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Montana Mavericks: a hot cowboy collection

Page 51

by Rebecca Zanetti

  “I’m fine. My head is better, and I’m sure the nightmares will go away.” He craned his neck to look down the parade route.

  In other words, no more talking about it. Melanie sighed. “You’re a pain, Hawk.”

  “I know.” He nudged her closer to the curb.

  She shoved a toffee into her mouth and protested. Then loud music and flashing lights from down the way caught her attention.

  A murmuring settled throughout the crowd lining the streets.

  Melanie stood up on her tiptoes to get a better look. A couple of floats, one featuring vampires and the other the Flintstones, moved along the route, blocking her view of the noisemaker.

  The wind blew her hair into her face, and she flicked it away, chewing thoughtfully.

  She swallowed the candy. The music was loud enough she could feel the beat beneath her boots. She tapped along, staring to hum.

  She grinned. “Hey. It’s ‘You’re the One That I Want.’” She laughed, glancing around. “Where’s Colton? He should be here so I can bug him singing.” Humming, she tried to lean forward to see the float.

  All of a sudden, fireworks exploded up into the air. The float came into view with an electric heart and two huge four-leaf clovers spinning above it, and words strung along the outside but not lit up. She squinted to read the words as Colton stepped up in full 1950s greaser leather jacket and jeans…with a microphone.

  She stepped back.

  Then, microphone in hand, he started to bellow out the song.

  Horribly. Truly horribly.

  Neon flashed, and the lights along the side lit up with a Marry Me, Melanie. She shook her head, reality disappearing. Marry Me?

  Colton jumped down, walking toward her, singing. Kind of.

  Leila, Loni, and Dawn hustled behind him, their choruses kind of saving the song.

  Melanie’s entire body flushed hot.

  “Good Lord, his voice is horrible.” Hawk coughed out laughter.

  “Ah.” Melanie’s heart jumped hard. Even so, she searched for an escape. People beamed at her from all around.

  Colton reached her and stopped singing. “I’m making a declaration.”

  The crowed whooped around them. Melanie, her mind spinning, wondered idly who’d won the bet.

  She shook her head. “Colton—”

  “I love you, Mel.” He brushed a kiss on her nose. “I don’t care about my life plan, I don’t care about a schedule…I only care about you. Here and now.”

  Tears pricked the back of her eyes. God, she wanted him. “I can’t have kids.” Even so, she dug her fingers into the lapels of the jacket. “I know you want kids.”

  “I knew that was the holdup with you dropping to a knee and proposing.” He shook his head.

  “Dropping to a knee?” she asked. Was he kidding?

  His gaze ran over her face in a warm caress. “I would adore a spunky miniature brunette baby with eyes like chocolate.” He sobered. “But it’s a we situation. Either we can have kids, or we can’t. If not, we’ll adopt. But our lives start with a we.”

  She took a deep breath. Everything she ever wanted stood in front of her in a weathered leather jacket and cocky smile. She knew him, and she’d loved him forever. How in the world could she turn away from such happiness? She wanted a life with him. “I love you, too. Marry me?”

  He whooped and picked her up, swinging her around. “I thought you’d never ask. Yes.” Then he slipped an antique diamond ring on her finger. “It was my grandmother’s.”

  The crowd erupted in cheers.

  Colton kissed her deep, emotion in every line of his hard body. Finally, he lifted his head and looked around, keeping a tight hold on Melanie. “Well? Who won?”

  Everyone glanced around. Finally, his mom stepped forward, her face turning a very pretty pink. “Ah, Mrs. Hudson and I did. We went in halfsies,” Loni admitted.

  Mrs. Hudson danced across the street, her wool coat flapping beneath a knitted florescent orange scarf. “Whoo hoo! You were right, Loni. You do know your boy.”

  Colton’s mouth dropped open. “Mom?”

  Tom jumped out of the driver’s seat of the float. “Loni Eleanor Freeze? You did not bet on this.”

  Loni laughed. “You’re just mad I won and you didn’t.”

  Tom scratched his chin and threw an arm around his wife. “I had tomorrow as my date.”

  Melanie looked around as Quinn and Jake maneuvered through bodies to reach them. “Well? Who’s the bet taker, anyway?”

  Hawk cleared his throat. “Well, ah…”

  Oh no he hadn’t. Melanie laughed. “How in the world are you the bet taker? You’ve been all over the world lately.”

  Mrs. Joskly, the librarian, handed Hawk an envelope. “He had help. I mean, since I was here.”

  “And since I gave ten percent to the library,” Hawk said with a grin.

  Melanie slipped her arms around Colton’s waist. “I’m thinking a June wedding.”

  He grinned and kissed her again. “You name the date, and I’ll be there. In fact, maybe I’ll even sing as you walk down the aisle.”

  The crowd erupted into a series of “Hell no” and groans around them.

  Melanie kissed him back. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too, Mel. Always.” He kissed her again.


  Melanie stood on the raised dais, sucking in her stomach. The wedding dress fit perfectly, but she had to quit eating such large breakfasts if it was still going to fit on her wedding day. Ever since Colton had moved in with her a day after her proposal, she’d been eating whatever he cooked.

  Dawn stood on the next dais, her blue bridesmaid gown perfectly matching her stunning eyes. “You have not gained weight.”

  “Maybe not yet, but I can’t keep eating like that. Your brother eats like a horse.” Melanie held still as the seamstress tucked pins in along the bodice.

  “They all do. Remember them as teenagers? The food was always gone before I could get to the pantry.” Dawn gave a mock shrug. “Have you seen the guys in their tuxes yet?” She kept her gaze on her sparkly shoes.

  “Not yet, but I bet Hawk looks amazing,” Melanie said. The guys were trying on tuxes on the other side of the wall, their boisterous laughter echoing through.

  Dawn looked up. “I know, right?”

  “Yeah. Did you ask him to your graduation for your master’s degree?” Melanie asked.

  Dawn shrugged. “Yes, but he didn’t confirm. Graduation is in a month, and I know he’ll just be getting the gyms started.”

  “If construction goes as planned.” Melanie eyed the snow billowing around outside the window of the Mineral Lake dressmaker. “We just broke ground last week.” She couldn’t believe she’d been engaged for almost a month. The wedding was planned for the end of June, and she couldn’t wait. But she’d wanted everything to be perfect, and perfect took time.

  Dawn stepped down. “I’m glad you guys are going to live in your house. I’ve always loved your place.”

  “Me too.” Melanie’s stomach growled. While Colton had planned on building a house on his family’s property, he was more than happy to live in hers…while they combined the ranches into an even larger land holding.

  Heat climbed up her back, and she breathed deep. “I think the bodice is too tight.”

  The seamstress tugged on the fabric. “No, I think it’s fitting perfectly.”

  Melanie’s head spun. “Um, I don’t feel so well.”

  Dawn glanced up. “Oh, no. The flu is really going around. The elementary school even closed early yesterday, my mom said. Are you hot?”

  “Yes.” Melanie swayed on the dais. Her knees weakened, and she went down.

  “Mel!” Dawn yelled and hustled forward, bending down. “What’s going on?”

“I don’t know.” Melanie rolled over and shoved to her knees. “My head is spinning.”

  “Melanie?” Colton called from the other section of the store. “Are you all right? Dawn? What’s going on?” A rustling echoed, and the door started to open.

  “Don’t come in,” Melanie gasped, shoving down bile.

  “He can’t see you in the dress,” the seamstress hissed.

  Melanie’s head lolled, and she dropped all the way down.

  “Colton?” Dawn called. “Hurry.”

  Melanie tried to stay conscious, but the world spun. A door banged open, and strong arms cradled her. Colt’s strong scent of leather and man surrounded her, offering comfort.

  Her stomach lurched. “Oh, God.” The room spun as she was lifted and carried into the cold air. “You can’t see my dress,” she moaned.

  “I didn’t look.” He hurried down the sidewalk.

  A door opened, and warmth brushed her cheeks. She shut her eyes and rested against his chest, his heartbeat grounding her. “I think I have the flu.”

  The lone nurse in the small clinic instructed Colton to take her to a back examination room, where Doc Mooncaller loped in, his hair braided down his back. “Hi, Mel. The flu’s going around. Have you vomited?” He reached out and felt her forehead. “You’re not hot.”

  “Yes, she is,” Colt quipped.

  Doc laughed, his belly shaking. “Funny. Okay, let’s check you out, darlin’. Do you want him to leave?”

  “No,” Colton said.

  Melanie shrugged. “I don’t care. If I have the flu, he’s probably next.”

  “Hmmm.” Doc felt her neck. “Let’s see what’s up.”

  During the next hour, he tested her, she peed in a cup, and she finally settled back on the examination table to wait.

  “I hate the flu,” she moaned, her arm over her eyes.

  “Me too.” Papers rustled as Colton kept reading through a magazine on fishing. “Your dress is stunning, by the way.”

  She groaned. Now she’d have to find a different dress. There was no way she was beginning her marriage with bad luck. “Everything is planned and has to be perfect. I’ll get another dress.”

  Doc cleared his throat.

  Melanie sat up. She hadn’t heard him enter.

  He rubbed his chin. “So, about perfect and planning.”

  She frowned. “Yes?”

  “Ah, you’re pregnant,” the doctor said.

  The world screeched to a stop. Her body shuddered. Tears slammed into her eyes. “No, I’m not.” She glanced at Colton, whose intense gaze was checking out her abdomen. “I’m not,” she said weakly, afraid to believe.

  Doc glanced down at the chart in his hands. “Oh, you definitely are with child.” He eyed Colton and then her. “Um, is this okay?”

  Colton shot to his feet. “Oh, yeah!” He grabbed her and spun her around.

  Her stomach revolted, and she slapped a hand against his chest. “Stop.”

  “Oh.” He tucked her close. “Sorry.”

  She lifted her head, not caring tears slid down her face. “A baby.”

  Colton nodded, his eyes wet. “Yeah. A baby.”

  Melanie reached for him, needing his strength. Colton had always been there for her, always loved her. Now he’d love their baby just as strongly.

  She looked back and grinned, her heart on fire for him. “I love you.”

  “I love you more.” He kissed her, proving it. Yeah. She’d known Colton Freeze would be able to kiss like that, and now she had the rest of her life to enjoy him. Forever.

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  There are so many folks who help to make sure a book becomes a final product—many behind the scenes.

  Thanks to my husband, Tony, because you’re the best! Thanks to Gabe and Karly—I’m so proud of both of you!

  Thank you to my wonderful agent, Caitlin Blasdell—as well to the gang at Liza Dawson Associates—you’re a wonderful group.

  Thank you to my editor, Liz Pelletier, whose edits make me laugh while we make the book stronger. Thanks also to Heather Howland for the awesome covers, and to my entire Entangled team.

  Thanks also to my hardworking Facebook Street Team—you’re a lot of fun, and you always make me smile. I appreciate the hard work.

  Finally, thank you to my constant support system: The Englishes, Smiths, Wests, Zanettis, Chapmans, and Namsons.

  About the Author

  New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Rebecca Zanetti has published more than fifty novels, which have been translated into several languages, with millions of copies sold worldwide. Her books have received Publishers Weekly starred reviews, won RT Reviewer Choice awards, and have been featured in Entertainment Weekly, Woman’s World, and Women’s Day magazines. Rebecca has ridden in a locked Chevy trunk, has asked the unfortunate delivery guy to release her from a set of handcuffs, and has discovered the best silver mine shafts in which to bury a body…all in the name of research. Honest.

  Look for New York Times bestselling author Katee Robert’s 3-in-1 mass market paperback full of sexy cowboys and the women who tame them.

  Enjoy three stories in one with the sizzling hot

  Foolproof Love series!

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