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Page 19

by Beth Gildersleeve

  “Gabe, I think I’ll like working with Nikki.”

  “Any other questions before you rest?”

  “No, I’m good.”

  “Are you sure? Because it seems like you’ve been stewing on these for a while.” Gabe sounded upset and Josie didn’t blame him. Her paranoia was of her own making. She felt the blush underneath her bruises. “Ask me, Josie. Don’t let your imagination fill in the blanks,” he implored. Josie nodded her head but stopped. It hurt too much.

  “One more question?” She scowled at the I.V. drip. “Why isn’t this working? Is my insurance so piss-poor it won’t even cover a decent pain killer?”

  “I’ll go get a nurse.” Gabe sprang from the chair.

  “No, don’t.” Now that she had him, she didn’t want to let him go. “Just sit. Stay. Here.” Josie patted the space next to her on the bed and she tried to scoot over for him. She winced.

  Gabe slid his strong arms underneath her knees and shoulders and carefully moved her over a few inches. “You make me sound like a dog,” he grumbled as he joined her on the narrow bed and gathered her in his arms.

  “Good boy,” she mumbled against his chest. She felt his chuckle underneath her cheek and she could hear the steady beat of his heart. Gabe toyed with her good hand and she felt something slip on her ring finger. She held up her hand and squinted at it.

  “I’m sorry, Josie. I’ve made so many mistakes with you. But I promise I’ll do a better job of listening to you and taking your concerns seriously. All I want is for you to be happy.” He touched the new ring on her finger. “It’s a plain gold band. Just like you wanted.”

  “Too late. I’ve grown rather fond of this pretentious platinum ring.”

  Gabe smiled as he slipped the gold ring off her finger.

  Josie curled her hand into his wrinkled dress shirt. “Tell me about the cowboy boots.”

  Gabe told her about his meeting with Duncan and their plans to reorganize the company. “Duncan said I must really love you to do this. And you know what, Josie?” She tilted her head back as best she could to look at him. “I do. I love you, Mrs. Kane.”

  “Hmmm. That’s nice. Now I’m not the only one.” She snuggled closer to him.

  “Nice?” Gabe asked. He sounded hurt. Josie patted his chest.

  “It’s very nice. I love you, too, Gabe.” Josie felt his smile as he kissed her softly on the forehead. She fell into a light sleep cradled in his arms.

  “Well, this explains a lot.” Josie opened her good eye and in the dim light, she saw a smirking face above a white lab coat at the foot of her bed. She shook her hand against Gabe’s chest to wake him up. He muffled a curse.

  “Hi,” Josie said. Her voice was scratchy and sleepy. She tried to clear her throat but ended up coughing. The doctor helped her take a sip of water.

  “I’m Dr. Agarwal. How are you feeling?”

  “Banged up and bruised.”

  “She’s been wincing a lot. I don’t think the pain medication is doing much.” Gabe sounded pissed and Josie hoped the doctor didn’t take it personally. “Can you give her something else?”

  “I’m afraid not, Mr. Kane. Acetaminophen is the safest choice in her condition.”

  “In my condition?” Josie asked.

  “Yes. And we’re going to keep you for the rest of the night. Just to make sure. You can go home in the morning,” the doctor assured them.

  “Just to be sure of what?” Josie asked.

  “Oh, my. You don’t know, do you?” Dr. Agarwal asked as she moved toward them. “But I guess that makes sense since you’ve barely begun.” Her cool fingers searched Josie’s wrist for her pulse. Josie held her tongue until Dr. Agarwal placed her wrist back on Gabe’s chest.

  “Begun what?” Gabe asked. It was clear he didn’t appreciate the doctor’s riddles, either.

  “Your pregnancy. It came back in your lab results, which is why we can’t give you more for the pain and why you’re staying overnight.”

  “We’re pregnant?” Gabe asked. He sounded as shocked as she felt.

  “No, Mr. Kane. We”—she used air quotes—“are not pregnant. Your wife is. You’ve done your bit and now Josie has all the hard work ahead of her.” Dr. Agarwal said.

  “I guess that explains why I haven’t been feeling well. I thought it was a low-grade flu,” Josie said.

  “A common mistake.” Dr. Agarwal patted her on the hand. “If you need anything, have me paged. I’m here all night. Merry Christmas and congratulations,” she said as she shut the door behind her.

  “Wow,” Josie breathed. It was impossible to process all of the emotions flooding through her. Joy. Surprise. Doubt. Fear. Love.

  “Wow is right,” Gabe agreed. His voice sounded hollow.

  “It’s…it’s a good wow, though. Right? Kids were part of the deal,” she reminded him.

  “Yeah. I’m happy. Shocked. But happy. Disappointed, too. I thought we’d have more time to work on this part of the deal. I didn’t think we’d be overachievers in this, too,” Gabe teased and she felt him relax next to her.

  “You know we can still have sex when I’m pregnant, right?”

  “I know. But Josie…” He stopped and picked up her uninjured hand. “It was never just sex with you. It’s always been much, much more because you’re everything to me. I think I loved you even before I blackmailed you into marrying me,” he confessed. Josie chuckled.

  “That’s funny?” Gabe asked and he sounded hurt.

  “Chill, Gabe. I just remembered that old schoolyard taunt. First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in a baby carriage. That’s us,” she said and it was easy to hear the happiness in her voice. She patted his broad chest.

  “That’s us,” Gabe agreed as he tightened his arm around her. It felt like he would never let her go. His other hand lay protectively on her abdomen. “Merry Christmas to us,” he murmured as Josie drifted to sleep.


  The following December

  “What are you so busy typing?” Gabe asked from his corner of the couch.

  “Proofing my holiday letter.”

  “Seriously? Do people still do that? I thought social media had killed the annual letter,” he said.

  “I like the tradition.” Josie shrugged her shoulders. “And if I’m going to the effort to send out pictures of the kids, I might as well send a letter. Plus, some of my older relatives aren’t on social media. I didn’t do it last year, and I missed it.”

  “Can I read it?” he asked.

  “Sure,” Josie said as she slid next to him. She watched him read the letter chronicling the last year of her life. Her life was so much fuller and richer because of him. She rested her head on his shoulder.

  Welcome to Our First Annual Holiday Letter!

  I am so, so sorry I didn’t get a letter out last year, but as you can see from above, the last year has been life-changing for me. I’m no longer Jo of Jo’s Joe. I’m Josie Wright Kane, wife to Gabe and mom to Maggie and Matt. Shocker, right? Get a snack, sit down, and I’ll start at the beginning.

  A year ago last October, I signed a deal to custom roast coffee for a chain of boutique hotels and resorts starting in the new year. I love creating custom blends, so I was excited about this opportunity.

  That November I eloped to Las Vegas and married Gabe Kane, a local businessman. I thought he was one of the owners of the Haven Woodworks where my brother Jamie works, but it turned out his family owns businesses across the globe! Imagine my surprise when I found out after our wedding that I’d married the CEO of Witz Holdings.

  I spent December adjusting to being a new wife and crisscrossing the metro between Haven and Woodland (Gabe’s home) while Gabe hammered out a business deal. I was in a car accident on Christmas Eve—stitches, bruises, and a sprained wrist—and we found out I was pregnant! Oh boy (and girl)!

  We spent January doing some deep soul-searching. I loved my time at Jo’s Joe, but I was ready to move on to the next phase of my l
ife and so was Gabe. He and his cousin restructured the family business so Gabe can work “normal” hours out of his Haven office most days.

  I sold Jo’s Joe in March but kept the private roasting side of the business. I do the roasting several mornings each week (long after the rooster crows), and I have a part-time employee who grinds and packages the beans for me after school.

  Besides selling Jo’s Joe to Witz Holdings in March (the original buyer only wanted to buy the Haven location) we also bought property north of Haven. The first part of the year was very busy what with the soul-searching, selling, and horrid morning sickness. I didn’t feel like my usual self until the end of March and I never, ever want to see another saltine cracker.

  We spent April completing our building plans. For those of you in the Twin Cities, I highly recommend Handi Andi for all of your building needs. Andi did an incredible job incorporating all of our wants and needs in the house designs, and Parker and his crew have outstanding craftsmanship.

  We broke ground on the house in May and moved in just after Thanksgiving. The kitchen is incredible and we have a turret with a glass dome at the top for star gazing! Next year’s letter will have pictures when the house is fully done. Right now, we have the kitchen, a bathroom, our bedroom, and the nursery.

  Gabe stayed close to home as much as possible this year but he spent two weeks in Europe in May/June exploring expansion for their small equipment company and visiting a small chocolate company that was for sale (no longer for sale – he bought it!). When he’s not working, he loves spending time with the babies (he’s an expert diaper changer), and he’s joined a few local activities. He’s in a basketball league (I think it’s an excuse to bond, talk trash, and share a beer), and he’s wormed his way into a monthly poker game with Haven’s other pseudo-movers and shakers (like the hotelier, my lawyer, my accountant, our house-builder, a real estate developer, and Gabe’s cousin, Duncan). The real movers and shakers are us wives!

  Anyway, once I was feeling better, I spent most of my time planning the house and working part-time on the roasting and consulting for Jo’s Joe. And napping. And eating, lots. It takes a lot of energy to grow two babies!

  Our twins were due August 12, but no one told them. They also didn’t get the memo that Mom had stuff to do. Bedrest wasn’t on the agenda, but that’s what the doctor ordered in mid-June. Luckily, I hired the roaster from Jo’s Joe to take over for me, and I planned much of the house via the internet while lying in bed. According to Gabe and my friends, I’m not a good patient. Who knew? But once I was off my feet, my body was a lot happier, and I kept those buns in the oven until they were baked.

  On July 25, we welcomed Margaret Elle and Matthew Duncan into the world. Matty spent a few days in NICU but he’s been fine ever since. Both babies are thriving and occasionally let us sleep for a six-hour stretch!

  It was a long and grueling delivery, but we made it. Gabe was shocked by the things I said and threatened during labor. I don’t remember a thing. He claims I threatened him bodily harm if he ever touched me again and that I would give up sugar if the pain would go away. As I said, I don’t remember any of that, which is good since I’m writing this cuddled on the couch next to him sharing a piece of pumpkin cake with spiced buttercream frosting. He eats the cake and I devour the frosting. Like Gabe says, “I’m his cake and he’s my frosting. We’re good on our own, but together, we’re perfect!”

  Wishing you and yours a sweet holiday and a blessed new year!


  Josie, Gabe, and M&M

  Mottos for the upcoming year:

  Josie’s - Those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.

  Gabe’s – If Momma ain’t happy, nobody’s happy. (Smart man, right?)

  Whoops! I almost forgot to give you the Wright Family Update: Witz Holdings hired my sister-in-law, Elle, to continue to manage Jo’s Joe and to work on a franchise model (she was my CEO). They have their first franchisee on board to buy the Haven store as soon as Minnesota okays the franchise documents (they’d approached me last December but it turned out they only want one location – not all of them). My brother, Josh, also works for Witz as an internal marketing consultant managing special projects for their different businesses. Elle, Josh, and their dog Bitty are renting Gabe’s house in Woodland until they find their own home near the Witz headquarters. My folks are still loving their snowbird routine. Jamie is a line lead at Haven Woodworks. He’s a good-looking, sober, single guy in his mid-20’s. If you know of anyone, let me know. I want the whole world to be as happy as me.

  “Thoughts?” Josie asked nervously as he set her laptop on the coffee table.

  “You’re really happy? Even though you lost that Paris bet?”

  “Especially since I lost that bet. I’m excited about our new life.”

  “Doesn’t hurt that all your friends lost the bet, too,” Gabe teased, and Josie lightly elbowed him in the ribs. “The letter’s great but I don’t think Jamie will appreciate your matchmaking efforts.”

  “He’s not on the mailing list.” She smirked.

  “You are devious, Mrs. Kane.”

  “I learned from the best. Thank you for blackmailing me,” she murmured as she kissed her way up his neck and nipped at his ear lobe.

  “Thank you for agreeing.” Josie shifted on the couch and straddled his lap. Gabe gripped her hips. “I love you, Mrs. Kane.” His deep voice sent currents down her back.

  “Actions speak louder than words, Mr. Kane,” she purred. Her finger traced his lips as she watched his golden eyes darken to amber.

  “Yes, dear,” Gabe promised as he slid out from underneath her and stood. Her hand clasped his as he pulled her up quickly and their fingers twined together as they walked through the house, leaving laughter and love in their wake.

  About the Author

  Beth Gildersleeve lives for a happily ever after, especially when it’s part of a contemporary sweet romance story. Beth’s a big fan of Dr. Brené Brown and her work around shame, vulnerability, and bravery. Her characters’ struggles and successes reflect these themes. When Beth isn’t plotting or writing, she’s busy Googling answers to her adult daughters’ questions (they still think she knows everything), finding misplaced items for her husband of over thirty years, serving her rescued dogs’ needs, losing at Words with Friends, and searching for the last three books to complete her Betty Neels collection. She is a member of RWA and Northern Lights Writers.

  You can connect with her at:

  I hope you enjoyed Josie and Gabe’s story. If you did, please remember to leave a review at the end. It means the world to me and it helps your fellow readers.

  If you want more holiday romance, keep reading for a sneak peek at Ryley, the next book in the Betting on Paris series.

  She’s climbing the steps to her dreams, and he’s shaking up more than her corporate ladder!

  Faithful to her friends, and determined to follow in her father’s successful footsteps…

  Advertising executive Ryley Sanders is fresh from her girls getaway to Paris and ready to take her career to the next level.Her eye is on the director’s position at her company, and nothing is going to stand in her way. She's the golden girl of the agency and usually heads up projects solo, so when her boss hires hunky executive Matt Kantor to co-head with her on a major campaign, it puts a crucial glitch in her plans.

  Will Ryley learn to work with Matt—and can they keep it strictly professional?

  Ryley isn't thrilled about sharing the limelight with the new guy, especially when she wants to shine alone in the eyes of upper management. Charismatic Matt has his own ideas that have swayed their boss into siding with him on vital campaign decisions.

  Love isn’t on the agenda, but will it be what it takes to seal the deal this Christmas?


  Donna Lovitz

  Excerpt Copyright Information

  Chapter One from Ryley (B
etting on Paris Series)

  by Donna Lovitz.

  Copyright © 2019 Donna Lovitz


  Ryley Sanders watched the steady flow of travelers outside the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport as their transportation arrived to collect them. She checked her phone for the umpteenth time. “Where are you, Amanda?” she whispered.

  Her flight had landed more than a half hour ago and there was no sign of her friend, Amanda O’Connor, or her car. Ryley called Amanda’s phone and let out a deep sigh when it went straight to voicemail. Amanda was often late, and it was something Ryley had learned to ignore, but tonight it was difficult to be patient after a long, exhausting flight. There was nothing in this world she wanted more right now than to get home and sleep in her own bed after a two-week trip to Paris.

  Seeking calm, she closed her eyes for a moment and tried to remember the wondrous amethyst and sapphire glow from the stained glass of the Sainte-Chappelle. It seemed like a dream as she recalled the brilliant splendor of colors in the window of the tiny gem on Paris’ Ile de la Cité.

  “Hey, you need a ride?”

  Her eyes popped open and she saw the jerk who occupied the aisle seat on the plane. Oh, God no! Not him again!

  He was solely responsible for turning her trip home into a nightmare. Claiming to be a suspense writer, he talked nonstop during the entire eleven-hour flight about the crazy things that can occur on an airplane. The plane was loaded but still on the ground at the Charles de Gaulle Airport when Ryley recognized it could be a painful trip if she had to sit next to Mr. Chatty all the way home, and requested a move to another seat. A flight attendant with a sweet French accent informed her the flight was fully booked and she’d have to wait until they located another passenger willing to switch seats. She apologized hours later and offered a selection of free beverages for their failure in finding a new seatmate.


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