one, just come back.”

  Will drank in her beauty as her fierce words touched his soul.

  “We will come back. I swear it,” Will said with confidence.

  Horses turned and trotted toward the main gate. Chains clinked as the iron doors of the gate pulled aside. Horses moved through the entrance and stepped out into the clearing before the primeval forest. The sun shone high in the early morning sky, but a darkness stabbed at Will. Not looking back, he let the iron doors close behind him as thoughts turned to his enemies. They had a head start, but Will was confident they would catch up.

  A faint dream touched Will’s mind as they trotted into the forest. A dark gift glowed along his spirit and something pulled his gaze north. The hungry forest devoured the small band as they rode on, the hunt just beginning.


  Val stood among the trees, eyes shifting to the left and then the right. Leaves waved in the small breeze. Horses shuffled behind her, riders looking to the cloaked woman with tired eyes. The afternoon sun burned with unrelenting light above the canopy. Golden shafts of brilliance colored the shadowy emerald green forest.

  Will watched as Val stood before them. Morgan sat with his chest out on his horse, but his eyes spoke of a deep weariness. Sil’s head bent low, slitted eyes watching the forest. Stella shifted her hat on her head, not paying attention to anyone.

  A week of hard travelling soaked into their bodies as they waited for Val’s confirmation they were still on the right track. Will rubbed at the back of his neck, the journey weighing down his spirit. They had been tracking the Silver Queen’s people, but only managed to gain some ground each day. When they weren’t tracking, they huddled in a shelter, falling asleep to the sounds of ghouls moaning in the night. The cycle continued and it wore down on all present. Will wanted to go home, but he wanted those who attacked his kingdom to pay more than his desire to return.

  “The scent is still strong. They may be a day ahead of us,” Val shouted back.

  “You said that yesterday,” Morgan sighed.

  “How are they able to stay ahead of us on foot?” Stella asked while still fixing her hat to make sure it was tilted just right.

  Will tilted his head forward in thought. “They haven’t stopped to rest long. I’m guessing, they are travelling through the night. Every time we set up a shelter, they keep going. That’s the only way they have been able to stay ahead of us.”

  “They must be exhausted,” Morgan said in a dark tone.

  Val turned and walked back to the group, “If I were them, I would do the same. They were beaten and know they can’t risk another fight with us. Their scent speaks of their desperation. We can ride after them, but we will catch up long after sunset.”

  Will nodded. “We keep going, but I’m not going to sacrifice our edge just to catch up. We will set up a shelter tonight, but at daybreak, we push the horses hard. We might reach them before sunset tomorrow.”

  Val climbed up onto her horse and looked over to Will, “And then what? We are just going to kill them?”

  Will eyed the cloaked woman, “That was the plan.”

  Val shook her head. “I’m all for killing, but I have to ask to leave the green-skinned woman alive. I think I know I her.”

  The group looked to Val.

  Val gave them a smile. “At least, let her live long enough for me to find what she knows. She may have information we can use against the Silver Queen.”

  Will gave Val a grim look, “What’s the point of discovering your past?”

  “It’s enough to see if it’s important. I still have questions and she may have some answers.”

  An inner storm billowed as Will remained silent. The past was a poison but he could not deny its allure and terrible power. Many a night, he wondered if he should continue to explore his own hidden past but often, he pushed it away. It was from a world long ago and this world needed more than just finding his personal history.

  Will looked up and give his horse a quick tap of his heels along its sides. The horse began to trot forward when Will began to speak.

  “When we find them, subdue all of them. Once we have any useful information, I want their heads cut off. We will keep Bridget alive until Val is finished with finding anything useful.”

  Morgan and Sil nodded. Stella looked off without nodding. Val gave a weak smile. The group moved through the forest, falling into single file. The afternoon wore on as they marched on horseback through the thick forest.

  Will looked on, his mind drifting to inner thoughts. Remembering Thorrin’s expression, it burned at the player. The way the man with gold and gray armor looked and talked to him when they arrived cut at his spirit. They acted like they were doing the right thing, showing up, making demands and ready to put Will and his friends down like they were rabid monsters.

  To make matters worse, Milly informed them the morning before they left about how the white elves and a human man were ready to kill her, even if she told them where the Idols were. The Silver Queen wanted them all dead and the kingdom destroyed. It was enough to fuel his fire and put the enemy down before they returned with any information they gathered. Will had no idea how far the forest continued, but he wasn’t going to let it stop him from ending the intruder’s lives.

  The sun sank lower in the sky before Will pulled on the reins. The black stallion slowed to a halt and the rest of the group did the same.

  “Let’s set up the shelter here and…” Will stopped when ice touched his senses.

  The rest of the group looked around, an unseen touch trickling down their spines. Sil was first to dismount, jumping up on the saddle and launching into the air. The kobold landed and scanned the forest, clawed hands flexing. Val, Morgan, and Stella slipped down from their horses, everyone looking in different directions. Will was last to dismount, the chill seeping deeper into her soul.

  “I don’t hear any animals,” Morgan said in a hushed tone.

  Will walked to Sil’s side, his eyes peering into the dark forest. “See anything,” he whispered.

  “No, but I can feel i
t floating on the air,” Sil answered.

  Will opened his senses, allowing the cold gloom to wash over him. A moment later, he heard a song drifting on the breeze. A sliver of darkness coiled around his heart, running a soothing tendril over it, almost like it was telling him the song was not a threat. Will listened as the barely audible song played a siren’s tune.

  “Can you hear the song,” Will asked Sil.

  The kobold shook her head slightly.

  Will turned to the group, lifted a hand and called up his inventory. With a thought, he began to drop square stone blocks and a small pile of wood. The pile grew larger until it was nearly as tall as him. When he was finished, he addressed everyone gathered.

  “Start building the shelter. I’m going to take a walk and scout out the area.”

  Val and Morgan looked at each other before turning their attention back to Will.

  “It’s about an hour to sunset. You think that’s a good idea?” Morgan said.

  Will gave them a disarming smile. “I’ll take Sil with me. I just want to scout out the area. Place a torch on top of the shelter so I can find it if I don’t get back before dark.”

  The group gave a small nod, concern clearly in their eyes. Will ignored them as he turned and walked into the forest, Sil at his side.

  The song grew louder the further Will and Sil walked. The player listened as they made their way through the thick underbrush. The sun sank lower in the sky, the light changing to early evening. A pang of urgency touched his trained mind as he knew that night was a dangerous time to be out. The song on the other hand grew louder with each step. Will glanced to Sil as she walked, her expression giving no hint that she heard the same song. The chill in the air deepened and Will wondered if he was walking toward something that might not let him walk back.

  A man in a trench coat appeared along the trees. A wide smile glowed as eyes made of starlight blinked. A hand lifted up, pointing further into the forest. When Will blinked, the image of Draygon was gone. The weird chill turned into a frost, Will’s breath turning smoky as he exhaled. Sil shivered as she crossed her arms against her stomach.


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