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Atlas's Forbidden Wolf

Page 15

by Elle Boon

  “Oh for the love of all that is fey, of course they’re friends. Hello, you’re in my realm.” Jenna tossed her hands in the air.

  The first little girl seemed to enjoy pressing on the bubble, her excited giggles could be heard through it. The other looked upward, her excited laughter at whatever was going on around her clearly not upsetting.

  “Um, could you zap us home, or beam us back?” Atlas asked, his impatience clear.

  “Goddess, you men are all alike. Now, do you require the happy juice my bestie Kellen does? You know, for the tummy ‘cause you men are not made of sterner stuff like us females?” Jenna tilted her head slightly, acting as if she was saying the weather was a bit chilly, when in fact she just called into question the man’s manhood.

  It took everything Joni had not to burst into laughter as her mate puffed out his chest, knowing he was going to deny the need for any assistance. However, he let out a breath and nodded, taking Joni’s hand in his.

  “I’d appreciate any help you can offer. I need to be at one hundred percent when we get home. I don’t want any handicaps in case I need to battle. My mate’s life and happiness come before any male posturing,” he intoned.

  Joni wanted to launch herself at him, make both their clothes disappear, climb him like a spider monkey, and beg him to fuck her hard. Hell, she wouldn’t even care if they created a damn baseball team if they all turned out like their father. Damn the amazing dire white bear.

  “I fucking love you too, boo,” he joked.

  “I’m gonna have to ask you to no on the boo, boo bear,” she said, shaking her head adamantly. The sexy man could call her many things, but boo, boothang, boobear; basically, anything that started with boo was a no for her.

  Atlas pulled her in for a hug, kissing the tip of the nose. “Duly noted, Achwahnaja.”

  Lula gave a dramatic sigh. “I just love it when you males use words that are made up.”

  A deep laugh bubbled out of Atlas before he faced Lula. “Achwahnaja means love in my people’s native language,” he explained.

  “Okay,” Lula agreed, making the universal sign for okay while giving a dramatic wink. Clearly the dragon female didn’t believe her mate, but that was alright with Joni.

  “All aboard. The Fey Train is leaving. I’m gonna need you to close your eyes, count to three, and think of something nice, but not sexy nice. I do not need to see you and your mate getting it on.” Jenna had her right arm bent and lifted, then at ear splitting level, she yelled, “toot toot.” She laughed. “I’ve always wanted to do that.”

  “Yeah, well that will be the first and last time anyone says riding the Jenna, or Fey Train, woman. Do you have any idea what that means on Earth?” Lucas growled.

  The Fey Queen squinted at both men. “Is this another thing humans have turned dirty?”

  “I’m afraid so, mia cara,” Damian said.

  Joni squinted at Jenna. “Why do you need us to do that? Lula just sort of popped us here.”

  Jenna shrugged her shoulders. “I just like yelling all aboard and shit. Come on.” She snapped her fingers.

  They hurried over to Jenna, both unsure if she was kidding or not. Joni grabbed ahold of Atlas as the ground began to move, feeling as if she was being sucked into a vortex. “This feels way different then when Lula did it, too.”

  “That’s cause I like to do it with a bit more pomp and flash. Ps. You’re welcome. Byeeee,” Jenna laugh, the sound, almost musical, made Joni want to close her eyes and listen to her forever. Goddess, the female was strange, yet wonderful.

  The next moment, she felt solid ground beneath them. “Oh, we’re home. It looks like time hasn’t changed, or else it’s the same time days later. Shoot, which do you think it is?”

  Atlas glanced around the cornfield, trying to get his bearings. He didn’t feel like retching, which he counted as a blessing. “One way to find out.” He nodded toward the big farmhouse where Hollis and Annie lived.

  Joni gave his fingers a slight squeeze. “Let’s do this.”

  Oh yeah, she was his mate. Perfect in every way for him. He took off at a pace that she could keep up with, his long legs eating up the ground. He inhaled, checking for scents that didn’t belong. With his mate next to him, he wouldn’t take chances like he’d done in the past. Before, he hadn’t bothered worrying about enemies lurking behind every tree or building. In his mind, if he’d been taken out, it would’ve been the Goddesses plan. Now however, he’d take out anyone who tried to harm one hair on Joni’s precious head. Cavemanish maybe, but she was more important than his entire clan.

  “I can feel the hairs on my arms tingling, Atlas. Something is coming and coming soon,” she said.

  He had the same feeling. Of course, the Goddess had said the same thing, but he hoped they had at least enough time to prepare for whatever it was that was going to come down. “Do you have a connection with Hollis or Annie? Can you reach out to them without alerting anyone else?” Being connected to the alpha would help them assess the situation, whereas if he reached out to him his presence might be felt since he was an outsider.

  “I never became a full member of their crew. They would’ve let me, but something held me back,” she whispered.

  “If we shift, I can block our power from being broadcasted to other shifters.” He looked up at the fading sun. Unlike the fairytales, shifters weren’t held to the call of the moon. However, wolves felt a bigger pull to it than others. He wondered how Joni’s beast would react since tonight was the first full moon.

  “Do you think its safe for everyone if we shift into our dires? I don’t want to go on an eating rampage.” Joni’s true fear shone in her shiny green gaze as she stared up at him.

  He pushed her long black hair back from her face. “No, I don’t believe you’ll be in a frenzy to eat any and all things on two or four feet. Like you in either of your forms before, I believe your wolf might be a vegan,” he joked.

  Joni punched his arm, then sobered. “Let’s do this, bossy bear.”

  He nodded. “Who’s the bossy bear now?” He sobered as the need to get to the farm became urgent. “Follow me and please, for the love of all, stay next to me. If I have to look for you, my bear will be distracted, which could get someone hurt or killed.” What he meant was he would put her and her safety first and foremost.

  She nodded, then shifted before him. Atlas waited until her transformation was complete, running his hands through her thick fur. “Goddess, you’re gorgeous. My turn.” He then shifted, rubbing up against her on all sides, making sure she carried his scent as well as his mark on her shoulder. Any fool would see who her mate was, but he wanted to make sure they could smell the same thing.

  They took off at a fast pace, their huge beasts eating up the distance. Atlas kept his senses open, his link to Joni showed she too was searching for enemies. The only smells were the Wilde Crew and livestock. However, he did smell fresh kills, like a slaughter had happened recently. “Do the Wilde’s eat what they raise here?” he asked through their mating link.

  “I don’t know. It never came up, but it would make sense.”

  He veered around the perimeter of the property, checking where he scented the fresh kills, not finding any animals. After another circuit, they went to the back door. He shifted first, waiting for Joni to do the same. “They’re awake and alone, I’ll knock, but stay behind me.”

  After shifting, she stood on her tiptoes and gave him a kiss on his cheek. “Yes, sir, bossy bear.”

  His growl echoed around the quiet afternoon. He lifted his fist and rapped on the door twice. “Yo, Hollis.”

  The door opened; a weary looking Hollis stood in the entry. “Come on in, we were wondering how long you’d run around the property.”

  Atlas raised a brow. “What’s going on?”

  Annie leaned against the counter. “Well, you’ve been gone for less than an hour, but somehow, we’ve lost a dozen cattle.” Accusation laced her tone.

  Joni shook her head
. “That’s not right, Annie, and you know it. We’ve been gone a lot longer than that. Where’s Lula?” She looked around the room.

  “The crazy pink haired girl? She left shortly after you did, but not before threatening us. Who the hell was she, or rather what was she?” Annie snarled, fur popping up on her arms.

  “I need you both to calm down and listen to me. This is going to sound crazy, but Joni and I have been gone for more than a day. Once Joni shifted into her new form, Lula took the both of us to the Fey Realm out of fear she’d be unstable. We returned here because—well trouble is coming, or rather has already arrived here. We need to prepare for battle,” Atlas warned.

  “It looks like trouble has already come, and it’s standing in my kitchen, boy,” Hollis growled. “What kind of bullshit you trying to sell me?”

  Atlas growled back, pushing Joni behind him. “You’re an alpha. You should be able to sense any lies. What did you smell when I was speaking?”

  Hollis shook his head. “Fuck.” He spun around, staring out at the field behind his home. “Then who killed my livestock?”

  “I don’t know, but I intend to find out. Have you called your crew in?” Atlas asked.

  “Of course, I did. They’re on the look out for you and Joni. I’m surprised they didn’t kill the both of you on sight.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Joni gasped. “Why would they do that?”

  Annie snarled. “Because they think you brought him here to kill us all and take over.”

  “For what gain, what purpose? That doesn’t even make sense,” Joni yelled back.

  “Maybe you’re working with Mikey. The asshole always wanted what I’ve had, especially my land and my mate.” Hollis turned back around; his eyes bluer than before as his coyote was closer to the surface.

  “That bastard was a creep. You know I have nothing to do with him, Annie.” Joni held her hand out toward the other female. When she didn’t acknowledge her words, she let her arm drop. “I can’t believe you’re both going to dismiss all the time I was here with you, all the...feelings I had for all of you. I thought you said I was like family, a part of your crew?” She dashed her hands beneath her eyes, hating the show of weakness.

  “Oops, am I late? Did someone die?” Lula asked.

  Annie tripped over the chair, falling on her ass. “Oh, my bad. Here, let me help you up.” Lula grabbed Annie under both arms, easily hefting her into the air, settling her onto her feet. “So, what did I miss? Like I said, sorry I’m late. I had mama drama. Not baby mama drama ‘cause I ain’t got no baby, but ya know, my mama and drama. Lord love a duckling, that woman can rage and rage. Sheesh, you shoulda seen the smoke coming out of her nose. I swear she would’ve burned a village down if she didn’t love the people of Fey so much. Anyhoo, I’m babbling.” Lula rubbed her hands together, looking around the room at everyone.

  “Hello, Lula. I’m glad you didn’t get into too much trouble. Could you please inform these two exactly where we’ve been for the past twenty-four hours, give or take?” Atlas asked, folding his arms over his massive chest.

  Joni moved closer to her mate, feeling lost once again. “Hi, Lula, thanks for showing up. I think we might need the backup in more ways than one. Both Atlas and I sense something big coming, and no, we’re not saying you and your dragon are big, however she is magnificent,” she assured the female. After knowing the slight framed female for such a short time, she’d learned Lula loved compliments.

  “Look at you, you’re a fast learner. Twenty points in your notebook.” Lula pretended to write in an invisible book, or so Joni assumed it was pretend. It was hard to tell with the dragon.

  “Alright, here we go, coyote and his less than stellar mate. Close your eyes and prepare yourselves for the greatest show on Earth, starring my friend and almost friend, Joni and Atlas,” she yelled.

  Joni snorted, unable to help herself when Lula moved forward, grabbing hold of Hollis and Annie, her hands holding their heads together. Although she could see Hollis tried to fight Lula’s hold, he couldn’t win against a dragon and her strength. Both Wilde’s eyes widened, shock lining their features.

  Lula stepped back. “I shouldn’t have had to show you that. You should’ve trusted, which goes to show you that you are not their real people. However, these two are going to protect you and yours ‘cause they’re awesome like that. Now, the battle is upon us. Lets go people, move it, move it.” Lula clapped her hands, lifting her legs comically high in the air as she marched toward the back door, looking over her shoulder she waved. “You coming or what?”

  “Fuck, let’s do this.” Atlas cracked his neck. “Do I have your word you got my back, or do I need to worry you and your crew are going to fuck me and my mate over?” he asked.

  Hollis shook his head. “I’m sorry for doubting you or Joni.” He held his hand out. “You have my word we will fight alongside you, to the death if need be. Annie, go to the safe room. I need to know you’re alright.”

  Annie licked her lips. “No, this is my fight, too. She’s like the daughter we never had, yet we turned our back on her at the first chance. I will not do it again. Joni, I’m...I’m not worthy to call you daughter, but please know I do love you. I’ll fight just as you.”

  “I don’t want to see any of you die, but I do thank you for fighting with us. I’m not sure what’s coming, but it feels big,” she warned.

  “We’re ready,” Thadd said through the screen.

  “Let’s move this out to the training area. It’ll give us more room and less shit to fix,” Hollis suggested.

  “Good idea,” she agreed. “My dragon will totally decimate this lovely home.” Lula stepped past the gaping couple, shoved past the lion, and began walking toward the area they pointed at. “You coming or what? The Wicked are coming, and they’re coming fast.”

  Atlas lifted his head, his nose flaring. “Son-of-a-bitch,” he swore.

  “What is it?” Joni took a deep breath. “Is that bear I smell?”

  Oakland inhaled. A deep growl rumbled from him. “It sure the fuck is, and they’re angry as hell. What did you bring here, girl?”

  Atlas stepped in front of Oakland. His large frame a couple inches taller than Oakland’s. “She brought nothing. This is all on me. My old alpha’s mate clearly doesn’t like the fact I found my truemate, and that she’s a wolf. I plan to teach her, and whoever she talked into coming with her, a lesson. You with me?”

  Joni held her breath as Oakland stared at Atlas. The entire Wilde Crew, made up of over fifteen shifters including Hollis and Annie, all nodded. “Absofuckinglutely,” Oakland said, taking a step back shaking his arms out.

  “Everyone shift. That way we know who is who when the shit hits the fan,” Hollis suggested.

  Atlas gave a humorless laugh. “Trust me, you’ll know who is from the White Bear Clan when they arrive.”

  Hollis tilted his head in question.

  “They’ll all be grizzly bears for one, for another, they’ll each smell as if their shit doesn’t stink, but they do,” Atlas laughed.

  “Shift, crew,” Hollis ordered.

  The entire Wilde Crew shifted, their bones cracking, skin stretching not nearly as seamless as when Joni and Atlas did, yet when they finished, each shook out their coats, stood on four legs and held their heads high.

  “Alright, I’m going to link all of you with a linkyloos so you can all talk to one another. Okie dokie?” Lula asked. I won’t shift unless I need to. I’m kinda a badass in this form, so don’t worry your furry little heads about me.” She patted Joni’s flank.

  If one could roll their eyes in wolf form, Joni was sure she just did. The sound of thunder broke through the night. She looked to the sky, finding it to be clear and full of stars. “Looks like the party is getting ready to start. We taking the front or the back?” Joni asked.

  She noticed the Wilde Crew had gone quiet.

  “Is there a problem?” Atlas asked through the link Lula had created.
r />   “Holy sheot, girl. What the hell happened to you? Did you eat all your damn vitamins or what? Like, fucking hell, you can wipe the floor with all of us and still say ‘Next’,” Thadd said, awe in every word.

  Joni’s wolf stood a little taller. “I am pretty big, yeah?”

  Two wolves she’d met during training flanked her. “Big doesn’t even come close to describing you. And white. You’re the thing of myths.”

  Joni stared down at Erica and Kyle, the mated pair, giving them a slight bow. “Thank you, but I’m just a regular wolf who happens to be mated to a dire bear.”

  “Like we said, a wolf of myths. A dire wolf is legendary. We will fight alongside you with pride, Joni.” Kyle tilted his head to the side, showing his submission, his mate following his lead.

  Joni opened her wolven mouth to lick them both, but just then, the world around them exploded as a couple dozen bears surrounded them.

  She spun to find Atlas charging a huge bear, taking him down with a swipe of his paw. Sexy, bossy bear.

  The ground shook as the bears raced toward her and her friends. Joni faced her enemies, vowing she would kill each and every bear who dared to harm them. She opened her mouth, howling loudly. Instead of letting them come to her, she allowed her wolf to take over, feeling her rake at her mind with the need to protect.

  The first bear she faced, Joni was elated to see she was larger than, taking it down easily, her teeth locking on its exposed throat while Erica and Kyle locked onto its legs. The three of them worked as a pack, killing it and then moving to the next. They moved swiftly and efficiently, maiming and killing bear after bear. She heard a pained howl, then looked back to see Erica lying on her side with a smaller bear standing over her. It’s huge paw ready to come down on her friend with a killing strike.

  A blur of black ran in front of Joni, latching onto the bear’s arm, only to be shook off like a nuisance. Joni used the distraction, rushing the bear, knocking them both onto their sides. She looked back, meeting Erica’s hazel eyes, her pain filled Joni with purpose. She hustled to gain her feet, facing off against the grizzly. Hate stared back at her through the female’s eyes.


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