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Witness Protection 9: S.N.A.F.U.

Page 6

by Holly Copella

  Chapter 7

  Kirk and Beck sought refuge behind an expensive black car parked several yards from the large fountain. Both men took on fire from the four guards at the front of the house. While Kirk clutched his rifle and waited for the opportunity to strike, Beck sat with his back against the car and held his finger to his ear transmitter.

  “Copy that, Ross,” Beck announced over his transmitter. “We’ll hold our position.”

  Kirk didn’t bother looking at Beck. “What’s the word?” he asked.

  “Ross caught up with Monroe and Bogart,” Beck informed him. “They’re inside the mansion, and they got their hands on the flash drive. We need to keep these assholes busy for a little while longer.”

  “Easy enough,” Kirk replied with little emotion. “We’ll just let them wear themselves out or run out of bullets. Whichever comes first.”

  “Ross is making his way back to us with the flash drive,” Beck reported. “I’ll need to see what’s on it regarding our team and safe houses.”

  Holden darted across the driveway from a small wooded area not far from where he and Zack had been dropped off. By the time the men on the porch saw him, Holden was already casting his back against the car, crouching alongside Kirk and Beck.

  Kirk eyed Holden and smirked in amusement. “Look,” he teased. “Our backup arrived.” Kirk then raised a humored brow and mocked Holden. “This is the FBI. Ceasefire and lay down your weapons.” Kirk chuckled. “And they didn’t do it?” He shook his head while grinning. “I thought for sure that would’ve worked.”

  “Good afternoon, Kirk,” Holden scoffed. “It’s nice to see you too.”

  “How was your little beach vacation?” Beck asked while seeming moderately cheerful and a little too relaxed.

  “Put Jackie in a good mood?” Kirk teased while offering a devious grin.

  Beck leaned his head back against the side of the sedan and seemed reflective. “I’m thinking about taking Pinto on a trip somewhere this spring,” he casually remarked, then appeared curious. “Is there a lot to do on the beach? I just think we might be bored after a day or two.”

  “There’s plenty to do,” Holden casually insisted. “Lots of water sports. I’d think you’d enjoy that sort of thing.”

  As several bullets shattered the side window of the car, Beck considered the comment then nodded. “Of course, I enjoy water sports,” he replied. “SEALs like the water.”

  Kirk’s expression dropped as he turned his head and glared at both men. “If you girls are finished doing each other’s nails, we’re trying to kill some bad guys here.”

  Beck eyed Kirk and raised a brow. “No, we’re just keeping them busy,” he reminded him, then looked back at Holden. “What do you think of those ‘all-inclusive’ places?”

  Kirk rolled his eyes and groaned. “That’s it,” he scoffed. “I’m done here.” Kirk suddenly straightened and fired his weapon with purpose, shooting each man on the porch. He then glared at Holden. “Where’s Zack?”

  Holden frowned and shrugged. “Have you tried the roof?” he asked.

  Kirk looked around then took off across the estate with a mission to find Zack.


  Jackie and Darth patrolled the area in front of Gil’s helicopter while he did a quick patch job using an entire roll of duct tape. Jackie kept her assault rifle in both hands and at the ready while Darth seemed less than serious and scratched at his black, bulletproof vest. Darth suddenly snapped to attention, looked at the woods, and snarled. Jackie reacted, aiming her weapon in the direction the dog indicated and ducked behind the helicopter. Gil stopped working, snatched his nearby rifle, and rolled beneath the aircraft as well, also aiming his rifle into the woods.

  “Darth,” Gil announced. “Kommen.”

  Darth responded to the German command and raced beneath the helicopter with Gil. He lay on his belly alongside Gil, almost mimicking his position, and watched the tree line as well. Jackie scanned the area through her riffle scope but didn’t see anything. She was about to comment when she heard the sound of four-wheelers approaching.

  “Shit,” she scoffed and again scanned the area. “They’re sending scouts out to find the helicopters.”

  “Sounds like more than two,” Gil informed her. “If they’re all riding quads, we’re going to need to disable them before they have a chance to surround us. We won’t last long exposed like this.”

  “I don’t suppose Zack has a grenade launcher in his fun bag on your bird,” Jackie remarked.

  “I wish.”

  The sounds of the four-wheelers were getting closer. All three remained alert and in position. Four quads appeared from the woods, slowed when they saw both helicopters, and then headed both left and right of the woods.

  “I see four,” Gil announced while following them through his scope. “I have right; you take left.”

  “Roger that,” Jackie replied.

  Both opened fire, striking the tires of the four-wheelers. Two more quads appeared from the woods and separated as well.

  “Son-of-a-bitch,” Jackie cried out and attempted to follow the four-wheeler with her rifle.

  Gil fired several shots at the one to his right and missed. Jackie spun around and fired at the quad now circling the field in order to get behind them.

  “I have the quads in back,” Jackie called out. “You get the stragglers on foot in front.”

  As Gil fired at the men on foot now seeking cover, the four men fired back. The ground in front of Gil erupted from a close call, but the men couldn’t get a clean shot at him. Darth snarled and barked viciously while holding his ground, awaiting the order to attack. Jackie took out one of the two quads that had circled behind them while dodging fire from both men. The men firing at her from the rear couldn’t get a clean shot, but she was somewhat exposed to those coming at her from the front. The man from the fallen quad rolled across the ground, leaped behind his destroyed vehicle, and fired at her. Jackie crouched low to the ground, giving him less of a target while simultaneously firing at the remaining man on his quad coming directly at her, also firing his weapon.

  Given the difficultly of firing a weapon and steering, it made it harder for them to hit their targets. Jackie returned fire and took out the man’s weapon, but that didn’t stop him from racing toward her with purpose. Best-case scenario, he’d ram the helicopter and do some serious damage to the craft. Worst case, he’d kill them both. Jackie’s rifle was spent, and she didn’t have time to reload with the quad racing toward her. She tossed the rifle aside and removed her semiautomatic from her shoulder holster. With a steady hand and careful aim, she shot out the front tire. The quad pulled heavily to the left and veered away from the craft before flipping. The rider was jettisoned through the air and tumbled across the ground. The first man, who had taken cover behind his quad, now ran for Jackie while aiming his weapon. Jackie fired first, but admittedly quick and sloppy, winging the man rather than getting in a kill shot.

  When she turned, the man from the wrecked quad was already alongside her with a Bowie knife in his hand. Darth appeared out of nowhere, snarling viciously as he leaped on top of the man, latching onto his forearm. Darth rode the man down to the ground and tore into the arm holding the weapon. The man attempted to wrestle Darth off him, which was more challenging than it sounded, considering the dog's weight, his bite radius, and the pressure of thrust behind his head toss. The man managed to reposition his hand holding the knife and thrust the knife into Darth’s side. The tip of the blade just about bounced off the bulletproof vest, successfully pissing off the already pissed off dog.

  The man managed to punch Darth in the face, although it didn’t deter the dog or loosen his bite. The man became angry and repositioned the knife in his hand, preparing for a jugular thrust. A shot suddenly rang out. The bullet from a semiautomatic struck the man dead center in the forehead. Gil lowered his weapon and yelled a command in German. Darth released the motionless man, leaped off him, and returned to Gil
. The man Jackie had earlier winged was now in a crouched position, firing at them. Jackie rolled across the ground and sat up firing. She shot the man twice in the chest. She just barely heard Gil shouting a warning to her while he fired his weapon. A man from the front of the craft jumped on top of Jackie, crouched on the ground. He took her the rest of the way to the ground, landing on top with a knife in his hand, and attempted to stab her in the throat.

  Jackie held the knife back with both hands and thrust her knee into his ribs several times before inflicting enough pain to distract him from his mission to kill her. Darth was suddenly in on the pile-up and clamped down on the man’s calf with his teeth. The man cried out in agony and attempted to kick the dog off him. Jackie knocked the knife from the man’s hand and punched him in the face. Gil kicked the man in the side with enough impact to toss him off Jackie and across the ground. Darth refused to let go of the man’s leg and rolled with him. The moment the two stopped rolling, Darth re-established his hold on the man’s calf and violently tossed his head while snarling. The man yelled and screamed profanities while kicking Darth with his free leg. Jackie was suddenly standing over the man and kicked him in the face.

  Gil whistled for Darth. Darth released the unconscious man and excitedly ran for Gil, wanting praise for being such a good boy. Gil frowned his disapproval but crouched down and gave the dog the praise he deserved. He then looked up at Jackie as she brushed dirt and grass from her pants.

  “I don’t like what Zack’s been teaching him,” Gil informed her. “It’s nice having Darth watching our backs, but if he keeps going in freestyle, he’s eventually going to catch a stray bullet. Maybe even friendly fire.”

  Jackie frowned and nodded, unable to defend Zack on his quality time with Darth. “I know,” she replied with a reluctant sigh. “I lectured him about his use of the phrase ‘sic balls’ on more than one occasion.”

  Darth suddenly perked up to the words and tilted his head with interest and possible enthusiasm. Gil noticed the dog’s reaction, then groaned and shook his head.


  Ross hurried across the driveway to the luxury sedan Beck and Holden remained crouched behind while watching the front of the house. They hadn’t seen any signs of movement in the last ten minutes. The sound of gunfire was now sporadic, although they had heard multiple gunshots coming from the nearby field. Holden was undoubtedly worried about Jackie falling under fire, but he also knew she was prepared for whatever they threw at her.

  Ross handed Beck the flash drive. “See what’s on here,” he instructed. “Scrub anything relevant to the team before turning it over to the feds.”

  Holden eyed Ross and raised an arrogant brow. “Fed sitting right here,” he announced.

  “Flash the badge next time you say that,” Ross informed him while slapping his shoulder, then grinned. “Carries more weight.”

  “Always a pleasure having you visit, Ross,” Holden muttered, then looked back at the house from behind the car. “What’s going on in there? Should we go in?”

  “You should probably wait for Harris,” Ross informed him. “I don’t have any authority.”

  “Now you’re just messing with me,” Holden remarked lowly under his breath.

  “A little,” Ross teased while smirking.

  Beck chuckled in his throat at the conversation while swiftly working on his laptop. His smile then faded as he stared at the computer screen. “What is this?” he demanded, then looked at Ross.

  “What?” Ross asked and eyed the screen.

  “Hundreds of old family photos,” Beck announced with some irritation, then glared at Ross. “This isn’t the right flash drive!”

  “It was the only one Bogart found in the safe,” Ross insisted.

  Beck snorted a sarcastic laugh. “Well, it’s certainly not the drive filled with super-spy stuff and blackmail worthy secrets,” he remarked. “Do we even know where the real flash drive is?”

  Ross groaned and rubbed his eyes. “That’s the only lead Bogart had,” he replied in a defeated tone. “He searched the office, and you ran a scan on Reeves’s computer. That’s all we have.”

  “Great,” Beck scoffed in disgust and slammed his laptop lid shut. “Somewhere, out there, there could be files upon files of our operations, our families’ personal information, and all our safe house locations. I’m already living off-grid, Ross.” He met Ross’s gaze. “I can’t go any further off-grid than I already am. You’re in the same boat.”

  “We’ll figure it out,” Ross remarked while sinking into thought. “We’re still looking for Reeves. When we find him, we’ll force him to give up the location of the flash drive.”

  “Can we not talk about interrogation in front of the federal agent?” Holden asked without looking at them.

  “Relax, Holden,” Beck announced with a sigh. “We aren’t going to waterboard the guy.”

  “I prefer electroshock therapy,” Ross muttered.

  Holden’s brows knitted as he turned his head, glaring at Ross.

  Ross flashed a grin and chuckled. “You’re too serious; you know that?” Ross tapped his ear transmitter. “Monroe, you copy?”

  “I copy,” Monroe replied over Ross’s ear transmitter.

  “Wrong flash drive,” Ross announced to his comrade. “We need Reeves alive if we want to find the one with all the goodies on it.”

  “Roger that,” Monroe replied over Ross’s ear transmitter.

  Chapter 8

  Decker entered the study while holding his MP5K submachine gun in both hands. He scanned the room and saw the wall safe open and empty. When he noticed no one in the room, he shut the door behind him, hurried behind the desk, and saw the contents of the safe scattered on the floor. Decker slung his weapon over his shoulder, grabbed a nearby briefcase, and dumped the papers from it. He grabbed the stacks of cash and jewelry and stuffed them into the soft leather briefcase. When the study door opened, he spun while snatching his weapon hanging on his side and aimed it at the doorway. Reeves aimed his semiautomatic in response, then relaxed when he realized it was his man. Decker again slung his weapon and finished loading the valuables into the bag.

  “Did they get it?” Reeves asked with a slight snarl in his tone while remaining by the closed door, guarding the opening from any unwanted visitors.

  Decker snatched a decorative cigarette lighter from the desktop, pulled the top off, revealing the flash drive, and flashed it at his boss. “No, they didn’t get it,” he replied, then replaced the cap. “They took the decoy from the safe.” His look turned stern. “Where’s Casandra?”

  “She’s waiting for us by the basement door,” Reeves replied. “Where’s my daughter?”

  “Try the panic room,” Decker announced while indicating the nearby bookcase. “If she’s in there, she’s not opening the door for me.”

  Reeves hurried to the bookcase, pulled on the book lever, and stood aside as the bookcase popped away from the wall. The steel panic room door was sealed. Reeves pounded on the door so his daughter would be able to hear him through the thick steel.

  “Zoey,” Reeves announced while standing close to the door. “Come on, honey. We need to go.”

  On the other side of the panic room door, Zoey stared at the security monitors located along the back wall. The feed was the same as in the security office. In addition to the wall of security monitors, there was a small day bed, shelves of supplies, a wall-mounted phone, and a functioning toilet in what resembled a closet. Zoey looked at the camera feed that revealed her father in the study outside the panic room door. She tensed a moment, then removed the wall-mounted phone and pressed several numbers. The phone only rang twice before a familiar male voice answered.

  “Who is this?” Bogart asked from the other end.

  “Bogart, it’s Zoey,” the frightened woman announced in a hushed whisper into the phone, although it was silly to whisper since her father would never hear her through the thick door. “There’s no time to explain. Daddy and Decker a
re in the study. I think they have what you were looking for. It’s a gold embossed cigarette lighter concealing a flash drive. I saw Decker put it in his pocket. I’m pretty sure they’re heading for the escape hatch in the basement. You can cut them off.” She hesitated a moment and held her breath. “Casandra will be with them. Please don’t shoot her.”

  “Thanks, Zoey,” Bogart replied. “You stay put. I’ll keep Casandra out of the line of fire.”

  Back in the study, Reeves continued to pound on the panic room door. “Zoey, come on, honey,” Reeves insisted. “We need to go.”

  “Leave her,” Decker just about ordered and tossed Reeves the soft leather briefcase. He then unslung his rifle, preparing for a firefight. “They have nothing on her; it’s us they want. The feds won’t arrest her. She’ll be fine. You can send for her later.” He then indicated the study door. “We need to get out of here. Now.”

  Reeves groaned with defeat and allowed the bookcase to close over the sealed panic room door. Decker headed for the study door, opened it, and aimed his weapon into the hallway. When the area was secure, Reeves followed him from the room. Both men hurried down the back hall and reached the basement entrance where Casandra waited. For the first time, she was wearing sensible shoes in anticipation of a hasty getaway. Decker pulled her behind him without explanation.

  “Stay between Reeves and me,” Decker instructed without emotion. “Move when I move; stop when I stop. If I tell you to get down, you get down.”


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