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The Gaia Effect

Page 20

by Claire Buss

  Ben scrubbed a hand through his hair and shot another look at Jed.

  'And the culprits responsible for killing the remaining Board members?' the Surgeon General asked, a touch of worry in his voice.

  Deveraux responded a little too smoothly.

  'Hamble was the unfortunate victim of an angry mob. The others were driven to their deaths by staff. Pity.'

  Jed finally looked up from the table, and glared at the agent.

  'Hamble's killers are in custody. The drivers are being investigated to make sure they acted alone and weren't paid off by someone in a position of power.'

  The two men glared at each other.

  'I want a complete list of Anti-Corp members on my desk first thing in the morning,' the Chief said, jabbing his finger at Ben. 'You can work with intelligence to provide any gaps in contact information. Everyone will be tagged and charged with a work detail.'

  'What about the unruly members of the public out there?' the Professor asked.

  'Everyone involved in destruction of property and disturbance of the peace will also be tagged and given a work detail accordingly,' Jed explained.

  'So you're just going to give everyone a criminal record?' Ben asked in disbelief.

  'No. We are going to make them work off their debt to the sensible members of society who stayed at home and refused to descend into madness.'

  'Sounds like mass control if you ask me.'

  'I don't remember asking your opinion.'

  The cousins scowled at each other, barely flinching when the Chief slammed his fist on the desk.

  'That's enough,' he bellowed. 'What's done is done. We need bodies to sort out the water crisis – this way we get bodies. Those idiots stupid enough to get themselves involved in public unrest will work off their debts, and if they don't like it they can rot in a containment cell. Now,' he said, turning his attention to Deveraux. 'What's left?'

  'We need to propose interim governance. A new leadership.'

  'Yes,' said the Professor. 'We can't carry on like this indefinitely.'

  'I don't have time to deal with bureaucratic nonsense,' the Surgeon General said heatedly. 'I have a medical centre to run and real people to help.' He began stuttering as everyone turned to stare at him. 'I mean..not that.. it's very...'

  'We know what you mean,' Jed said.

  The Surgeon General smiled gratefully at Jed's rescue.

  'What about a senior official from Special Investigations?' Deveraux suggested mildly.

  'I think anyone with an institutional background will be unpopular with the people,' Professor Kamir countered. 'Perhaps an academic?'

  'What about a member of the public voted for by the rest?' the Chief proposed. 'That way they would have the city behind them.'

  'But no real idea of what to do,' Ben muttered.

  'I would like to put someone forward as an interim governor,' Jed said. 'Martha Hamble.'

  There were some loud mutterings from around the table. 'Hamble!' 'A woman?' 'Is he mad?' 'I say, shouldn't it be someone more distinguished?'

  'Let me finish.' Jed had to shout over them. 'She has a unique viewpoint on the situation. Being the daughter of the Marketing Director of the Corporation Board in City Forty-Two, she has links with both hard line Corpers and those at the upper end of society. She is a woman affected by the pregnancy anomaly, so has the sympathy and genuine interest of the general public. She has a scientific background, so the people will trust her explanation of the water crisis and the proposed solution.'

  'She certainly understands politics,' the Professor mused. 'Top of her class.'

  'I have no objections,' the Surgeon General said.

  Deveraux looked hard at Jed, before nodding and agreeing, followed swiftly by Ben. The Chief stroked his upper lip thoughtfully, and added his approval.

  'Let the record state that Martha Hamble will be offered the position of interim Governor on her return,' Deveraux announced. 'She will be assisted by those city representatives here present, as and when appropriate.'

  Deveraux looked round the room for any objections before stopping the recording and officially sealing the file. 'I believe we are done here gentlemen. Thank you for your input.'

  Deveraux stood, nodded to the others and shook hands with the Chief before leaving. Once Deveraux had left, most of the men hurried back to their own personal empires – full of self importance and the desire to tell others what had happened here today. Ben was escorted to Force Intelligence by his minders. Only Jed and the Chief remained. A harassed looking Force operative popped his head in the room.

  'Sir? You asked for a status report on the riots.'

  The Chief gestured for the operative to continue.

  'It's over. Tagging the rioters stopped the escalation and we've got positive idents via Drone TV for all those involved.'

  'Thank you Sergeant. That will be all.' The Chief turned to look at Jed. 'You holding up Jenkins?'

  'Yes Sir.'

  'Long road ahead of us.'


  The Chief looked at his weary detective, and held out a hand. As Jed took it in his own, the Chief shook it firmly. 'Till tomorrow Detective.'

  Chapter Nineteen


  City Representatives will post meeting outcome later today.

  *****************ALL SWEEPS**************

  A bee flew into the window, bumbling its way across the pane, trying to find a way out. Its buzzing grew ever more frantic. Jed watched as it bounced off the pane, again and again and again. Finally, he walked over to the window and opened it. The bee buzzed once round his head, and was gone.

  The vidcom link chimed, it was Camp Eden. Jed accepted the link and waved a greeting to his wife.

  'Oh Jed, are you okay? You look tired.'

  'I'm fine,' Jed replied, and he flopped into an empty chair.

  'How did the meeting go?'

  Jed puffed out his cheeks, and nodded.

  'That good, huh?'

  'I'm sending out a unit to come pick you up, they should be there first thing in the morning.'

  'Hang on, aren't you going to tell me what happened?'

  'I'll get the file sent over to you. Martha needs to watch it. We'll have a sit down about it tomorrow when you get back.'

  Kira sniffed as Jed paused, and looked down at his hands for a moment. 'I miss you,' he said.

  'I miss you too.'

  They said their goodbyes and Kira watched the screen dwindle to blackness. Martha poked her head into the tent.

  'Is everything alright?'

  'I don't know. Jed's sending over the file from the rest of the meeting – he says you have to watch it.'

  Martha came through into the tent. 'Me?'

  Kira nodded. 'They're coming to pick us up tomorrow,' she said. 'I'd better tell the others.'

  Martha watched her friend walk out of the tent, leaving her alone. Her reverie was broken by an incoming message on the com system. It was addressed to M Hamble. She pulled up a chair and began to download the file.

  SIF: Interim Governor Martha Hamble appointed.

  City Representative's Meeting available for download.

  FORCE: All citizens tagged in the recent riots will be given work duty.

  ANON88: Fight the fascists! Refuse to be tagged. Blame the Corpers.

  C42N: Hamble proves a popular choice but will she solve the water crisis?

  The sun had set by the time Martha had finished listening to the meeting. She felt dazed as she walked out into the communal area where everyone had gathered for the evening meal. Dina beckoned her over.

  'Hey Ma, come here and try some of this.'

  Martha sat down, hugging her knees, refusing the proffered food.

  'Are you okay?' Dina asked.

  The group quietened to listen to Martha but she shook her head, struggling to find the right words. Finally, she spoke.

  'The city representatives have met and decided on a cours
e of action regarding the water issue.'

  'Well that's good isn't it?' Max queried.

  'They are tagging everyone involved in the riots and putting them to work duty.'

  Ruth scowled at Martha from across the camp fire. 'Work duty? What are we – some kind of fascist state?'

  Martha ignored her. 'The workers will clean and seal the old sewer system so the natural water supply can be brought into the city.'

  'Solving the problem of the affected water,' Dina said in a pleased voice.

  The others made congratulatory noises.

  'That is not all,' Martha said, still holding her knees tight and keeping her eyes down.

  'Well,' Ruth demanded. 'Spit it out.'

  'They have chosen an interim Governor.'

  'What poor fool has been roped into that?' Kira asked.

  'Me,' Martha said, finally looking up.

  There was a stunned silence as everyone processed the information. Ruth was the first to speak. She leant over to pat Martha on the knee. 'It's about time those in charge used their brains instead of their wallets,' she said.

  'Oh wow Ma,' Dina's voice squeaked. 'This is so exciting. You'll be in charge of everything!'

  'I'm so pleased for you Ma.' Kira squeezed Martha's arm and then looked horrified as tears began to run down Martha's face. 'Oh honey, what's wrong?'

  'I can't be in charge, can I?' Martha was half sobbing the words. 'I don't have the faintest idea of what to do. I work with plants, not people.'

  'It doesn't matter,' Ruth said brusquely. 'You care about what happens to the city, to the people. You have a good head on those shoulders and I'm sure you'll have advisers.'

  'But what if I can't do it?'

  'We believe in you,' Kira said.

  The Camp Eden scientists who had been listening to the conversation added their encouragement.

  'I, for one, think you'll make a great leader,' Max said. 'Listening to you the other night talking about putting the needs of the people first - you can't go far wrong thinking like that.'

  Martha looked around the circle and saw the approval on everyone's face. She wiped her eyes dry and lifted her chin a little. 'I will do it. At least, I will try. For the city.' Martha looked down at her tummy. 'For my baby. And for my Father.'

  'Hear, hear,' toasted the others, before falling back into their individual conversations, leaving the women to themselves.

  'Will you be there to help me?' Martha asked her friends.

  'Of course we will,' Kira said.

  'Actually.' Dina looked sheepish. 'I've been speaking with Max, about staying here. The work they do is fascinating. There's nothing waiting for me in the city. If it's alright with you guys?'

  Kira looked a little surprised, then noticed Max watching from across the fire. Realising Kira was looking at him, he turned quickly, knocking over his drink and cursing to himself.

  'No, we understand,' Kira said, looking back at Dina.

  Martha and Ruth echoed their acceptance, and the group fell silent for a moment.

  'What about me?' Ruth asked. 'Where do I fit in?'

  'With us silly,' Kira replied, but it was Martha who Ruth was asking.

  'I have an idea,' Martha said. 'You would be a wonderful advisor for the interim Governor.'

  'Are you sure?'

  'I am.'

  'This calls for another toast,' Kira said, and refilled everyone's cups. 'To us.'

  'To us!'

  MAHA: Proud to be chosen to lead City Forty-Two forward.

  Tackling the water supply will be my first task.

  C42N: Anon88 has been bound by law for inciting aggressive behaviour.

  Jed watched the scenery roll past him on his way to Camp Eden. Here and there flashes of green interrupted the tangle of abandoned skimmers and ramshackle buildings. Nature was slowly creeping back but there were still massive swathes of burnt, dead land. Harsh reminders of what had come before.

  Jed was looking forward to seeing his wife and baby. Although it had only been a few days since he'd seen them, it felt like weeks. The sweeps had announced the outcome of the City Rep meeting and their plan for the immediate future, which had been received well by the public. Everyone involved in the riots had been tagged for work duty, and there had even been some additional volunteers to help with the clean up of the city. The skimmer slowed down as Camp Eden came into sight.

  Kira shifted from leg to leg impatiently. She wanted to see Jed, and she wanted to go home. 'Over here,' she called, waving. 'I didn't know you were coming as well.'

  Jed beamed at her as he hurried over, scooping her up for a hug. 'I missed you,' he said, kissing her. 'Where's Grace?'

  'It's okay, she's inside sleeping. I didn't want to wake her, she looked so peaceful.'

  Jed kissed his wife again, feeling both relieved his daughter was in such good hands, and a little disappointed at not seeing her straight away.

  'Are you ready to go?' Jed asked.

  'Almost. Do we have to rush off now?'

  Jed didn't answer, instead he checked his wristplant.

  'Is Martha nearby?'

  'Yeah, come through. Meet everyone.' Kira took her husband's hand and pulled him after her into the camp complex.

  Jed looked around with interest. There were plants everywhere, and insects hummed in the air. He could just make out Dina, and the scientist they'd spoken to on the vid-link, over in the far corner of the camp. Kira was chatting away, telling Jed about this and that, but he was only half listening. Martha sat in the communal area, hands wrapped round a cup, looking off into the distance.

  'Martha,' Kira called out.

  She turned and waved at the approaching couple.

  'Hi Martha. You got the file?' Jed asked.


  'And? Do you accept the post?' Jed held his breath in anticipation.

  'I do. But I have a few stipulations.'

  Jed's breath whooshed out in relief. He sat down next to her. Kira followed.

  'I'm sure whatever they are it will be fine,' Jed said.

  'I have to tell you some things first.'

  Ruth came out of the sleeping quarters, and seeing the others in the communal area hurried over to join them. Jed smiled a greeting, as Ruth sat down.

  'Well,' Martha said. 'This is my first requirement. Ruth will be my personal assistant.'

  Jed looked at the two women, and then nodded. 'Makes sense. You'll have other members of the city to guide you as well.'

  'Will that be the men I saw in the meeting?' Martha asked.

  'I expect so, details haven't been finalised but I'll be part of that guiding team as well.'

  Kira congratulated Jed softly, and he continued. 'There will be a medical rep and an academic rep, as well as someone from Special Investigations.'

  'Sounds like you've got almost all bases covered,' Ruth said. 'What about a representative of the populace?'

  'Public vote,' Jed replied. 'It's one of the first things we need to organise when we get back to the city.'

  'What are the others?' Martha asked.

  'A Governor's parade, to begin with.'

  'A parade?' Martha gasped, her hand over her mouth.

  'Is that a good idea?' Kira asked.

  'It's procedure. New governor – city gets a parade. That's why we have to leave...' Jed checked his wristplant, '...five minutes ago.' He got up quickly. 'Come on ladies, let's get going. We can talk about it in the skimmer.'

  There was a moment of stunned silence before the three women slowly got up. A few minutes later and the camp was bustling. Bags were loaded into the skimmer, and grateful farewells were being made between the women and the scientists.

  Jed found himself face to face with Dina. 'You're staying then.'

  'Yes,' Dina looked down at the floor.

  Jed put his finger under her chin and lifted her head. 'You can come back anytime, Dina,' he said. 'You'll always have a home with us. You know that, don't you?'

  Dina flung herself at Jed,
and hugged him tightly. Jed patted her on the back and looked at Kira for some help but she just grinned at him. Dina broke away and kissed him on the cheek, then went to hug Kira and say goodbye to Grace.

  Finally everyone was in the skimmer, calling goodbye, and promising to stay in touch. They watched Camp Eden dwindle in the distance as the skimmer picked up speed. There was a sudden flash in the brush nearby and a flock of birds swooped into the sky following the skimmer, dancing intricate patterns in the air. Kira watched them, taking it as a good sign.

  'What happens when we get back to the city?' Martha asked.

  'We have another skimmer waiting for you, with armed guards, for your safety,' Jed replied.

  Kira looked at her husband in alarm. 'Is that necessary?'

  'I don't think we should take any chances,' Jed said. 'We will follow in this skimmer. It's armoured too, so everyone will be safe.' Jed glanced at Grace who was trying her hardest to eat the strap holding her in place in the travel cube. 'There will be a tour of the city. Sweeps went out this morning informing everyone of the route, and encouraging people to attend.'

  'And what am I supposed to do?' Martha said, sounding panicked.

  Jed tried to sound encouraging. 'Smile. Wave. Be Martha Hamble.'

  Kira took Martha's hand and squeezed it. 'You'll do fine Ma. We'll be right behind you.'

  C42N: Join us in meeting our new Governor as she returns to City Forty-Two.

  Download the route and pick your spot. This is not a virtual experience.

  The rest of the journey was spent in silence as each of them contemplated the changes that lay ahead. In no time at all, they arrived at the city walls. Martha hugged Kira and Ruth, then got out of the skimmer and into the bigger, grander, open topped version that awaited her.

  'Back in a parse,' Jed said to Kira, and went over to the other skimmer to greet the security team. 'Everyone know what they're doing?'

  'Yes Sir. The route is pre-programmed. We'll activate the shield once Miss Hamble is settled, and you'll have direct comm link.'

  'Good. Carry on.'


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