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The Wolf's Bride (Shifters Unleashed Book 1)

Page 9

by Natalie Aejaz

  He was not about to send her into a panic by revealing that beasts were widespread among humans. “Not that many. Not really.”

  “And where did shapeshifters come from?” She tilted her head. “An experiment gone wrong?”

  If anyone else had referred to him as that, his beast would have clamored for release. But when she said it, it sounded cute. “We’ve evolved naturally like any other species,” he told her, “It’s just the potential reaction of humans keeping us underground.” When his kind roamed free, humans subjected them to genocide, but he did not want to even go there. He tried to keep his voice light as he picked up the plates, taking them to the sink. “Like humans, we also have lots of origin stories.” He could not help adding, “But unlike you guys, we don’t kill each other over them.”

  She lifted her eyebrows. “Touché.” She stood in front of the sink, turning on the tap. “I’ll do the washing,” she said, “You can do breakfast.” She hesitated. “You’re staying?”

  “Of course,” he replied, loving how she assumed he would. He placed his arms around her as she washed the dishes. “Anyway, what’s with all the questions? Something on your mind?”

  “It’s just that I’m suddenly noticing animal qualities in people ...” He kissed her shoulder, giving it a light nip. She now trusted him enough to allow it. “Probably my imagination. There can’t be that many shapeshifters living among us, can there?” There certainly could. And she was noticing the signs other humans would not, because shifters were now a part of her reality. She suddenly stilled. “Rex? There must be pretty dangerous shifters too?”

  Would she ever stop being afraid of his kind? “Yes, like there are dangerous humans. But a shifter agency carried out research a few years ago and concluded the average person was at least a thousand times more likely to be harmed by another human than a shapeshifter.” He pushed her hair to the side, kissing the nape of her neck, making her tremble. “So you’ve nothing to fear.” When he moved his hand to her breast to stroke her erect nipple through the material, she softly moaned and pressed her ass against him. He lifted the hem of her dress, shifting it to her waist, before opening the zip of his jeans. Pulling her hips back, he rested his erection against her entrance for a moment before pushing into her. The dishes were forgotten and water left to run as he growled against her ear, losing control and thrusting into her until she was crying out his name and saying she only wanted him. Deep inside, he hoped she meant it.

  Because he did not know how he would handle his beast if she ever told him it was over.

  WHEN LEANNE WALKED INTO THE small Soho bar, it was crowded—Friday evening crowd and all that—but Beth had secured a table, and there were even two gin and tonics ready on it. Good old Beth.

  “Look at you, babe!” Beth’s mouth was open as she stared. Leanne had bought her first pair of skinny jeans and only an hour ago was fretting over whether to wear them. When she checked the mirror that age-old question about the size of her ass came to mind but eventually she decided that yes, her backside looked good in the jeans. And then she went through a similar agony with her new backless but elegant gold-colored top. It was an outfit she would not have dared contemplate a few weeks ago. “You look fucking amazing!”

  Leanne grinned. She might never achieve the figure she once dreamed of, but so what? These days she preferred to consider herself curvy. “So do you.”

  She had always envied her friend’s elfin face, which could pull off any hairstyle. Beth waved away her words. “I’m a flat-chested stick—deal with it.”

  “You’re beautiful, Beth,” she said, “And don’t let anyone tell you any different.”

  Her friend lifted her eyebrows. “Something’s changed about you, but I can’t put my finger on it.” She grinned. “Is it to do with your sexy stranger?” All Beth knew was that Leanne had met with the chauffeur again and they were now hooking up, regularly. Her best friend had no idea she was getting off with a shapeshifter—and loving it. Even when Rex lost control over his fangs and bladelike claws during sex, it turned her on instead of scaring her. “Dave breaking off the wedding is the best thing that could have happened to you,” Beth said, “I never did like him.”

  Leanne nearly spluttered into her gin and tonic. “You never told me that.” Not so openly anyway, although she had caught on that Beth and Dave would never be friends.

  “You seemed so into him.” Beth shrugged her shoulders. “I didn’t want to spoil things for you. But hey, I dropped enough hints.” She paused. “Remember I told you he was an idiot, when he said there would be no room in your new place together for your artworks? Even though he knew you’d been collecting them for years? What did the dickhead say? They weren’t the most stylish of choices, and better off at a charity shop?” Dave had not been particularly taken with Beth either. He also never said much but a few times did try to stop Leanne from going out with her best friend. And what about the time when he mentioned how irresponsible Beth was, told Leanne she should get her spare key back? Apparently, it irked him that she had one too. “Anyway, forget about him,” said Beth. “We’re here to celebrate your promotion.”

  “It’s a trial,” she reminded her.

  “They’d be idiots not to promote you. We both know you’re getting the job.” Leanne had not wanted this celebration. Beth was laid off from work almost a month ago when her company closed and had not secured another position yet. Who knew why, when she was one heck of a PA? Her friend had insisted on a night out and despite Leanne’s protests, even decided to treat her. Leanne was getting concerned for her, but with Beth’s experience it would not be long before she found something. “And once you’ve got your promotion confirmed, a proper party with the rest of the girls. No excuses.”

  “No excuses, I promise.” Beth had wanted to invite the rest of their friends but Leanne insisted on waiting for Alan’s response on the permanent role. She lifted her drink. “Cheers!” To friendship, hot sex, and awesome careers.

  “So what’s hitting your site next?” Beth asked, after taking a sip from her glass.

  “Lots of spirit possessions.” Harry had been in touch again, claiming his source had reported that the security service was making the mystery of shifter sightings a priority. Yes, a crucial development, and it was bloody difficult thinking of plausible reasons to not bring the shapeshifter stories back. “Anyway, let’s not talk about work.”

  “We’ll talk about whatever you like, once I’ve popped to the loo.”

  Beth was not coming out of the restroom without touching up her makeup, which left Leanne alone with her thoughts. How much truth was there in Harry’s claims about the security service? She had already gotten too involved and should be calling it quits with Rex right now. Easier said than done. She felt way too secure with him, considering they had agreed to no commitment. And she could not get over how, even after weeks, their need for each other was insatiable. Just this morning, when she came out of the shower in a towel, he could not keep his hands off her; driving her over the edge with his touch until she begged him to fuck her on the dressing table. And then she had taken another shower, with him. What the hell was it about him, making her miss him even after just a few hours apart? Despite all those years with Dave, she never once felt the connection she did with Rex.

  And he treated her better than any other man ever had … Stop it, Leanne.

  She should not be thinking down this route. Hadn’t Rex already told her that beasts enjoyed casual sex, plenty of it, but only until they found a mate? The one. No matter how much he insisted he cared only about her, sooner or later this would be over when he found his mate. What had he said? For him, she would be his bride. The idea of Rex lavishing his attention on another female, who meant more to him than Leanne ever could, made her want to fling her glass across the bar. What the hell was happening to her? He was a bloody shapeshifter, one the government might be hunting soon.

  Focus on something else, like work. Her first week as the senior edito
r had been successful. She had taken some tough decisions—like ensuring Bill stuck to his own desk, and Diane to allocated breaks. Nobody was more surprised by this attitude than her, but the productivity of the staff had increased, and the awesome thing was that Alan had noticed. The permanent position was more or less in the bag …


  Dave? What the fuck? “What are you doing here?”

  “I’m meeting a client for a drink.” His eyes were traveling up and down her body, making her cringe. “You look … different.”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “How are you?”

  “Doing great. Fancy some company until my client gets here?”

  “Actually, I’m here with Beth.”

  His expression revealed all she needed to know about how little he thought of her friend. Why the hell did she ignore so much shit when it came to Dave? Had she really been so wrapped up in that idiotic dream of creating a future with him? “Oh, I’ll leave you alone, then.”

  “Enjoy your night, Dave.”

  He did not move. “Why are you being so cold?”

  “Am I?” If she was, he bloody deserved it. “Maybe you don’t get it, but a lot has changed.”

  His gaze lowered to her cleavage, and she had to resist the urge to pull the edges of her neckline together. “Anyway, how’s work? Still at that crazy news place?”

  “Things are great.” She gave him a sweet smile. “In fact, I’ve been promoted. Senior editor.”

  His eyes were wide with surprise. And there was something else in them … admiration? Not quite the shrinking wallflower, huh? “That’s impressive, but weren’t you thinking of leaving that job?”

  Yes, when they both planned to move to Manchester together. After their wedding. How fucking dense was he? And now she came to think of it, he did not even check with her before accepting that promotion, expecting her to give up her job just like that. Had she really wanted to spend the rest of her life with him? Or was it just the idea of being married to an eligible guy—as mum had said, finally getting something right—that was appealing? “My work decisions have nothing to do with you, do they Dave?”

  He hesitated, her response obviously surprising him. “Glad things are working out for you.” He shrugged his shoulders. “Fancy meeting up sometime, for dinner or something?” He glanced over her shoulder and before she could tell him where to shove his invitation, said, “I’ll be in touch.”

  As he walked away, Beth returned to the table. No wonder he disappeared so suddenly.

  “Were you talking to a guy?” Her friend nudged her. “Are you on a roll, or what? But I didn’t get a look at him … who was he?”

  “That fuckface Dave.” He did not get it, did he, that he had behaved like an asshole?

  Beth looked as if she had swallowed something distasteful. “What did he want?”

  “Trying to be friendly, would you believe it?”

  Her friend took two fingers to her mouth and made a retching gesture. “Men like him never learn. I hope you told him about your promotion?”

  “Temporary promotion.” She grinned. “Although I didn’t tell him it was a trial. You should have seen his face. When we were together, he would not even acknowledge the effort I put into my job, as if it was only an idiotic hobby …”

  Beth was right. Dave breaking it off was the best thing that could have happened. He had spared her a lifetime of fucking misery. As for him waiting until the day of the wedding, she was not as pissed about that anymore, either—because if he had broken up with her before then, she might never have met Rex …


  * * *

  AS SOON AS HE WOKE UP, Rex reached for her, pulling her to him so he could bury his face in her hair, inhaling her scent.

  I can’t get enough of you.

  He kissed Leanne’s forehead, leaving a trail of soft kisses along her jaw and neck, stroking her bare collarbone with his lips. She opened her eyes, coming even closer and resting her cheek on his chest. “Morning,” she murmured, pressing her nose against him. His lips curled up in a smile as she inhaled, her action reminding him of a wolf. “You smell wonderful.”

  So did she. To the point of driving him wild. She dozed off again, breathing softly against his chest. Her heartbeat was gentle and reassuring, the scent of her contentment filling him with bliss. Using all his willpower to move away from her naked body, he got out of bed and pulled on his jeans before heading to the kitchen. His wolf growled with satisfaction as he pottered around the kitchen, making her coffee as she liked it in the morning. Black and strong, with no sugar. Good job Tyr could not see him right now because he would scoff at him behaving like a love-struck idiot.

  When he returned to the bedroom, she was still asleep. He placed the coffee on the bedside table before sitting on the bed and gently pushing a lock of hair back from her face. She might be late for work at this rate, which would not do when she had this promotion to secure. He whispered into her ear. “Wake up.”

  Maybe one day his brother would also know the simple pleasure a wolf could have from making a cup of coffee for his mate … and understand how it felt to anticipate her joy when she woke up to the little gesture. He pulled his fingers away from her face, as if burned. Mate? Impossible. She was human …

  She opened her eyes, pulling the bed sheet up around her nakedness. “Morning again,” she smiled, before taking one look at his expression and sitting up. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. Coffee?”

  When her face lit up with the glow he had hoped for, he did not give a damn if the entire world thought he was a love-struck idiot. “You’re just too good to me.”

  But not good enough to be considered for more than a casual affair. How long would this last? Until she found someone more compatible? He lowered his gaze, hiding his emotions. Leanne was used to the glowing eyes, claws and odd fang; but he did not want to keep reminding her of what he was, not when it was the reason keeping them apart.

  She sighed as she drank the coffee, her contentment making him forget his own reservations for a moment. She reckoned she was messed up, but she was so straightforward compared to some human females he had had casual affairs with. No airs and graces, and when she said she was happy with no commitment, she meant it. Of course, in this case he was the one who desired for something deeper. Not just deeper, I want you for my mate.

  Would she ever accept him for what he was?

  “What the hell are you thinking about, Rex?”

  He stood, reaching for his shirt. “Just thinking about getting to work.”

  When she pouted he wanted nothing more than to climb back into bed with her, kiss those beautiful lips and soft skin, thrust inside her until they were both too exhausted to move. “You can’t stay a bit longer?”

  He needed to get dressed before he was incapable of leaving. She watched him over the rim of the coffee cup, eyes lingering on his chest as he pulled on his shirt. That naughty glint in them nearly broke him. “You also have to be at work soon.”

  “Yep, I better get up.” She did not move, staring up at him. “See you soon?”

  “I’ll try my best.” He longed for a normal life with her, where they could be together without worries of a potential conflict between beasts and humans—where he could introduce her to Tyr, mother and the rest of his shifter friends …

  “What’s up?” When he shook his head, she stood, the bed sheet wrapped around her. That material was the only thing separating him from her naked curves. Don’t reach out for her. “You’ve got something on your mind, and I reckon it’s to do with us.”

  How the fuck had she got to understand him so well? “I was thinking … wouldn’t it be great if …” He might only spoil things by bringing this up. “No, it’s nothing.”


  She was getting pretty feisty these days, and he loved the change in her. He just hoped he was not about to rub her up the wrong way. “I was wondering … if maybe we could meet each other�
�s families one day?” That look on her face was not good. “Only a thought …”

  “Families? You’re talking about getting serious?” She visibly tensed, her expression shocked; not the reaction he had hoped for. He should have bloody kept quiet, but too late now. “But we agreed no attachments … What were you saying the other day? Shifters just have casual relationships with humans? And only go serious with their mates?”

  That was what he had intended, and when they first got together, believed this would be enough. But now he wanted her for his mate—and if he told her that it might be the sure way to scare her off. “Casual is fine, if that’s what you want.”

  “If that’s what I want?” She frowned. “What other choice is there? I mean, what do you expect me to tell mum? I’m seeing a werewolf?” She suddenly grinned, surprising him. “Although I’d love to see her face. Hey, could you shift in front of her for me?”

  “Leanne, I’m being serious.”

  She paused. “I’m sorry,” she said, “But in the end, you’re a shapeshifter and I’m human.” Was that regret in her voice? “What’s the point of even thinking of the future?” He believed the same once, but now the situation had changed. For him, at least. “Being with you is one thing, but meeting a whole family of wolves? And what about them? Would they be happy about us?”

  If only he could say yes. “Mother will come around, but my brother may take convincing.” Tyr now knew about his relationship with Leanne—hell, after he picked up her scent from Rex a few times it had been too much effort to keep lying to him. He had not taken the news well, making it clear how fucked up he found the idea of Rex being with a human.


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