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Iron Age Demons

Page 13

by Eden Redd

  “Come to my home and hurt the ones I love!” Will shouted as he drew his Fire Sword and it lit up with flames.

  Val looked to Will, a spiraling rage taking hold of the young man. Will urged his stallion to take lead, becoming the spearpoint of the charge. Time slowed down as Will picked Thorrin, ready to cut his head off.

  “This is bullshit!” Renner shouted as he bolted past his group.

  Legs blurring, he rushed ahead to put as much distance between his group with Will’s when his eyes bulged in his head. Boots turned sideways as he skidded on the grass. Arms swinging, he threw himself down and skidded to a halt, his boots feet away from a giant, cavernous hole.

  Thorrin, Bridget, and Faye slowed as they saw the giant pit in the ground, stretching out for miles to either side. A terrible pulse filled the very air as they stared down in wonderment before turning to face their hunters.

  Will licked his lips, ready to take one of their heads with his flaming sword when an arrow darted across his vision. The abrupt motion caused him to reel back, pulling on the reins and causing his steed to slow. Val and Morgan looked to one side while the rest of their party looked to the other. Violet skinned elves dropped from trees, bows raised and arrows notched.

  Renner peeked over the side of the massive pit, dozens of violet skinned elves marching upstairs carved into the sides. Others emerged from caves to see the newcomers along the rim. Arrow points gleamed in the light as more bodies emerged and marched toward the intruders.

  Will kept his sword at his side, drinking in the elves as they slowly surrounded both groups. The numbers swelled to over a hundred and Will quickly dismissed the idea of fighting his way out. Thorrin lowered his hammer as his gaze shifted to Will and then to the elves moving toward them. White hair graced their heads, but their eyes were red with untamed intensity.

  She guided you here, but you must bury her for no one to find.

  The voice echoed through Will’s head like he was at the bottom of a well. The dark-skinned elves moved closer, arms and bowstrings taut.

  “Will?” Val said as claws grew from her fingertips.

  Will gritted his teeth. “Stand down.”

  Jessica pulled out her crossbow and aimed.

  “I said STAND DOWN!” Will shouted.

  Jessica lowered her crossbow, but kept her hard gaze on the approaching elves.

  Do not let her tempt you.

  “We need to be here,” Will said simply as arrows pointed at his chest.


  Will leaned his back against the bars, arms crossed. The air took on a cooler edge as the sun disappeared from the sky and night approached once again. Will glanced sideways at the bars, several strong and slender dark-skinned elves standing guard. Beyond them, caves lined a spiral path that led deeper into the ground. Families looked from across the pit to the cell, young elves pointing while adults talked to them in some unknown language.

  Torches glowed outside the large cell as Will turned his attention to his fellow prisoners. Val, Morgan, Sil, Stella, and Jessica stayed to one side, closer to Will. On the other side of the cell, Thorrin, Bridget, Faye, and Renner sat or stood. Both groups said nothing as their weapons and armors were taken. Will noticed they took their equipment to a nearby cave. Several elves guarded it with spears.

  The player tilted his head forward, thinking of their escape. He had enough supplies in his inventory and a crafting bench. He could produce the bench quickly and craft a few weapons. Even if the guards saw, Sil was strong enough to keep them at bay, maybe even break them all out. If it was just Will and his companions, he would have set the plan in motion and made a hasty exit, fighting their way out. Glancing up to the others, he knew they would be trouble. Considering how they acted back at Thorn Spire, Will didn’t trust them as far as he could throw them. Thorrin seemed like some righteous asshole. Faye and Bridget were the muscle. Renner was the assassin or thief, Will wasn’t sure. Will’s group outnumbered them, but that didn’t make them any less dangerous.

  Thorrin lifted his chin as he gazed on Will from across the cell, “You should have just stayed home and we all wouldn’t be here.”

  “You have a lot of nerve saying that when you attacked us,” Val said sharply.

  Jessica eyed the groups before giving a tired look, “I’m a little lost.”

  “They attacked us and tried to kill many of our citizens back home,” Morgan said simply.

  “Oh,” Jessica said before leaning against a wall.

  Thorrin kept his annoyed gaze. “I’m sure you all know the rules. Whoever has all the Idols wins. It didn’t take much to see that you’re growing a monster kingdom.”

  Will noticed that Faye and Renner were whispering to each other as Thorrin spoke. Most likely, Thorrin was creating a diversion so they could come up with a plan. Will admired the shrewdness of the plan.

  Val centered her gaze on the green-skinned woman with bolts in her neck, “Bridget, you can’t be seriously be a part of them?”

  Bridget’s eyes narrowed as her brow sharpened. “Stop talking to me like we are friends. I don’t know you! I follow the Silver Queen and Umus. Thorrin is right, you are all just monsters!”

  “Isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black,” Jessica mumbled.

  Bridget gritted her teeth as energy arced along her hands. The strong woman took a step forward when Stella moved two steps in front of Will’s group and gave Bridget a wicked smile.

  “If you come any closer, I’m going to have to leave you with a bad headache.”

  Bridget was about to give a retort when Thorrin spoke up.

  “Back up Bridget. I doubt a fight in here will do wonders with our captors.”

  Will leaned his head against the bars, “Was that your master plan when you attacked? Keep us distracted while your thief went into the castle to steal the idols?”

  Thorrin gave a smug smile. “Simple plans are the best. Cyndi told us about all of you. The witch, Stella is it? She was the one we had to watch out for. When we saw that she wasn’t with you at the front gate, we knew we had a chance.”

  Thorrin’s gaze fell on Sil, “The only thing we didn’t account for were your guardians.”

  Will’s eyebrow raised. They knew about guardians. Connections began to blend together. The Silver Queen was an immortal like himself. She was trying to win the game by sending in her force to take what they rightfully won. Now, they were trapped together, with bars and an army of dark-skinned elves between them and freedom.

  Will kept his gaze on Thorrin as he took a deep breath, “If we make it out of here, take a message back to your Silver Queen. Tell her if she sends a single person who follows her to my lands, I will burn down her kingdom until there is nothing left, but smoking rubble. She and all those who follow her are not welcomed.”

  Will’s lips twisted in a leer, “Give her that message, if you survive leaving here.”

  Thorrin’s expression was blank, his gaze regarding Will with cool contempt. “I’ll pass along the message, but it doesn’t matter. She has already declared war on you and your kingdom. I doubt she will even care what you have to say.”

  Renner looked to Thorrin, “Am I the only one seeing this? Wouldn’t it be better if we all planned our escape together?”

  Everyone is the cell grew quiet.

  Renner stepped towards the middle, hands up to his shoulders and a simple smile on his lips. “I know we got off to a rocky start, but I don’t think any of us are getting out of here alive unless we work together.”

  Stella grinned. “Says the man who knocked me out of a window.”

  Renner’s head tilted forward, “I’m really sorry about that. It wasn’t my first choice. I just wanted to tie you up.”

  “Oh, don’t tempt me with a good time,” Stella winked.

  Renner eyed the witch and quickly looked away as heat crawled up his neck. “I mean, we can work together and go our separate ways.”

  Thorrin shook his head, “I doubt that will hap
pen. The Silver Queen has already told us of Will’s crimes. And clearly, he doesn’t care what happens unless he’s in charge.”

  Will stared before something cracked along his mind. A dark pulse radiated from his heart as his mind rattled. Something clawed at an inner door but it refused to open. Stella backed up and looked to Will, his eyes darting around like he was trying to remember.

  “What crimes?” Will said with a flash of innocence.

  Thorrin kept his gaze neutral as he spoke, “She told us you killed her king. You hurt her and beat her husband until his face caved in. She used her arcane powers to show us what happened. You were dressed differently but we could see it was you. There was no denying the fact that you attacked her husband and ended his life.”

  Thorrin looked to everyone of Will’s people as he continued, “You follow a monster. Will Asher murdered a man and unborn child. I don’t remember much in my previous life but I know enough to say, I won’t let anything so unjust go without punishment.”

  Will’s eyes widened as he looked to his companions. They looked to him but there was no regret or remorse for following him, only a deep concern. The mood shifted to something dark and otherworldly as Will tried to remember what Thorrin could be talking about. It burned like acid in his mind, but he couldn’t break through the door holding his past.

  Stella stalked forward. Bridget and Faye moved to Thorrin’s sides while Renner backed off. The witch’s face contorted into a blazing fury as she lifted a hand. Bridget was first to throw a punch, knuckles striking Stella’s porcelain delicate features and pain shooting up her arm. The green skinned woman’s eyes widened as she felt bone crack. Faye brought her leg up sideways, aiming for Stella’s ribcage when the witch’s arm snapped out, knocking away the elf’s attack and causing her to lose her balance. Stella’s palm landed on Faye’s chest and the wood elf was shoved hard. Faye hit the bars and bounced, landing on her hands and knees.

  Thorrin stood his ground as Stella reached out, grabbed his throat and lifted him up. With a hard shove, she slammed his back against the wall. Thorrin grunted and held onto her wrist, but didn’t fight.

  “You apologize for your lies!” Stella said with a demonic tone.

  Thorrin managed a small grin as he struggled to breath, “No… way.”

  Elves outside of the cell turned to see what was happening. Several lifted up spears, ready to throw them at the witch. Will snapped out of his daze and held up a hand.

  “Stella, let him go.”

  The witch turned her head and saw the look in Will’s eyes. A breath later, she let go and Thorrin fell onto his feet, rubbing his neck. The elves lowered their spears, but gave everyone an angry glare before turning their backs to them.

  “You keep… bad… company,” Thorrin wheezed.

  Stella turned and walked back. Will put his hand on her shoulder and she looked to him with wide eyes.

  “What he said… were lies. I don’t believe what the Silver Queen says. I don’t remember my past, but I know enough that I’m not a murderer or a monster.”

  Stella gave a slight nod. “I know. It’s him and others like him that will use those lies against you.”

  Will’s expression softened and he smiled. “It’s important that we show all our enemies that the lies are untrue. I will defend our people, but I won’t take a life unless they hurt those I love and care for.”

  Thorrin wheezed a chuckle. “All villains think… they are so righteous. They never see… beyond… their ego… at their own sins.”

  Will’s brow furled when several guards and three violet-skinned elves approached the front of the cell. All eyes turned to the newcomers as red eyes looked in. They scanned the group until they centered on Will. One of the women pointed a delicate finger and the guards inserted a primitive key into the lock.

  Bodies turned and Will’s companions moved to his side. The player quickly waved them down. Guards entered, spears at the ready. Will gave them a confident smile as one took hold of his arm and pulled.

  “If they wanted to kill us, they would have done it already. I’m sure they will bring me back,” Will said as he was pulled from the cell.

  “And if they don’t?” Val asked.

  “Break out, fight and go home,” Will shouted as the three female elves and several guards rushed him away toward the stairs.

  Val, Stella, Morgan, and Sil looked from in between bars while Jessica eyed Thorrin and the others with a sardonic smile. Bridget rubbed her hand while Faye slowly stood up. Renner shook his head, mumbling to himself while Thorrin returned Jessica’s leer with his own.

  Will walked along until he reached the stairs. The group of elves around him led him down. The young man looked around, noting the simple layout of the immense pit. Caves lined the walls as a spiral path ran deeper down. Four staircases led down, cutting down on the time needed to walk along the path. The deeper they descended, the more a vile gloom touched his senses. Will couldn’t shake the feeling as he stepped down. The females leading him wore simple, white dresses but they hardly hid their bodies. The cloth covered their breasts and hung down between their legs, but everything else was bare skin. The guards kept their red eyes on Will while the three women stepped down with relaxed grace and poise.

  Dark elves watched from caves and along the spiraling path, taking in the strange man being escorted down with pale skin and small ears. Will looked to them, giving the onlookers a kind smile before being pushed. Putting his hands up, he nodded and followed along. After a few long moments, they reached the bottom of the pit. Will looked up and saw that his situation had just gotten worse. If he tried to escape, he would have to fight the entire way up. Seeing the families and children, he had no desire to bring them any unnecessary pain or grief if he tried to escape. Mind working, he tried to come with an alternative to save himself and his friends.

  A phantom pulse touched Will’s senses when he took two steps from the stairs. Looking toward the middle of the immense pit, a woman in a dark robe stood. Hood up, shadows covered her eyes and nose, leaving only plump lips visible. The woman was as still as an ice-covered pond. Will noticed the elves didn’t see her as they pulled him along, their small group stepping around the woman, but not touching her. Will stared as she faced him, a soothing calm touching his heart before he was ushered into a wide cave.

  Will looked back over his shoulder and the robed woman was gone from sight, like she was never there. A guard shoved his shoulder and Will continued his march. Mentally mapping out how he came down here, he quickly realized that the elves seemed a bit savage like most creatures here on Jova. They had weapons and some clothes, but Will couldn’t see anything else that would elevate them to awakened. Questions began to fill his head until a crude, metal door opened at the end of the wide hallway.

  A dark elf stood, barely clothed like the three elves leading the way. The only difference was she wore crimson red dress and a small tiara like crown on her head. Will could not look away as her full-figured form leaned on the side of the entrance, red eyes drinking him in. Full breasts strained against the thin fabric as long, strong legs held her up.

  The guards slowed to a stop, the three female elves leading Will along. When they reached the entrance, the dark elf in the red dress turned and sauntered in further. The iron door remained opened as the other elves brought Will deeper in. The elf in crimson stepped to a high-backed chair, turned and sat down, a wicked smirk on her dark lips. Will was put before the elf, the three younger elven women surrounding him.

  Will looked to the crimson elf.

  “Juk Ko Nee Dor Sur Dunn,” said the dark elf in red.

  Will shook his head, “I don’t understand.”

  The elf gave him a puzzled look at his words. The three elves around him gave each other quick glances. Torches flickered along the walls and Will looked around, seeing several large beds made up of furs and pillows.

  It didn’t take much for Will to see she was their queen or leader. The looks she gave
him seemed to be almost welcoming until he began to speak. Clearly, they didn’t understand each other. Will wished he could use a Soul Casket to awaken one of them and create a translator, but that required one of their soul stones. The player wasn’t ready to kill anyone just to get their soul stone.

  The dark elf gave a glance to the three elves around him. They nodded and turned to Will. Before he could react, hands reached out and began undressing him. Will’s eyes widened as they deftly undid his clothes and pulled at them like they had done it countless times before. In mere moments, every shred of clothing was pulled away and Will stood completely naked.

  The dark elf eyed him and gave a gentle lick of her lips. Will wasn’t sure what exactly was happening but clearly, the queen liked what she saw. The three elves around him folded his clothes and placed them on a small table to the side. After that, they moved as one to the large iron door and left, one closing it behind them. The door clicked shut as the elf stood up from her chair and sauntered closer. Standing before Will, she pressed her palm to his chest.

  “Will. My name is Will,” the young man said as her touch sent electric fire along his nerves.

  The dark elf put her palm to her own, supple cleavage, “Onika”

  Will nodded, hoping that was just her name and not a request. He wasn’t sure what she was going to ask, but since she had him stripped naked, he wondered if it was just easier to kill him without clothes on.

  Onika stepped around Will and stepped toward the iron door. Will turned around to see her reach the door, take hold of a metal bar and slid it into place, securing the room from the inside. Will’s eyes narrowed. Onika turned and gave him a seductive gaze, making her way closer as hips moved to a primal stride.

  “Vala,” Onika whispered as she moved closer and stood before Will.

  Will raised an eyebrow, not sure what she was saying.

  The dark elf whispered a few words before a magical energy filled the air around them. Will stared, unsure what was happening until the air shifted and clamped onto his shoulders. Power knocked him down to his knees and kept him there. He recognized an air elemental spell as Onika looked down on him.


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