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Bad Men

Page 5

by Stone, Piper

  The gunfire continued, both men returning fire on several occasions.

  Then there was quiet for a few minutes, Diego shoving me against a tree. “Do not move.”

  They shifted away but only for a few seconds before yanking me forward again.

  “Run,” Jack instructed.

  I didn’t hesitate, fighting my way through dense underbrush as the two men guided and pushed, keeping me going even though exhaustion had already settled in.

  Time seemed to pass slowly but adrenaline ripped through every muscle, keeping me going.

  We’d covered hundreds of yards, fighting every step of the way. Vines bit at my arms, fallen limbs hindering our progression, yet Jack pushed hard. I could feel the flow of adrenaline cresting in his body, the way he stormed through the dense jungle on a mission. When gunfire sounded off in the distance, he yanked me behind him, forcing me into the biting foliage without hesitation.

  Jack stopped short, taking several ragged breaths. “Fuckers.”

  “They’re getting closer,” Diego whispered as he crouched nearby. “This is ridiculous.”

  Jack hissed, the tension evident by the way he held the rifle in his hand, snarling as he heard the squawk of whatever piece of equipment was positioned in the duffle he carried. He yanked the console into his hand, the light of the unit allowing me to catch a glimpse of his aggravated expression.

  “Com one. Our situation is dire. We need a new location now,” Jack said quietly, his mouth pressed closely to the console firmly planted in his hand.

  The squawking continued, enough so that Diego hissed, cursing under his breath. “The fucker. I thought he had a location prepared in case an ambush happened.”

  “Give it time,” Jack snapped, although his anger ramped higher. Several seconds passed, another round of gunfire sounding closer.

  “Coordinates listed. Temporary site only. Do not trust anyone. There will be a car waiting, but you must get there by the time listed.” The voice from the console was harsh, the accent one I couldn’t recognize.

  Jack snorted as he stared at the screen, slapping the console back into his bag. “This is gonna be a pain in the ass, but we have no other choice.” He turned toward me, yanking my arm. “You will listen to me, princess, if you want to get out of here alive. Do not fuck with us. We have one chance or we’re all going to be fed to the gators. Get moving.”

  The fear in his tone alone was enough of a reminder that I had no other choices. As we moved further into the darkness of the jungle, images of my past floated into my mind. I had no doubt that this was a mission where one or all of us wouldn’t survive.

  And all I could think about was everything I’d wanted to accomplish in my life.

  * * *

  The sun had been beating down through the breaks in the trees for hours, the heat even more formidable. Time seemed to stand still in the gloomy environment. At least I could no longer hear the sound of gunfire. My arms and legs ached, the time spent trying to find safety no longer something I could concentrate on. There was no more water, no nourishment of any kind. Jack refused to allow us to rest, his aggression only increasing. We had some kind of timetable and he refused to allow us to miss it.

  “How much further?” Diego huffed, his voice strained.

  “Less than a quarter mile,” Jack answered. “We’re being met by someone the handler trusts.”

  “You’re certain you trust the connection?” Diego asked sarcastically.

  Jack snorted. “I guess our life depends on trust, doesn’t it? If you want to stay behind, that’s just fine with me.”

  “Fuck you, Rivers. That’s exactly what you want.”

  “Shut up,” I managed as I took several shallow breaths, the humidity suffocating.

  “The lady’s right. You need to shut your mouth,” Jack said as he chuckled.

  I glared at the two of them as they danced around their obvious hatred for one another.

  Lightheaded, I remained clinging to a tree, my vision blurry. I wasn’t some kind of hero. I’d never expected to be forced to fight some kind of horrible enemy. I’d simply wanted to help people. I didn’t realize my legs had failed until Diego’s face was suddenly there, his arms wrapping around me seconds before he tossed me over his shoulder.

  “Get going, asshole. She’s dehydrated and I’m not certain she’s going to make it,” Diego snarled.

  While I was aware of the last steps taken, my mind had found a beautiful location to hide.

  A beautiful pearly white beach.

  An ocean the color of turquoise.

  Seagulls cawing in the distance.

  A safe and comforting place where I could be happy.

  They fell into silence as they walked several additional yards, finally moving through the darkness of the trees onto a road. I lifted my head, trying to catch a clear glimpse of where we were. The bright sun was almost too much, blinding as the rays beat down.

  “Where the hell is this savior?” Diego challenged.

  “Five minutes, asshole. You need to learn patience,” Jack countered. “Let her down. We need to make certain we’d ready in case we’ve been further compromised.”

  “That damn well better not happen or I’m going to put bullets into several heads.” Diego eased me onto my feet, rubbing hair from my face. “Stay behind us. If something happens, run.”

  As if there was any place to run to. I was completely at their mercy.

  Within minutes, the sound of an approaching vehicle could be heard in the distance. The two of them hid in the trees, prepared to face whatever enemy who might be waiting. I was no longer terrified, only numb.

  As the engine roared to a stop, the squeal of brakes floating into the jungle, I could feel both men bristling.

  “He venido para llevarte a tu destino,” the male voice said in a hushed tone.

  He’d been sent to take us to our destination. Whatever the hell that meant. Was there anywhere we could find to get away from the Serpent?

  “Speak fuckin’ English. I know you can,” Jack demanded. Even from where I was standing, I was able to see the disgusted look on the stranger’s face. Jack was nothing more than a bull racing his way through a china shop. Whatever the reason, the anger that furrowed in his system would likely get him killed.

  The stranger glanced between the two of them before locking eyes on the various weapons. “You have left Brazil, señor. I’m here to take you to a safe house. Dante Moretti sent me.”

  The two men looked at each other before Jack nodded.

  Diego scanned the perimeter then nodded. “Let’s get to it and be quick about it.”

  “Yes, sir.” The stranger jumped into the driver’s seat, barely waiting until we’d piled inside. As the car jerked forward, I couldn’t help but think that we were going straight into the bowels of hell.

  Chapter 4


  Brutal man.



  The good doctor had called me that and a hell of a lot more. Granted, my behavior had been less than gentlemanly, perhaps bordering on barbaric in nature. Yeah, I’d fucked her, sliding my cock deep inside. My mouth watered at the thought of doing so again. She needed to understand that we weren’t fucking around and that her life was in danger.

  The doctor also needed to realize that neither Diego nor I were good men, our pasts turning us into the same kind of monster the Serpent had portrayed himself to be. Although the bullshit he was doing in the gold mines was sickening. How many men and women had died in order to make him rich?

  I stood staring out at the near desert surrounding the house in the middle of nowhere, wondering how in the fuck we’d gotten here. While I’d seen a beach in the distance, this was nothing but dirt and dust, sand and heat. Fuck this place. At least Dante had come through. However, I still couldn’t believe the soldiers had found us so quickly. My instincts were starting to itch.

  What pissed me off almost more than anything were the bruises cover
ing almost every inch of her body. While they were superficial, one day, I would make certain the Serpent paid for his merciless bullshit.

  “The doctor is resting,” Diego said as he walked into the room. “I finally got her to drink something but she’s pretty weak.”

  “Don’t underestimate her, Diego. She will try to run again. I assure you of that.”

  Sighing, he inched closer. “She has nowhere to go, no one she can trust, including us. I suggest you give her a break.”

  “That never stopped a woman before,” I muttered.

  “No wonder she can’t stand you. You’re supposed to be her protector. You’re treating her like what happened is her fault.”

  “I told you, I didn’t sign up for babysitting services. Collecting people wasn’t in the job description. Now, where the fuck are we? This is like a damn desert.” I barked out the question, cringing as my heart thudded against my chest. The damn woman had already attempted to crawl under my armor. That wasn’t going to happen. I didn’t need extra baggage or shit in my life.

  “Paracas. From what I can tell, a pretty shitty area of the city. Dante had to act fast just in case the other location had also been compromised. At least we can see for miles around us. That has an advantage.”

  Yeah, I almost wondered if we could see straight into purgatory, but our handler had at least gotten us out of the damn jungle. I was still trying to figure out why Dante hadn’t told us everything about this particular mission. While I understood that the Serpent has his claws in every business and politician in Brazil, there was something Dante had hidden, and it likely had to do with the good doctor. I’d beat it out of him when we returned.

  I could see Diego’s reflection in the partially open glass door. The heat remained oppressive as hell, the area more like a damn dustbowl. “Sounds like you know the location well, my friend.” I was suspicious that our first safe house had been compromised so quickly. While I’d known that Mr. Calderone had eyes and ears everywhere, the fact they’d homed in on the location that quickly either meant they’d been prepared for the doctor’s abduction or had control over the entire area.

  Or that Dante had lied to us.

  Either way, I was cranky as fuck and ready to give up the damn job, no matter the amount of money on the table.

  “Yeah, I know it,” he stated.

  I shot him a look, laughing under my breath. “And you’re not going to tell me why.”

  “No need to.”

  “Yeah, whatever you say. Didn’t think it was supposed to be this damn hot.”

  Diego shrugged. “They have extremes during different years. I suggest you stop bitching, Jack. The place is off the beaten path and a hell of a lot better than the shack we were holed up in before. We even have a damn vehicle at our disposal with enough gasoline to get us to Lima if necessary. I’m going to guess that’s where we’re flying out of.”

  “You mean if we make it alive,” I countered. We’d been dropped off miles away from the Serpent’s compound, the locals far too fearful of his control. And we certainly couldn’t drive up to the facility. There were landmines in strategic locations. One false move or misstep and we could have been blown to hell. I wasn’t certain I was happy with the limited amount of equipment we’d been allowed to bring either.

  While the console we’d been issued was a lifeline to our handler, as well as helping us navigate the perils of the jungle, the other functions were limited at best. In my opinion, we were sitting ducks.

  “While the Serpent’s control stretches throughout Brazil, he’s not well liked in Peru. From what I understand, there’s a price on his head for several vicious crimes committed several years ago. I doubt the fucker wants to be extradited in the middle of his mining operation,” Diego continued. “Gold mining is much more lucrative than the drugs he was running before.”

  Yeah, maybe, but from what I’d learned about the man, he had no fear of anyone. Fernando Calderone still had his hand in the drug scene even though he’d expanded to other avenues. Rumor had it he was increasing his hold on the entire South American economy. “So I’ve been told.”

  Diego was right in that the house was well equipped, including enough food that we could stay here for several days if necessary. As if I wanted to spend extra time in a foreign country in this manner. However, we were required to wait for the signal before making an attempt to head to whatever airport was assigned to us. Everything was kept under wraps for this particular assignment, which was unlike the others I’d worked on.

  No cell phones.

  No credit cards.

  Limited cash.

  Another thing I didn’t like about this entire scenario. Limited control. I was used to running an operation the way I wanted, not partnered and not given minimal information. I knew the girl was important, but I wasn’t going to lose my life for a pretty face.

  Or a drop-dead gorgeous body.

  “Everything is secure at this point. I’ve checked all the windows. There’s also a security system.”

  That didn’t alter the level of danger in the least and Diego knew it. If Calderone’s soldiers found us, they would simply extract the Serpent’s possession then firebomb the entire building. A part of me had wanted to end the life of the contact who’d brought us here, although he was supposed to be a trusted man working for the Specialists. I wasn’t certain why nagging doubts remained, but they did.

  I shoved the thoughts aside, once again thinking about Lindsey.

  Her blonde hair and blue eyes.

  Her incredible mouth, lips that I wanted to devour.

  And her tempting body.

  Jesus. I’d never had my mind pulled away from a mission before. Not in the military and certainly not while working for the Specialists. Maybe that’s why this particular assignment gnawed at my gut. I’d also seen the way Diego had looked at her, had seen the way he’d touched her, and a moment of actual jealousy had reared its ugly head. Christ. I was losing my shit all because… No, I wasn’t going to think about the past.

  “You care about her,” I said offhandedly, able to see his reaction through the red hues of the fading sun. The comment surprised even me.

  “She’s spunky, gorgeous, and doesn’t deserve to die. What’s not to like?” He snickered after offering his thoughts, although I could tell there was more to his words. “From what I could tell earlier, you certainly seem to have a thing for the lovely blonde yourself, Jack. Hope you’re not feeling jealous.”

  Operatives within the organization were allowed to do any damn thing that would get the job accomplished except for one thing. Romantic involvement. Particularly with a client or the people involved in an assignment. I might be a rule breaker, but that was one I had no intention of breaking. Fucking her might be one thing.

  Anything else was unacceptable.

  I remained silent.

  Snorting, I shook my head. Jealousy. What bullshit.

  “Fine. Hide behind your rage. I could go for a cold one right about now. Another perk of laying low for a while. After all, it’s been a shit couple of days.” Diego hesitated, obviously expecting me to say something in return.

  “Yeah, whatever.” Just getting to the compound had taken two arduous days, the majority on foot. We hadn’t been able to risk being spotted in a vehicle of any kind. There were far too many eyes in every location.

  “Whatever the chip on your shoulder is about, I suggest you get over yourself.”

  Fisting my hand, I tried to keep my anger in check. “We’re here to complete an assignment, nothing more.”

  Exhaling, instead of just walking away, he inched closer. “You know, I think you and I got off on the wrong foot.” His Spanish accent seemed heavier, his words clipped.

  “I don’t think so. We’re not here to be friends.”

  “What the hell is your problem with me, Jack? Is it about the money? Trust me, I didn’t request to go on this assignment. As a matter of fact, Dante had to freaking coerce me, shoving a past mist
ake in my face. If they’d told me you were going to be along for the ride, I doubt I would have agreed no matter the cost to my illustrious career.”

  So Dante had strong-armed him as well. Maybe we were both in the doghouse, which was why we were given the shit assignment.

  “I feel the same, although my distrust of you has nothing to do with the money,” I said casually. The guy irked the crap out of me, and I didn’t trust him in the least, but we didn’t get to pick our partners when one was necessary. The Specialists took care of that for us. I’d often wondered whether the wealthy moguls and criminals in charge of the organization had a sick sense of humor given the jobs they accepted.

  Expensive boats stolen out of harbors.

  Jewelry taken from fancy auctions.

  Paintings ripped off walls.

  Hell, there was even a Saudi prince who’d paid through his nose to have his prized Arabian horse returned.

  The powerful, brutal, and influential clients certainly couldn’t use whatever form of law enforcement that existed in their countries for assistance. After all, the items had originally been stolen. That made the price for retrieval unheard of and the danger level extreme. It was always interesting that not a single client had ever balked at the price.

  Nor the fact lives were usually lost around the operation.

  “Then fucking tell me what it does have to do with. You and me gotta trust each other and right now, I couldn’t give a rat’s ass whether you were popped in the middle of this or not,” Diego snorted, giving me a hard glare.

  Hearing his frank words almost dragged a smile from my lips. I turned toward him, getting in his face. We were perfectly matched in size and brawn, although he had no idea what I was capable of. Even the handler that had been assigned to both of us had no full understanding of my background. While I hadn’t lied when I’d been interrogated by another operative during the job interview, I simply hadn’t told the man all my qualifications.


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