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Tink's Neverland

Page 17

by S. E. Smith

  J’kar’s teeth elongated and he growled out in a deep, heated voice. “I said don’t move.” He waited until Tink nodded silently.

  Getting up, J’kar looked down on Tink's naked beauty as she laid in his bed. He wanted her...badly. He only hoped he didn’t hurt her. Moving over to his closet he removed several restraints. Normally used in cases of attack if they took prisoners they could also be used when a male needed to restrain his mate who was not as receptive. Since Prime females were not always welcoming of a male’s attention on rare occasions a male might use them to help protect the female until the chemical from the bite he gave her started working. Now, he realized he would have to use them to protect Tink from what can happen when a Prime male got too excited. He did not want her trying to resist him. It would become too dangerous for her then as he would lose all control.

  Moving back to the bed he clasped Tink’s wrists in his closing the restraint around them. Next, he moved to her ankles tying first one then the other down leaving her open to him. Breathing heavily he began undressing. He hated he had to do this. He did not want her to hate him. Unable to deal with the look of horror he knew must be in her eyes he quickly finished dropping his clothes in a pile next to hers.

  Tink watched what J’kar was doing. When he went to the closet she was afraid he was going to leave her like this, hungry and frustrated. Instead, she became even hotter when she saw the restraints he held. All kinds of wicked and kinky ideas began to form in her mind in explicit detail. When he tightened the restraints on her wrists, she couldn't hold back the groan of desire as her body heated up to an explosive level. Her pussy was so hot with anticipation she could feel it clenching and pulsing. She was ready to have an orgasm right then and there. When he tightened the two leg restraints pulling her open to him she could feel the moisture seeping down the inside of her legs. Moaning, she wiggled as the waves of desire and need rushed through her demanding relief. She was so horny that she was determined if he didn’t do something soon, she was going to attack him.

  J’kar flinched when he heard the moans and groans coming from Tink. He was beyond stopping though. He could only hope she could forgive him for what he was about to do. Sliding onto the bed he gripped Tink’s thighs in his large hands and holding them apart he began lapping at her, sliding his tongue up and down along her folds. Moving his hands, he pulled her soft folds apart to get closer to her nub. Sucking and licking her like she was a favorite dessert he groaned as the taste of her filled his senses. He was totally lost in the haze of sexual need. He slid one, then two fingers into her pussy pumping them in and out as he licked and sucked her, gorging himself on her essence. When Tink began begging him and fighting the restraints he lost the little control he hoped to retain. Growling, he ran his elongated canines along the inside of her thigh before sinking them into her. Tink screamed as pleasure flooded her as the chemical inside of J'kar's canines was released into Tink's blood stream. Her body arched up shuddering as one orgasm blended into the next before she collapsed back to the bed where she lay panting. J’kar sealed the wound from his bite with a lick of his tongue. Moving up her body he latched onto her nipple sucking it into a hard peak. Gripping it between his fingers he moved to the other one making it peak into a hard pebble. Gripping it and rolling it between his fingers he moved up to sit beside her. His cock was inches from her face.

  “Touch me like you did last night. Take me in your mouth like you did.” J’kar demanded as he twisted the pearl-sized nipples.

  Tink couldn’t have denied J’kar anything. Straining, she ran her tongue over the swollen head of his cock licking the pre-cum off the tip. He squeezed her nipples harder and she groaned taking more of him into her mouth. As he began moving his hips back and forth Tink could feel another orgasm rising just from him playing with her nipples. He pushed his cock deeper and deeper into her mouth. Tink took as much as she could but when her orgasm came she pulled away arching her back as the feeling washed over her. She was unable to hold back the scream as her body exploded in a pleasure so intense it was painful.

  J’kar heard Tink’s cry as she pulled away from his cock. The smell of her orgasm was pulsing through his system. He had to ride her but was afraid too. He had restrained her but he was totally out of control. Growling, he climbed back between Tink’s legs and lifting her up as far as he could with the restraints holding her. He buried his cock all the way in her slick folds with one thrust impaling her all the way to her womb. He closed his eyes and clenched his teeth holding still for just a moment to give her time to adjust to his size until he could hold back no longer. Gripping her thighs in a bruising hold he pounded into her over and over pulling almost all the way out before thrusting back into her as deeply as he could. J’kar let out a deep growl when he felt Tink struggle against him. The animal part deep inside him fighting the need to subdue his mate.

  It took a moment for J’kar to realize Tink was not fighting him to quit. She was moaning, ‘harder, faster, deeper.’ For the first time J’kar looked at Tink’s face, into her eyes. He had expected to see disgust, anger, and fear. Instead, he saw passion. Her head was thrown back in pleasure, her cheeks flushed, and her lips slightly parted as she moaned. It was so unexpected, he stopped.

  Growling out under her breath, Tink swore out loud. “So help me, if you stop now I’ll kill your ass after I tie you down and have my way with you. Move, damn you. Move. Fuck me. Hard, baby. Fuck me hard.” Tink glared up at J'kar daring him to stop.

  J’kar’s senses were inflamed at Tink’s passionate demands. Leaning over her he grabbed her nipples again and twisted them as he moved deep and hard into her pussy. Fighting the restraints Tink glared up at J’kar before she threatened him in a voice husky with desire. “I’m going to fuck you so hard when I get lose you won’t ever want to leave my bed. I’m going to tie you down and see how many ways I can make you beg me to love you.”

  J’kar growled at the promises Tink was making. Thoughts began filling his head of all the ways Tink wanted him to take her. Unable to handle it, J’kar pushed deep into Tink touching her womb with his cock as he yelled out his release. Tink could feel the hot seed burst inside her. Closing her eyes, she let out a small scream as she came again. J’kar knelt over her panting before collapsing over her.

  Brushing kisses along Tink’s shoulder and neck, J’kar bit down with his canines breaking the skin. He felt Tink’s startled response before she relaxed into his hold. He felt the chemical release as it pumped into Tink. He had bitten her three times now. She would be ready for his offspring. She would never leave him. Never.

  Chapter 22

  J’kar brushed a kiss across Tink’s swollen lips. They made love most of the night and it wasn’t until J’kar received word they would soon be docking with the space port that he had allowed Tink to sink into an exhausted sleep. With everything that had happened in the few sleep cycles she had been on board the warship, he couldn’t even contemplate all the mischief she could get into on the space station. He needed to make sure everything was taken care of and notify his father and the council about his bonding.

  “Sleep, little one. I need you to stay in the room until I come and get you. It will not be safe for you to leave it. Do you understand?” He murmured against her lips.

  Tink moaned and reached for him. “Don’t go. Stay with me.”

  J’kar laughed softly. “You make it hard to leave you.”

  Tink’s eyes opened to shine mischievously up at him. “I like making it hard. Need any help with it?”

  J’kar laughed out loud. “You are insatiable.” Smiling down tenderly he pushed the hair away from her forehead kissing her. “Please. I need to know you are safe. Stay here and sleep.”

  Tink arched towards J’kar’s warm body stretching her arms over her head. “Well, if you insist. You haven’t had any more sleep than I have. But, if someone has to catch up on it, I guess I’ll have to volunteer.” With that, she rolled over onto her stomach and snuggled up with h
is pillow.

  J’kar shook his head and smacked her on the ass. “You will need to be punished for that little remark.”

  He left laughing. He could have swore he heard her muttering, “Promises, promises.”

  He gave the command to lock the door. He did not want to take a chance of anyone disturbing her. Walking towards the lift, he gave the command to access RITA.

  “Yes, dear. How can I help you?” RITA replied. “You know I can’t wait to tie into the programming on the Space Port. This is so exciting.”

  J’kar closed his eyes tiredly. Tink was right about him not getting much sleep. Now, he not only had to worry about keeping Tink safe, he had to worry about what mischief RITA was going to cause on the Space Port, how the council was going to handle everything, and how he was going to explain his new mate’s behavior to his people.

  “RITA, I need you to monitor Tink at all time. Make sure she does not leave the room and no one tries to enter. I need you to help protect her.” J’kar felt funny asking a computer for help but from what he had learned, RITA’s programming was much like a familiar, a creature who was often a pet or protector for the Prime females. She would do anything to protect Tink.

  “I will, dear. Don’t you worry about her. She’s sleeping right now. I can use the internal monitors to track her. I’ll keep her safe.” Sometimes, J'kar thought in amusement, it was hard not to think of RITA as just another crew member.

  J’kar pushed himself out of the lift and headed for the bridge. He entered to find Borj reviewing some data charts with one of the crewmen on duty. Moving to the captain’s control panel he sat and reviewed the current position. They should be docking within the hour. He ran through all the reports scanning and marking any items of interest for further review. Final preparations were being made and he didn’t have much to do. His crew was one of the best and knew exactly what needed to be done.

  J’kar looked up as Borj joined him. Nodding, he continued reviewing a detailed report on the trade items they brought back with them.

  “All preparations are being finalized and we have clearance to dock.” Borj said quietly.

  “Good. Make sure the cargo is unloaded first. I want a military team to prepare the ship. Load appropriate weapons and supplies.” J’kar stated.

  He regretted some of the items had been removed prior to their last voyage to make room for trade items. It had been a cover to scout for females but could have been a costly error he did not plan to make again. With the added ship they could use one for cargo transport and leave the warships for what they were designed for, war.

  “Have you made the decision to attack the human’s planet?” Borj asked. While he tried to keep his tone neutral a bit of unease slipped through.

  It had been his suggestion to forcibly remove the women from the planet. He had not expected J’kar to agree. He did know it was going to be a real possibility now the men aboard knew how passionate Earth women could be. If the incident in the dining level had riled the crew up, the incident in the corridor had the men in a raging fury for an Earth woman of their own. Before Lan had a chance to lock down the video of J’kar attacking Von and Tink’s subsequent interference, it had been broadcast throughout most of the ship. Lan confiscated the video as soon as he was able to but the damage had been done. The men were ready to revolt. They had never seen any female react the way the Earthling had and they were in a highly sexually charged mood. Even he was having problems. It was not as bad for him as there were women available at the palace to take care of his needs but the men would have to visit some of the relief houses.

  J’kar looked at Borj for a moment before frowning. “I have no intention of attacking her planet. We do not have enough information on their culture. From what we have learned from RITA the women there might not appreciate us doing so. She even mentioned many women fought in their military. It would be against our best interests to attack. Why do you ask?” J'kar asked his brother looking at him intensely. Something was obviously bothering his brother and he needed to know what it was.

  “The men are growing restless. After the incident in the dining hall,” Borj paused just a moment at seeing the darkening look in J’kar’s eyes at the reminder but continued, “it was difficult. But, the incident in the corridor has caused the men to become more aggressive in their desire to find a human female of their own.”

  “What do you mean, ‘the incident in the corridor’?” J’kar asked softly.

  Borj looked at J’kar then at some of the men on the bridge. Replying in a soft tone so he wouldn’t be overheard he reminded J’kar of what had transpired. “Never have the men seen a female respond so passionately without being bitten first. Even then, as you know, the females are just more receptive. Your bond mate attacked you. If she had not realized at the last minute we were watching, I am not sure she would have stopped. She was…” Borj paused a moment to draw in a breath, “unbelievable.”

  J’kar moved uncomfortably in the seat. He was remembering what happened not only in the corridor but afterwards. He became even harder. Damn, but he wasn’t sure if he was going to make it to the planet without taking her again. Just the idea of taking her in the corridor was causing him to breathe heavy.

  Borj couldn’t contain his curiosity any longer. “Is she really so different? So… passionate?”

  J’kar looked at his brother a moment before responding. “More than you can imagine. When I took her back to the room I was out of control.” J’kar paused trying to think of how to explain what happened to his brother.

  Borj nodded sympathetically. “You had to use restraints. She will learn and become understanding. You had no choice.” Borj laid a supporting hand on J’kar’s shoulder.

  J’kar shook his head. “No. You don’t understand. I used restraints but she…,”J’kar couldn’t keep the silly grin from his face. “She enjoyed it…very, very much. It made her even more passionate. She wants to use them on me next.”

  Borj bit back a groan. Shaking his head and looking around he whispered. “Do not let any of the men know this. We would have a war on our hands. The council needs to be informed. This type of knowledge could give our clans more power over the others creating problems. Many of the outlying clans are having problems with not enough females as well. They will want to find her planet and take females. If the other clans find out we have a way to create a portal to her world it could be all out war between our clans, not to mention our world and hers.”

  Borj turned as an announcement came over the internal speakers stating the docking was complete. He gave a brief nod to J’kar before walking away. He couldn’t help thinking of the beautiful, long-legged woman in the photo he carried being tied down to his bed passionately responding to his caresses. He paused briefly to adjust the front of his pants. Yes, he thought, even he would go to war if it meant having her in his bed.

  Chapter 23

  There wasn’t much for Tink to do while J’kar was tied up with the docking, unloading, and preparations for the trip to the planet. Tink was more than a little nervous. She wondered what his planet would look like. Would it be anything like Earth? What about his family? What if they didn’t like her? He was like some kind of prince or something. The next in line to rule. What if they didn’t think she was good enough for him?

  Tink took a shower and cleaned up the room placing dirty clothes in the cleaning bin then hanging them up when they were done. J’kar had a light breakfast delivered by the healer of all people and some clothes. The clothes were beautiful. They were of a soft pastel blue with silver highlights running through them. The outfit was a long flowing dress reaching down to her ankles. The top portion was sleeveless with a scooped neckline embroidered with tiny jewels that looked like diamonds. A matching long sleeve, waist-length jacket fitted over it and it too was embroidered with the tiny jewels. Tink thought it looked a little too formal for her tastes. She would have preferred a nice pair of jeans and a comfortable t-shirt or sweater. It suddenly da
wned on her she had a lot to learn about J’kar’s world. She really didn’t know anything about it. She had no idea where he lived, where he worked when he wasn’t flying around on a spaceship, how many brothers or sisters he had except for the two she had met on board. She really didn’t know anything about him except he was an exceptional lover.

  Tink began breathing heavier as a panic attack started to form. What had she done? Panting, she leaned forward trying to catch her breath. Would she ever see her family again? What would happen if things didn’t work out between her and J’kar? Did they have divorce on his planet? What if they had kids? Could they have kids? Panting even harder, Tink squeezed her eyes close as she felt tears starting to form. Oh, God, what had she done?

  “Little one, I feel your pain? What is wrong? You are in danger?” J’kar’s anguish voice filled her mind.


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