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The Wolf's Bride (Shifters Unleashed Book 1)

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by Natalie Aejaz

  She ended the call and when her mobile rang again, switched it off. Rex kept his face lowered until the heaviness left his head, and he knew the glow in his eyes was gone. Then he turned to her. “Where shall I take you?” She was expressionless, as if in shock. “You need someone to look after you,” he told her. Someone other than him, because how was he supposed to deal with a bride who had been dumped—on her damn wedding day? As a Representative he had been through some shit over the years, but never felt as helpless as right now. Leanne was broken, pining for another man, and he did not know how to comfort her. “Where do you want to go?” She remained silent, in a daze, staring at people walking by on the street. “To Beth?” She sounded like someone who could handle this situation. Leanne shook her head. She needed to be alone? “Back to your place?”

  “They’ll come looking for me there.” She took a tissue from her purse to wipe her eyes and without realizing it, spread black eye makeup across her cheeks. “I want to go somewhere nobody can find me.”

  He knew the feeling, too well. “You’ll have to deal with them at some point.” Running away solved nothing, only delayed the inevitable.

  “I will,” she said, her voice trembling. “When I’m up to it.”

  His instinct was to protect her, but he had his own responsibilities and could not hang out here, waiting. “A hotel or something? Until you’re ready to return …”

  She checked inside her purse, hesitant. “I didn’t bring my credit cards. They’re in my travel bag.”

  The last thing on a bride’s mind would be to carry funds for an emergency hotel room. “Don’t worry about the money. I’ll pay.”

  “Not a hotel.” She tossed her purse to the side. “One look at my dress and they’ll figure out what’s happened.”

  But she had to go somewhere. “I’ll buy you clothes.” With shops nearby, it would not take long to pick up something, and she could wait in a safe place until she was ready to go home.

  She shrugged her shoulders, defeated. “Can you drop me off somewhere I could be alone? Where nobody will see me?”

  That craven bastard had let her down, today of all fucking days, probably broken her heart. Rex could not abandon her in some random place. But if he remained here, with a crying bride in the back of the car, he was sure to attract attention soon; the last thing he needed. So where the hell could he take her?

  The forest?

  It was the only place that ever brought him peace … But what about the GCB work he planned to take care of this morning? He took in her tear-stained face and trembling lips, knowing he could not leave her in this state. Pulling out the mobile he used for Council business, he sent a message to postpone the meeting with the media team to this afternoon. The forest would help clear her head, and then he was dropping her back at her apartment.

  LEANNE HAD DONE WHAT SHE could to be the perfect girlfriend and fiancée, and that bastard Dave still dumped her—on their wedding day. Frustration welled up inside her. As the chauffeur started the engine, he said, “There’s a place, not far outside London—”

  “I don’t want to know.” Her voice shook. “Just take me there.”

  As he drove silence settled between them again. She should have been in the church, family and friends laughing and crying as Dave and she said their marriage vows. Instead, she was alone in the back seat of the car, on her way to God knew where. That miserable thought made tears spring to her eyes. She did not care where the chauffeur was going. Whatever she did, Dave and mum had only ever criticized; it would serve them both right if she disappeared. Around half an hour later they had left London behind and were on a lane with thick trees on either side, a green blur because of her tears. She wiped at her eyes and saw a broken sign with a picture of a car on it, probably indicating a parking area. After a few more minutes he stopped the Mercedes, in a clearing among some trees. A forest? “I wasn’t thinking straight.” He glanced out of the window, at the rain. “I should take you back.”

  To face everyone? Not yet. She stepped out of the car and straight into a pile of mud, a splash of the gunge landing on her skirt. Perfect. The dress she spent weeks choosing was going to be ruined. When she wiped at her eyes, mascara and foundation came away on her hand; the rain not too heavy, but enough to spoil the makeup artist’s hours of hard work. She kicked at the mud so that more landed on her dress. It felt good, destroying it. The chauffeur also got out of the car, concern on his handsome face as he removed his jacket to place it around her shoulders. When he stepped back the white shirt stretched across his broad chest; his thick biceps, previously hidden by the jacket, hinting at his strength.

  She glanced around the trees surrounding them. “I want to go for a walk.”

  “But there will be people wondering where you are.” She was in no bloody mood to worry about anyone else so set off, no idea where. “Wait. I’ll come with you.” Walking with her, he added, “A short walk and I’ll drop you at your apartment.”

  The apartment she had lived in for the last few years. She had already packed her favorite belongings in boxes, and earmarked items for the charity shop—but with the way things were going, she would be living in that place for even more years; alone. As they walked deeper into the forest, the tears came again, mixing with drops of rain. Mum’s voice screamed inside her head, telling her she was an idiot for following a stranger into these parts of the forest. It was bloody weird, probably the effect of being dumped like this, but she trusted this stranger. And what difference did it make—how well she knew him? After knowing Dave for years, she had been clueless about the fucking stunt he was about to pull. Dave could piss off. This stranger had offered to help her out by paying for a hotel room and clothes. Dave, the stingy dickhead, scanned the internet for cheap deals even if they went out for a damn dinner. She was better off without him … Wasn’t she? Saying it was one thing, believing it another. What about all their plans? And how the hell was she supposed to let go of six years? Had he really suddenly decided he did not want her? Or perhaps he never did, and she had been too love struck, or desperate, to see?

  She wiped the tears away. “What’s your name?” she asked the chauffeur, lifting her skirt and maneuvering her legs over a fallen branch. It was just as well that, because of those silly fears about stumbling all over the wedding aisle, she had gone for sequin shoes with a lower heel. She was now wet through, skirt covered in mud, but did not care. Not one iota.

  “My name’s Rex.”

  It was so peaceful here, with only the sounds of birds, creatures and nature. She trailed her fingers along a tree trunk, comforted by its presence. As they walked, she was increasingly disconnected from the world outside, almost forgetting what happened today. Almost. “Rex … what is this place?”

  “Somewhere I bring no one else.” He stopped in a small clearing, turning to her. “I couldn’t think of anywhere else to go.” Trees surrounded them, so thick that little of the sky was visible. The branches above provided shelter, only allowing the odd drop of rain to filter through. “When father passed away, I used to come to this forest for some peace. Maybe you’ll feel better here, too.”

  That was so bloody sweet of him that she was suddenly sobbing. She placed her hand on a tree, letting it support her. “I’ve been such an idiot,” she cried. “How am I going to face people? All the questions?” She did not want to lose it in front of him, but it was all really too much.

  “You must face them sooner or later.” Rex pulled a handkerchief out of his trouser pocket. It was damp from the rain but he used it the best he could to wipe away her tears, the action belying his tough exterior. He really had gone out of his way for her, hadn’t he? As he pressed the sodden hankie into her hand, she glanced at his chest, at how that wet shirt stuck to his skin, giving a tantalizing glimpse of the muscle underneath. “Leanne. Remember, the people who care will understand. And the ones who don’t … they’re not worth it, anyway.” He was right, but the thought of facing everyone … oh God, the compar
isons with Val would be even worse now. She leaned with her back against the tree, crying some more. When there were no more tears she closed her eyes, taking in the silence.

  “Feeling better?” Rex asked eventually. Funnily enough, yes. She nodded, opening her eyes to gaze into the blue of his. “Good. I’ll drop you back soon.”

  Not yet. She sat on the ground, surprisingly dry because of the shelter of the trees. Resting her head against the tree trunk, she could see why he brought her to the forest, an environment so soothing and peaceful she wanted to hide here forever. “I’m staying right here.”

  “I understand this isn’t easy, but staying here won’t solve anything.” His gaze was warm as it rested on her face. “Only you can make things right.”

  “How can I make anything right, when I just mess everything up?” Damn it, why did nothing work out for her? “My sister Val’s a lawyer but I chose a liberal media college and, well, let’s just say my career’s apparently not up to the standard of hers.” As she was often reminded by Dave and her family. And as if that was not enough, Val was married to a stockbroker and busy decorating their new detached house before the baby arrived; whereas she had no bloody savings after blowing everything on this stupid wedding. At this rate she was going to end up renting a cheap apartment forever. “I’m such a failure!”

  “No, you’re not. That Dave’s the failure for not owning up to what he wanted.” Rex frowned. “You might feel like crap now, but it won’t always be this way. Trust me.”

  It would be great to believe him, but life was pretty shit at the moment. “Everything works out for Val. And she’s so gorgeous too, even when heavily pregnant. Look at the fucking state of me!”

  “What the hell are you going on about?” Rex ran a hand through his wet hair, his handsome face tense. “You’re beautiful.”

  With that muddy skirt and makeup running down her face? He was just trying to make her feel better but still, his words cheered her a little. Did Dave ever call her beautiful? All she could remember was his disapproving tone whenever she made a beeline for dessert after dinner. She had managed to go from a size 18 down to 14 and got stuck, but it was not as if he was sporting a bloody six-pack. “You’re being nice, Rex. I could do with losing a few pounds, for starters.”

  Jaw clenched, he looked down at her, and she flushed as his gaze paused at the top of her bodice. He had a hell of a view of her cleavage from that angle, and heated thoughts instantly entered her head, images of his mouth slowly exploring her body. Did he want her? More likely she was being a stupid idiot. Yet her heart sped up at the possibility, gaze lingering on his mouth. Had she ever seen lips so kissable? And how would they feel on hers? Those blue eyes were now on her face, intense. “Don’t fucking compare yourself to the sticks in those idiotic ads. You’re perfect, how you are.” His words were sincere, warming up those places inside her stunned by Dave’s coldness. He cleared his throat as he offered his hand, his voice a touch deeper now. “Time to go back.”

  The last thing she wanted was to be away from him. “All right.”

  She took his hand, the contact driving electricity to every part of her. Heat surged to her cheeks. Dear God, if this was making her insides ache, what would happen if those fingers touched and caressed her body? He pulled her to her feet but did not release her hand, standing still, fingers intertwined. Pressure built between her legs as she imagined losing those crappy inhibitions and kissing him, tasting him. His grip tightened as he drew her closer, her knees going weak at how his muscles slid under his shirt with each movement. When he leaned in, head lowered as if to kiss her, anticipation sent her libido into overdrive. She might have been a clueless idiot in Dave’s case but had no doubt that this man—six foot something, tanned and gorgeous—desired her. She planted her gaze on his lips … how would they taste? Their bodies were now so close she felt the heat emanating from his. Could she do it? Go for what she had wanted since first setting eyes on him? He brought his hand to her face, touch gentle as his thumb grazed her lower lip, his mouth near enough to kiss. But he suddenly stepped back, leaving her with an instant sense of loss. And confusion. “We should get going,” he said, his voice strained.

  Sanity fought desire. “Get going?” Yes, that would be the sensible thing to do. Little old Leanne always did the sensible thing, but was still never good enough. Yet she tried her best, always wanting to please others. Not today, though. Dave could go fuck himself. To think she had agreed to give up her job without a second thought and planned to leave everything to move to Manchester. There was mum’s voice, inside her head. You should be calling Dave, making things right with him. For once, she was going to be the girl mum raised her not to be.

  Rex tensed when she placed her palms on those strong shoulders for balance. She went on her toes to kiss his warm lips and then looked up into his face, expectant. His breathing was harsh, and he groaned, low, hands clenched in resistance. She kissed him again and now his arms moved around her waist, pulling her in closer. As his mouth pressed against hers, hungry, pleasure rushed through her in spasms. She squirmed against his body, the friction making her moan. Where was all this boldness coming from? When his tongue flicked across her lips, she eagerly allowed him entry, the contact sending shivers through her. His hands shifted lower, to her backside, and he brought her up tighter against him, his hot mouth plundering until she was breathless with lust. But then he pulled away, leaving her in a cold shock. He inhaled, deep, as if trying to calm down. “We’re going back.”

  “What?” What?

  “You’re confused, and will only feel worse after this.”

  Damn it, she was a grown woman. Enough of others trying to decide for her. She met those blue eyes with hers, confident. “I want this, Rex.”

  “You need to go home.”

  She struggled to control the disappointment. “Dave doesn’t want me. You don’t want me. What the fuck’s wrong with me?”

  He held her by the waist to pull her into his body, an edge entering his voice. “Listen, Leanne. Nothing’s wrong with you.” Difficult to believe after being told for years she could do nothing right. “It’s this Dave who’s sick, letting you down like this. If I ever met him, I don’t know what I’d do to him for hurting you. You deserve better than him, and all the people who’ve made you feel like crap.”

  Her heart speeded up as he cradled the back of her head with his hand, gently kissing her cheek and then the corner of her lips, before closing his mouth over hers. Her hands went straight to his shoulders, his muscles rippling beneath her fingertips and making her gasp in anticipation of what lay under his shirt. Rex pressed his lips against hers with even more force, pushing her up against the tree, his jacket falling from her shoulders as that heated body molded against her. She whimpered when his tongue entered her mouth again. His breath was coming and going fast, and when he tilted his face to look down at her, his eyes were dark with desire; now leaving no doubt about how much he wanted her.

  He kissed her again, resting one hand against the trunk of the tree as the other pushed her skirt up to her waist. Grabbing the outside of her thigh, he lifted her leg and wrapped it around him, so that her core pressed against his body. She rubbed against him, wanting to be closer, but it was not enough. His eyes were blazing with need when she pulled her mouth away to open the buttons of his shirt, pushing it back to reveal a glorious sight—wide shoulders, tanned skin and thick dark hair that started at that chiseled chest and trailed down over rock hard abs, disappearing into the waistband of his trousers. As he took her lips again, she held onto his shoulders and brought up her other leg so that both her thighs were clutching his waist. He grabbed her backside, supporting her against the tree, his mouth claiming hers as her hips pulsed against him. “Please Rex,” she whispered against his lips, gripping harder with her legs.

  Keeping her tight against him, he lowered her to the ground, his body between her thighs as he shrugged out of his shirt. His lips fastened on hers, tongue exploring a
s he got rid of that veil and pulled the pins out of her hair; her back arching as his hand went to the back of her bodice, opening the lace. She could not make any sense of what was happening, not when this need was so overwhelming, consuming her. Heat shot through her as his mouth moved down her neck to the flesh pressing against the top of the bodice, tongue dipping into her cleavage as his fingers eased the material down. With a groan he pressed firm kisses over her breasts, breath hot against her skin, before circling her stiff nipples with his tongue. Even as she arched in anticipation, his lips returned to hers, bare chest skimming over her nipples. Torture! She placed her hands on his shoulders, wanting to guide him back to her breasts, but he pressed his body harder against hers to keep her in place as he kissed her. Please, Rex. He returned his attention to her breasts—yes!—kissed the soft flesh and finally dragged his tongue over an erect nipple, making her cry out in bliss. She would forget everything else and just enjoy this.

  The pressure was building inside as his mouth sucked one nipple and fingers teased the other, setting her whole body on fire. Letting go of her wrists, his hand went between their bodies to inside her thighs, moving upward and pausing against the lacy material, the only barrier to his touch. She tensed … because even while she wanted this—desperately—he was a stranger, his touch unfamiliar. He lifted his head, and for a moment she could have sworn there was a flicker of light in his eyes. “Do you want this?” he asked. His voice had gone all husky, sending goosebumps over her arms.


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