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Lip Locked in the Library

Page 4

by McKenna Rogue



  I checked in on V when I could, but it was a surprisingly busy day at the library. School was out and that meant a lot of kids in and out.

  As I restocked books, my mind kept drifting back to her. It wasn’t like me to let a woman get under my skin. I’d dated plenty. Didn’t like it much. Most of the women I found myself out with weren’t really interested in me. They liked my paycheck or my tattoos, but the math nerd who liked boxing went unnoticed. It never bothered me. I never felt lonely.

  Not until I signed up as an informant for the FBI. Then it felt like all my friends, of which there weren’t many to begin with, fell by the wayside. And it wasn’t like they came looking for me. They were boxing buddies or gym buddies, but I hadn’t had a real friend since Ant, and even he and I lost contact.

  V walking in, my world lit up. I knew it was stupid to think that there could be something as strong as love between us after one afternoon, but what I felt was visceral and tangible inside of me. And I didn’t want to lose this feeling.

  I should’ve been more careful with my real identity, chose my words more carefully, but I didn’t want to with her. I wanted to be able to trust her with my secrets.

  As my shift neared its end, V was still sitting in the back corner, intently reading the paperback in her hands.

  “Hey, we’re closing up soon.” I sat across from her, waiting for her to look up from her book before continuing. “I know you have to get checked into a hotel and everything, but I was kind of hoping you’d want to get dinner.”

  She put her notebook paper back in the book like a bookmark and closed it, setting it on the arm of her chair before she shifted, uncrossing and re-crossing her legs. The simple motion drew my eyes, and then I was wondering was what color her panties were and what she looked like when she was frenzied and horny. And then I wondered if she would scream when she came. Blood rushed to my cock.

  I was betting on black panties.

  “Dinner? Is this the same treatment you give all new girls in town?” She seemed oblivious to the effect she was having on me. “I can’t believe it’s almost six already. I guess time flies when you’re reading a good book, huh?” V leaned forward and gave me a better view down the front of her top. “Okay, I’ll go to dinner with you. Maybe we could meet around seven? Give me time to check-in, get settled, maybe change.”

  More blood rushed south, and my cock pressed against my zipper eagerly. Why was my dick acting like a caged animal? It had been a while since I’d gotten laid, but it wasn’t the first time I’d run into a hot woman. There were plenty in Jubilee Falls.

  Whatever it was, I needed to get it under control. Nothing said “hey, I’m a creeper” like sporting a fucking erection in the middle of a library with a woman I barely knew.

  “Yeah, seven would be great. How do you feel about Italian? There’s a little place off Main Street that makes the best marinara in town, probably the state.” Good Italian was one thing I really missed from New York, but the family who owned the restaurant were one generation from being from Italy themselves.

  “I love Italian.” She grinned. “Almost as much as I love spicy and fried.”

  I chuckled and pulled a golf pencil and a slip of paper from my pocket, quickly scribbling down my phone number and the name of the restaurant. “See you then.”

  As she slipped the note into her purse, she said softly, “Should I keep calling you Daniel? I don’t want you to get into trouble or something.”

  “Yeah.” I sighed. “It’s not I’d get into trouble or anything. It’s just since I’m trying to make a change, it’s better if everyone here knows me as Daniel.” I didn’t like how she asked that, like she knew something she shouldn’t. But there was no way. WITSEC assured me Archer Janson was gone and that no one would be able to tie Daniel to Archer. I’m sure it was just paranoia.

  “I get it. Sometimes, you have to reinvent yourself.” She smiled and reached over, squeezing my hand. “Your secret’s safe with me. As long as you’ll hold on to this book for me until tomorrow?” She handed it over, and I nodded.

  “Of course. No one’s going to get their hands on it as long as you’re still reading it.” I held it to my chest like I would protect it with my life.

  V laughed and picked up her purse, standing as she slid it onto her shoulder. “Seven o’clock. Don’t be late, or I might have to find someone else to take me to dinner.” She winked.

  I nearly growled and yanked her to me at the idea of her spending time with another man. Over my dead body.

  “I am annoyingly on time.” I walked her to the front again, avoiding Lynette’s stare as V left the library.

  When I returned, Lynette was still eyeing me. “What?”

  “She was here a long time today.” Lynette dropped her eyes on the pile of books she was checking in, but the tone in her voice held more than just a simple observation.

  I shrugged. “She’s passing through town and wanted to read for a while. It is a public library, you know.” I set V’s book under the circulation desk counter and grabbed the last cart of re-shelving. “It’s not like she stayed here for me.”

  “She didn’t check me out every time I walked past. She might not have been here specifically for you, but she wasn’t just looking at books.” Lynette looked over her shoulder and smiled. “Just be sure you get all your work done. After that, you can flirt with whoever you want.”

  I fought the urge to roll my eyes. “Of course.”

  “By the way, do you know what this is?” She lifted a small piece of black plastic up that she held between her thumb and index finger.

  I stepped closer and took it from her. I knew exactly what it was. I’d placed a few of these myself in Macchio’s club and house.

  Why the fuck was there a bug in Jubilee Falls’ Public Library?

  My paranoia was off the charts as I went home to get ready for my date with V. I checked the rearview a thousand times on my ten-minute drive and made sure to go home a different way than I usually went. I didn’t see anything unusual which made me even more uncomfortable. By the time I got to my apartment, I was worked up. But I didn’t find anything out of place.

  I checked around for bugs and made sure no one had helped themselves into my apartment. Once I felt safe enough to relax, I quickly showered and changed.

  I walked up to the front of Basil and Olive. V came from the other direction. I felt immensely underdressed.

  “Wow.” I snapped my jaw shut when I realized it was hanging open.

  “Is it too much?” She blushed a little as she looked down at the dark blue dress hugging her curves. “I wasn’t sure how fancy this place was, and I didn’t want to stand out.”

  “V, I think you’ll probably stand out no matter what you’re wearing.” I gestured to the entrance in a motion that said you first, then as she stepped in front of me, I reached out and pressed my palm to her lower back as I opened the door and escorted her inside.

  It took every ounce of self-control I had to keep my eyes up as we were shown to our table. The dress was so tight, it was practically painted on, stopping just below her ass.

  I was glad I’d worn jeans, even if they weren’t nearly as dressy as she was. They hid the fact seeing her in that dress made me semi-hard. It wouldn’t be the most comfortable evening to sit with a hard-on, but the only way I wanted her to take that dress off was if it ended up pooled on my bedroom floor.

  “This place is cute.” V slid into the booth, and I was half-tempted to slide in next to her. What was it about her that made me want to throw all logic out the window? She had me acting like a horny teenager, and the thoughts running through my head were getting dirtier by the second.

  “I guess I never really stopped to think about it. Is cute bad?” I sat across from her, but that just made it easier to stare at the cleavage threatening to spill out of the top of her dress.

  “Not at all. At least, not when it comes to a restaurant. With men, I pr
efer hot. Or sexy.”

  I licked my dry lips, trying—and failing—to keep my eyes on her face.

  “And where do I fall?”

  “Fishing for compliments? Really?” She winked at me. “I think you know the answer to that already.”

  “A guy still likes to hear it.” I leaned forward, and took her hand, skimmed my thumb over her knuckles, and released it again. “And I’m not afraid to say you look fucking sexy in that dress.”

  She blinked a couple times, her berry-colored lips curling into a half-smile.

  “A librarian who reads to children and cusses like a sailor. How have you not been snatched up already?”

  “You haven’t even seen all my tattoos.” I chuckled and leaned back into the booth again. “I think you’ll be surprised to learn just how complex I am, V.”

  She ran her foot up the inside of my lower leg, stopping at my knee just to run it back down again. “Who says I want to know?”

  I raised an eyebrow at her. “Oh, you do. And by the end of the night, I have a feeling you’re going to tell me what V stands for.” I purposely let my eyes drop to her breasts, curious to see how far she’d be comfortable. “I’m guessing it’s not virgin.”

  Her blush traveled down her neck and bloomed over her chest.

  “That’s pretty presumptuous, Daniel.” The way she emphasized my alias made me want to make her scream my real name, to only ever call me Archer.

  “How much do you trust me?” I plucked her menu from her.

  “I just met you.” She pursed her lips at me, and for a second, I thought she would try to take the menu back. “But you ate fried pickles at lunch. You trusted me; I suppose I can trust you. With this.”

  Stacking her menu with mine, I reached for her hand but didn’t take it. I wanted her to want to touch me as much as I wanted to touch her.

  V reached across the table, but instead of holding my hand, she ran her fingernails up and down my palm, just enough to cause a slight tingling sensation.

  “I don’t eat veal. Anything else is fine, but not veal.”

  I chuckled and caught her hand with mine, bringing it up to my lips. “I’ll take good care of you, V.”

  The server came around, and I ordered us a bottle of red wine and fried mozzarella to start. Then I asked him to bring us the mushroom ravioli, rack of lamb, and put in a chocolate soufflé for dessert.

  “Wow, you must be hungry.” Her lips curved in amusement as he walked away. “Three courses, huh?”

  “I could’ve waited to order the soufflé, but they take a while, and I wanted to give you an out if you decided to run.” I winked at her. “After lunch, I figured you were a woman who wasn’t afraid to actually enjoy a meal on a date.”

  “Who said lunch was a date? Or that this is?” She dropped her voice to a whisper. “You don’t even know my name.” Her gaze flickered around the restaurant as if she wanted to make sure no one could overhear us.

  “Oh sure, rub it in.” I reached over and tucked a blonde curl behind her ear. “Date or not, you had fun. At least enough fun to join me for dinner.”

  “Maybe you’re just the only person I know in town, and I don’t like to eat alone.” Her expression softened a little. “Though your company’s not half bad.”

  “I’ll eat as many meals with you as you want, V. But at some point, I really will want to learn your name.” I fought the urge to lean forward and brush my lips against hers—I doubted a soft touch would be nearly enough. “How many meals do you think you’ll be in town for?”

  She paused, and her eyes got that same sad look in them she’d had when I asked where she’d come from. She had something in her past she was avoiding. I understood that feeling all too well.

  “I don’t know yet, really. I guess I’ll be here until I know it’s time to move on.” She leaned forward. “Tell me why you’re so into boxing.”

  I recognized the subject change, but I let it slide. “My dad and I watched the fights when I was little. After he killed himself with cirrhosis it was the only thing I understood about him. Plus, I enjoyed it. Betting on fights and going to them was really my only vice. A few years ago, I found a gym I really liked and started training with some boxers. I wouldn’t last thirty seconds in the ring with a professional, but I really enjoyed it. There isn’t anything around here like that though.”

  “Where was that?” she asked.

  “Los Angeles,” I lied.

  Her nose wrinkled. “You lived in L.A.? I can’t picture it. You have more of a Chicago or New York vibe.”

  I leaned back, not enjoying lying to her. “I don’t know what to tell you. I do like New York though.”

  She studied me; something flickered across her expression, but I couldn’t tell what she was thinking.

  “You’re thinking something, and I don’t know what it is.”

  “If you did, that would make you psychic.”

  “Fair enough.” I wanted to pry her open and find out why she was so secretive and had so many protective barriers. I wondered if she ever let anyone in. She had a best friend who was a man. That made me growly, but maybe he was really only a friend. It did happen. I was only friends with the women around here.

  “Tell me something about you,” I requested.

  “I’m not who you think I am.” Her voice was heavy with sadness.

  “Who are you?”

  “Can I just be the girl who came into your library looking for a good book to read?”

  “I like that girl. She agreed to go on a date with me.”

  “I never said this was a date,” she teased.

  I got up and rounded the end of the table to slide in next to her.

  “Dates or not, I like hanging out with you.”

  I stayed on her side of the table as food and drinks started to arrive.

  We kept to safer topics, mostly our loves of books and authors. We shared a lot of the same passions. A good thriller, boxing nonfiction, and movies. I could tell she was keeping me at bay, she didn’t let me in on anything more personal than her tastes in music, movies, and books.

  V stayed close to me—not that I minded. Somehow, the food tasted better, richer, and more flavorful with her thigh pressed against mine. The soft groan that she let out as she took her first bite of chocolate soufflé sent shivers down my spine and blood rushing straight to my cock.

  I wanted to get Veronica naked, to make her moan because of my fingers, my tongue, my cock—I wanted to make her come.

  As she finished her bite, she looked at me, wide-eyed. “What? Do I have something on my face?” She grabbed her napkin and quickly dabbed the corners of her mouth.

  “No. I was just wondering how you’d moan with my tongue on your cunt.” I kept my voice low, just loud enough for her to hear.

  Her cheeks flushed pink, her lips parted, and she shifted in her seat. I wondered and hoped she’d had a visceral reaction to my words. Maybe she was already wet and wanting.

  “That, uh, escalated quickly.” I didn’t miss the huskiness in her voice.

  “You asked.” I picked up the other spoon to get a bite for myself. “I didn’t figure I needed to lie to you.”

  She took a long drink from her wine glass before looking at me again.

  “You’re blunt.”

  “Is that a problem?”

  “Just surprising. Not exactly what I expected from a librarian.” She re-crossed her legs as her gaze traveled down from my face to my crotch. “I don’t know if I’m up for that tonight.”

  “Just because I’m thinking about it, doesn’t mean it has to happen. You’re wearing the hell out of that dress, and I’d be lying if I didn’t wonder what’s underneath—or if there’s anything under it at all.” My fingers twitched at the thought of sliding up her creamy thighs to find out for myself.

  But it was enough for now. I was patient enough; I could wait for her to trust me.

  “Do you want to come back to my house for a nightcap?” I didn’t expect she would c
ome, but I didn’t want the evening to end. “I don’t mean anything more than a drink and a little more getting to know each other,” I clarified.

  She pushed the last bite of the soufflé into her mouth. V’s eyes drifted up to meet mine. “How about a walk first?”

  “That sounds like an excellent plan.”



  Archer reached for my hand and threaded his fingers through mine as we strolled down the sidewalk. Our pace was languid and soothing as the wine and rich food settled into me. I actually felt relaxed, which put me on edge.

  Archer was a criminal and I was letting him court me. He was charming and intelligent. I had absolutely no reason to listen to a word that came out of his mouth, but there was something in my gut telling me to trust him. Which is why I hadn’t called Parsons already or the local PD to arrest him. At least, that’s what I kept telling myself.

  I didn’t know what I was doing, walking with Archer, in the moonlight. The stars were bright. The sky was clear, there wasn’t a lot of light pollution in small town Nebraska.

  “You’re big on the handholding thing, aren’t you?”

  “Honestly, I hadn’t really thought about it. I just like touching you.” He looked down at where our hands joined. “Does it bother you?”

  “I suppose not.” I pursed my lips; a habit Jared had pointed out to me once. I did it whenever I was thinking about stuff, usually overthinking. “It’s not something I’m used to, for sure.” Never mind the fact that I liked how my hand fit with his.

  “If you want your hand back, all you have to do is ask.” He brought it up to his lips and pressed a kiss to the back of my hand. “Let’s go this way.”

  I followed his lead. The air was still warm even though the sun was down, but it felt good. This entire evening felt good. I hadn’t been treated like a woman in a long time, maybe never. I’ll admit, a lot of that was my fault, but I never thought it would feel good like this. And this scared me more than being stabbed nine times.


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