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Montana Mavericks: a hot cowboy collection

Page 33

by Rebecca Zanetti

  She lifted her chin and refused to talk first.

  “How’s your hand, slugger?” he asked.

  She crossed her arms. “Fine.”

  “Good. Amy Nelson has decided not to press charges.” Quinn wrapped his hands around the bars.

  Juliet lifted one eyebrow. “Really? That’s surprising.”

  “Not after I explained that witnesses saw her push you before you laid her out, and that if I arrested you, I’d have to arrest her, too. I doubt the governor would appreciate bad press right now.”

  “Good.” If the floor would open up and swallow Juliet, she’d be fine. “So, I’m free to go?”

  “Maybe.” The sheriff didn’t twitch, apparently in no hurry to allow her out of the cell. “When I asked you to help out Anabella, I didn’t mean to get her drunk and then get into a bar fight.”

  “I’m aware of that fact, Sheriff. I do apologize for my part in the disaster that became our night out.” She stood. “Now, unless you feel I deserve more jail time, I’d like to go home.”

  His eyes darkened. “What you deserve is a good walloping that keeps you from sitting for the next week.”

  Her head jerked up. Nails bit into her palm when she clenched her already aching fist. “I do beg your pardon.”

  “Oh, you’d beg.” He stepped closer to the bars. “Enough of the nonsense, Juliet. I don’t have time to chase you all over town, break up bar fights, and drive home drunk women who cry the entire time because they miss their husbands. Either promise you’ll behave, or I’m leaving you in the cell for the night.”

  Her spine straightened one angry vertebra at a time. “While I know you have no reason to believe me, most of those issues weren’t my fault. Now either let me out, or allow me to call my attorney.”

  He kept her gaze, and she fought the very real urge to step back. Finally, with an irritated male sigh, he unlocked the door and slid the bars open. “I’ll drive you out to Jake and Sophie’s. They’re waiting for you.”

  “No, I—” Her protest caught in her throat at the flare of anger in his eyes. “That would be fine. Thank you.” Frankly, she didn’t want to go home alone.

  He escorted her out of the station and to his black truck, waiting until her seat belt had been fastened before pulling out of the parking lot. They drove in silence through town and toward the reservation.

  The moon caressed his rugged face, enhancing his hard jaw and full mouth. Every once in a while, his Native heritage stood out in primitive relief. Tonight was one of those nights.

  Her glance caught on his large, capable hands on the steering wheel. “Sorry you have to drive me home.” His grunt in response had her rolling her eyes. “Your sister is an amazing singer.”

  “Humph.” Quinn glanced out at the clouds rolling across the moon.

  Fine. The sheriff didn’t want to talk. Juliet shoved hair out of her way and glanced at the darkening forest outside as the moon disappeared. Thunder rumbled in the distance. The sky crackled and opened up. Rain pelted the truck.

  Quinn flipped on the windshield wipers with a flick of his wrist. “Are you warm enough?”

  “I’m fine.” She hugged herself with her hands and chastised herself for not wearing a coat.

  A cop’s gaze raked her head to toe. Without saying a word, he increased the heat. “Stop being stubborn.”

  “Me, stubborn?” She glared at him. “You’re the most stubborn person I’ve ever met.”

  His cheek creased.

  Suddenly, he veered the truck toward the trees. Swearing, Quinn hit the brakes and yanked the wheel. Only his quick reflexes kept them from hitting a huge lodgepole pine. They rolled to a stop. Quiet descended.

  He eyed her. “You okay?”

  “Fine.” Except her heart might’ve been bruised from beating so hard against her rib cage. “What happened?”

  “Deer. I want to make sure I didn’t clip him.” He jumped out of the truck and into the rain.

  Clunks sounded from the back. Quinn shone a bright light into the forest. Juliet released her seat belt, leaped from the truck, and hurried toward the sheriff.

  Quinn looked over his shoulder. “Get back in the truck.”

  “No.” She stepped gingerly off the road. “Two pairs of eyes are better.”

  He wiped rain off his forehead. “Juliet, the rain is freezing, and this will just take me a minute. Now get your ass back in the truck.”

  “I am so finished taking orders from you, Quinn. Kiss my butt. Twice.”

  He barked out a laugh and turned to shine the light into the trees. No animal stared back. With a shrug, he turned and was on her before she could take another breath. Hands on her hips, he lifted her easily, walking backward until he’d opened the door and plopped her on the seat.

  Enough was enough. She kicked out with all the frustration and anger she’d stifled for days. And nailed him right in the thigh.

  They both froze for a second. She opened her mouth to apologize, but he was faster. He pulled her toward him, his mouth smashing hers with what must be the anger and frustration he’d stifled for days.

  Sharp teeth nipped her bottom lip, and she opened her mouth in surprise.

  He dove in.

  Gone was the congenial sheriff and the gentle lover. In his place stood a primitive man she wanted more than her next thought. His fingers threaded through her hair held her in place. His hips kept her legs apart, and his mouth took what he wanted. No finesse, no kindness, just pure, raw lust.

  Sharp pangs of need ripped through her. Her body ached. She moaned deep in her throat.

  He released her, his eyes blazing. “If you want to stop, tell me now,” he rumbled.

  “I don’t want to stop.” She ripped open his shirt, needing to feel him. All of him.

  His free hand grabbed the bottom of her shirt and hauled it over her head. The second the flimsy material was free, his mouth took hers again. One flick of his finger released the front clasp of her bra, and his hand, calloused and demanding, palmed her breast. Her nipples peaked. He tweaked one, and she whimpered with raw need.

  He released her hair and grabbed her jeans with both hands. The button zinged against the windshield, and the zipper ripped free. Strong hands dragged off her boots, the jeans, and her panties. Jerking down his jeans, he gripped her ass, lifted her, and impaled her.

  She gasped in shock.

  He was too big…too much.

  Rain slid down his torso, and she rubbed her hands into the wet hardness.

  He stood in the rain, at home in the dangerous storm. Droplets pelted him, matting his hair and dripping over the hard angles of his face. Hard hands kept them groin to groin. His easy strength in bearing her weight cascaded tingles through her abdomen. Hot and sexy, those tingles had nothing on the flaring nerves where his cock stretched her.

  His gaze pinning her, he ran one hand up her spine to secure the back of her neck. Then he lifted her and plunged her back down along his length. His groin slid against her clit.

  Spikes of pleasure rippled from where they were joined. Her mouth opened wide on her exhale.

  A satisfied smirk creased his face.

  Need and want shot through her. She grabbed his shoulders to lift herself, to get him moving.

  The hand on her hip and the one at her nape prevented her movement. His watchful gaze kept her captive as he stood in the storm, holding her. Controlling them both. Then he waited. Determination sharpened his cheekbones, hardened his jaw. The man would wait until day broke.

  Something feminine stretched awake inside her. She took in the dangerous warrior, seeing him finally for the primal being he was at heart. The sheriff tempered his wild nature with good humor and a protective embrace encompassing the entire community. For the first time, she glimpsed the predator inside.

  Feminine instinct took over. She smoothed
her palms on his shoulders and relaxed her body. Relaxing into his strength, to his will, she allowed him to take her wherever he wanted to go.

  A masculine gleam lightened his eyes.

  He shifted until they both stood in the rain, her back to the truck. Then he thrust inside her, pounding with a ferocity wilder than the storm. The coolness of the water contrasted with the heat from the male taking her, throwing her into a maelstrom of sensation. The hard pounding, the chilled rain, the warm man, the love bursting through her heart…swirled together until her mind shut down.

  His fingers gripped her hips, his hard shaft pounded inside her, leaving his mark as completely as he’d left his brand in her heart.

  With a cry of his name, she broke. Splinters of shooting pleasure cut through her, and she rode them out, lost in the sensations. He ground against her with his own release. Her orgasm lasted forever. Finally coming down, she relaxed against him. He held her tight.

  Quinn walked them back to the open truck door and set her gently on the seat.

  Her heart clutched. Not a word had passed between them. Without looking at him, she grabbed her shirt off the steering wheel and scooted over to the passenger side.

  What now?


  Juliet frowned at Sophie sitting across the scarred wooden table in their booth. The scents of grease and burned toast coated the air. “I don’t care how bad your cravings are. I shouldn’t be out in public today.”

  Sophie rubbed her baby bump. “Come on. Leila is at Loni’s, and I needed a greasy breakfast from the Dirt Spoon. Nobody will recognize us here.”

  Juliet shook her head. “I appreciate you letting me stay the night, but we should’ve remained at your house for breakfast.”

  “The guys had to fix fences after the storm last night. It was easy to get away so we could talk.” Sophie studied her. “You were rather disheveled when Quinn dropped you off last night.”

  Disheveled and heartbroken. The sheriff hadn’t said a word after handing over her clothing and dropping her off. Well, nothing but an order to stay at Jake and Sophie’s until he fetched her the next day. “I don’t want to talk about it,” Juliet muttered.

  Sympathy curled Sophie’s lip. “I understand. I’m married to a Lodge, remember?”

  “Yes, I know. But Quinn and I aren’t married. Heck, we’re not even talking.” Sure, he’d mounted her like she was a prize mare the previous night, but without talking, there was no intimacy. “I could just shoot him.”

  “Been there, seriously considered doing that.” Sophie took a deep drink of an herbal tea before grimacing. “Shooting Jake, I mean. I never wanted to shoot Quinn. Until now.” Loyalty lifted her lips in a sweet smile.

  “I’ve probably broken enough laws lately,” Juliet said wryly. “I’ll be right back.” She headed to the restroom, filing through the room filled with several people she’d seen at the bar the previous night.

  She reached the door, and the hair on the back of her neck prickled. Slowly turning around, she already knew who she’d see.

  “Morning, JJ,” Freddy said.

  She took a breath to scream and halted as he drew a gun. A shiny, almost too big for his hand, silver gun. It wavered.

  “You have a choice.” Freddy glanced toward the busy restaurant. “Either come nicely with me, or I’ll take both you and your pretty friend. Please, JJ. I just wanna talk to you.”

  “Go where?” She edged toward the bathroom. If she could get inside, maybe there was a lock.

  “My partner would like to discuss the missing millions with you.” Freddy grabbed her biceps. “Please. It’ll just take a minute.” Desperation creased his forehead.

  “There’s no money,” she admitted.

  “Nobody is stupid enough to give away that kind of money.” He swung her around and dug the gun into her ribs. “If you want, you could make a lot of money with us. You’ll need to relocate and start over, but hey, you’re good at pretending to be someone you’re not.” Kicking a back door open, he pulled her into the chilly morning air.

  “Fine. I’ll go with you.” She could scream and struggle, but there was a good chance the gun would go off. Even if the idiot didn’t shoot her, he might shoot somebody else. It’d be a lot easier to jump out of a moving vehicle when he drove past the police station.

  “Thank you. I promise, you’ll be happy you did.” He dragged her around the corner to the alley. “I can’t believe how clean the alleys are in this stupid town. Who has clean alleys?”

  “I think it’s a county ordinance.” She stumbled over a puddle, splashing mud on her jeans. “You know the sheriff is going to skin you alive for this, right?” Quinn might not like her any longer, but a woman kidnapped in his county would truly anger him.

  “Jesus, JJ. The guy fucks you, and you think he’s invincible?” Freddy’s hold tightened. “He’s a stupid hick—one who’ll end up dead if he comes after you.”

  “Who’s your partner, Freddy?” She eyed the end of the alley. Maybe she could trip him and make a break for it.

  “Oh, you’ll meet him. He’s got some real good ideas for making money,” Freddy said.

  A black SUV slid into the alley, and a man jumped out. Much bigger than Freddy, the guy wore guns in a shoulder holster, leg holster, and at his waist. He reached them in two strides. Dead blue eyes stared into hers. “Where’s my money?”

  The moment changed from an irritating one with Freddy to a deadly one she wasn’t likely to escape. Her mouth went dry.

  A truck sped by the other end of the alley.

  The guy tugged something from his pocket. He grabbed her hands and zip-tied them, pulling too tight. She bit her lip to keep from giving him the satisfaction of knowing he’d hurt her.

  Getting in the car would be disastrous. She jerked away and opened her mouth to scream. He manacled her around the waist and yanked her into his body, slamming a hand over her mouth. She struggled, kicking and twisting, but he hauled her to the car and tossed her in the back, where she smashed into another man. The first jumped in beside her. “You drive, Fred.”

  “No problem, Luis.” Freddy lifted himself into the front seat and put the truck in drive.

  Trapped. Her hands bound, she sat between two large men. Screaming seemed like a good idea. She sucked in air—

  “If you scream, I’ll have to knock you out,” Luis said calmly.

  She paused. If he rendered her unconscious, she wouldn’t be able to get away. She glanced at the man on her right. Several scars lined his face, and he kept his gaze on the buildings outside. Guns and knives were tucked into his pants and leather vest. A man in the front passenger seat was similarly armed and also keeping watch of the world outside.

  She swallowed. “You guys going to war, or what?”

  Luis chuckled. “No. We have a shipment coming in and like to be prepared.”

  Freddy drove through the archway to town and turned the vehicle toward the mountains. The safety of Mineral Lake disappeared behind them.

  Chapter Nineteen

  The cabin smelled like mildew. Juliet twisted her wrists. The zip-tie dug into her skin, holding tight. Luis had pushed her into the cabin and chair thirty minutes ago, and her arms had gone numb. So much for her big escape plan.

  A chill from the wooden chair swept up her spine, and she eyed the small area. The place was more of a shack than a cabin. A rough fireplace set into one wall, a dingy kitchen the opposite. In the middle sat a round table with four rickety chairs. One wall held doors to what looked like a small bedroom and bathroom. The final wall showcased a medium-sized window that probably had a decent view of the mountains behind the soiled blue blanket covering the panes. Her laptop perched on the table, humming softly.

  Luis nodded to Freddy. “Go scout the south perimeter while I chat with your sister.”

  Dread settled in Juliet’s gut.<
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  Freddy stilled and then eyed Juliet. With a sympathetic grimace, he nodded and dodged outside, shutting the door.

  Luis grabbed a large envelope off the table and twirled it with long fingers. End over end. Again, end over end, his gaze on her, thoughtful and somehow more menacing than if he were angry. “Where’s my money?”

  “The money I found in my trunk is long gone.” She met his dark scrutiny without flinching.

  He drew a picture from the envelope to toss in front of her. The photo depicted Quinn standing on the steps of the sheriff’s station, his eyes narrowed, his body alert.

  “I believe the sheriff has excellent instincts.” Luis pulled out another picture. “He apparently felt me watching. However, had I decided to shoot him, his instincts wouldn’t have helped.” With a twist of Luis’s wrist, the next photo landed on the table.

  Juliet barely kept from gasping. The new picture showed Leila and Sophie walking hand in hand out at Sophie’s ranch. “You spent some time taking pictures.”

  “I like to be thorough.” He yanked out several pictures to throw on the table. Pictures of Juliet, pictures of townspeople, pictures of her friends. “I could’ve ended the life of any one, or all, of these people at any time. And I will.”

  “I believe you.” She slid her most polite smile into place.

  “Good. Where’s my money?” Luis asked.

  “I’m telling you the truth,” she said evenly.

  He drew a wicked-sharp knife from his back pocket. “You have a very pretty face.”

  “That’s kind of you to say.” She might throw up now.

  He grinned. “While I enjoy a complete smart-ass, I will cut you.”

  Her stomach knotted, but she kept his gaze. “That doesn’t change the fact that the drug money is long gone.”

  His eyes hardened. He skirted the table and slid his hand around her throat, lifting her head and squeezing just enough to make breathing difficult. “I’m losing my patience.”

  She swallowed through the constriction. If he moved a little to the left, she could knee him in the groin—she’d have one shot. Somehow, she had to get him out of his head. So she focused on him and…winked.


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