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Complete Control

Page 4

by L. V. Lane

  Command issued, Hudson stalked off, heading into the bathroom.

  Why was this happening to me? Had I been a bad person in a previous life?

  I stared after his retreating back, and the sounds of rushing water followed. As a Healer, the smell of blood invoked a sense of malaise. I should be grateful he was cleaning himself up.

  It wasn’t his blood, I could tell that straight away. Butterflies swirled and batted gentle wings inside me at the evidence of his skill.

  I’d witnessed that skill first hand. He’d saved me…and then he’d rejected me.

  I sighed. This was really happening.

  I’d dreamed of this, even after that dreadful rejection. It was like I couldn’t help punishing myself with a scenario where he secretly wanted me. I’d twisted events up in my mind. One moment acknowledging what had really happened, and the next, taking it off on a much more palatable tangent. I’d imagined him taking his cock out and feeding it to me while we’d been in that tiny medical bay. Imagined him fucking me on the tiny bed, on that flimsy, creaking chair, putting his hands and mouth everywhere he possibly could.

  And I’d imagined other scenarios of us meeting like this, and of him being my Controller. Of him changing his mind about wanting me.

  Physically, I hadn’t changed—at all. I was still tiny, still a brunette with a figure that was no one's idea of voluptuous, and clearly still a kitten in his eyes.

  Reality wasn’t a pleasant place, and it crushed those foolish daydreams like delicate flowers under a boot.

  Here I was, dumped brutally into my own personal hell. I would get through this.

  I had no idea how, but I would.

  I was still staring at the bathroom door when Hudson returned. He hadn’t bothered to wrap a towel around his waist. Clean, mostly dry, just a slight dampness to his hair…and naked.

  I questioned why his state of undress should shock me given his earlier command. I think maybe those terse instructions had not yet registered—and really who would say something like that?

  I had never been allocated to an Alpha before—but despite his arrogant demand, the sight of him was having a predictable effect. I’d dedicated a great deal of time to imagining the body inside that form-fitting black uniform. My dreams did not do him justice, which was really pissing me off. Couldn’t he have a tiny cock or something? If he had a tiny cock, I was sure I would feel a whole lot better.

  My body didn’t care about his rudeness. It was my mind that didn’t want to acknowledge that I liked the filthy demand he made when we walked in the room. I thought I would like everything he did and said, and the more arrogant, the more vulgar, the more I would like it.

  It’s biological, I reminded myself. I was predisposed to find his dominance desirable as much as I admired his raw strength and vitality. Big, intimidating, and rippling with ropey muscle. His cock was huge, and I looked away from him—and it. He wasn’t even hard, and he was huge. It hung down, thick and long. I’d seen the bulge that day in the medical bay; could barely drag my eyes from it. How had he fit all that in his armor?

  I shuddered and could not decide if it was from fear or anticipation.

  “What the fuck are you doing there? Strip and get on the bed, Healer.”

  The way he tacked Healer on the end, like an insult, injected a shot of determination into my veins.

  The recruiter's cruel words played back. Hudson didn’t want to be here, he had made that abundantly clear. “No.”

  “No?” His tone was sharp with incredulity.

  But his cock twitched at my defiance, and I took perverse pleasure in that.

  “What happened to the, yes sir?” A tic thumped in his jaw. His face was still the ruggedly handsome one I remembered. He hadn’t changed either—damn it. “I knew this allocation was a mistake.”

  “You are just one big asshole,” I said seriously. “Every time you open your mouth, your assholeness pours out!”

  Where had that outburst sprung from? Obeying a Controller—obeying everyone—had become my new norm, and I had no idea what was possessing me to try and change that now.

  And with him.

  “You haven’t asked,” I continued while he gaped. “Everyone asks.” This was true, they did, usually with a smirk on their face and their hands on me, cocks straining to escape the confines of their armor or ship-side uniform. Still they asked. Begged more often, even though a Healer always invests. It was part of the game, part of the dance.

  Only I wasn’t investing today. And he had made it more than clear that he wasn’t interested in the game.

  As my arms folded in a blatant display of defiance, I questioned my actions. I was going to regret this later, but I was too high on my little power trip to worry about the consequence now. And yet I was defying my training and my viral-altered nature, and the two sides of my psyche went to war as I stared at the naked man standing a short distance away.

  Beautifully dominant. An involuntary shiver ran the length of my spine. I should submit. A part of me definitely wanted to submit.

  “Give me your investment.” That gravelly voice was a clear command.

  He was going to destroy me if I gave him my investment. I was hanging onto myself by a thread. I would lose even that once he was through with me and reality replaced all those rampant, crazy sex dreams.

  Maybe he would be terrible at it?

  I gave him a speculative look that swept the full length of that magnificent body. No, I wasn’t going to be that lucky.

  He put his hands on his hips, and a dark gleam entered his eyes that promised swift retribution when I complied. Yes, he very much expected me to comply. His cock twitched again, and my eyes dropped down to his dick like it was a flashing neon sign in the midst of a power blackout. I blinked a couple of times.

  I shook my head and took an unsteady step back. He wasn’t putting that abomination in me.

  When I could drag my gaze away, I found just a hint of smugness in his smile.

  I had a feeling he didn’t smile often.

  I had a feeling his commands weren’t defied ever.

  Keeping my head up and my eyes firmly locked on his became a source of personal challenge while his dick was jerking vigorously in the periphery of my vision.

  Then he wrapped his hand around that beast and slowly jacked it up and down.

  Dampness gathered between my legs as my traitorous body prepared to ease the way.

  This isn’t playing fair.

  I wanted it, wanted to taste it, wanted to fall at his feet and beg for it. I wanted him to control me, to command me, to put me on the bed and spread me wide open.

  And yes, I wanted him to force that monstrous cock inside of me. It would be a struggle, I would scream—I still wanted it.

  This can’t possibly be right.

  I was a Healer, and I loved my calling. Loved that I could help people to heal, could soothe them and ease their suffering. I remembered the pride I felt when they told me the virus had hosted and that I had identified as a Healer.

  Other parts of being an Omega I did not love so well. Things I only discovered later and that the ordinary citizens of our failing empire did not know about. The secret side confused me and made me deeply uncomfortable.

  At times it even frightened me.

  “Come here.” His command snapped me back to the stand-off of my making. He’d said those words to me once before…right before he’d punished me.

  My delay in complying got me a raised eyebrow. It wasn’t a sexual request. And I must obey him in all things except investment; investment was always my choice. That was the rule, I must abide by my allocated Controller in every way except investment. He couldn’t force this, and there were strict limits to how much he could do without the investment. Even for a Healer Omega, who everyone presumed would automatically invest.

  All this would go in my next report, my refusal to accept this part of the dynamic—the conditioning. An Omega’s investment encouraged the Controller'
s investment to keep them safe. It would drive his control of me deeper and would stabilize the bond between us swiftly.

  Even knowing that investment was expected, I could not give it to him.

  “Are you broken?” Hudson asked. He sounded genuinely confused. Still pumping slowly on his cock, eyes half-lidded. “I’m sure you’ve seen a cock before. You were certainly eager enough for mine last time we met.”

  He raised a questioning brow. The bastard knew that was a low blow. Then his face shifted to stony. “Obey me, kitten.” That deep voice set arousal pulsing thickly within my core, and I was trapped between rebellion and the known bliss that could be mine through capitulation.

  My feet moved. I would come to him, but that was as far as I would go.

  As I stopped before him, he growled. I had forgotten about an Alpha’s growl, the way it could unhinge you. A tremble ran through me, and I collapsed to my knees with a whimper, my pussy weeping.

  It had been two years since I had experienced it and the impact was just the same.

  My body and its reactions were not mine anymore, they belonged to him, and I didn’t try to look away from what he was doing with that huge, rough hand wrapped around the fat length of his cock.

  “It’s been a while since I’ve been with a Healer, but I seem to recall the mere smell of dick has them salivating and dripping from their tight little cunts.”

  His blunt, dirty words made me sway. I didn’t like that he understood the way my body was reacting. I liked less the thought of him being with other Healers when he had refused me. I wasn’t ready for him two years ago, hadn’t been with a man of any kind, but jealousy was not a rational beast. Precum pooled at the tip, and he rubbed his thumb through the clear liquid, spreading it over his cock before resuming the leisurely strokes.

  Two years ago, I hadn’t realized what he was doing to me was a form of domination, that our interaction within that medical bay would emblazon upon me the quintessence of control. It ruined me and rendered every other man I had known, every Controller, a pale reflection.

  It was a struggle to remain indifferent, and the smell was making me giddy. If I yielded control and invested, would he ease it gently between my lips? Let me build up to taking it in my throat? Or would he drive it deep with the first stroke and demand I open up and let him in? My pussy clenched at the latter; I loved dirty talk, and I loved to be forced to submit.

  I hated that I loved to be forced to submit.

  I’d always struggled to take a cock deep within my throat, which perversely delighted my allocated Controllers. Most saw it as a personal challenge to help me ‘develop’ my skills and dedicated many patient hours to this cause. They praised me when I managed to take just that tiny bit more, and ate out my pussy as a reward.

  “You want my cock, little Healer.”

  I did, and he knew I did.

  “Take a deep breath and tell me you want it.”

  Without thinking, I inhaled deeply. Nothing had ever smelled so good. I wanted to please him and obey the commands that rolled off his tongue like he was born to make them.

  “Are you tight, Healer? The report said you had a pussy like a vise but that you were so responsive that it wouldn’t be a problem. Dripping, I think it said.”

  Eyes darting to his, I found his expression hooded and lustful. I knew about the performance reports, but no one had been uncouth enough to make mention of one before. The Controller would complete one at the end of the operation and the details used to fine-tune allocation matches. Singulars were a rare type of Omega with unique traits, known as singularities, and they often allowed Alphas to fight for the right to protect them. A practice I found barbaric. Although what they expected of Healers was hardly civilized. Healers were much more common, and they used system algorithms based on profiles to allocate favorable matches from the available pool of resources when operations came up. Both Healers and the typically psychic skills of Singulars were useful to the war, and despite the physical limitations of all Omegas we were invariably deployed. Hence they allocated us protection—a Controller.

  The algorithm had never missed the mark before, the matches comfortable, and although I was still wary of navigating the investment, I had learned to enjoy it.

  Why had it allocated us together?

  “Prefers blondes,” the bored recruiter had said. “Big tits and a big ass—his words not mine. He argued with the operation manager for half an hour. Wanted to know what was wrong with the algorithm thinking this was a good match. Like I say, real pissed.”

  He was still angry, but not about the allocation anymore. Now he was angry about being denied. And from the tense set of his jaw and the weeping cock jutting from his body, I’d say he was feeling better about petite brunettes.

  Either that or his natural dominance had been triggered by my refusal.

  “Fuck, you’re still a little cock tease. What the fuck were your previous Controllers doing with you to let you get away with this shit. Seeing you swoon just from sniffing my cock and then defying me is like waving a red flag at a bull.” He stopped pumping his hand and squeezed the tip before releasing the beast.

  “Okay, I’ll play it your way. I won’t press my—” Cold eyes assessed me. “Unfair advantage. Won’t try to touch you or fuck you. I’ll play the game your way, little Healer. But, help me out here.”

  What was he offering? It was hard to remain objective while my skin was feverish. All I could think about was getting those big hands on me, over me and in me. I was finding it hard to cling to my resolve, to remember why I thought denying him was a good idea.

  Why was I punishing myself?

  Yes, how could I forget, I wasn’t what Hudson wanted.

  As my waning resolve strengthened, I nodded, signaling that I was willing to listen.

  “On your terms, Healer. This can be all on your terms.” His words were harsh like they were being forced from his mouth under duress. “You decide, you touch, you take what you need. You’re in control of this without investment agreement. If you want my hands on you, my mouth on you, then you tell me where and how.”

  I tore my gaze from his and looked at his cock jutting out before me like an offering. I was in control. He was giving it to me. I could take, and I could touch, and I could have him any way I wanted. This man who oozed control was giving control over to me.

  Predatory, even after his admission, his big chest rose and fell, and I saw how hard this was for him.

  I would lose myself if I gave up my investment to him. But this? Yes, this might just work.



  HUDSON’S COCK JERKED before me. Thick and long and…tempting.

  I swiped the tip with my thumb. It jerked again, and my eyes shot up as he hissed.

  At his soft curse, I bit my lip.

  This was going to be more pleasurable than I had anticipated. All that power and dominance and all mine to control. Mine to command.

  My tiny hand wrapped around the base of his cock and I gave a couple of gentle pumps, watching more clear liquid pool. There was no way I would get more than the tip of it in my mouth. He opened and clenched his fists in a tell. Had I given up investment he would be fisting my hair and forcing that length down my throat.

  So many fantasies to choose from, it was going to be hard to decide which one to turn into reality.

  Leaning up, I lapped it up, watching his face as I did. I wasn’t expecting the taste. The taste was another unfair advantage, and the gleam in his hooded eyes as I licked up the next offering of precum said he enjoyed what it was doing to me.

  Hudson watched as I ran my tongue all around the tip in circles before sliding just the first inch into my mouth and sucking gently. He groaned, veins throbbing in his neck, hands now fisted tightly at his side.

  Pulling my lips off with a gentle plop, I bathed the whole length with my tongue, pumping slowly with my small hand. The smell of it—I could go crazy for the smell of it. And the taste, the ta
ste was a million times better. Wrapping both my hands around it, I pumped again while licking and sucking on the tip. When I looked up again, his face was contorted in pleasure. A pleasure I alone had put there.

  I had never enjoyed anything more in my life. If he were in control of this now, it would be a very different experience. He would have my long hair wrapped around his fingers, and I thought the grip would be tight, painfully so. I sucked deeper, imagining him forcing it into my throat.

  Not today, though.

  Slipping one hand under the hem of my dress, I gasped when I found myself wet just from his presence.

  “Are you touching yourself?” Those blue eyes inspected me. It felt so wrong doing this without being told to, and in front of a Controller. I groaned around the cock in my mouth as my fingers moved faster. “I can see your hand working under that sorry excuse of a dress. Are you wet? Are you pumping your fingers into that tight pussy or do you prefer to pet your little clit?”

  Sucking enthusiastically on the tip of his cock I slipped a second finger between my legs.

  We both groaned simultaneously, and the muscles of his stomach rippled. I was so close, but I wasn’t going to come, I couldn’t, not on my own. I needed something more, needed it to be him doing it.

  Pulling my lips from his cock, I eased my fingers from the slick folds between my legs.

  All it would take was the tiniest push from him to take me over the edge. He’d told me to get on the bed when we first walked into the room, and my pussy clenched thinking about the way he had made that demand. He would prowl over, push my knees apart…and make me scream using nothing but his tongue.

  I couldn’t think of anything I wanted more. That had been one of my favorite fantasies, and I was convinced reality would be a million times better than anything my overactive imagination could conjure up.

  A pulse throbbed in Hudson’s jaw, and his eyes bored into me with demand. He wasn’t happy that I had stopped. He wasn’t happy about any of this, but he only had himself to blame.

  Biting my lip again to hide my smile, I stood and pulled my dress up. It was no more than a slip of silk, and there was never anything underneath. Allocated Controllers couldn’t wait to get that barrier out the way. He’d barely given it or me a glance when he’d prowled into the room, now he swallowed like a new recruit getting his first taste of investment.


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