Iron Age Demons

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Iron Age Demons Page 12

by Eden Redd

  Will and Sil pressed on. Shadows lengthened as the pair made their way deeper into the unforgiving forest. Sil stretched out a clawed hand and swiped ay nearby trees to mark their way back. Will’s fingers flexed as he readied himself for anything that might jump out at them.

  “If anything happens, go back and get the others,” Will whispered.

  “I’m not leaving your side,” Sil said firmly.

  Will smiled as the kobold was unwavering in her loyalty. It was a wondrous feeling as the cold seeped into muscles. Will couldn’t remember a time where anyone showed him such loyalty. Whispers from his dark past echoed a lonely life, free of friendships or partners. The images never came but the whispers spoke of isolation and rage. The new feelings of friends and loyalty were like iron bars snapping into place, ready to protect against the unfeeling world. It was intoxicating and humbling that his little family was growing and deep within his heart, he was thankful.

  The air grew colder. Will was about to say they should turn around and go back when the forest opened up and a black pyramid stood with four pillars, one at each corner. The sky flashed a brilliant yellow before it began to dim into embers. Will looked to the pyramid as his heart hardened. A potential ally lay in the tomb but the player wondered if they were already awakened and fleeing northward. The Silver Queen or her allies could have already raided the tomb and wakened the hero within. The chill in the air and the song touching his senses said something else. The area was a vortex of frost, driving away everything, but the brave or foolhardy. Will wondered which one was he.

  “Let’s investigate,” Will smiled to Sil.

  The kobold gave a small smile back. “I was just going to say the same thing.”

  The two made their way out of the forest and toward the black pyramid. When they reached the entrance, Sil signaled she would stay at the entrance while Will went in to investigate. The player nodded as he pulled his hammer from over his shoulder. Calling up his inventory, he pulled a torch from a slot with his left hand. Torchlight glowed as he held it high and stepped into the freezing cold pyramid.

  Will shook off the chill as he approached the sarcophagus. The lid was still on and sealed tight. Stopping before it, he placed the torch on the ground. Glancing back, he saw Sil at the entrance as the sky grew darker. Turning his gaze to the rectangular tomb, he studied it for a long moment. Thoughts swirled of Cyndi, but he pushed it away. As long as the tomb was intact, the hero inside would wake to his touch.

  Will touched the side and waited. Light glowed along the edges, rising up until runic carvings glowed with supernatural light. The lid shifted and stale air hissed out. The sound of grinding stone vibrated as the lid moved to the side and fell, cracking against the stone floor. Will took a deep breath before peering over the side and looking down. Eyes widening a hair, he drank in the sight before him.

  A woman in black leather lay, her hands at her side. A long, leather trench coat framed her body as pale features glowed in the dim light. Long, blonde hair framed her face as her chest rose and fell with each breath. Will’s eyes scanned her body when he noticed odd little shapes surrounding her slumbering form. Squinting, he raised his hammer as the little shapes unfolded. Tiny demons opened their eyes and looked up. Some howled while others gibbered with madness. They all stood in unison, all eyes turned to the man standing over them. They pushed at each other while some tugged on the woman. Chaos rippled as the little demons couldn’t seem to help themselves, stuck in some primal urges. A second later, they turned on each other, biting, clawing, and fighting.

  Will watched in fascination as the little demons cannibalized each other in an orgy of blood and death. Black blood spilled, filling the bottom of the sarcophagus until the last two killed each other. The demon blood drained away before a serene silence filled the tomb once again.

  The woman’s eyes opened. Turning her head slightly, she stared into Will’s eyes, a small frown forming.

  “You don’t look like a demon,” the woman said with a neutral tone.

  “Thank you?” Will smiled.

  The woman coiled her body forward until she was sitting. A hand touched the side of her head and she rubbed it. Will couldn’t contain his smile. The hero tomb was undisturbed and now he had a potential ally. It was enough for him to forget his manners.

  “You’re different, not at all how I pictured you,” the woman said as she continued to rub the side of her head as if to chase away mental cobwebs.

  “How was I supposed to look?” Will asked.

  The woman turned her attention to him and lifted her knees to her chest. “I thought you were going to have horns. I saw your face in my dreams but your skin was black and you had a pair of pale white horns.”

  The woman swung her legs over the side and slid out of the sarcophagus. Sil approached, eyes on the lithe woman in the trench coat. The woman glanced to the kobold and back to Will. The silence was deafening as the cold air seemed to grow colder.

  “My name is Will Asher,” Will introduced himself.

  The woman nodded. “I know who you are. A goddess by the name of Hexnia spoke to me while I slept. She told me you would be coming to wake me. It seems you have friends in low places.”

  The woman dusted herself off before holding out her hand. “My name is Jessica Bolt and we have a lot to talk about.”

  Will took her hand, cold sinking into his flesh. Jessica wasn’t fazed, but Will found himself wincing to her frosty handshake. When they pulled apart, she looked him up and down and if Will didn’t know any better, he’d swear she was sizing him up.

  “I have a few gifts for you,” Jessica said as a hand slid into her coat and pulled out three, thin scrolls. She held out her hand to Will, urging him to take them.

  Will took them and unfurled them one by one. Energy flashed across his body as information scrolled across his gaze.

  You have gained +3 to Strength!

  You have gained +3 to Agility!

  You have learned Crossbow Technology! You may create crossbows and Scorpions!

  The scrolls turned to ash in Will’s hands before he looked to the stern looking Jessica.

  “You’re welcome,” Jessica smiled.

  Sil turned to Will, “It’s almost dark. We should return to camp.”

  Will nodded before looking to Jessica.

  “I hope you have food at the camp? I’m a little hungry.”

  “We do,” Will answered.

  The trio turned and began walking toward the tomb entrance. Will’s mind bubbled with questions, but he decided to wait, patient enough to give Jessica some breathing room before finding out everything she knew. The player was relieved that her tomb was undisturbed and wondered what she could bring to their little group.

  The walk back was quick. Right before they reached the shelter, the sun had set. Moans filled the dark forest as ghouls awakened from their hidden places. Will looked to Jessica, wondering if she was going to be disturbed by moaning ghouls. The blonde walked along like she didn’t have a care in the world. The moans didn’t faze her one bit as she walked like a soldier.

  A torch glowed in the short distance. The trio made their way closer as pale bodies moved from behind thick trees. Will’s hand touched the pommel of his sword as ghouls began to emerge. Sil readied herself to call upon her spear. The pair watched as Jessica strode forward, no tension in her form.

  A ghoul snarled before rushing the blonde beauty. Will pulled his sword as a white spear swirled into Sil’s hands. Jessica merely turned her attention to the charging ghoul. A hand slipped into her coat and pulled out a small crossbow. Arm snapping up, she aimed as her finger fell on the trigger. A quick pull and the “twang” of the crossbow firing filled the air. The ghoul charged with bared teeth until the crossbow bolt stabbed at the space between its eyes. Eyes crossed before the ghoul stumbled forward and crashed to the ground.

  Will and Sil looked to Jessica as she pulled another bolt from her coat and loaded it. Crossbow loaded, she walked a
long toward the light without so much as a glance back. Will and Sil hurried to her side. Val was on top of the shelter. When she caught Will and Sil’s scents, she leapt down. A woman emerged first and Val stood her ground, eyes narrowing. Will and Sil emerged from behind her and the vampire eased down.

  “She’s a friend,” Will said as they approached.

  The door to the shelter was open. Everyone stepped inside, closed the door and bolted it. Ghouls approached, hissing and snarling before claws scratched at the door. The shelter glowed with warm light as a small campfire filled the middle. Beds lined the walls.

  Morgan and Stella looked to the newcomer; their voices silent. Mutton cooked over the fire. Jessica stepped over and picked up the iron rod holding it. Meat steamed as she put it to her mouth and took a hearty bite. Chewing filled the shelter as everyone looked to Will and then to Jessica.

  Will gave introductions before a quick rundown of finding the tomb and Jessica inside. Jessica chomped on cooked mutton until most of it was gone. She moved to a bare wall, pressed her back to it and slid down to her rump, a satisfied look in her eyes.

  “I’m sure you all have questions,” the blonde spoke up.

  Will nodded. “Start from the beginning. We are all friends here.”

  Jessica gave a slight nod before she began, “I don’t remember all of my past I seem to remember the bigger points of it. I used to work for the FBI in a special division. I used to hunt monsters, trying to keep society safe. It was good work until I couldn’t do it anymore. I had to leave it behind and exile myself from society.”

  “Why couldn’t you do it anymore,” Morgan asked.

  Jessica gave the black-eyed man a firm stare before looking away and letting out a sigh. “Maybe, after I get to know you all a little better, I’ll let you in on that tidbit of information.”

  “You mentioned Hexnia?” Will asked.

  Jessica nodded. “Yea, the goddess Hexnia. She was often in my dreams, telling me things I wasn’t sure I should know. She showed me visions of everyone here and informing me on what it all meant.”

  “What does it mean, to be with us?” Val asked with an interested gaze.

  Jessica leaned her head against the wall and looked at the ceiling. “There is a war here and I was chosen to be on this side of it. That’s about the extent of it.”

  Will watched with interested eyes. Jessica gave off a hard aura like she had witnessed too much in her life. The lack of a defined past didn’t seem to faze her, accepting her role to be awakened. The chill in the area grew warmer as she sat by the fire. Will’s senses drank in darkness dripping from their new companion and he couldn’t help, but feel better for it.

  “Do you have any questions for us?” Will asked.

  Jessica nodded. “Which one is my bed? I could use a little more sleep.”

  Will smiled. “You can take my bed while I make another. We have an early start in the morning,” Will said and pointed to one of the beds.

  Jessica stood up and walked over without giving anyone a second glance. Flopping down face first, she lay just like that until she drifted off to sleep.

  All eyes turned to Will as he stood with confidence.

  “She gave me a scroll with crossbow and scorpion recipes. We now have the means to defend Thorn Spire.”

  “Does this mean we return home?” Val asked.

  Will shook his head. “No, it means we are still on the right track. We will take out the Silver Queen’s people and then return home.”

  Morgan looked over to Jessica as she slept. “She seems like none of this is new to her. I have to admit, when you woke me, I needed a little time to understand what was happening.”

  “Me too,” Val added.

  Stella and Sil remained silent.

  Will looked to his companions with heartfelt understanding. “She just handed us the key to our survival and I for one am glad for it.”

  “We all remember Cyndi. Do we know she can be trusted?” Val said in a low tone.

  “Actions speak louder than words. Jessica will have a chance to prove herself. For now, we move forward with the hunt,” Will said matter of fact.

  Will called up his inventory and pulled a crafting bench from a slot. Placing it on the ground, he pulled ingredients to build another bed for the night. The group slowly disbursed, each body moving to a bed except for Val. She sat and watched Will create another bed and place it on the floor. He picked up his crafting bench and added it to his inventory before he noticed Val’s gaze upon him. Stepping closer, he sat down at her side.

  “You have something on your mind,” Will whispered.

  Val nodded. “Our group is growing. I’m sure you understand, as we grow, things will become more complicated.”

  “I do,” Will said simply, unsure where she was going with this.

  Val reached over and placed her hand on his, “We won’t survive unless we have a strong foundation.”

  “Val, I trust my instincts. When the time is right and we grow the kingdom to a certain point, we will all be leaning on each other to make sure everyone is safe. It is my promise.”

  Val gave the young man a small, fanged grin. “I believe we will. And when the kingdom gets bigger, I want to be your spymaster.”

  Will raised an eyebrow before a knowing smirk filled his cheek. “Wouldn’t it be my Spy Mistress?”

  “Call it whatever you like. I can feel my old life seeping into my thoughts. Control is won by keeping your finger on the pulse of society. We have a few dozen people back at Thorn Spire, but it will grow. We have to keep the order or it will collapse on itself. I had been meaning to talk to you more about it, but it seemed it got away from me. After the attack and hunting for the intruders, I have had some time to think. You need titles, people and a queen or queens at your side.

  “You’re plans to expand the territory are good, but without an infrastructure, we will lose more than we put in. The idea of fort towns will work, but you will need leaders to expand your influence. Call them lords or barons, it doesn’t matter. What matters is they follow you, expanding your influence across Jova.”

  “A feudal society?” Will smiled.

  “At first,” Val said with a sly smirk.

  Will nodded. “Val, we will accomplish this and more.”

  Val’s lips parted but she hesitated to speak. A second past before her resolve burned in her eyes.

  “I have to ask again; may I keep Bridget as my prisoner?”

  Will’s good mood melted away as his eyes narrowed. It became clear what Val was doing, cozying up to him so she could keep her friend alive. Will wasn’t sure if a hero could be turned once they were awakened from their tomb. It seemed like keeping any of their enemies alive was dangerous. The longer Will stared into Val’s eyes, the more he saw that it was killing her to make such a request. She held herself with high regard, poise, and fierce power. Now, she showed her other side, a need to unlock the mystery of her past. At first, it burned at Will that she was trying to manipulate him, but as the seconds ticked by, he saw the urgency and found himself unable to say no.

  “We never made it official. I want to do that now. If I allow you to keep Bridget alive as your prisoner, will you forever be loyal to me and the growing kingdom?”

  Val regarded Will as he stared at her with unblinking eyes. She could sense he was playing the game, but her heart spoke up. His will to build an empire matched her own, but there was no denying, a flame had formed. He had given her his vitality to keep her alive. In their small moments where she suckled at his neck, she felt him adore her without saying a single word. It happened subtly, but the hooks dug deep.

  “Even if you change your mind, I will follow you to the end of the world,” Val said with a whisper.

  Will nodded. “Get some rest if you can. Tomorrow, we finish this hunt.”


  Horses charged through the forest with unbridled power. Will led the way, driving his heels into the stallion’s sides. Val and Morgan were
close behind. Sil rode with Stella, hugging the large woman around the waist for dear life. Jessica was last, staying close behind.

  Will lifted a hand, fingers beckoning Val to move up. The pale beauty dug her heels into her mount, surpassing Will and taking lead. Sniffing at the air, she caught the scent of Bridget and the others.

  “Not far,” she shouted over her shoulder.

  Will smiled. They had been travelling for most of the day. After breaking down the shelter, they were quick to mount their steeds and rush off. They had taken several breaks, but Will was determined to catch up. Giving the horses moments to drink from rivers, they remounted and pressed on like devils in the daylight. Trees blurred past as they followed the scent, eager to end this hunt once and for all.

  The forest began to part, the gaps between trees growing larger. Will kept up, riding just behind Val as he mentally prepared for the battle ahead. The sun was low in the late afternoon sky. They had already gone over the plan, reassuring there would be one prisoner and decide what to do with the others. Jessica said nothing, accepting the commands while Stella looked away. Val, Morgan, and Sil nodded in agreement, ready to carry out their lord’s will.

  “The scent is getting stronger,” Val shouted to Will.

  “You seem them, run them down,” Will said with a commanding bellow.

  Heads nodded in agreement as horses charged on the grassy land. Will pushed his steed closer, running alongside Val’s horse. In the distance, faint shadows moved over the landscape as it grew wider. The thick forest fell away and open land stretched out as far as the eye can see.

  Thorrin ran, turning his head to see the small group of horses emerge from the forest. “They’re here!”

  Bridget, Faye, and Renner turned their heads to see Will and his force rushing toward them.

  “Keep running!” Thorrin shouted.

  The small group pressed on as the horses bared down on them. Thorrin unhooked his hammer while energy arced along Bridget’s fingers. Renner drew a short sword, but glanced back with wide eyes. Faye kept a determined expression as legs pumped.


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