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Blaise- Doppelganger-3000

Page 6

by Alice Coldbreath

  “You’re awake,” he observed dropping down to sit on the bunk. He dragged a case out from under the bed and withdrew a flask which he handed to her. “Drink this, you’ll feel better.”

  Poppaea found herself unscrewing the lid and taking a few gulps before remembering another drink he’d offered her shortly before her lapse of memory. She lowered the flask to stare at him in bewilderment.

  “You drugged me! Why am I here? What’s going on?” she asked in rising panic.

  He held his hand out wordlessly and she passed the flask back to him. He raised it to his own lips and took a long swig. Poppaea watched his throat working as he swallowed and almost blushed at the intimacy of them sharing the same flask. Ridiculous when you considered the things their bodies had done to each other, but she had thought him an android at the time. Well, the first couple of times at least. Her pulse fluttered as she noticed his intense unwavering gaze. His eyes hadn’t left her since he’d entered the cabin. Her palms began to sweat.

  “Revenge,” he said at last making her jump.

  Poppaea stared.

  “What do you mean?” she croaked.

  “Now you’re going to work off your debt to me,” he shrugged before adding crudely. “On your back.”

  “On my..?” Poppaea’s mouth fell open. Surely to gods he did not mean to pimp her out? She could feel the colour drain out of her cheeks as her vision started to swim. Life outside of the colonies was tough. If he stuck her in some off-world whore-house her life would be over…

  “Poppaea?” Suddenly strong arms were around like steel bands, lowering her onto the hard mattress. “Breathe,” he admonished her sternly before seizing the back of her neck and forcing her head down between her knees. “Are you going to throw up?” he ground out sounding irritated.

  Poppaea shook her head with a faint moan as she stared at the floor and gulped for breath. She closed her eyes in misery, fighting the impulse to cry like a baby. No doubt that would annoy the hell out of him too! She struggled to sit back up but his hand remained heavy on the back of her neck, holding her firmly in place.

  “If you vomit, you’re clearing it up,” he told her warningly.

  “I’m not,” she denied with a trace of spirit. She sat up bolt upright as soon as he released the pressure, though his hand remained clamped proprietarily at the back of her neck. She regarded him with a fulminating glare.

  “What have you done?” she asked with dread. “Why have you kidnapped me?”

  “Because I want something from you,” he shrugged his massive shoulders arrogantly. “Much like you when you commissioned a sex-bot in my likeness.”

  She winced.

  “How is this the same?” she blustered indignantly.

  “You wanted to fuck me,” he pointed out his eyes raking her. “I don’t have your massive wealth so I can’t order a million credit robot with your face and body. So I’m just going to take the real thing.”

  Poppaea stared.

  “I don’t have massive wealth anymore,” she blurted in a panic. My gods, was he meaning to ransom her? She had barely a penny to her name after donating everything to charities to try and expunge her father’s sins. Wait, had he just said he wanted a sex-bot in her image?

  “Enough talking,” he said tersely. “You’ve been out cold for two days and I’m horny as hell.”

  “Two days?” shrieked Poppaea, as he manoeuvred her onto her back and loomed over her, his hands sliding under her skirt and up her thighs. He muttered a profanity under his breath as he pulled down her underwear. He wasn’t kidding she realised watching his shimmering blue eyes turn to liquid aquamarine. Without thinking she looped her arms up around his muscular shoulders and shifted against his sliding fingers.

  “Blaise,” she gasped urgently. Gods, she was easy around this guy!

  He stilled at his name, narrowing his eyes.


  She licked her lips.

  “What’s happening?”

  “You’re getting fucked. Here on this bunk. Now.”

  “Right– that’s not what I meant –“ she gasped as he pulled her thighs apart and started unfastening his crotch. “I mean, why am I even on this ship?“

  “I told you already,” he answered tersely settling between her legs.

  “Where are we going?” her voice sounded shrill to her own ears. “I don’t even – Oh!” She bit her lip as he entered her in one brutal thrust. She arched her back to take him deep. He shut his eyes and groaned.


  His mouth came down on hers in a surprisingly tender, deep kiss.

  She fought not to lose herself in it. When her head started to swim she pulled back to take a ragged gasp.

  “Blaise listen!” her voice wobbled. “If it’s a ransom you’re after there’s no money left…”

  He gave a short, hard laugh.

  “I know, you blew the last of what you had left on a non-existant sex-droid.”

  She blushed hard.

  “Why did you do it?” he grunted, adjusting his stroke. She closed her eyes against this new onslaught on her senses. He knew exactly where she was sensitive to pleasure.

  “You know why,” she whispered, biting her lip to try and stave off the pleasure.

  “Say it.”

  “Because… I always watched you. It was always you. I felt drawn to you.” She moaned softly. “Even though I knew ... it wasn’t mutual.”

  “What about the others?”

  “Others?” her eyes flew wide. What others?

  “I know you freed all the others. And don’t give me that bullshit about your father’s wishes. Old Severanius would have bled us all out for a fat purse.”

  “He … I loved my father. But it wasn’t right.” She fought for focus, but his body on hers was robbing her of her capacity to think. He felt so good. “I had no choice. How could I do anything else?”

  “So now it’s all gone, your father’s fortune. You’ve got nothing left.”

  “Nothing,” she admitted her breath hitching.

  “Doesn’t matter. You’re mine now,” he ground out. “You belong to me.”

  “What?” her eyes flew wide on a gasp. “I don’t understand!”

  The thin mattress jolted under her as he began to thrust in a steady rhythm and with a deep groan she bent her knees to grip his bucking hips.


  His gaze was intense as he rested his elbows on the pillow on either side of her head.

  “You’re never getting away from me,” he said huskily. “I’m keeping you forever.”

  Poppaea held on tightly, trying to concentrate on his words and not the melting expression in his eyes, his gaze so intense. That was dangerous. It made her chest flutter. She had the most terrifyingly giddy feeling he wasn’t talking about slavery and revenge.

  “We’re leaving Nova Byzan together?” she asked breathlessly.

  He nodded.

  “And staying together? No-one else?”

  “You want someone else?” he growled.

  She just about managed to shake her head.

  “No,” she admitted. “I only ever-“ she bit off her words closing her eyes as a toe-curling climax approached.

  “Tell me.”

  She shook her head as the tears seeped under her lashes.

  “Tell me, Poppaea,” his voice was low and insistent.

  “I only ever wanted you,” she sobbed.

  He smiled his wolf’s smile, but his eyes had lurking warmth.

  “Well, now you’ve got me,” he said looking right into her eyes. “I hope you don’t regret it cos it won’t be an easy life with me. Truth is, I’m a bit of a bastard.”

  She gave a half-laugh, her fingernails biting into his shoulders.

  “Blaise-“ she panted.

  He took pity on her, hooking her knees over his arms and tilting the angle where they joined so he was hitting her sweet spot with every thrust. She exploded. When she surfaced from the
tidal wave of pleasure he was watching her, his eyes half closed, his chest heaving, his cock still hard within her, pressed deep. She reached up to touch the side of his face, swallowing when he pressed his face to his fingers, kissing her palm. Suddenly her feelings welled up so strong, her throat hurt. She had to say it.

  “I love you,” she said aloud and closed her eyes. “I always have.”

  He went very still, holding himself taut, his eyes boring into her. She could feel him pulsing steadily inside of her. Suddenly he swore and surged forward, his control snapping. He pounded into her, really letting her have it.

  “Open your eyes Poppaea.” He urged her huskily. “I want to be looking into those beautiful eyes when I cum.”

  She shook her head, not wanting to see his triumph or worse. She was rebounding off the hard mattress, everything shuddering, her breasts bouncing. He was close, she could feel it. His deep thrusts were almost violent. If she wasn’t so wet and didn’t want him so bad it would be brutal.

  “Open your eyes,” his voice raw and insistent.

  She blinked her eyes open and he grabbed her wrists, pinning them high above her head, her back arched, her thighs cradling his hips tight.

  “Oh that’s my girl,” he groaned. “That’s my baby. Come with me, Poppaea. I want to feel you come on my cock as I shoot into you.”

  She bit her lip as she felt her pussy start to convulse and clench around his big girth.

  “Oh Blaise!” she sobbed.

  “Fuck, Poppaea.”

  And then he lost it, shuddering and shouting as he came hard inside her. Poppaea gasped and bucked beneath him as she took it all, clasping him tightly as he emptied into her. He held her stretched out beneath him at first, but as the first heavy spurts slowed down to more of a trickle he drew her arms down, lacing his fingers through hers as he lowered his head. He rested his forehead against hers, gazing intently into her eyes as his chest heaved and rolled. She felt their connection straight and true.

  His nostrils flared, his breath laboured.

  “I love you,” he said gruffly. He looked slightly pained. “I’m not gonna say it again, so take note,” he rumbled, pulling out and rolling off to the side to avoid crushing her. Poppaea’s head reeled giddily from the fact he loved her to the fact he wasn’t going to say it again? What kind of a declaration was that? She turned her head to watch him as he strolled over to the desk and picked up a hand-held e-doc reader. She swung her trembling legs over the side of the bunk and started to sit up as he made his way back. He gave her a quizzical look and reached out to push her gently yet firmly back onto the bed, then climbed back on the mattress, swiftly covering her body with his.

  “I wanted to show you something,” he said rubbing his body against hers.

  “I think you already showed it to me,” she croaked.

  He laughed, his harsh features relaxing for an instant.

  “Not what I meant,” he told her holding up the electronic reader up to her face. She peered at it.

  “Two passages to the Outworld Provinces,” she read out. She looked at him.

  “What will we do when we get there?”

  He stroked his hand down her back.

  “Buy some land. Farm it. Have a few kids.”

  Her breath hitched. Kids? She breathed out with an effort. Slight change of plan from a life of austerity and chastity then… What did she think about that? Giddy, she realised. Ecstatically giddy.

  “I’d like that,” she admitted taking a deep breath. “I don’t have any money.”

  “I do,” he smirked. “At least - enough to buy what we need.”

  “Will we marry?” she blurted. In Nova Byzan a wife automatically assumed the status of her husband. She would be lower ranked by marrying an ex-slave. Not that she gave a damn. In the provinces it wouldn’t matter anyway.

  He shifted uneasily, rolling onto his side.

  “We’re already married,” he admitted. “Don’t be mad.”

  “What? When?”

  “You were unconscious,” he shot her a guilty look. “I paid the ship’s captain.”

  “I was unconscious?” she echoed. “Is that even legal?”

  “We’re not on Nova Byzan now, sweetheart,” he pointed out. “Things are more rough and ready in the provinces.”

  So the documents weren’t faked, she thought dazedly. Or rather they had been, but a dishonest ship’s captain had made them valid. She reached out absently and stroked his side making him shiver.

  “You’re my husband?” she asked wonderingly, trying it out.

  His eyes were already transforming colour to their deep Mediterranean blue as he realised she wasn’t angry. He nodded slowly.

  She smiled at him radiantly, slipping her arms around his broad back to hug him close. Tears seeped out from under her eyelids as she pressed her face into his shoulder. He held himself tense for a moment before tightening his arms around her and squeezing her back.

  “Are you crying?” he asked hoarsely after a moment.

  “No,” she lied.

  “Then why’s my shoulder wet?”

  She shook her head in denial and suddenly found herself sobbing in earnest. It’s nothing, she tried to tell him but her throat had closed up with emotion.

  “Gods Poppaea,” he groaned, rolling her onto her back again and dragging her arms above her head so he could see her face. “Don’t cry sweetheart,” he urged her. “I’ll be good to you I swear. What I said earlier… I’m not good with words. Saying nice things.”

  That’s not why I’m crying, she wanted to tell him but the words wouldn’t come out, only great tearing sobs of relief and overwhelming emotion.

  “Don’t cry baby,” he begged. “I’ll drop the macho bullshit,” he promised. “Just don’t leave me, okay?” he coaxed.

  She sobbed even louder as he kissed her eyelids, her forehead, her cheeks.

  “Whatever you want, I’ll do it,” he swore softly. “Just stay by my side.”

  She let him comfort her as her sobs subsided.

  “Sorry,” she murmured. “Sorry. I’m fine. Just a bit emotional.”

  He rubbed her back frowning.

  “Tell me what to do,” he said tersely.

  “Could you… just tell me that you love me on our wedding anniversaries?” she gulped finally. “That would only be once a year.”

  He pulled back to stare at her.

  “That’s what you’re crying about?” he asked with a short laugh. “Not the fact I’ve kidnapped and forced you into a low ranking marriage?” He shook his head before rolling onto his back and laughing longer and harder this time until it was a real belly laugh.

  She struggled to try and sit up indignantly but he wouldn’t let her, pulling her closer with his arms tightening inexorably around her.

  “Don’t laugh at me!” she yelled as he rolled her struggling under him. “And don’t say that about our marriage!”

  He stared down at her suddenly serious.

  “I’ll tell you every day,” he said huskily. “Every fucking day if that’s what you want.”

  “Every day?” she went still. “Really?” She winced at the wistful note in her voice. She sounded so needy. Poor little rich girl desperate for love. How humiliating. She almost dropped her gaze but he was staring down at her with those compelling eyes of his.

  “Ten times a day,” he conceded at last. And she could see by the look in his eyes he meant it. Her breath caught and for a second she thought she might burst into tears again but he was kissing her now, on the lips this time.

  “I love you, and only you Poppaea Severanius,” he told her steadily. “I’ve never loved anyone before in my life and you’re it.” He was punctuating his astounding words with kisses which robbed her of breath almost as much as his revelations. “I’m gonna fuck up from time to time ‘cos I’m new to this, but I swear you won’t regret making me your man. I’m yours and you’re mine. Forever and ever.”

  She gasped. He pulled back his
head to look at her.

  “How was that?” he asked with just the faintest trace of uncertainty.

  My gods, he was telling the truth. He’d never done this before.

  “Wonderful,” she admitted breathlessly.

  A look of satisfaction spread across his face.

  “Good. I’ll get better with practise. Your turn.”

  “Mine?” she asked with alarm. How could she follow that up? “You’re my first and only love,” she admitted shyly.

  He nodded, propping his hand behind his head as if getting comfortable.

  “Go on.”

  Her eyes widened with alarm.

  “I… My cousin and I used to watch you in the ring,” her words tripped over each other as she tried not to hit the wrong note. “Even though you were the nastiest and most brutal I always backed you …” she broke off awkwardly wondering if she’d been tactless but he just nodded thoughtfully.

  “I know about the medicine,” he said slowly running a finger across her collar bone.

  She felt her face grow hot.

  “Who told you?”

  “Agrippa,” he admitted kissing her wrist.

  She bit her lip.

  “Oh… Were you disappointed?”

  “Hells no. You probably saved my life a dozen times. And let’s not forget you rescuing me from the fire that time,” he added heavily giving her a level look.

  Her spine stiffened for an instant.

  “Pina! It was you in the room with her when she made that video-call to me, not her father!”

  He smirked.

  “I still knew where to find Agrippa,” he admitted. “It wasn’t hard to find out Pina still had your contact details.” He ran one finger down between her breasts.

  Her ears burned.

  “Traitorous wretch,” she muttered.

  “Now you’re my wife you’ll never be sold out by a maid again,” he pointed out wryly. “Mostly cos you won’t have a maid.”

  “Just as well,” she huffed before turning serious. “I really don’t care about that you know,” she told him earnestly.

  “I know,” he replied softly.

  “How? How do you know?” she asked with a faint smile.


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