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The Gaia Effect

Page 5

by Claire Buss

  'Then I don't see what the problem is. Get the damn statement completed and I'll order Termination to come and finish the job.'

  'We've got the statement, Sir, but the lie catcher shows that whilst Greenwood committed the crime, he has absolutely no memory of doing so. We think a new drug might have affected him so we're just waiting for the labs to come back and..'

  Hamble cut him off again.

  'There's no new drug. I'm calling in Termination and that's the end of it. Good work men.'

  He moved forward to shake Pete's hand, then Jeds.

  'But Sir … '

  'It's done Jenkins. You should be pleased. Go home, spend time with your new family. Nothing more important than family. I'll send my man over to seal the files.'

  He nodded to himself then moved over to the far side of the room, and made the call for Termination.

  Pete looked at Jed's worried face.

  'Jenks,' he whispered. 'Greenwood is guilty. He committed the assault, we have the corroborating evidence.'

  'I know. It just seems wrong.'

  'Of course it does. It happened to someone you know. To someone we know for frag sake. Hamble's right – go home, enjoy being a daddy. I'll stay, close the file and wait for the terminators.'

  'You sure?'

  'Course.' Pete smiled to himself. 'I can work on my amazing chat up lines for later.'

  'Good luck with that.'

  Pete's infatuation with Jed's sister Ingrid was a great source of amusement for himself and Kira. Ingrid was so Corp that sometimes they wondered whether she even realised Pete was a person and not an A.I. projection. She certainly had no idea that he near worshipped the ground she walked on. It would be interesting to see if she even turned up at the party at all.

  Jed gathered his jacket and clapped his partner on the shoulder before following Hamble, who had finished his call, out of the room. He was waiting for Jed in the corridor.

  'Martha is staying at yours.'

  Jed wasn't sure whether it was a question or a statement and before he could comment Hamble continued.

  'Bill me water and energy rates, you've got extra as it is and it's tight all round. We'll send some of her things over. I understand forty-eight's empty, so consider it an extension. Think of it as my gratitude for, well, you know.'

  Hamble strode off leaving Jed staring after him in amazement. It had taken them months of waiting on housing to get their apartment and suddenly they'd been handed an extension. Glancing outside he noticed the bucketing rain. Turning the collar up on his jacket, Jed nodded to security and went to wait for a public skimmer home.

  ANTIC: Hamble seen leaving Force. Info lock down in place.

  Do you know more? Share & sweep.

  Chapter Five

  JENHUB: Newest member of City Forty-Two celebrates her homecoming today - send your welcome message to Grace Jenkins here.

  Kira flitted round the apartment in her new pink dress, carrying out last minute checks to make sure everything was perfect. She had thought about leaving Grace in her cube but she didn't want anyone and everyone picking her up and passing her around like a little toy doll. Instead the baby was snuggled into her wrap, close to her mummy. Kira paused for a moment looking down at the beautiful baby wondering to herself whether she'd earnt the right to call herself a mum.

  'Is everything in order?' Martha broke Kira's reverie as she walked over from the kitchen looking demure in a perfectly tailored white tunic suit.

  'I think so.' Kira looked around the apartment. 'We've got food, drink, music and the door barrier set up to our room when Grace is ready to snooze. I turned the sound proof on, didn't I?'

  'Yes, you did.' Martha fiddled with the ornate titanium and sapphire ring on her finger. 'Will Ruth be coming?'

  'Yep, and she's bringing a young graduate with her. Why – is that a problem?'

  Martha shook her head and walked a few steps back over to the kitchen area before turning around again.

  'I think I should take the memory wipe. Do you think I should?' Martha took a step towards her friend. 'I don't know what to do.'

  Kira walked over to her friend, 'You have to do what you think is best, sweetie.' She put her arm round her.

  'I can't bear to feel like this. I do not want to remember. I do not want to have to tell anybody about what happened.' Martha looked away. 'Yet if I do take it I feel like I am giving in. I always thought I was stronger than that.'

  'You are strong, Ma. Stronger than me,' Kira said, putting an arm round her friend, squeezing her shoulder. 'Stronger than anyone I've ever known. If taking the wipe will help then take it. At the end of the day you have to do what's best for you. Are you sure you can cope with the party?'

  Martha didn't answer. She wiped her eyes and sniffed, pulling the memory wipe vial out of her pocket.

  'I am going to take it Kira. When you were getting Grace ready, I sat in your meditation spot to try and clear my head. If I do not take this wipe I don't think I will ever stop feeling like this.' She paused, turning the vial up and down in her hand, tears in her eyes. 'I can't spend the rest of my life hoping no-one touches me, talks to me or asks me how I am.'

  The two women shared a moment of quiet sympathy, broken only by the door pinging to announce visitors on their way.

  'Look, I keyed the door barrier to accept you Ma, so if you need to escape the party you can,' Kira said.

  'Thank you.' Martha unscrewed the vial and swallowed the liquid with a bitter grimace as Jed came rushing through the door.

  'Everything alright?' he asked not waiting for a reply. 'I pinged the door to give you a bit of warning. Mother is downstairs so I need to ask you not to mention Martha's case - it's classified. We can't discuss it with anyone, okay?' He stared at the two women. 'Promise me?'

  They nodded as Jed's mother – a tall, slender woman with elegantly coiffed silvery hair and creamy brown skin - swept into the apartment followed by a shorter, harassed looking yet smartly dressed black man carrying several bags and packages. Martha discreetly put the empty vial in her pocket.

  'Darlings! How are you? The place looks,' Mrs Jenkins paused. 'So quaint. You should have let us host darling, we have so much more space and our décor is so tasteful – especially since we had Pierre in to redecorate.' She waved an immaculately manicured hand around the apartment. 'Where is my gorgeous granddaughter? I simply have to see her. Where is she?'

  Kira's mouth tightened.

  'Right in front of you.'

  Mrs Jenkins stared in horror at the wrap over Kira's party dress which did, Kira had to admit, mar the overall effect. She took the baby out of the wrap.

  'This,' Kira smiled, 'is Grace.'

  Jed leaned in and gave his daughter a soft kiss on the head. 'Back in a parse.'

  Mr Jenkins, struggling to keep control of the packages, coughed. 'Gretchen, dear?'

  'Oh for goodness sake Henry, anywhere, anywhere. Can't you see I'm busy?'

  Martha came to the rescue helping Mr Jenkins find a place for the various bags and deftly taking his jacket. Mrs Jenkins, leaned over the baby.

  'Such a darling, darling. But why are you wearing that … thing?' She looked around, a faint frown wrinkling her brow. 'Where is the NanNan?'

  'We decided not to get one Gretchen,' Kira explained.

  'I know that but …. Ingrid. Well, I won't say anymore. She's on her way. Must visit the powder room.' Mrs Jenkins glided off to the bathroom leaving a waft of floral perfume in her wake.

  'One parent down, one to go,' Kira said under her breath.

  When Jed reappeared a few more people had arrived. No sign of his sister yet, or Pete. No doubt Pete would somehow manage to time his arrival to coincide with Ingrid. He usually did. Sometimes Jed wished his sister would show an interest in Pete. He was sure that once it happened, his friend would move on and he would stop having to listen to Pete telling him about how perfect Ingrid was.

  Jed walked through the sitting room, nodding and smiling at guests when Kir
a's parents arrived. Jean and Malcolm Bishop were warm hearted and generous. He loved spending time with them and joined his wife at the door in welcome.

  'Mum, Dad. Good journey?'

  'Hello lovely.' Jean kissed her son in law on the cheek. 'Yes it was a good run, wasn't it Malcolm. Not too bad now the skypass has reopened. We parked round the back, son, so as not to take up spaces. You doing alright love, you look a bit peaky. I bought some things, a bit of this, a bit of that. Just put it out on the counter dear.'

  Kira tried to look in the containers as Jed carried some over to the kitchen.

  'Is this her?' Jean asked, peering into the wrap. 'Oh honey, she's so tiny. Hard to believe you were ever that little. I remember going to collect you and being too scared to even pick you up, you were so small. I thought you would break the minute I touched you, I said to your father, I said Malcolm..' and she carried on chattering away.

  Once Jean got going, there was little stopping her. She scooped Grace into her arms and settled down in a nearby chair, directing her husband with the odd word and nod to put the various cakes and other sweetments he was holding on the table.

  'Mum,' Kira said slightly bemused. 'We catered.'

  'Yes well, those caterers don't know everything, my dear. This celebration cake was passed down six generations, six you hear, so it's just the right sort of occasion to bring it out and share it with your friends. I'm sure no-one will mind. Did I tell you about Betty down the street? No? Well, you know she installed a 'feed-me' because she thought it would help her lose weight? Well, you'll never guess what happened. I said to your father, you'll never guess what happened..' and she was off again, hardly pausing for breath.

  Kira shook her head and smiled at Jed, who had returned and was nodding and laughing in all the right places - he had hours and hours of time for her parents. She saw Martha chatting quietly with Jed's father. The door opened, and Ruth arrived resplendent in a red top and bright blue skirt that jingled slightly as she moved, completely overshadowing Dina who followed behind her, dressed in pale shades of grey. Kira leant down to retrieve a sleeping Grace from her mother. The baby was completely unaware the room was full of people who had gathered especially to meet her.

  ACAD: Highest number of new PhD students enrolled. Support your future and get involved, register your interest for placement – VR interview opportunities available.

  Dina looked around with interest at Kira's apartment. She wanted to use Mrs Jenkins as one of her research subjects for her own dissertation - Natural Vs NanNan: is technology a realistic substitute? - and was hoping she'd agree.

  'K! Hi honey.' Ruth waved. 'Is this the little bundle? Oh isn't she adorable.' Ruth cooed over Grace before turning to introduce Dina. 'This is my PhD student Dina Grey, I told you about her didn't I?' She peered over Kira's shoulder, not waiting for a reply. 'Miserable weather, we almost drowned on the way. Oooh is that some of your mum's cake?' She drifted over to the kitchen, leaving Dina standing awkwardly on her own, not knowing what to say.

  'Congratulations on Collection.'

  'Thank you.' Kira studied Dina for a moment before taking pity on the young girl. 'I understand you want to interview me as part of your studies? Give me a couple of weeks to get used to having Grace and then we can plan some time to meet up. You can come to the Archives if you like.'

  Dina smiled in relief at Kira.

  'That would be amazing. Thank you so much.'

  'No problem. Here, come and meet Jed's cousins, they've just finished studying at Academy too.'

  Kira manoeuvred the girl towards a small group haphazardly sprawled in the corner of the room, congratulating herself on her hostess skills.

  'Who needs auto-pairing,' she thought.

  CORP: Bob Fellows dies, age 105, inventor of original NanNan - his work lives on. New model to be released soon. Pre-order the NanNan 3000 with your local Corporation Rep.

  As Jed had expected, Pete and Ingrid arrived at the same time. It was clear they had however, travelled separately as Pete was chatting to Ingrid about the weather and the state of the skimmer way. Ingrid, looking immaculate in her standard issue pale green tunic suit, had obviously come straight from work and had a large grey Corp Tech box on levitate next to her.

  'Jed,' she gestured curtly to her brother as he greeted them. 'This is for you – in honour of Bob Fellows. It's the next gen NanNan 3000. Beta test was highly favourable, but it's not on the market yet so make sure you fulfil the feedback requirements.'

  She left Jed with the box, and moved through the apartment with purpose towards the wine, and her mother. Jed sighed. Kira would not be impressed. He moved the box over to the side of the doorway and hoped it wouldn't get in the way too much. People could always use it as a drinks table. Jed looked round for Pete, who was standing half way to the kitchen and staring longingly after Ingrid.

  'Everything okay at HQ, Pete?' Jed spoke in a low tone.

  'What?' Pete jumped slightly as he turned round. 'Yeah. Terminators arrived and have it scheduled for nine tonight.'

  Jed checked his wristplant, it was almost six.

  'I figured they didn't need me there twiddling my thumbs, so I went and got my secret weapon.'

  'Secret weapon?'

  'Watch this.'

  Pete walked towards the kitchen rolling up his sleeve, revealing a silver coin shaped device attached to his forearm. Ingrid glanced over, noted the device and her whole demeanour changed. From where Jed was standing it looked as if she was praising Pete, asking him questions, even smiling at him.

  INJEN: Latest Force tech bio-monitor generating positive results in initial testing.

  Jed put two and two together. Pete had volunteered for the new equipment beta-test at HQ. Ingrid worked in tech development and lived for her career. If anything would work for Pete, this would. Jed grinned as he watched his friend top up his sisters wine glass and guide her to a free couch. Kira came up behind Jed, and leant into him.

  'What are you looking so pleased about?'

  Jed nodded towards Pete and Ingrid.

  'That's not the only one,' she said, pointing out Dina and Ben - one of Jed's cousins - heads together, talking intently, oblivious to the room around them. 'It's almost as if we used pheromone spray.'

  Jed laughed. 'How do you know I didn't?'

  Kira swatted him playfully.

  'How's Grace doing love?' Jed said, changing the subject.

  Kira looked down at the little lady snuggled in her wrap.

  'She is just fine. I expect she'll want a feed in a bit, and then I'll put her down.'

  Jed gently stroked the top of his daughter's head.

  Kira continued. 'She's been round to everyone, and they all said she is gorgeous. What was in Ingrid's box?'

  'Oh, nothing important. We can open it tomorrow.'

  CORPCHAT: Today's hot topic – should Natural Parenting be banned now that NanNan technology is so advanced? New parents, the Jenkins went natural – what would you do? Share your opinion, spread the sweep.

  Kira settled herself on the couch to feed Grace. She was feeling tired at having to explain, for what felt like the hundredth time, their natural parenting choice to her guests as well as answering the same question over and over, - 'Why haven't you activated a NanNan?' But now, with her friends grouped round her, Kira didn't think she could feel any happier. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched a dishevelled Dina and Ben attempt to sneak back to the party from the bathroom. Kira chuckled to herself.

  'Something amusing Kira?' Martha asked.

  'The audacity of youth.'

  'Hey,' protested Ruth. 'You don't have to be young to be audacious you know.'

  'Is that a fact, Ruth?' Martha said, not altogether friendly. 'Why, what have you been up to lately?'

  Ruth frowned at her tone, but carried on talking.

  'Don't give me the lecture Ma. We sneaked out last night. It was awesome and the sunset over the beach was epic.'

  'We?' Kira asked.

  'Yes, we.' Ruth blushed slightly and began twirling a stray strand of hair around a finger. 'Just a guy, no-one you know. And before you ask, he is an Anti-Corp supporter and no, he is not a terrorist and yes, I am being careful.' She looked pointedly at Martha as she spoke, who raised her hands and shook her head.

  'Don't look at me,' Martha said. 'Who you do in your spare time is up to you.'

  There was a pause, then the three women started laughing.

  'Oh, K. It was amazing,' Ruth continued. 'There was something in the air, it felt so natural to be out there. I almost felt like,' she gestured towards the small blue figurine nestled in the corner of Kira's alter space, 'like Gaia was right there on that beach with us. Marshall reckons he saw a blue lady in the distance but I'm pretty sure that was either the drugs or the alcohol.' She laughed. 'Maybe both.'

  Kira raised an eyebrow.

  'What? I'm a grown up. It's all legit. I don't do dodgy anymore. Honest.'

  'No, it's not that,' Kira clarified. 'The blue lady – did you see her?'

  'No,' Ruth shook her head. 'I mean, it felt very spiritual but I had other things on my mind and some of that was trying to make sure we didn't get caught. Why do you ask?'

  'Well, it's just a bit odd. These blue lady sightings.' Kira also glanced at the little blue figurine in the corner. 'Jed told me he saw a blue lady yesterday, on the way to Collection. And he saw a bee, or at least that what he says.'

  Ruth thought back.

  'Well there definitely wasn't a bee. Marshall only said he thought he saw a blue lady, and it was pretty dark out there. I was more interested in...other things.'

  Dina had moved closer to them, listening in to their conversation, she tucked her hair behind her ear and coughed nervously.

  'Umm, I've seen her too.' Dina blushed under the sudden scrutiny as the three women turned to look at her.

  'I mean, I think I have.' Dina ducked her head slightly, and tucked her hair behind her ear again. 'It was a couple of days ago. I was sitting outside Academy waiting for Ruth to come out of class. I suddenly realised there was someone sitting next to me. I was surprised, I hadn't notice them arrive, and before I had time to look round properly, they'd already gone.'


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