Marshall (Mayfair Model Series Book 1)

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Marshall (Mayfair Model Series Book 1) Page 8

by Claire Castle

  “Oh, hey, Marshall. You’re looking amazing. I saw you earlier at the Tom Keeter show. Fabulous, wasn’t it?” He raised his glass to me. “What’ll you have?”

  “Thanks, a whisky is great. On the rocks.” I tapped my fingers on the bar top and enjoyed the view of the very fine bartender’s ass. I debated asking Carter to the gala event, then thought to hell with it. “Hey, so I got a dog, did I tell you?” Okay, so chickening out seemed the way to go. I whipped my phone out to show him Jess.

  “Hey, you’re grinning. I never knew you could.” He elbowed me, letting me know he was joking. Our paths only crossed four times a year or so, but I really liked him.

  “Yeah, you and Stuart would get along just fine, that’s for sure,” I mused, without really thinking. Just then, the bartender brought my drink over and Carter’s refill.

  He pointed at me and gasped.

  I looked over. “What? Do I have something on my face?” I asked, reaching up to wipe something nonexistent from my cheek.

  “Your eyes just got all faraway and misty looking. I know that look.” He huddled closer to me and looked around, although I could see no one nearby. It was his turn to pull his phone out. “This is who I’m seeing. No one knows though.” He stared at me. “I can trust you though, right?”

  I automatically nodded. “Of course, man.” I took a sip of my drink and it burned the back of my throat. Why did it feel like he was about to tell me something huge. Life changing. Then I glanced at his phone.

  “He’s a drummer in a band. Isn’t he sexy?”

  I couldn’t seem to comprehend what was happening. Carter. Gay. Telling me about his man. I let out a huge breath. My stomach had butterflies. He … he was gay too. Is that what he was trying to tell me? I could almost cry at the revelation. “You, you’re gay?”

  He placed his hand on mine. “Yes, and I think you are too?” He posed it as if it was a question.

  I slammed back my whole drink. Could I confide in him? What were the implications. All these thoughts ran through my mind. And suddenly it felt like shackles had been removed from my whole body. “Yes. I am. Stuart, ah ...” I bent over my phone to find the photo I’d taken of Stuart and Jess playing in my living room. Putting my phone between us, I couldn’t help but grin. “Yeah, he’s actually, well, he’s the dog walker, but—” I blurted and it was so freeing, “he’s the hottest man I’ve ever been with. And not just that. He doesn’t take any shit from me. And he’s kind and really listens to me. It’s so new, but he’s been there for me in ways no one ever has.”

  The bartender came by and I ordered another.

  “Brenna doesn’t even know. No one does. My mum. No one. Well, except Stuart’s roommate. Ah, and now you. Please don’t tell a soul.” On impulse, I leaned over to hug him.

  He returned the hug. “Yeah, man. Proud of you. It’s tough, but the way it’s gotta be. For me, it’s not so serious. We both work a ton anyway. It’s, ah, it’s not exclusive or anything, but a secret too. Playing it by ear.”

  “Same.” Even as I said it, my stomach began to churn. “Maybe this sounds crazy, but wanna keep in touch more?”

  “Yes, totally. And your secret is safe with me.” We talked some more about work and the fashion trends we saw taking off for next season.



  After an orgasm to remember last night, I slept in later than usual. Jess’s little paws patted through to my room around 8:00 a.m. Funny how I was calling Marshall’s guest room, my room now.

  I planned to go home and make sure my flat looked good for when Jamieson came home. I sat up in the bed and thought, I’ll take Jess to my place. That’s exactly what I’ll do. Marshall surely wouldn’t mind. He knew she was in good hands. Did he ever.

  I thought back to last night and enjoying such a hot orgasm. The way Marshall wanted it, needed it, and listened to my commands. Fuck, that was the sexiest thing ever. Hearing the noises he made pushed me over the edge. A wonderful surprise.

  After a long walk, we were back at my flat and Jess collapsed down near the door. “You want some water, wee girl?” I grabbed a bowl and set some down for her. “There you go. Let’s send Daddy a photo. He’ll be busy at all the fashion shows right now.” I pulled my iPhone out of my back pocket and took a picture of Jess. Then I sent it to Marshall.

  The day flew by as I cleaned up, did laundry, and sent out more drawings. Jess was happy to follow me around, and I loved having her with me. My connection to Marshall—I smiled to myself, not that I’d let him know just how much I adored it.

  Checking my phone, I saw Jamieson would be home soon. There was a text from Marshall too. I smiled at his nickname.

  Grumpy: Nice.

  That was it. I rolled my eyes. Of course, that was it. I sighed and went to pull my world famous—well, my mum’s most delicious recipe—shepherd’s pie, out of the oven for us to have when Jamieson arrived. There was so much to tell him too. I wouldn’t reveal everything, but he was the only one I could open up to about Marshall.

  “Hey, honey, I’m home. Didya miss me?” Jamieson asked, parading in the front door with his arms outstretched. He pulled his suitcase in and left it by the door.

  “Of course, darling,” I ran over and hugged him. “So glad you’re home safe. And you must be hungry, right?” I said poking his ribs.

  “You have no idea. The crap I have had to eat. Wait. Wait.” He sniffed the air. “That isn’t my favourite meal ever, is it?”

  “Oh, you are right. Come in, my man, and sit down.” He sat down as Jess walked over and sniffed him.

  “Who is this then?” he asked, putting his finger under Jess’s chin. “Aren’t you the cutest thing ever.”

  I brought the food over and some garlic bread and set down two glasses of wine. “That, my friend, is Marshall’s dog.”

  His jaw dropped and I saw more of the inside of his mouth than I probably wanted to.

  “Wait, what? You’ve gotta tell me everything. Every. Thing. I’ll even let the best food ever go cold for this.”

  “Oh, it’s nothing. He’s in New York. As I’m sure you know.” I looked up, smirking. Then I took a sip of my wine and leaned back in my seat.

  “You fucking tease. Come on. Any tidbits?” He actually batted his eyelashes at me.

  “Don’t try batting eyelashes at me. I invented that move,” I said laughing. “When you were away though, I did have an impromptu night visitor. Though, I was kinda pissed off.”

  “Okay, wait … backtrack. What exactly happened.”

  “A super-hot kiss.” I smirked.

  “You fucking cocktease.”

  “Dude, cocktease, I’d be teasing you with my cock. I can if you want? Ha. Ha. Joking.” I took a bite of food before continuing, “Well, after I stayed with him, he kinda invited me to some big event his mum is hosting, but then his agent said it wouldn’t be a good idea. Anyway, so then I gave him my number, and he said he’d call soon after. I left the ball in his court.

  “Days go by and I never hear from him, then the day before he’s due to go to the States, he comes over just before Damien does and gives me this hot, searing kiss. Of course, I kicked him out ’cos Damien was knocking at the door.”

  “Dude. Wow. He actually came here before he left? That is risky as fuck.” He gobbled down more food and I sat silently. “That’s a huge thing for someone like him.”

  I sat back, tapping the table. “Explain, ‘o fountain of knowledge.’”

  “Well … Huge celebrity. In the closet. The most he’s done before was either at a dark gay club or fucking in secret. With that terrible moustache disguise, might I add.” He munched some more. “He took a huge risk”—he looked up and straight at me—“for you.”

  “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” I fell back in my chair like a damsel in distress. Jess sensed something was wrong and came over to paw my leg. I lifted her up onto my lap.

  Jamieson ran over, obviously thinking I’d choked or something and slammed me on the back. �
��What? Are you okay? Marshall will kill me. Oh fuck! The first official time I’ll meet Marshall Easton for real and in person, he’ll kick my ass. No autograph for me, that’s for sure. Come on, Stu.”

  I sat up straight again. “No, it’s okay. I’ll live. I kinda gave him a major hard time about not communicating with me and just showing up out of the blue because he happened to be leaving for a while.” I cringed and then smiled. “But anyway, Jess is here, obviously, and we’re on the same page again.”

  “Dude, the look that just crossed your face. I don’t even want to know. Fucking lusty bastard. I still can’t believe you’ve scored one of the hottest men alive.”

  “Oh, I haven’t. I have no idea what’s really going on. I think he just wants me ’cos he’s away. You know, catch what you can’t have?” I smiled demurely at him.

  “How is it that I fly all over the world, and I can’t grab a Marshall?” He laughed.

  “You can look, but not touch,” I replied. We were roommates and still getting to know each other, but I considered him my friend. “You’ll find someone, probably when you’re least expecting it.”

  Jamieson looked down and wouldn’t meet my eyes. I wasn’t sure what to make of that. He grabbed a magazine from the counter. “Can we not discuss this? Look at Marshall in that fitted suit though, in New York. Fits him like a glove.”

  I stared. And stared. I imagined him naked on the bed in the hotel room, then shook my head to remove that visual.

  The next few days seemed to drag on. I took Jess back to Marshall’s and went about my daily routine, but I couldn’t deny I was missing him. I was waiting, hoping he’d make the first move—in terms of phoning me. I knew he was busy, but still.

  What am I turning into, I thought. I did what I wanted, and who I wanted. I was just restless and needed to get out. That’s all it was. So, I decided to go see Damien.

  “Oh, hey, Jamieson, want to come to the club? We can have a few drinks and hang out since you’ve been away?”

  “Oh, yes. Let me get changed and ready to go.”

  Walking down the street, we chatted and bantered back and forth.

  When we arrived at the bar and sat down, I noticed it was quiet for midweek. “What’ll you have?” I asked him.

  “Beer sounds good,” he said.

  “Damien,” I called to him. He came over and hugged me then kissed both my cheeks, looking absolutely stunning dressed in black denim and a tight black t-shirt. “Two beers.”

  Then Damien got distracted by Jamieson. “Who is this wonderful specimen?” He picked up his hands and kissed each one while Jamieson stayed seated, looking shell-shocked.

  Then he surprised the hell out of me by standing up and hugging Damien. “I’m Stuart’s roommate, Jamieson. Great to meet you.”

  Jamieson seemed happy to wrap his arms round Damien, dance a bit, and then sit down with me again. Damien smiled at me.

  “Oh, darling, your beers. Yes, well, you brought a distraction. A very welcome distraction.” And he rushed around to the back of the bar to get the drinks.

  We chatted and had a few more drinks. Jamieson seemed more at ease here than I’d ever seen him before. We’d been roommates for awhile, but this was the first time we’d come out together, just the two of us. I think his knowing about Marshall bonded us in some unspoken way.

  Damien left us alone and Jamieson asked me, “So, is this where you met him?” in a lowered voice.

  I smiled, thinking of that night when I’d seen Marshall, dark and broody, hidden away in the corner. “Yes, actually it is. He was looking at me from over there,” I said, pointing to the corner.

  “When is he back from his trip?”

  “Day after tomorrow.”

  “That’s exciting. And reassure him I won’t tell a soul.”

  “Thanks, Jamieson. You’re a good guy. That will mean a lot.”



  Walking through the airport with Brenna, we were slowed down by some fans asking for a photo, and I just wanted to bypass them as usual.

  “Come on, Marshall. They’re your fans,” I thought back to the last time when Stuart kind of forced me into it. Well, not this time.

  “Let’s go, we need to get to the gate.” I walked off waving, and Brenna didn’t argue with me. I was exhausted anyway and couldn’t be bothered with it. On the flight back home, I wondered why was I even second guessing it at all. I’d never thought twice before.

  One word. Stuart. He’d found a way to latch himself onto my heart. Even thinking about him made me excited to get home, something I’d never cared about before. Usually, the routine was to go home, rest and chill out, and get ready for the next job.

  And Jess too. Jess was the best thing that had happened to me. How had I lived without her company before? I guess you never knew what you were missing until you had it. Look at me being all profound, I thought.

  I slept for most of the flight and when we landed safely, I was more eager to get home than I had ever been. Brenna and I had parted ways in our taxis and she said she’d catch up with me tomorrow.

  I don’t know what I expected when I got there, but it wasn’t the complete silence that greeted me. Of course, that was the usual before Jess, but I expected her and Stuart to be waiting on my arrival. Looking around, I dropped my bag and went to the bedrooms.

  Mine was empty, but the guest room door was cracked open. I peeked in to see Stuart and Jess playing with a toy I’d never seen—obviously a new one. It was such a beautiful scene that even I had to smile, unlike my usual self. “Hey, guys, I’m home.” They both looked up in unison and I couldn’t quite tell who was more excited to see me.

  Stuart jumped up and almost toppled me over, jumping into my arms. I had no choice but to hold on to his ass to keep us both upright as he wrapped his legs round my waist. “You’re home.” He nuzzled his nose into my neck. It was cold and sent a shiver down my spine.

  Then he kissed me, long and delicious. My lips opened automatically to him and our tongues moved in unison. He licked at my lips and the kiss continued for long moments until a small bark interrupted us.

  Jess looked up with sad eyes, so I put Stuart down. Kissing him once more on the cheek, I picked Jess up. “I wouldn’t forget you, girl. Stuart here accosted me. What was I supposed to do?”

  “Hey,” he said, laughing. “You liked it.”

  “I sure did,” I said and winked at him.

  The smile he returned at that one little move was something I never envisioned I’d love.

  “If you aren’t too tired, we can go to my place. Jamieson wants to meet you for real, and I made my world-famous shepherd’s pie. Jamieson would have me make it every night if he had his way. In fact, I just made it the other night too. What do you say?”

  “I say bring it on. That airplane food was absolutely disgusting. Oh, what about Jess?”

  “Jess loves my place, actually. We can walk over. Oh, wait, what about your disguises? Or I can just attach my lips to yours again. Will that work?” he said, laughing. Jess walked over and plonked down on her bed near the television.

  “I’ll wear a baseball cap. Plus, I’ll have you there as well to protect me, right?” Thinking back to how I’d ignored the fans at the airport, and how Stuart forced me into the photo with that girl the other week, I knew he’d be a far cry from any protection, but it seemed worth the risk.

  “Okay … Wow, I expected a bit of resistance with me having to persuade you with my prowess.” He licked his lips and thrust out his hips.

  “Fuck. No, okay, I change my mind. Persuade. Persuade.” I stalked over to Stuart, not letting him out of my sight, as he walked towards my bedroom. I bit my lip in anticipation and followed him through like a panther scenting his prey. Last minute, Jess yelped so I took a detour to make sure she was okay and cuddled her for a few minutes. I continued through to my bedroom, and the sight that greeted me was nothing short of mesmerizing.

  Stuart was on all fours in th
e middle of the bed with his ass in the air. He had on a jock strap that perfectly framed his pert ass. “Get over here,” he said, panting. I didn’t waste any time after closing the door behind me. I pushed down my pants and boxer shorts, letting my cock spring free.

  There was lube and condoms on the bed. The lube was open. “Did you … you got yourself ready for me?”

  “Yes, now gie yerself over here and fuck me because Jamieson is expecting us.” He turned round and smiled at me, then licked his lips again. I’d noticed his Scottish accent became more pronounced when he was horny.

  My cock had no doubts about what it wanted. Precum started to drip from the end. When he told me what to do, it turned me on in the hottest way. I pumped my cock a couple of times as I walked over to him.

  “You ready for me?” I asked as I opened the condom and rolled it on. I tapped my cock on his crease, teasing him.

  He pushed his ass out further, wanting more. “Yes, give it to me, Marshall.”

  I slapped a cheek and pushed in, slowly at first, then picking up speed. “Oh fuck, you’re so tight. This is so good.” Grabbing the smooth skin of his hips, I pushed in and pulled out, over and over. The very next thrust, I stayed seated and listened as he moaned.

  “Oh, fuck. Fuck. Move again, dammit.” He squeezed around me causing an amazing sensation. I breathed deeply, trying to hold on to the feeling of it.

  “Tell me when you’re about to come,” I said. No reply. All I could hear was his heavy breathing, and all I could smell was his scent. I moved down to kiss his back.

  Then he nodded. “Okay, I will.”

  I pumped in and out at a relentless pace, grabbing his cock at the same time, and just as he let out “I’m gonna come. Oh fuck, I’m com—,” I pulled him up so his back was against my chest and shoved myself up into him while squeezing his cock. One pull and Stuart was coming. I bit his neck as he breathed out and then screamed my name. I’m sure the neighbours would need a cigarette after that show.


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