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Bad Men

Page 14

by Stone, Piper

  The words were more penetrating than I would have imagined. Maybe she was right. I rubbed my fingers against the barrel of the gun, still itching to use the weapon no matter who the asshole was who got in my way. A part of me wanted to go inside, making certain Diego wasn’t betraying us. I huffed, glaring the other way.

  Five minutes passed, the wait becoming tedious. The Glock remained firmly planted in my hand as I scanned the street, making certain we hadn’t been followed. There was no one suspicious that I could see, but that meant shit. If there were soldiers in the area, we wouldn’t know until too late.

  Another six minutes went by and I was ready to charge inside. “You’re going to wait here and I mean it, Lindsey. I’ll be right back.”

  “Don’t leave me, Jack. Okay? I’m… scared.” Her words were barely whispered, driving another stake straight into my heart.

  I took a deep breath, hating the way she felt. “I won’t.”

  Before I had a chance to open the door, Diego returned, saying nothing until he’d started the engine. “We have accommodations and a few supplies.”

  “That fucking took long enough.”

  Diego threw the gear into drive. “We talked in private.”

  Perhaps we’d get some additional information after all. The Serpent’s reputation was poisoned, the majority of citizens loathing him. But there were a few so loyal they’d walk through a burning fire if requested.

  “You trust your contact?” I asked, still glaring at the man through the window of the store. He was watching intently as Diego pulled away from the curb.

  “With my life.” Diego’s answer wouldn’t be followed with any additional information.

  “I don’t like this,” Lindsey whispered.

  “We lay low and we’ll be fine.” Diego barely glanced into the rearview mirror before shifting the gear, quickly moving around oncoming traffic as he gunned the engine. “The city isn’t dangerous and certainly isn’t occupied by the Serpent’s men. The asshole didn’t like the reception they received early on, including several of his men being tossed into jail.”

  As he drove through the streets, I kept my hands on the gun. A part of me anticipated an attempt to hijack the Jeep. There were far too many questions swimming in my mind, the possibilities of how our positions had been located something I couldn’t push aside. Not for a minute. Not for any reason.

  Ten minutes later, he’d reached the destination, able to pull the Jeep behind a series of buildings facing a secondary road. There were no streetlights to highlight the area, no music pumping from one of the local bars. There was just… silence. While the Jeep was fairly hidden in a series of thick bushes, we’d need to secure it in another location, one far removed from wherever we were staying.

  A flashlight in his hand, Diego moved toward a back gate, the sound of creaking iron accentuated by a barking dog in close proximity. Other than the intense barks, everything was eerily quiet, the humidity stifling. As he moved up a set of stairs, I could tell he remained tense. While he might have placed his trust in his acquaintance, he wasn’t taking any chances. At least I would give him credit for following the basic training every operative had been given.

  Trust no one.

  Follow your instincts.

  Shoot to kill.

  I trailed behind the other two, making certain we hadn’t been followed before heading up several flights of stairs. For some reason, the darkness seemed oppressive, the harsh reality of what we were facing far more troublesome than I think any of us cared to admit. I heard the jangle of keys as he unlocked a door, holding out his arm as he shifted the slender beam of light into the room.

  “Wait here,” he whispered as he moved inside.

  The gun still firmly planted in my hands, I kept my aim positioned toward the staircase, concentrating on what few sounds I could hear coming from the other apartments. Other than the noise from a television set, it would appear we hadn’t been followed.

  “It’s okay,” Diego said quietly, ushering us inside, closing and locking the door immediately afterward. He turned on a light, exhaling as he glanced at the surroundings. “It’s not much, but all Felipe could provide. He makes decent money on the tourists who come here. There’s the front door and one leading to the balcony. Since we’re on the fourth floor, that will also give us an advantage.”

  The main room fronted the street, the set of doors covered in a dark fabric, a small kitchen just off to the side. I could see a short hallway containing three doors. There was also a television set, which might come in handy for watching the news. While the accommodations weren’t expansive, the apartment was clean and the furniture adequate. I’d certainly been forced to hole up in worse locations.

  I tossed the duffle bag before walking toward the window, staring out at the street below. “How much does your friend know?” Everything appeared quiet, although I remained on edge.

  Diego sighed. “About what we’re doing? Nothing. However, he’s well versed in the Serpent’s recent activities.”

  “Meaning?” I asked. When he didn’t answer right away, I snapped my head in his direction.

  “Why don’t you check out the bedrooms,” Diego suggested to Lindsey.

  She gave him a harsh onceover, shaking her head. “I’m a part of this… adventure whether either one of you like it or not. I’m not going to go away.”

  “Let her stay. She’s right,” I huffed before moving away from the window, shifting down the hall and flicking on lights as I examined the rooms. Two bedrooms and a bathroom, all three with an ingress/egress. Four locations for some asshole to try to break in, even though they’d have to scale the building. When I walked back into the room, Diego had placed items he’d purchased onto the small table, including a bottle of booze.

  “It would seem the Serpent has plans on an attempt to overrule not only Brazil but the surrounding countries. From what my friend said, it would appear that Mr. Calderone has his sights set on becoming Brazil’s next president. Then he plans on conquering the entire continent. He has enough money, clout, and power to do so.” Diego cracked open the bottle of liquor, taking a swig from the bottle before moving into the kitchen and jerking open one cabinet after another. “He also mentioned that there have been several recent kidnappings reported, not all of them in the heart of Brazil.”

  “At the hands of the Serpent?” Lindsey asked.

  “While no one is coming forward with evidence or identifications, the rumors are that yes, the Serpent is responsible.” Diego yanked three glasses from one of the cabinets, bringing them toward the table. “You never heard him discuss the mines? The man is seduced by hearing himself talk.” He turned his attention toward Lindsey as he poured.

  She folded her arms and walked closer toward the table, eyeing the contents of the bag he’d dumped into the center. “I wasn’t privy to his conversations with others, Diego. I was kept locked away for the majority of the day and night, brought out like a plaything for his pleasure only.” As she picked up a small box, she shook her head before slowly lowering it.

  I could tell Diego’s question had sparked a memory. “What is it, Lindsey?” I asked.

  “It’s… No, it’s nothing,” she said, narrowing her eyes then holding out the box once again. “Hold on. You expect me to dye my hair? What good is that going to do?”

  “We need to blend in,” Diego said quietly before pushing a glass in her direction. “You are far too beautiful to do so. The hair color is a quick and easy way to have eyes drawn away from you. It’s temporary, but if we’re compromised, it might buy us some additional time.”

  I walked closer, peering over her shoulder. Red hair coloring. Some local style clothing. Hats. Limited food. At least he’d thought quickly on his feet. “He’s right, Lindsey. We need to change our appearances as much as possible. As I told you before, your blonde hair is a problem.”

  “A problem,” she repeated, laughing softly. “How long are we going to be here?” she asked as she fingered th
e box.

  “Could be a few days. Could be longer. There is no other choice at this point. We need time to try and figure out what we’re missing, and that will include a discussion about your… home life.” Diego lifted the small glass, gulping the entire contents. “I suggest we get some sleep. I grabbed what I could with the limited supplies my buddy had to offer, but we’ll need to get some additional food tomorrow.”

  “I’ll take first watch,” I stated, still on edge from the day’s events.

  He poured another glass before nodding. “That’ll work. You can take the room with the single bed, Doctor. We’ll bunk in the other.”

  At first she didn’t respond, her eyes still glued to the package. “I’m not coloring my hair. I refuse. This is getting out of hand. I don’t mind wearing the scarf, but that’s as far as I’ll go.”

  “You’ll do as you’re told,” Diego responded. “If you don’t obey, you’ll be tied to the chair and I’ll personally do it for you.”

  She seemed surprised at his vehemence. “Then I guess you’re going to have to do just that, Mr. Mercenary. I refuse to alter my appearance because of that asshole. He’s taken enough from me as it is.”

  Once again, I admired her chutzpa, although this was one of the rules she would be required to follow.

  One way or the other.

  Diego rubbed his hand through his hair. “She’s a piece of work.”

  “Yes, she is,” I responded, savoring the look on her face. I could tell she was lit up like a bottle rocket, playing the bratty routine to get a reaction. Exhaustion had taken a toll on all of us. “Why don’t you get cleaned up then get some rest?”

  “Does that mean there is a shower or a tub in this cheap ass place?” she demanded.

  “First door on the left. Help yourself. And this cheap ass place is a damn palace to some people in this country. My friend and his family are staying in little more than squalor in order to rent this place out so hopefully one day he can provide for his family. We are blessed to be able to stay here. You have no idea what kind of danger my friend is now in because of the choice he made in helping us. And he took no time in agreeing. None. Because it was his honor to help out his friend. I suggest you keep that in mind, princess.” Huffing, Diego walked down the hall after giving both of us a harsh glare.

  I immediately followed, snagging his arm. “You want to tell me about this friend? He seems mighty important to you.”

  He jerked his arm away, moving into the bedroom and turning on the overhead light. “I don’t have to tell you anything except I trust Felipe with my life. What I said about the danger is true. If the Serpent gets wind that he helped us, then his entire family will be killed. I used a single favor and I hated doing it, all because of taking care of a damn woman who doesn’t want to be protected.”

  “Lindsey has no idea what the Serpent is capable of. From what I can tell, she only had a few examples of his treachery. I imagine she’s in a state of shock given everything that’s happened.”

  “You’re lecturing me on how to handle her now? You?”

  Exhaling, I closed my eyes briefly. “We both need to remember she’s the victim. That’s not something we’re used to.”

  “Yeah, you’re right.” He snorted as he looked at me. “Do you want to tell me why you have such a hard-on for Lindsey and I’m not talking about your dick. You act like she’s your possession one minute and nothing but a problem the next, yet you’re certainly quick to defend her when her behavior is unacceptable. Now, do you know something I don’t know, a portion of this story that’s been left out? Or does she mean more to you than even I believe?”

  Closing my eyes, I tamped back my aggravation. “There’s nothing to tell. She’s an assignment, a package to be delivered and nothing more.”

  “Keep telling yourself that often enough and you just might believe it.”

  Hissing, I took a long stride closer, daring him to continue. We were both puffed up, ready to start a fight. “Just shut your mouth, Diego. You’re certainly interested in her welfare.”

  We were acting like high school bullies vying for the pretty blonde cheerleader.

  “Jesus Christ, Jack. We already broke the rules by indulging in carnal activities.”

  “Yeah, you certainly enjoyed tasting her again.”

  Diego exhaled, shaking his head. “Is that what this is about?”

  I shifted my gaze away, rubbing my eyes. Even I was exhausted, the adrenaline rush almost gone. “She doesn’t belong to me, Diego. You’re right as always.”

  “What we don’t need is to be at each other’s throats right now. Whatever is eating you is your weakness and one that can’t continue.”

  A full minute passed by, the silence eating at me.

  I walked forward once again, keeping my eyes on him. “She reminds me of someone I knew a long time ago.”

  He studied me intently, easing his weapon onto one of the twin beds. “We all have one of those, Jack. Like I said, you can’t allow the past to interfere. There’s too much at stake, and I’m not just talking about the money.”

  “I can handle the past. It was a hell of a long time ago.”

  “All right, but I’m starting to agree with you that there is a hell of a lot more going on here.” Diego kept his voice hushed, glancing toward the door.

  I walked toward the small window, peering outside. “What about this boyfriend?”

  “I don’t know. She just acted like he’s an asshole and a part of the reason she left. I still think this is more about her father.”

  “Then we’re going to find out.”

  “Other than if she’s honest with us, how are we going to do that?” Diego asked.

  “You know as well as I do that she likely knows a great deal. People who are in trouble often have difficulties keeping their mouths shut.”

  He grinned. “Said like a man with experience.”

  I shot him the bird before chuckling.

  “Maybe you need to tell her why you’re such an asshole,” he suggested. “Just my thoughts if you want her to talk.”

  “Oh, she will be made to understand it’s in her best interest to talk. Besides, it’s pretty clear she hates me. That’s just fine.”

  He snorted before easing onto the bed. “For an intelligent man you’re an idiot. She watches you intently.”

  “That’s out of fear alone. Now, who is this Felipe? Don’t fuck with me on this, Diego. All the pieces aren’t fitting together. I want to know who we’re dealing with.” I had to find a way to push her out of my mind. She was a job and nothing more. When the assignment was over, I’d never see her again. That would be fine by me.

  He lost his wry smile. “Fine, Jack. Let’s push aside what the Serpent would do to him if he knew that my buddy was helping us. Felipe is a man who still has a contract on his head from years before. He’s also a man who would give his life for mine because I allowed him to return to his family.”

  Now I understood the ramifications of his relationship and just how important Felipe was to him. “Luis?”

  He nodded. “Felipe came to America looking for a better way of life for his family. He made a few mistakes, got mixed up with the wrong people.”

  “Sounds familiar,” I commented in passing.

  “Not all of us had an illustrious career with the military with full honors.”

  Bristling, I narrowed my eyes. He could never understand what I’d gone through. “As you said, we all have a past to deal with. Felipe stole from the Cartel. Correct?”

  Diego sighed and lay back on the bed. “He took his fair share after Luis refused to pay him for a job. For that, he was beaten to within an inch of his life then set free. What he didn’t know was it was just part of a game. You see, Luis enjoys big game hunting, or so he calls it. He and a group of buddies determine who the contestant is for the week then the first one to find the helpless asshole wins. I won’t bother telling you what happens when they’re caught. Trust me. They’re always ca
ught. Not this time. I helped Felipe to escape, found him a way to get out of town after securing a ride on a cargo ship.”

  “No wonder Luis would appreciate having your head on a silver platter. Was this payback for the time you spent in prison protecting him?”

  He closed his eyes. “Think what you want, Jack. I did what I had to in order to protect a man who didn’t deserve Luis’ wrath. The nightmares are a damn good reminder of the choices I made but they were mine alone. No one to blame but myself. Turn off the light, will ya? I’ll spot you in a couple hours.”

  I shook my head as I walked toward the door, flipping off the light. Choices. How many times had I been told my choices were piss poor? I almost laughed as I walked out the door, instantly detecting her presence in the small hallway.

  She sucked in her breath and stopped short. In her arms were some of the clothes Diego had purchased and as she crushed them against her chest, her entire body quivered.

  “Are you afraid of me, Doctor?”

  Her laugh was nervous, yet she managed to have a defiant tone. “Should I be, Jack? Should I be terrified to be alone with you?”

  I inched closer, once again intoxicated by her scent that even the dirt and dust from the road wasn’t able to cover. After carefully placing my hands on the wall beside her head, I lowered mine. “I already told you that I’m a very bad man. Maybe you should be.”

  Lindsey tilted her head until our lips were almost touching. “Does that mean you’re going to hurt me, cause me pain? Or do you want me to beg you to punish me?”

  Her words were evocative, tempting. She knew exactly what she was doing to me. I also could tell how aroused she’d become.

  I made certain she could feel my hot breath before brushing my lips lightly across hers, creeping ever so slowly to her cheek then to her ear. “There are several kinds of pain, sweet Lindsey, including those that can bring you to raw ecstasy. There is also the kind that leaves you aching for days, a reminder of a horrific deed. Then there is the type that will strip you of your very soul. I’d be careful what you ask for because there will be no turning back once you’ve tasted the utter bliss.”


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