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The Wolf's Bride (Shifters Unleashed Book 1)

Page 12

by Natalie Aejaz

  Leanne backed away. “I’ll give you some privacy. As I said, it’s best to get yourself home …”

  Diane’s voice trembled. “Thank you.”

  Leanne fought back a headache as she sat at her desk. Bloody hell. Diane’s reaction to the success of the shifter campaign, and those times she rushed out when the mobile in her bag went off—it all whizzed around her mind at a hundred miles an hour, driving her dizzy. Was that why Diane had asked about Rex? Not out of interest in Leanne’s love life, but because he was a fellow shapeshifter? Rex had mentioned he was well known among the shifters …

  “I’ll leave now then, if that’s okay.” Diane’s voice came from behind her, making her jump.

  “Yes, of course.” She looked up into her colleague’s weak attempt at a smile. “And don’t hurry back.” How had she never noticed that Diane’s smile had a feline quality about it?

  “I’ll be in the office tomorrow,” said Diane, before going over to her desk to pick up her bag.

  Leanne jumped again when her phone beeped. A message from Rex. Still caught up with stuff but trying my best to make it tonight. xx

  She bloody hoped he would make it. They had a lot to discuss … a hell of a lot.

  LEANNE DECIDED ON A short red dress that evening and left her hair open, the way she was growing to like it. She had been unable to get hold of Rex again but was making an effort, just in case. Apart from missing him like hell, she needed to tell him about the man taken by the security service, a conversation she was not looking forward to. If the guy was a shifter, was it possible he was Diane’s brother? It would explain her colleague’s distress. And Diane being a shifter also explained why she was so cold when Leanne put out articles about shapeshifters. She had honestly believed Diane was jealous. And when her colleague palmed her own work off on her … was she trying to keep her from investigating the stories?

  At the sudden sound of the doorbell she rushed to the door, the smile on her face freezing when she opened it. “Dave?”

  What a fucking come down.

  He paused, eyes on her dress and appreciation obvious in his expression. “Mind if we talk?” He entered the living room without waiting for an answer.

  “I’m on my way out.” She glanced at the clock. Already after 8. What was he doing here at this time, without even bothering to call first?

  Dave was looking her up and down. If she knew he would turn up she would have worn a dressing gown over the dress. He frowned. “On a date?”

  Shit. He was not bloody jealous, was he? “I’m going out with Beth. In fact, I’m running late.” She wanted the jackass out of here, pronto.

  “Any chance you could cancel Beth? I need to talk?” Her expression must have made her response to that request obvious, because he added, “But if you need to leave, I can make it quick.” What did he want, anyway? He already had his stupid ring back. “Leanne, what would you think about giving it another shot?”

  What was he going on about? “Giving what another shot?”

  “Us. You have to admit, we were good together.”

  Was he serious? Didn’t he realize that only a few weeks ago he had ditched her on the day of their wedding? Even Dave could not be that dense. “You’re talking about getting back together?”

  Please say no. “Yes.” Had he fucking lost it? “I know I panicked on the way to the church but everything was happening so fast, and I wasn’t sure we were right for each other. I mean, I was doing so well at work and you—you didn’t even know what to talk about when I introduced you to people …” He shrugged his shoulders. “Come on Leanne, don’t look at me like that. Your own mum said I could do better.” Anger flared through her. She wished she was a bloody beast. Dave’s expression when he saw her claws come out would be something. “But after seeing how much you’ve changed; I mean, you’re so confident and everything now”—no fucking thanks to him—“I reckon it might work. What do you say?”

  Fuck you. “You should leave, Dave.”

  “I understand you need to consider—”

  “That’s the last thing I need. The answer is a big fat no.” If this prat did not get out of her apartment, she would not be responsible for her actions. “Please get out. Now.”

  “How about you just take some time to think?”

  “And how about you just fuck off?”

  Her response stunned him into silence, but it was not long before he found his voice again. “That’s not what you really want—”

  Now she was going to lose it. “What else do you think I want? Do you really believe I want anything to do with a sad bastard like you? Just piss off!” The bloody self-centered, egotistical idiot!

  His mouth opened and closed. And then opened again. “You’re upset and not thinking straight,” he mumbled. Seriously, did he not give up? She clenched her hands into fists as she struggled for control. Finally the asshole got the message, turning to leave, but then paused at the doorway. “When you calm down, you’ll realize what a big mistake—”

  She slammed the door in his face.

  DAVE? WALKING OUT OF Leanne’s building?

  Rex froze, the anticipation of seeing her dissipating. He was one hell of an idiot. Early this morning, the Special Response Team had been notified that the authorities captured a beast last night. Instead of dealing with that, he was here; only to see Leanne’s ex walk out of her place.

  His wolf was ready to rise and go for Dave, but he held it back, trying to calm down. He was in a shit mood and should be walking away from her apartment. There was so much to deal with: the shapeshifter’s capture, growing tension among his kind, uncertainty about Leanne’s feelings for him … and the list went on. His own bloody brother was barely talking to him after accusing Rex of allowing his feelings for Leanne to influence his decisions in GCB matters. And the new regulation did not fucking help right now. He got it—with increasing surveillance, if beasts learned to restrict the number of times they shifted, there was a lower chance of being discovered. But he needed to release pent-up stress, and his wolf would not hold out for much longer. I have to go to the forest tonight.

  But first, he needed to know where he stood with Leanne. He entered the apartment building, going up the stairs two at a time. He did not bother with the bell, instead banging on the door, harder than he intended. Dave being at her apartment probably meant nothing, but his beast was rearing its head, desperate to claim her for its own. Was his brother right? Could humans not be trusted?

  When she opened the door, he drew in a sharp breath, the anger easing off as he stepped into the living room. That little red dress clung to her curves, and she had made an effort with her hair and makeup. But for whom? He was being an idiot, she was obviously happy to see him—or was it the prospect of good sex that brought the gorgeous smile to her face? Maybe that really was all she wanted from him.

  She looked at his eyes, hesitant. “What’s wrong, Rex?”

  His tone was harsh. “What was he doing here?”

  “Dave?” Her smile was fading as she shut the door. “He came to see me.”


  She frowned. “Seriously Rex, you coming on all possessive is not what I need at the moment.” Possessive? She had no idea of how he had suppressed his nature all this while, denying his beast that clamored for her even now.

  “You’re dressed like this, to meet your ex?”

  “This wasn’t for him.” That smile was well and truly gone. “And I can dress how I want.”

  Yes, she had every right to do as she wished. So why the hell am I behaving like an idiot? “And what about us?” He held her by the shoulders. “You’re not planning to go back to him, are you?” His beast tried to rise at the thought, and he struggled to regain his balance. She could not be so stupid. If she is stupid, then what am I?

  “I don’t want Dave.” Her words would have brought him relief if she did not take a step back while saying them. “But why are you coming on so strong, when we both agreed on no attachmen
ts? When this has no future?”

  “You don’t mean that, Leanne.” Please tell me you don’t. “You know how much I care about you.” They could make this work if she would give it a chance.

  “I care about you too, you know I do …” Frustration flashed across her face. “But we can’t get too involved, Rex.”

  He would have agreed with her once, but not anymore. “We’re already involved.”

  “You’re right,” she admitted. “But what about the future?” Her voice faltered. “I always wanted a regular guy, a normal family.” Something he could never give her. He wanted nothing more than to see her as his bride—he would go through all the fucking human rituals on earth if that was what made her happy—but what about the fact she wanted kids? Rex could see himself having a family with her, but how would she feel about children who were part-beast? And what about the kids? He thought of Xia who could not live as a human, but was taunted as a half-breed and had to keep proving her loyalty to the shapeshifters.

  “We can make it work if we try.” He now sounded unconvinced even to his own ears. Making this relationship work under stable circumstances would have been difficult enough, and now there was the real prospect of conflict between humans and shifters—if that war started, it was unlikely to end during their lifetimes.

  “We’re both already so affected by this, so how’s it going to be down the line?” Her eyes shone with emotion. “You’re rubbish at hiding how deeply you feel about me. As for me, you’ve got no idea of what I went through today.” Her voice caught. “I thought you might have been taken by the security service.”

  How the hell …? “You know about the captured beast?”

  “Yes. Through a source. And that’s what I wanted to tell you … but you already know?” He nodded. “That means he is a shapeshifter?”

  “Yes.” But that was not all. The beast had a sister, and by some damn coincidence, she worked with Leanne. “The one who’s been taken … you know his sister.” He swallowed, knowing he was compromising his role as a Representative by giving her the information, but damn it, she was at risk. “She’s a colleague of yours.” Her eyes widened, but in understanding rather than shock. “You have to be careful, Leanne. Never reveal anything you know about shifters. In fact, don’t even mention them at work.”

  “I don’t care about all that Rex, I can handle it.” She was now on the verge of tears. “What matters is that it could have been you who was caught.” The thought of him in trouble had shaken her. He reached out, taking her in his arms to comfort her. She inhaled, deep, against his chest, and was stifling her tears as she lifted her head. “Do you have any idea how worried I was today? What if I could not get hold of you?”

  There was genuine fear in her eyes, for him. Soon he could be in hiding, being hunted. She did not deserve that. He should stop this now, but could not let go of her, the thought sending rage in a rush through his body, fueling his wolf. He pulled her tighter against him. “Leanne. I need to be with you.”

  “I want to be with you too, Rex.” Her lips trembled, a tear falling down her face. “But this, there’s no future—”

  He brought his mouth down on hers, kissing her savagely, and she responded with an equal hunger. It was all he needed to know, that she wanted to be with him. Her arms went around his neck as she gave herself up to his touch. She was meant to be with him. Not with Dave, or anyone else.

  She was shivering with need as he brought his hand under the hem of her dress, and he almost lost control when he felt how wet and ready for him she was. I want you, now. He pushed her to the carpet, lifting her dress and pulling her panties down, opening the zip of his jeans and pushing into her with a forceful thrust. She cried out his name, her hips grinding around his erection. You are mine. As he kissed her shoulder his claws shot out, too fast for his comfort. No! He placed his hands on either side of her on the floor as he pushed into her, unable to stop the fangs, which grew long. Stay back, wolf. He fought for control, but his beast was too strong. Please … He should not have come here, not when so angry, and afraid of losing her. Not when his fucking wolf clamored for release. She was shaking as she moaned his name, loud. “Rex,” she panted, raising her hips. “Harder!” His tee shirt stretched across his muscles as his body expanded, and he kept his head to the side, not wanting to look her in the face. She suddenly froze underneath him. “Rex? What’s happening to you?”

  He shook his head, frustration ripping through him. “Nothing.” His voice sounded too deep. Fuck, he had lost control, after promising her he never would. He pulled out of her, closing the zip of his jeans before resting on all fours as he drew in long breaths, struggling to resist his wolf. She let out a small cry when she got a proper look at him and, overcome by nausea, he turned away from her horror. How frightening must it be for her to witness him like this, with his increased size and the shadow of a wolf flashing over him? She scrambled away from him as he remained on the carpet, his beast calming down. His claws gradually retracted and fangs shortened, but she remained against the wall, her fear invading his senses.

  She is terrified of me.

  “Leanne. I would never hurt you.”

  She shook her head, eyes wide and lips trembling, her expression alternating between horror and disgust. He did not know which was worse.

  It is over.

  REX DID NOT SPEAK FOR a long, long time.

  His body might have returned to normal but there was still that glow in his eyes, reminding Leanne that a few moments ago she glimpsed a wolf on his handsome face. He was still on the floor, only the sound of her panicked breathing filling the living room. How could she have trusted him? He was one of those creatures that tore humans apart with fangs and claws.

  How did I forget what he is?

  He straightened from the crouched position, taking a step toward her. She swallowed her terror, pressing back against the wall. He noticed—and stopped. When she glanced at the door behind him, the only escape from her apartment, he noticed that too. Any minute now he would leap at her, and she had nowhere to run.

  When he spoke, the sound of his voice made her jump. “I’m leaving, Leanne.” He suddenly appeared exhausted, the stubble around his jaw indicating he had not shaved since they last saw each other. How the hell did a man with his height and body—a beast—look so vulnerable? Weeks of bliss rushed through her head; romantic dinners, laughter, falling asleep in his arms, and waking up to soft kisses. And then there was the reality of what he was. She cleared her throat, holding back the tears that would weaken her. He turned from her. “I won’t be back.”

  He was going to walk away? Just like that? Her breath caught, the thought of not seeing him again nearly sending her to him, to reassure him they could get past what had just happened. Why was the idea of letting go so painful when she had always insisted they had no future together? And was now scared of him. He is a beast. One who might harm her if he went out of control. She wanted to say she agreed with him, and it was best if he never came back, but the words would not come out of her mouth.

  As he approached the door he paused, turning back again. “I might as well tell you, seeing as there’s nothing to lose.” He stared at her as if he was trying to memorize every detail about her face. “I wanted you as my mate.”

  His words hit her in the stomach. “Mate?”

  “Yes.” Those blue eyes flickered with emotion as they rested on hers, making her want to cry. “Leanne. I love you.”

  He walked away without saying another word, and when the door shut behind him she collapsed to the floor. By the time she got her head around what he had told her, it was too late to go after him. He loved her? He wanted her as his mate, meaning he had hoped for a future together … The thought of him not coming back tore at her emotions until she was sobbing, loud, trying to release the pain. Had she truly hurt him too bad for him to return?

  She was a fucking idiot, she really was. Why the hell had she believed he might be dangerous when he had never
given her any reason to be afraid?

  All he had ever done was care for her, love her.


  * * *

  IT HAD BEEN OVER A WEEK and Rex was not answering her calls or messages. Leanne had imagined herself heartbroken after receiving that phone call from Dave, but the misery of being dumped by that dickhead was nothing compared to this.

  After yet another sleepless night she woke up early, eyes still closed as she reached out, her fingers clutching at empty space. Tears fell, and she turned to hide her face in the pillow. God damn it, why wouldn’t the pain just go? She felt at her neck for the pendant, his gift, which she had not removed since he left, needing to keep him close somehow. Closing her eyes again, she tried to go back to sleep, but gave up an hour later and reached for her mobile to call him. No answer. After showering and getting dressed, she tried again. Same result. She got it—he must have felt like crap when she responded to his change in that manner—but how could they work this out if he kept ignoring her calls? And she had no idea of where he lived or worked. If only he had not been so damn secretive. She pressed her fingers against her forehead and rubbed for a few seconds, her bloody headache getting worse with each passing day. A few minutes later she rang his mobile again, desperate to know how—and where—he was, but now there was a dead tone. She was completely cut off from him. No! She flung her mobile to the other side of the living room and sat on the floor, exhausted. If he did not get in touch, it really was over.


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