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Resurrection (The Vendetta Series Book 1)

Page 1

by Kris Anne Dean

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1


  Chapter 2


  Chapter 3


  Chapter 4


  Chapter 5


  Chapter 6


  One Year Later...

  Chapter 7


  Chapter 8


  Chapter 9


  Chapter 10


  Chapter 11


  Chapter 12


  Chapter 13


  Chapter 14


  Chapter 15


  Chapter 16


  Chapter 17


  Chapter 18


  Chapter 19


  Chapter 20


  Chapter 21


  Chapter 22


  Chapter 23


  Chapter 24


  Chapter 25


  Chapter 26


  Chapter 27


  Chapter 28


  Chapter 29


  Chapter 30


  Chapter 31


  Chapter 32


  Chapter 33





  Follow Me:


  The Vendetta Series

  Kris Anne Dean

  Copyright 2019 Kris Anne Dean

  All rights reserved.

  This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

  This book may not be re-sold.

  Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, locales or actual events is purely coincidental.


  I heard the sweet sound of your voice whispering in my ear. Your invigorating scent overwhelming my senses. I thought for the briefest of moments I caught a glimpse of your silhouette in the shadows, but it was only my mind playing games.

  You weren’t there. You’re never there.

  I shuttered, fighting back the tears that threaten to fall from my eyes for the love we once shared. The ghost of your loving touch wrapped around me. I could taste the passion in your kiss; it’s sweet intoxication coursing through my veins. I wanted to lay there forever if it meant keeping you with me for just a little longer. Your memory, my only lifeline in this hell. The hell forced upon me the moment I lost you. The moment that monster took you from me, shattering my world.

  Alone in the darkness, I reached out for you, but all that awaited me was a cold empty place. I whispered your name into the silence but there was no reply.

  What cruel tricks a mind can play, haunting you with memories, teasing your soul, and crushing your heart as it jerks you back into reality. Revealing the bitter truth that only your dying spirit knows.

  I was alone. I was always alone.

  Chapter 1


  My black dress clung to my sun-kissed body dampened by the heavy Florida air that hung over me. An aroma of perfumes and body sprays assaulted my nose from the crowd packed in line like sardines outside the club. We waited for what seemed like hours before a tall, muscular man in a black suit and an earpiece opened the front door. He exchanged a few words with the doorman and pointed in our direction, waving us through the line.

  My eyes had to adjust to the darkness as we weaved through a horde of dancers bumping and grinding in time to the music. Strobe lights bounced off the silver railing that wrapped around a mezzanine, where a crowd of handsome men gathered to watch the girls on the dance floor below.

  “This place is Lit!” Bethany shouted over the loud pulse of the music.

  The blaring bass made the room shake as we tangled our dancing bodies together. The rhythm of the music flowed through me like a drug that brought me higher and higher until my mind was a buzz. The steady flow of music never pausing, never slowing down made time move in slow motion.

  I saved all year to afford this trip and was having the time of my life. With only a few days left, I wasn’t ready to see it end. I intended to spend every moment of this summer break living the high life.

  My eyes locked onto a pair of emerald green eyes burning into me from above. The intensity of his stare made me want to move sexier like we were the only two in the club. Heat penetrated through my body as I moved erotically just for him.

  Multi-colored flashing lights hung from the high ceiling catching the sequins on my dress and casting rainbows of color off into the darkness. Some testosterone raging douchebag interrupted my seduction of the sexy stranger rubbing against me, grinding his sweaty crotch against my ass. The smell of sweat and alcohol on his breath filled my nose and my stomach churned. I shifted away from him and scanned the balcony for those entrancing eyes but they were no longer watching me.

  I weaved through the gyrating crowd towards the neon lights on the bar when a strong hand gripped my shoulder from behind.

  When I turned, I was face to face with the same tequila breath ‘roid head douchebag from the dance floor. He pressed his hips to my body and pawed at me with his sweaty hands. “Where are you going, sweetheart?”

  Before I could respond those seductive emerald eyes met mine again from over the douchebag’s shoulder. The sexy stranger’s coiled muscles strained against the seams of his shirt. He ripped the douchebag off of me and shoved him backwards, sending him staggering into the crowd that was circling us.

  “What the fuck?”

  “Take a walk asshole, the lady’s not interested.” The deep tone of his voice made my knees weak. No one has ever had to defend my honor before and something primal stirred within me. I had always considered myself independent, but my ex-boyfriends thought I was frigid. With my focus on college exams and papers, it was easier to hold back. I couldn’t let a hormone-driven Frat boy impede my goals but Emerald Eyes was no boy and things could get complicated, real fast.

  “Fuck You.” The ‘roid head yelled and lunged forward landing a right overhand punch to Emerald Eye’s gorgeous face. He swung again with his left as Emerald Eyes dodged the blow jabbing his right elbow into the assholes chest. Emerald Eyes clenched his fist and swung a hard left-hand uppercut straight to douchebag's gut and then a right jab. He pivoted and landed another left hook before two bouncers hauled the asshole away.

  I stood there in disbelieve with wide eyes and my mouth gaped open as Emerald Eyes turned toward me. The rage on his face softened the instant his eyes met mine.

  “Mia Bella, are you all right?”

  “I’m fine. Are you all right?”

  His massive build towered over me. I reached up to stroke his sturdy jawline grazing under his injured cheek. The impact le
ft a small gash below his eye and blood trickling down into the five o’clock shadow on his well-defined chin. He wore his short dark brown hair slicked back revealing a wide forehead. The soft olive tone of his skin accented the green of his eyes.

  He covered my hand with his and narrowed his eyes down toward mine sending waves of heat coursing through my veins. His lips curved at the corners and his right eyebrow arched upward. “Nothing a drink can’t fix.”

  The crowd returned to their dancing and drinking and the music pulsed in my ears again. Bethany’s voice forced our locked eyes to break contact, “Leave it to you girl to incite a brawl!”

  In her usual fashion, Bethany took control of the room. She wore a low-cut blouse that tied just above her midriff. Leggings hugged the curves of her thighs and her legs appeared even longer with the illusion provided by her four-inch heels.

  She tossed her bleach blonde hair back and engaged him, “Hi there handsome, got a name?”

  Emerald Eyes shot her a devilish grin and winked at me, setting the butterflies loose in my stomach. “I’m Angelo and you ladies are?”

  “I’m Bethany,” she tells him, to self-absorbed in her own flirtation to notice his eyes were still watching me like no one else existed.

  “I’m Brie,” I tell him, watching the amusement dance across his face.

  “Well, ladies shall we get that drink? It would be my pleasure if you would join us in my booth upstairs.”

  “By the looks of that cut you’re going to need a strong one. Did I say thank you, yet?” I forced my lips to move although I was lost in his hypnotic eyes.

  “No need, some assholes feel entitled to every beautiful thing they see.” His smile lit my body on fire as he led us through the crowd.

  Bethany wrapped her arms around my shoulder. “Damn he’s hot, if you don’t girl, you know I will!” she whispered, daring me to let go of my inhibitions and enjoy his attention.

  My cheeks burned with embarrassment at the dirty thoughts that took control of my brain. Bethany had no walls, no misconceptions about what a man wanted or how to use that to her advantage. She was always pushing me outside my comfort zone. If it wasn’t for her, I would be back at home buried in books. Instead, I was dripping with sweat and desire, following a complete stranger into the roped-off enclaves of the VIP section.

  Angelo nodded at the same security guard who let Bethany and I in earlier. He nodded back and unhooked the velvet ropes, watching our asses as we walked up the staircase to the mezzanine.

  “You can’t be the only one hooking up tonight. Who should the lucky guy be?” Bethany’s eyes scanned the room in search of her prey. “Any of these gorgeous men will do just fine.”

  “How does that differ from any other night?” I laughed.

  “Brie, I beg of you, let loose tonight, you need it! These are the days we will remember in ten years and it’s not like you’re ever going to see this guy again. I love you for who you are but for tonight you can be anyone you want. Who are you going to be?”

  We slid into a crescent moon shaped booth surrounded by walls that glittered with gilded, diamond-patterned mirrors. Bethany batted her long lashes over her big blue eyes, doing her best to catch the attention of the two men already sitting in the booth.

  “These are my associates, Franco and Xander. Guys, meet Brie and Bethany,” Angelo said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

  Franco and Xander looked Bethany up and down as she flashed them her million-dollar smile, her bouncing breast taking center stage. “Hi Boys.”

  Franco had his thick arms wrapped around a skanky brunette sitting on his lap but his dark brown eyes were locked on Bethany. The skanky brunette shot Bethany an ice cold glare warning her to keep her distance. Bethany was a force of nature; her energy was threatening to other girls. She oozed uninhabited sexuality in both her looks and attitude. It didn’t faze her in the least. I wish I had her self-confidence. I have never been shy, but this man had me stumbling to form words.

  Angelo pulled a bottle of Grey Goose Vodka from an ice bucket and poured a round of shots for everyone.

  “For you Mia Bella.” He handed me a shot glass and whisked his fingertips across mine. Fire trailed down my throat as I swallowed back the first shot. The instant buzz warmed me from head to toe. By the third round, my throat numbed.

  Franco dismissed the skanky brunette in butt creeping shorts and focused all his attention on Bethany. By the second bottle, my vision blurred and my head spun. If I didn’t know better, I would think he was trying to get me drunk. I could hold my own, but I was certain I would pay the price, for two bottles’ worth of straight Vodka shots.

  The music vibrated the seat underneath me sending waves through my center and I wanted to dance. It was too loud for any real conversation and the heat coursing through my body made me long to feel his warmth pressed against me. I glanced at the dance floor where a laser light show flashed in time to the music and back at Angelo trying desperately to ignore the constant buzz of his phone. Without saying a word, he knew what I wanted. He took my hand in his and lead me to the dance floor.

  Confetti covered the dance floor, falling around us like glittering snow. The buzzing in my head mixed with the pulse of the techno jam flowing through my body. Every inch of me craved his touch. His hard body pressed against me as we ground our hips in tandem to the beat, grating against one another. His warm hands slid up my thighs working my dress higher. I ran my hands across his tight pecs and wished his damn shirt wasn’t separating my hands from the heat of his skin.

  My heart raced. My palms were sweating. I wet my lips with the tip of my tongue as he leaned closer. His warm breath tingled on my lips and I parted them for him. He dominated my mouth, his tongue twirling with mine faster and faster. My head spun out of control and the butterflies swarmed in my stomach. It left me breathless and heaving with desire when he pulled away. My mouth missed the taste of his and I longed for more. Any inhibitions I had squeezing into that overpriced dressed earlier had melted under the power of his touch.

  Angelo took my hand and led me into a dark corner. My body tingled with nerves as I stared into his eyes shadowed with raw need. The fragrance of Patchouli oil had my mind reeling. An urgency I had never felt before ripped through my body and I didn’t care where we were or that I hardly knew him. I needed to feel him touching me. I took Bethany’s advice and ignored the voices in my head over thinking my every move and allowed myself to be someone who threw caution to the wind and dove in head first.

  My fingertips massaged his corded muscles bulging under his shirt as he covered me with his massive body. Shivers ripped through me as he lowered his mouth to mine forcing my lips apart with his. The intensity sent waves of ecstasy shooting through my core. His warm hands squeezed my breast, rising and falling with the rapid speed of my heartbeat. His moist tongue trailed down the side of my neck as my head rolled back and a low moan escaped my lips. I dug my nails into his bulging arms and his hand slid up my skirt, under my wet panties.

  “Tell me you want me,” his warm breath whispered in my ear.

  The gentle demand in his voice and his hard body pressed against me left my mind reeling with the excitement that had built between our heated bodies. The rush of desire was foreign but for once I surrendered myself to pure impulse.

  “I want you. I want you now,” I moaned biting at my lower lip.

  His fingers left my warm pussy aching for more. He groped my ass with both hands and lifted me off my feet. I wrapped my legs around his waist and lowered myself onto him. I ground my hips harder and faster as he thrust into me. My head banged against the wall as I arched my back, taking him in as deep as I could. His strong hand squeezed my ass as he pumped in and out until my body shuttered. Soft whimpers escaped on my breath.

  “Mia Bella,” he groaned as my tightness squeezed around him throbbing inside of me.

  He held our molded form for a moment. Our breathing slowed and pulses returned to normal before he withdrew and
lowered me to my feet. His green eyes sparkled as he leaned in to kiss me again, soft and slow.

  The lights flashed on and off indicating closing time and I realized we were in the open and silently prayed nobody noticed. My cheeks burned and an awkward tension built. He smirked at my embarrassment.

  “You take my breath away, Mia Bella. I must see you again.”

  “I’d like that. I’m staying at the Shore Club until Sunday.”

  I tugged at my dress riding high on my thighs and combed my fingers through my tangled mess of curls. I glanced around the club and spotted Bethany sandwiched between Franco and Xander, grinding on the dance floor. The skanky brunette watched them from across the room. There were daggers in her darkened eyes burrowing into them.

  We made our way to the exit through the diminishing crowd. The artificial glow of street-lamps replaced the magic of the club lights. Bethany and I had planned on walking but Angelo insisted on giving us a ride to the hotel. He draped his arm around my shoulder and kissed the top of my head as we waited for his car to arrive. He whispered “Bellissima” in my ear and my heart skipped another beat.

  When a sleek black Lincoln Town Car pulled up, his eyes were no longer fixated on me. I followed his gaze to the alley where an eerie figure lurked under the cover of darkness, watching.

  Angelo opened the rear passenger door and Bethany and I slid into the leather seat. Angelo closed the door and banged on the roof. The driver pulled away without them and disappointment fell over me like a wave, as he disappeared into the shadows.

  “So much for getting laid tonight,” Bethany teased, but the confusion written on her face was as obvious as mine.

  In my drunken state, the smell of Angelo’s cologne lingering on my skin lulled my senses as the car whizzed past the neon lights of the strip. My cheeks flushed remembering our heated escapade in the corner.

  “Shut up! Brie Morgan, is this your first walk of shame?” Bethany laughed, snuggling next to me, “I want details.”

  “Apparently it’s a ride of shame,” I laughed snuggling into the arms of my best friend.

  Chapter 2


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