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Montana Mavericks: a hot cowboy collection

Page 3

by Rebecca Zanetti

  “Ah, Sophie. Such a pretty name.” The chief gestured for her to retake her seat as he turned and sat at the head of the table. He wore faded jeans over scuffed brown cowboy boots with a deep red button-down shirt. “I see you’ve met my grandson and lawyer, Jake.”

  “Yes.” The warmth deserted her as she eyed Jake. His grin in return made her want to throw something. At his head.

  “So.” The chief’s upper lip quirked. “What can I do for you, Sophie?”

  Sophie focused on the elder’s calm facade. Those deep lines sat comfortably on a smooth face—he could be anywhere between fifty and a thousand years old.

  “I’m here to explain the golf course proposal and earn the support of the Kooskia Tribe.” She hoped to have better luck with the elder than his grandson.

  Wisdom flowed through the chief’s eyes along with amusement. “Is that why you’re here?”

  “Um, well, yes.” Sophie tossed a quick look to Jake. Did the chief know anything about her proposal or not?

  “Oh, I’ve studied your design,” the chief reassured her. “Sometimes what we think we know isn’t what we really know.”

  “I don’t understand,” she said.

  The chief shrugged. “You don’t need to.” He reclined in his chair. “I have to tell you that your design is magnificent.”

  Sophie’s eyes widened. “Really?”

  “Yes. Wonderful—looks like a great course to play. I love to golf, you know,” the chief said.

  Sophie slanted a glance toward Jake, but his implacable face revealed nothing. She turned back to the chief. “The development will bring money to the tribe and casino.”

  “Yes, I believe that it would.” He clasped broad hands together on the hard table. Hands that reminded her of Jake’s. The breeze tossed the sweet scent of berries through the room as the chief breathed deep in appreciation. “Huckleberries. Should be quite the crop this year.” He focused on Sophie’s face. “They grow wild all over your client’s property.”

  Sophie maintained her smile. “I understand huckleberries grow wild across all the nearby mountains, even by the roadside.”

  The chief flashed an amused grin. “That they do. You’re a spunky one, Sophie Smith.”

  “Thank you.” Sophie ignored Jake’s sudden grin.

  “The course really does look like a fun one. I especially like the water hazards.” The chief nodded.

  “So you’ll support the project?” Her heart leaped into full gallop.

  “Oh, no,” the chief said sadly, still with a twinkle in his deep eyes. “I can’t do that.”

  Even though she’d expected his rejection, a ball of dread slammed into her gut. “Could I ask why?”

  “The golf course doesn’t fit with the aesthetics of the land there,” the chief said.

  Not this again. “Of course it fits.” Sophie tried not to sigh in exasperation.

  “Nope.” The chief grinned. “Have you surveyed the land in person?”

  Sophie’s spine straightened at Jake’s quiet snort. “Um, no, not really.”

  “Well then, it’s all settled.” The chief rose.

  “What’s settled?” Sophie lurched to stand.

  “Jake will take you tomorrow to inspect the land. You two can ride over the northern ridge and maybe have a picnic overlooking the lake.”

  “Grandpa,” Jake started to protest as he took to his feet. His chair echoed his annoyance as it slid back with a creak.

  “That’s an order from both the chief and your grandpa, boy,” the chief said with a hard glint in his eye.

  Jake turned to Sophie, his broad form blocking the sunlight. Humor creased his cheek, adding charm to the lethal angles of his face. “I’ll pick you up at ten tomorrow morning.”

  “Wow.” Sophie smiled at the chief. “Can you order him to stop being obnoxious and arrogant, too?”

  Jake shot her a warning glance.

  The chief roared out a deep laugh. “Sorry, Sophie. Those traits are from his grandma’s side.” The elder chuckled as he ambled out the door.

  “I am not going horseback riding with you.” Sophie rounded on Jake and threw her hands in the air before leaving the conference room for the exit. Sure, she needed to see the area to get a better idea for her design—just to make sure she’d covered all her bases. But she’d drive there.

  “It appears you are, darlin’. Where we’re going is only accessible via horseback. No vehicles.” He moved silently, his scent of man and musk swimming over her as he reached the door and opened it.

  Just wonderful. Now she needed to ride another horse.

  Jake turned her, and a broad hand at her lower back propelled her into sunshine. Natural pine scent filled the air, and gravel crunched underneath their feet. He walked her to the Jeep and opened the driver’s door, his hands sliding around her waist.

  The gentle touch slid right under her skin, zinged around, and throbbed between her legs. She coughed. “I can get into the Jeep.”

  He grinned and lifted her inside. “I know, but my mama taught me to be a gentleman.”

  Sophie swallowed. “That wasn’t gentlemanly.”

  His chuckle caressed her skin as if his tongue traced each inch. “I didn’t say I was good at the lessons.” His hands lingered on her waist, and his midnight dark eyes caressed her heated features.

  Sophie tried to ignore the strength in the hands at her hips. He had lifted her into the Jeep like she weighed nothing. His broad chest blocked out the sun. In fact, all she could see were those onyx eyes devouring her. Interest and something even darker lurked there. Flutters cascaded through her belly.

  The man wanted to kiss her.

  Why wait? Against all logic, she leaned up and pressed her mouth to his.

  Chapter Three

  Jake took her invitation and captured her lips, the jolt of instant lust shocking him.

  So he forced himself to slow down and explore softly, gently, at his leisure. He wasn’t a man who lost control. Ever.

  One hand cupped her head, holding her where he wanted her. Her eyes closed, and he took the kiss deeper, his cells exploding as heat shot through his blood. His gentle hold kept her firmly in place as he controlled them both.

  Desire and a shocking intimacy careened through him. Under his touch, the woman stilled, no doubt fighting to keep sane. It was too late for sanity. Way too late. With the hint of a growl, his tongue invaded her mouth. He took his time learning her texture, memorizing her taste. The hand at her nape threaded into her hair, and he pressed her against the seat.

  She clenched his shirt and slid her tongue against his.

  Fire boiled through him, and his groan of approval filled her mouth. His hand slid from her waist and relaxed against her thigh, her toned muscle tempting him to yank the material away. Then he pulled her closer, and her breasts flattened against his chest, her nipples pebbling.

  Lava cascaded down his spine to spark his balls. He wanted her naked. Now.

  Obviously, the woman had no clue how close to the edge he’d slipped. She burrowed farther into his body, returning his kiss. They both panted when he finally lifted his head.

  Her eyes had darkened to dangerous blue depths, wide and unseeing on his.

  He released her curls before stroking along her jaw to cup her chin. He watched the path of his thumb as it ran along her swollen bottom lip. Tempting. Too damn tempting. Her tongue slipped out and grazed his thumb.

  He bit back a growl and forced himself to relax. They were fully clothed, in a parking area next to headquarters, and he’d never wanted a woman more. But this was neither the time nor the place. Definitely not the place.

  At that second, seeing the promise in her pretty eyes, he knew he’d have her –without question. But he wanted all night from dawn to dusk to explore whatever this was.

s slid across her face, and she yanked her hands away. “I, ah, have to go.”

  He’d grant her a brief reprieve. Jake leaned in and pulled the seat belt between her breasts before clicking it firmly in place. “Go ahead and run, Sunshine. I caught you once before.” The door closed, but he made sure she could still hear him. “I will again.”


  After a sleepless night where he couldn’t stop thinking about kissing Sophie, the morning sun poked through a light gauze of clouds while Jake maneuvered his truck across town.

  “Why can’t I come on the picnic and meet the golf course lady?” The litany of questions continued from the backseat.

  Jake drove the Dodge pickup around a pothole, then glanced in the rearview mirror and met piqued feminine eyes. Eyes so much like his own. “Because you have plans to bead necklaces with your grandmother, pumpkin.”

  “I don’t wanna bead necklaces. I wanna go on the picnic.” Irritation turned to sweetness. “Please, Daddy? I want to meet the city lady.”

  “Nice try, Leila.” His grin matched hers.

  His daughter’s expression turned dreamy. “I bet she has Manolo Blahniks.”

  “Manolo what?” He turned down a narrow dirt driveway lined with lodge pole pines.

  “Ah, Dad,” Leila huffed in pity. “Blahniks. Shoes. Really pretty shoes.”

  “You’re six years old. Since when do you care about shoes?”

  Midnight black eyes widened on his before Leila gave a delicate shrug and stared intently out the window.

  “Leila?” He used his best no-nonsense tone. The one that promised a lack of ice cream in the future if she didn’t answer.

  Leila sighed before turning back to meet his eyes. “Since me and Grets and Sally watched Sex and the City.”

  Jake gaped at his daughter. His baby with her long dark hair pulled into two pigtails and her pert little nose. “Sex and the City?”

  “Yep.” The grin showed a gap from a missing tooth.

  Jake’s lips tightened. “Where?”

  Leila plucked at a string on her shirt. “At Sally’s house after school last week.”

  “Her mother let you?”

  “Well, not zactly.”

  “Meaning?” He stopped the truck before a two-story log home surrounded by wild purple, yellow, and red flowers. He shifted in his seat to face his daughter. She looked innocent and pretty in her blouse and light jeans with tiny tennis shoes.

  “Um, well, her mom thought we were watching a cartoon about kittens in her room, but we kind of put in the other movie instead.” A guilty flush stole across Leila’s olive skin.

  “Well, I will call Madeline later today so she knows what you three were up to,” Jake said sternly before jumping from the truck and opening the back door. He released the seat belt and helped his daughter out of her car seat before shaking his head. “You get no television for a week.”

  “A week?” Leila wailed just as Jake’s mother opened the door and gracefully crossed the faded deck.

  “Want to make it two?” he asked.

  “No.” Leila took off at a run toward her grandma the second Jake put her on her feet.

  Jake turned in exasperation as the two women in his life embraced.

  “Daddy’s being mean,” Leila whined.

  “Men,” his mother agreed, a twinkle in her dark eyes.

  Jake gave her a warning glance before stalking over and kissing her weathered cheek. His mother was truly a beautiful woman. Nearly a foot shorter than him, petite, and slender, she had passed on her black eyes as well as her straight, patrician bone structure, whereas he had inherited his broad frame from his father.

  The braid through her gray hair deserved a tug, and Jake complied.

  “Why are you picking on my granddaughter?” She smacked his arm.

  “Because your granddaughter watched Sex and the City last week.”

  “Oh my.” Loni Freeze grinned before turning to his urchin. “Why did you watch that?”

  “To see the pretty clothes. And shoes. And the big city with the big stores and buildings.” Leila sighed.

  Jake’s gut rolled at her words. “The city isn’t everything it’s cracked up to be, Leila.”

  “Jake, all girls dream of big stores in pretty cities,” his mother chided.

  “I’m well aware of that,” he replied grimly. And he was. He and Leila had lost too much due to the lure of the big city life.

  His thoughts flashed to Sophie. Even her name screamed city girl. He couldn’t believe that he’d kissed her. What had he been thinking? A slow grin ripped across his face. He wanted to do it again.

  “You have that look.” His mother’s eyes narrowed thoughtfully.

  “What look?” he asked, all innocence.

  “That look. The one you had right before riding that untamable stallion, Satan. Incidentally, does your arm still ache before a storm?”

  Jake didn’t answer.

  “The look you had when your brother dared you to jump off Smitty’s cliff into the lake.” His mother continued with a huff. “The look you had when—”

  “All right. I know the look.” The grin deserted his face. “I don’t have it right now.”

  His mother opened her mouth to speak, only to have Leila interrupt. “Where’s Grandpa Tom?”

  “He’s mending fences in the south pasture. He’ll be back in time for lunch with you,” Loni assured her granddaughter.

  “Jake frowned. “Mending fences? Why didn’t he call?”

  “Because”—Loni reached up to peck him on a cheek—“your stepfather is just like you. He doesn’t ask for help.”

  “I ask for help.” Jake nodded toward his daughter.

  “Humph,” Loni replied with a twinkle. “Shouldn’t you get going on your date?”

  “It’s not a date,” he said.

  She shrugged. “I heard it’s a date.”

  “Your father had better not be matchmaking, Mom.”

  “I have no control over your grandfather.” A smile lit her pretty face. “Have you noticed that we never quite claim him?”

  Jake glanced at his watch. “No. I have to get going—for my business meeting.” He emphasized the last two words before swooping down to kiss his daughter on the head.

  His mother’s voice stopped him just as he reached the truck. “Maybe it’s time to date again.”

  “Maybe,” he allowed with a cautious look at his suddenly curious daughter. “But not some city girl with Manolos. Whatever the heck those are.” His gaze narrowed at his mother, who had an arm around his child. The homestead sat strong and solid behind them. Happy whinnies cascaded out of the deep green paddocks to the south, while the scents from steers to pasture wafted around.

  Dust, dirt, and nature commingled into a combination of home.

  With a shake of his head, he tossed his black Stetson across the front seat and jumped into the truck to meet the woman he’d kissed. A woman who belonged on his dusty ranch as much as a stallion belonged on Park Avenue. But first, he had a stop to make.

  He drove through town to the general store, dodging inside to make his purchase. Within fifteen minutes he was back in the truck heading toward the edge of town, wondering when his daughter had stopped watching cartoons. His thoughts still whirled when he wiped his black boots on the mat adorning Shiller’s B&B’s large porch, removed his hat, and knocked on the door.

  Sophie opened it immediately, fresh and pretty in dark jeans, frilly white blouse, and a braid looking too similar to his mother’s.

  “These are for you.” Jake handed her a large white box. Roses came in big white boxes, and he wondered belatedly if she’d be disappointed. They weren’t flowers.

  Sophie stuttered in surprise as she accepted the box. She flipped open the lid and sighed out loud. “You brought me boots?” Her fac
e wrinkled in confusion.

  “Yeah. They’re not Manolos.” Jake shuffled his boots. “Plain old cowboy boots, and you’ll need them for your ride today.”

  “They’re beautiful,” Sophie breathed out. Soft calfskin leather colored a creamy beige with a pointed toe. She hurried over to the wide porch swing covering one side of the wraparound porch and slipped off her tennis shoes.

  “Dawnie picked them out. She had to guess at the size.” Thank goodness his sister had time between classes to help him out.

  “They’re perfect,” Sophie said after yanking both boots up under her jeans. She stood, the boots giving her a couple inches in height. “But I can’t accept them.” Regret colored her words to reflect in her blue eyes.

  Jake grinned. He couldn’t help it. What was it with women and shoes? Sophie looked like she was about to cry at giving up the boots. “Montana law, ma’am,” he said.

  “Huh?” Her brow wrinkled more.

  “Montana law. A representative of the bar association, me, gives an associate boots, you, then state law dictates you have to keep them,” he said.

  “Really?” Sophie laughed and shook her head.

  “Really,” Jake affirmed solemnly.

  “No, Jake—”

  “Please, Sophie? You’re probably used to more lavish gifts, but I really want you to have them,” he said.

  She looked in wonder at her pretty new boots. “I’m not used to gifts at all. Thank you. These are perfect.” She balanced up on her toes and back down like a graceful ballerina.

  “You’re welcome,” he said thoughtfully. How odd. Why wasn’t she used to gifts? “I don’t suppose you know how to ride a horse?”

  Sophie’s gaze flew to his face. Her partial lesson the other day on his horse probably didn’t count. “Um, not exactly…”

  Chapter Four

  Too soon, Sophie was giving it a try. “All right Mertyl, that’s right, slow and easy,” she crooned to the painted mare, her entire body tense and expecting to hit the ground. Eyes forward, Mertyl plodded ahead with a bored whinny. At least, it sounded like boredom.


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