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The Gaia Effect

Page 12

by Claire Buss

  'I reckon that's what Anti-Corp is looking for,' said Ruth. 'If they had that kind of fire power, they could destroy Corporation.'

  'And the rest of us,' Pete said.

  'But why would anyone want to get rid of Corporation?' Ingrid asked, bemused.

  Ingrid didn't come to all of the group meetings, but Pete had refused to exclude her from the essence of what they were trying to achieve. For her part, Ingrid had agreed not to divulge anything as long as it wasn't detrimental to Corporation.

  'I didn't get a chance to investigate,' Dina said. 'But I think I did well with the testing so there is a possibility I'll get some additional access to Banner Corridor.'

  'And what exactly is it that you think you'll be able to do?' Kira asked.

  Dina shrugged, and round a mouthful of food she said thickly, 'I don't know. Snoop, improvise, you know, stuff.'

  Jed cleared his throat.

  'You don't need to do anything dangerous, Dina. We've got enough evidence to keep Anti-Corp tied up in Legal for a few years - thanks to your double-bugging.'

  'Just try and get us a visual on the radiation sign,' Pete said. 'Then we can alert Science Division to the potential of an Anti-Corp attack.'

  'Don't worry guys,' Dina said. 'I won't do anything stupid.'

  Martha had been quiet throughout the exchange. She had been suffering with terrible morning sickness. Ingrid, however, seemed to be sailing through, looking more and more radiant as the days and weeks went by.

  'You okay Ma?' Kira said gently.

  'High-energy radiation,' Martha replied. 'It was a specialised HER weapon that caused our forebears sterility.'

  The room fell still as everyone stopped talking and looked at her.

  'As you may know, grow-your-own was extremely popular before The Event. People donated sperm and eggs for specific genetic modification. I believe during the bio-warfare they managed to modulate a HER to the right frequency to affect the DNA of reproductive gametes.'

  'Only the power of the remodulated beams was underestimated,' Kira joined in. 'So before they realised the irreversible damage they'd caused, everyone left had already been affected.'

  'Correct. With no viable human gametes available, Corporation began creating their own, hence establishing their strong power base. Of course, that is the short version, it took place over several decades.'

  No-one spoke.

  'You don't think Corporation are still dosing us do you?' Dina said finally. 'And somehow us three got immune, or missed a dose, or something?'

  The others looked at her, then back at Martha.

  'I can't say for certain. My area of expertise is plants, not people.'

  'It's not possible,' Ingrid said. 'I know you want to find a bad guy to blame in all this but I refuse to believe that Corporation, who look after us from cradle to grave, would have anything to do with deliberately enforcing sterility. I mean what do they stand to gain?'

  'Are you for real?' Ruth spluttered.

  Ingrid sat up straighter, becoming red in the face at being directly challenged. Before she could reply, Ruth continued.

  'Corporation have everything to gain. We are tame sheep herded from one technological marvel to another, never knowing the wonder of self miracles.'

  Ruth was beginning to get angry, and Ingrid shrunk away from her tirade.

  'Don't you think that Kira would love to be Grace's biological mother? Don't you think you should be able to decide whether you can grow life within your own body, and not some faceless suit in an office?'

  Ruth took a breath to continue, but Kira put her hand on her arm and shook her head.

  'Not now Ruthie.'

  Ingrid blinked back tears, unused to being the focus of such anger.

  'I think I'd like to go now, Pete. I'm feeling tired.'

  She rose gracefully, air kissing her brother goodbye and waving slightly at the others. Pete clasped arms with Jed and tipped his hand to the rest as he walked out with Ingrid.

  'Sorry Jed,' Ruth said. 'I know she's your sister but...'

  'Don't worry about it, Ruth,' he replied. 'My sister is a Corper through and through. If it's any consolation, I agree with you.'

  'It's unlike you to be so aggressive though, Ruth,' said Martha.

  'Sorry. I dunno know what came over me – I just felt so angry. I had to say something. It's this whole thing, it's got me on edge.'

  'I'm glad I've got you in my corner, Ruthie,' said Kira, giving her friend a quick hug.

  'Yeah, me too,' said Dina. 'I'd hate to be on the opposite side.'

  Ruth nudged her in the ribs, and Dina laughed. Kira checked her wristplant.

  'Look at the time – it's getting late. We'd better clear up,' she said, getting to her feet and collecting dishes. The others groaned as they reluctantly got up to help.

  CORP: Visit your nearest Auto-Doc and get your latest health check. Corporation cares.

  ANON88: Privileged few get lucky again – what about those who've waited years?

  MADSR: No comment.

  The following morning, Kira woke to a rapidly flashing handheld. She had over forty messages. Glancing across the bed, she saw Jed had even more. Grace was still sleeping, so Kira picked her handheld up, crept out of the bedroom, and went over to check the apartment vidcom and sync up. Fifteen more vid messages were waiting to be viewed. Something huge had happened last night. That, or something awful had happened to one of their parents. Kira quickly scrolled down the com in her hands, and with relief saw a message from her mother. And Jed's. And Martha's. And Martha's father - marked highly urgent - which remained at the top of the list as she continued to scroll. A scream from Martha's apartment startled Kira so much she nearly dropped her handheld. Jed came running out the bedroom, looking around wildly as the connecting door to Martha's apartment banged open and a furious Martha burst through, trailed by a rather ashen faced Dina.

  'She has betrayed all of us,' Martha fumed at Kira. 'She is a selfish, self-centred, miserable old hag and I am glad her husband is dead so he does not have to put up with her anymore.'

  'What are you talking about Ma?' Jed asked.

  'Have you not seen it? Do you not know what she has done to us? I will fragging kill her!'

  Kira's eyes widened as Dina turned the expanded news feed on and let the sweeps fill the holo-projector on the wall of the lounge.

  Another Corporation Cover Up but this time it's more than shady water deals. This time it affects every single one of us. The great and powerful Corporation have been trying to hide the facts but Anti-Corp, as always, has fought hard for the truth and we bring you the truth - the most incredible news since The Event.


  That's right. You heard it here first. Anti-Corp has learnt that four women in our city have become naturally pregnant.

  Martha Hamble (Corporation Marketing Director's daughter)

  Ingrid Jenson (high flying exec at Corp Tech)

  Ruth Maddocks (Corporation Educator)

  Dina Grey (Student)

  If you know any of these women we demand that you upload, share and spread the sweep. Urge them to tell their story about how they broke away from the oppression of Corporation. Let them tell you how you too can start building a new life. A free life. A life without Corporation.

  There was more but Kira stopped reading.

  'Wait. Ruth's pregnant? When did that happen?'

  'Never mind that Kira, look at what she has done. She has betrayed us.' Martha was beginning to sound hysterical, but she carried on. 'I had one hundred and twenty four messages on my handheld this morning, and my ear comm will not stop ringing. I have barely had time to adjust to this myself, let alone feel ready to explain it to the entire city.'

  There was a knock at the apartment door. Jed opened it. Ruth came in.

  'You have got a fragging nerve,' Martha shouted at her as she flew towards the door. Kira managed to catch Martha's arm and slow her down, and Jed blocked her path to Ruth.

  'It wasn't me,' Ruth implored, desperation in her voice.

  Kira looked at Ruth more closely, she could see her eyes were red and puffy with dark shadows, and she was wearing the same clothes as yesterday.

  'You didn't know did you?'

  Ruth shook her head slowly. Jed guided Ruth over to the couch, and sat her down next to Dina. Martha, calming a little, allowed Kira to do the same with her. Jed's ear comm pinged.

  'It's work. I have to go in.'

  They all looked at him coolly.

  'I think you should all just stay here for now,' he said. 'Let me see what I can find out.'

  And he disappeared into the bedroom to get ready for work.

  'Don't we have to attend the protest today?' Dina asked. No-one was listening.

  'What the frag Ruth? What did you do?' Martha asked, her fingers curled into talons, as if she wanted to rake Ruth's eyes out.

  Kira made shushing noises and gestures, trying to calm Martha down.

  'I didn't do anything,' Ruth replied. 'I've not been feeling well so I went for a check up last night. It was just an auto-doc. I never spoke to an actual person. It found an anomaly.'

  'An anomaly?' Martha said.

  'Yeah. I got a tip to toe check. I did the scan and I saw … ' Ruth faltered looking at Dina. 'I saw the baby. I am so sorry Dina. It should've been you, not me. I don't understand.'

  Jed reappeared from the bedroom with a wide-awake Grace. He passed the baby to Kira and said his quick goodbyes. As the front door closed behind him Martha sniffed loudly.

  'Are we supposed to believe you got yourself pregnant and did not know anything about it until last night?' she said, acid dripping from every word.

  'Look, I've not felt well,' Ruth said. 'But I thought it was just stress with getting Quentin back, and trying to find out what Anti-Corp are up to.'

  Martha gestured to the sweeps still projecting on the wall.

  'And all this just happens to be a coincidence?'

  'Yeah. I don't have my mic chip Ma, and I'm not reporting back to Anti-Corp anymore. We've gotta find out where the info did leak from before it gets any worse.'

  'How can it possibly get any worse?'

  But before Ruth could respond, Grace began to cry, not used to the loud, aggressive voices. Kira scowled at them.

  'You've made Gracie cry. Calm down the both of you. Dina, can you help me in the kitchen please sweetie.'

  Ruth and Martha settled back into chairs on opposite sides of the lounge, glaring at one another, as Kira, Grace and Dina went into the kitchen to make baby milk and synth-caf.

  CORP: We urge citizens to remain calm. No-one is at risk. Anomalies happen. For more information please visit your nearest Auto-Doc and get your free med check.


  The apartment door banged open and Ingrid stood in the doorway quivering with rage.

  'What have you done?' Ingrid shrieked at Ruth, who leapt up to defend herself.

  Kira strode from the kitchen area into the lounge.

  'That is enough. I have never, NEVER, seen such displays of rudeness and aggression in my home, and I will not have it. My home is a place of welcome and love, and I will not have you coming in here treating it like garbage. Do you understand?' Her gaze swept over all of them.

  Ingrid, Martha and Ruth all remained silent as Kira continued.

  'I am making synth-caf. We will sit down and discuss calmly how the sweeps got hold of this information. Mr Hamble has sent me an important message, and Jed has gone to work to find out what he can about the situation. Can you three control yourselves?'

  Kira looked in disapproval at the three women, as Dina began to bring cups over to the lounge area. They all nodded mutely.

  ANON88: How much did they pay Corporation? Why weren't we given a chance?

  Protest against privileged pregnancies, sweep it out and join us.

  Mr Hamble's message was brief and to the point. Kira settled herself with Grace on the couch, and read it aloud.

  'Kira. Tell your friends the leak came from Force. It has been locked down. Inform the others that any contact with the sweeps goes against a legal directive from Corporation. I'll send my man over with the details. Yours R. Hamble.'

  By the time Kira had finished reading the message, Martha had calmed down enough to check her handheld. She confirmed that she had a near identical message.

  'I suppose he knew we would come together over this,' Martha said, clearing her throat, and shifting in her seat. 'Ruth, I am so sorry I lost my temper. It was incredibly wrong of me to jump to conclusions. I know it is no excuse but I am feeling rather overwhelmed at the moment...'

  She couldn't continue and the tears spilled down her face. Ruth was crying too, trying to tell Martha it was okay but not doing a very good job. Ingrid watched the two women curiously, feeling no desire to cry whatsoever.

  'I hope Jed isn't going to get into trouble,' Dina said, once tears were dried and hugs exchanged. The others looked at her in alarm.

  'What do you mean, Dina?' Kira asked.

  'Well, if the leak came from Force, it must have come from the case files Jed has been keeping on all of us. I know he said his boss ordered him to do it, but it went against everything Mr Hamble told him to do. And if he finds you remember how mad Mr Hamble was when the details of the attack got leaked?'

  'I do,' Ingrid said. 'Pete nearly lost his job. So did Jed.'

  'I guess we just have to wait for Jed to come back,' Kira said. 'And then we'll know more.'

  A bleak silence settled on the women, each absorbed in their own thoughts. Ingrid stood.

  'I'm going to be late for work,' she announced. 'I only came over here to find out what was going on. I have to go.'

  'Are you sure it's safe?' Martha asked.

  'It's fine. I have a driver. Management requirements now that....'

  She pointed towards her stomach. The others said their distracted goodbyes as she left.

  'Sometimes I wish it were me and not Ingrid,' Kira spoke wistfully.

  Ruth leant over and put her arm round Kira, hugging her gently.

  'I hope Jed won't be too cross with us.' Dina broke the silence.

  'Why would he be cross with you?' Kira asked.

  'We have to go to the water protest today, remember? As part of my cover?'

  'Oh – I'd forgotten all about that,' Kira said. 'I don't want to bring Grace to the protest.'

  'Neither do I,' Dina said. 'It's okay – Ruth is coming with me.'

  Martha was fiddling with her sleeve, listening to the others. 'I will come too.'

  'Are you sure Ma?' Dina asked.

  'Yes, I can't stay indoors all day. Not today.'

  'What if someone recognises you?'

  Martha shrugged. 'We will all have to adjust to our lives changing from now on.'

  'I suppose so,' Kira said. 'You don't mind if I don't come, do you?'

  The others all reassured Kira that they didn't and began planning their route to the protest.

  Somewhere in City Forty-Two.....

  'Have you seen the sweeps?'

  'Yes. Corporation must have let something slip to result in four pregnancies.'

  'It's a bit odd that they all know each other isn't it?'

  'We didn't come here to talk about them.'

  'Right. The meeting has moved to Corp Tech.'

  'Are you sure?'

  'Yes. The new secretary is ours. She's been waiting six years for Collection and after this morning's sweeps, she is feeling motivated.'

  'Did you get the schematics?'


  'Any problems?'

  'No. Anti-Corp think it was a student prank.'

  'And they won't find the tech?'

  'It's hidden well. All their files were downloaded yesterday. We have everything they have.'

  'What's the plan?'

  'There's a weakness on the south side.'

  'Weak enough?'

  'Should be.'

  'What do we have?'

  'Remotely controlled skimmer full of Ammonia Nitrate and wired with a remote detonation.'

  'And it won't be checked?'

  'It's already in place.'

  Chapter Twelve

  ANTIC: Biggest Corporation cover-up to date

  Martha Hamble – pregnant!

  Ruth Maddocks – pregnant!

  Ingrid Jenkins – pregnant!

  Dina Gray – pregnant!

  Who do you know? Upload your links and spread the sweep.

  MED4AC: We can neither confirm or deny any medical abnormalities at this time.

  MSCHILD: Four!! How did that happen? It's not fair.

  Jed caught the news sweep on his way to work. He was concerned - how the frag did the sweeps have all the details? And why did the sweep report Dina as pregnant and not a miscarriage? Nothing was making sense and Jed felt uneasy as he walked through the Community Hub and round the side of Force HQ.

  When he got into work there was an immediate summons on his desk to the Chief's office. Knocking, then entering, Jed was relieved to see his partner Pete already there. He didn't recognise the other man. He was short and squat, dressed in a non-regulation grey suit, with greasy looking hair and a faint sneer on his face.

  'Jenkins, sit down. You too Barnes. This is Agent Deveraux from Special Investigations. He'd like to know how the frag the sweeps got hold of our classified files.'

  The Chief folded his hands on the desk in front of him, and waited for a response. Pete and Jed made a point of not looking at each other. Jed felt confident - he knew that neither of them had leaked the information.

  'Sir, I have no idea. We followed protocol to the letter.'

  'Have you checked all the internal coding for non Force elements?' Pete asked.

  Jed raised his eyebrows in surprise at that. It was not like Pete to think of the techy solution. Ingrid must be rubbing off on him.

  'It's alright detectives,' Agent Deveraux said, smiling with no real warmth behind it. 'We know you didn't leak the information. The both of you are so tightly entwined in this mess on a personal level I believe a leak of this nature would be the last course of action either of you would take.'

  Agent Deveraux handed Pete and Jed an info jack each.


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