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Falling for Him

Page 19

by EmeLie Jackson

  How he'd survived the storm was a miracle to me.

  I followed Meleryn, careful to keep close.

  This town was much larger than Reyka; the walls of square stone jutted up out of the port, buildings crammed helter-skelter and perched precariously along the edge.

  We switchbacked up the path from the port to the main hub of town.

  I noticed people of every descent; red hair, black hair, pale skin, dark skin.

  Mel had warned me this city was huge, the people were gruff, and it smelled something awful.

  So far, she'd been right on every aspect.

  I felt no need to conceal my identity here, though.

  This city had a tense alliance with Mount Tier and scattered clans.

  Both needed this port for trade and transport.

  It was the center of the wheel, with each spoke connecting to it in some way.

  I felt Remi brush my side, cautious and weary of the city's inhabitants.

  Three young women, traveling alone.

  It was recipe for disaster.

  Mel had formulated a plan, though, giving me time to commit it to memory and study an old map of the surrounding area.

  We were within the shadow of the Mountain, and it was tangible.

  Remi was to set out tomorrow""”on horseback with one of Fletcher's most trusted guards""”the hope and purpose being that she'd bring word to Macdara about Jon's disappearance during the storm, and that Bane or Bjorn would head up parties in search of him.

  While Remi completed her task, Meleryn and I would search Baldera and the surrounding area for any sign of Jon.

  Fletcher promised he'd ask around and send Jon our way.

  If he had survived the storm.

  ""Ye must be careful,"" Mel had warned.

  ""There's a few clans around here that hate Macdara more than they hate Mount Tier.

  They'd burn us at the stake if they got hold of us.

  "" We set out along the cobblestone path, careful to jump out of the way of horses pulling carriages and carts.

  They never slowed their pace for passerby, the rickety wheels splashing dirty water onto us.

  Men teetered outside of a tavern, some falling into the gutter.

  A light rain began.

  Soon, we were to the market.

  Mel warned us not to look anyone in the eye, or they'd try their hardest to sell their wares.

  I pulled my hood up to keep anyone from seeing my face.

  The smell of fetid fish overwhelmed me.

  I stopped short, gripping a tent post for support as I swallowed the bile in my throat.

  Remi and Mel glanced at me with worry.

  ""Are ye well?"" Mel grabbed my arm.

  I breathed through my mouth, nodding.

  ""Just felt a bit sick.

  It smells awful here.

  "" ""I warned ye.

  "" she laughed and pulled me forward.

  People yelled out to one another, bartering prices.

  The market sounded like an angry hive of bees.

  I breathed the cold air deeply as we made it past the market.

  The Inn was close.

  ""Fletcher's guard will pick ye up here tomorrow with Jon's horse,"" she reminded Remi for the thousandth time.

  Remi only nodded, too afraid of Meleryn to voice any annoyance.

  The Inn was massive compared to the one in Reyka; a hundred men and women sat scattered around the dining room floor, with enough space left to be comfortable.

  The warmth and smell of sweet bread wafted to my nose, causing my mouth to water.

  We hadn't had a proper meal in days.

  Mel pushed her way to the innkeeper, paying for our room and requesting dinner and hot water be brought there.

  The graying woman eyed Bear.

  ""That a wolf?"" she asked, still piling mugs onto a tray.

  It was plain to see Mel's irritation as her lip twitched.

  ""It's a dog.

  "" she said.

  The woman shrugged, turning to go about her business.

  We followed Mel to the stairs, Remi skipping up them two at a time.

  It brought me joy to see she was a child once more.

  Before I ascended, I felt wary.

  Gripping the railing, I glanced about the dining area.

  No one was staring.

  My eyes fell upon the figure of a man, hooded and dressed in black from head to toe.

  His clothes were thinner than those of someone from a clan.

  He must have been from Baldera, or a pirate.

  I couldn't see his eyes, but I could feel his stare as he sat alone by the blazing fire.

  ""Elise?"" Mel peered down at me from the top of the steps.

  I shook the eery feeling away and made my way up.


  "Chapter 28

  ""Will you be warm enough? Here, take this,"" I unwound my shawl from my shoulders, throwing it over Remi's.

  She smiled up at me.

  I could feel Meleryn rolling here eyes behind me.

  A majority of our hope now rested with little Remi and Fletcher's guard, Mac.

  If they survived the journey back to Macdara unscathed, I silently promised to worship the gods of Jon's ancestors.

  Mac was seated astride my horse, Remi needing assistance to swing up into Angus' saddle.

  Mel leaned on the outer wall of the Inn, cleaning her grimy, chipped nails with her dagger.

  I envied her nonchalance during this serious moment.

  ""I'll find him.

  "" her cheeks dimpled.

  The ominous black clouds were heavy with rain in the distance.

  ""I know you will.

  Stay safe, and thank you for everything.

  "" I gripped her hand, feeling her squeeze back.

  Mac shifted in his saddle.

  ""Best be on our way, little one,"" he said.

  He was an older man, with long black hair adorned with strands of silver.

  His face seemed permanently dirty, but his blue eyes were sincere.

  Fletcher had said this man's daughter had been a victim of Hector.

  I could see in Mac's eyes the love of a father as he looked upon Remi.

  My eyes watered with a fresh wave of emotion.

  They spurred the horses and trotted down the cobblestone path.

  ""Weel, best be gettin' on with our part of the plan.

  "" Mel sheathed her dagger and pushed herself from the wall.

  ""Yes, I suppose so.

  "" We turned to head back into the tavern.

  ""What was it my brother and ye were fightin' about before the storm?"" she asked, stopping me mid stride.

  Her face showed no trace of mockery, only curiosity.

  I sighed.

  ""His whole plan was to take me home, to force me to stay.

  He says there's about to be a war.

  "" She nodded, chewing her cheek.

  ""Aye, we can all feel it.

  Damn Thran, so power hungry.

  I love both o' my brothers, but he lost his way after our father died.

  Set things in motion that we all knew would be a disaster.

  "" The thought of Thran made me sick.

  ""I guess everything worked out a bit better then, after he died.

  "" I said.

  She studied my face, nodding slowly.

  ""What did Jon say, after ye argued?"" she squinted at me.

  I felt I was being interrogated.

  ""He agreed to let me stay with him, and attempt to persuade my father into an alliance.

  That's all he told me, anyway.

  "" I shrugged.

  The wind whipped through the streets, causing flecks of rain from the roof to hit my face.

  She snorted.

  ""Told ye that ye held his balls in yer hand.

  "" I laughed, blushing at the memory of Jon holding me close the night before the storm.

  My chest ached.

  I missed

  We made our way back up to the room to collect our belongings and begin our trek down the coast, into dangerous territory.

  There was a large clan called Borthwick, named for their fearsome leader's lineage.

  They'd been enemies of Mount Tier and clan Macdara for centuries.

  They well outnumbered any clan, and were hellish warriors.

  Meleryn had warned me each day of how dangerous this trek would be.

  ""If ye think yer family is evil for what they did to Jon, it's nothing compared to what these people are capable of.

  "" she had told me.

  Mel closed the door behind us.

  The room was stifling as the fire blazed.

  I pulled off my coat, setting it on the chair.

  Something felt strange.

  Mel and I glanced at each other, then around the room.

  Bear was gone.

  I heard the scuff of a boot on the wood floors behind me.

  I whipped around, hearing Mel pull her dagger from its sheath.

  A tall, dirty blond young man stood in front of the door, smiling down at us.

  His face was weathered, with a thin scar running from his temple to the corner of his blue eye.

  He wore his hair fastened snug at the nape of his neck, though a few strands escaped.

  Although I hadn't seen the face of the hooded man last night, I knew this was him.

  He'd been following us.

  ""I'd leave if ye treasure yer manhood.

  "" Mel hissed.

  He smirked playfully.

  My heart clenched.

  He reeked of fish and the sea port.

  He had to be a pirate.

  ""I'll leave ye two she-wolfs be, once I get what I came here for.

  "" his eyes fell to me now.

  ""What do you want.

  "" I growled, feeling bile rise in my throat again.

  He gave me a curious look.

  ""Where's yer husband?"" ""He was lost at sea.

  "" I said, Meleryn grabbing my arm.

  ""Elise!"" she scolded.

  For some reason, this man did not frighten me.

  He nodded, silent in thought.

  ""But ye think he may have lived? That's why the search party?"" he questioned.

  Ignoring Meleryn's tugs, I nodded.

  ""You know him.

  "" I said.

  He smiled, showing off blunt, white teeth.

  ""Aye, Jon knows me well.

  Thaniel Johnathan Smith, my lady,"" he gave a grand bow, almost in a mocking manner.

  ""How do you know him?"" I pressed, ignoring his introduction.

  ""Ahh, weel ye see, I owe him a great debt for sparing my life.

  I've come to repay that debt with information he was seeking.

  I was told about ye.

  "" he smiled.

  There was something hidden in that grin.

  Something I knew I couldn't fully trust, but I wanted answers.

  ""What information?"" I asked.

  He clucked his tongue.

  ""If there's a chance he's still alive, I won't be tellin' ye.

  I'll have to wait here for him to be raised from the dead.

  "" he chuckled.

  ""I think yer lying.

  "" Meleryn spat, stepping forward.

  ""Ye must be his sister, the warrior.

  "" his words made her stop cold.

  ""Tis true, though.

  Jon spared my life in a duel, bloody good fighter he is.

  'Cept he made me promise to be at his service, should he ever need it.

  I may not be an honorable man, but perhaps I can make up for it with him.

  "" he placed a hand over his heart.

  We both stood, unsure of what our next move should be.

  Meleryn moved forward before I could speak.

  ""You'll help us find him.

  "" she said.

  He shrugged.

  ""I suppose, but I ain't helpin' ye after that.

  "" ""Fine.

  "" she said.

  His eyes glinted playfully.

  ""Jon did choose a looker,"" I blushed deeply.

  Thaniel was handsome, but paled in comparison to Jon's looks and overall demeanor.

  Again, my heart sank, longing to be with him once more.

  ""When were ye plannin' on tellin' him ye were with child?"" The room stilled for a moment as I tried to gather exactly what he was implying.

  ""What?"" I breathed.

  He scoffed.

  ""Please, ye can't hide it from anyone.

  "" ""What are ye talkin' about?"" Meleryn's voice raised.

  Thaniel's face fell.

  ""Seriously? A man has to tell a woman she's pregnant?"" he burst out in laughter.

  ""My crew will never believe this!"" Mel crossed the room in two long strides, gripping his manhood in her grasp, a malicious sneer on her face.

  ""Ye won't be tellin' anyone anythin'.

  "" Thaniel leered down at her.

  ""Am I?"" I asked quietly.

  I wracked my brain for memories of Freyja's symptoms.

  She was so far along it was easy for everyone to tell.

  I glanced at my flat belly.

  How could he know? I looked back to him.

  He rolled his eyes, giving Mel a pointed look.

  She removed her hand.

  ""I've been followin' ye since ye set foot on dry land.

  She's been sick the entire time,"" he held a hand out, indicating me.

  ""She's probably sick from the ship, that's all.

  "" Mel defended.

  He crossed his arms.

  ""And yer mangey mutt has been followin' ye around like a bee follows honey.

  "" I gripped the bed post, trying to remember any other signs of pregnancy.

  One was glaringly obvious all of a sudden.

  Color drained from my face.

  ""That damn dog loves her, that's all.

  "" Meleryn argued.

  ""When I found him in here, he was rifling through her clothes.

  Dogs sense these things,"" he tapped his temple.

  I placed a hand protectively over my stomach, reaching for Meleryn.

  I remembered Freyja explaining her sickness, her wild emotions, the overall way she felt.

  And I felt the same.

  I'd just been too preoccupied with everything to keep track or even care.

  Three months.

  Our wedding, or soon after.

  ""I think he's right.

  "" I whispered to her.

  He laughed in triumph.

  Meleryn's face drained of color now, too.

  ""We must be sure, send for a midwife!"" she commanded Thaniel.

  He glared at her.

  ""I am not here to do yer bidding, even if yer Jon's sister.

  "" ""Please,"" I begged.

  ""I have to know.

  "" He sighed.

  ""Fine, but once we find Jon, he owes me.

  "" "

  "Chapter 29

  The wiry, gray-haired woman dropped a platter of breakfast on our table.

  A rasher of bacon, three poached eggs, a loaf of bread and some dried apples.

  Thaniel insisted on a mug of ale, much to Meleryn's distaste.

  Without Jon, money was scarce.

  The idea of trading small, circular pieces of metal for food, shelter, and clothing, was absurd to me.

  My grandfather was wealthy because of jewels and gems and his status in the mountain; clan Macdara only traded work and goods.

  Both ways seemed better than little coins that could be easily stolen or lost.

  A wave of now-familiar nausea overcame me.

  I tried to fight it, barely succeeding.

  The poached eggs stared at me, making my mouth water in anticipation of vomiting.

  My palms began to sweat.

  ""Excuse me,"" I mumbled as I fled the tavern part of the Inn.

  I made it outsid
e in time to hurl in the gutter.

  The sickness passed soon after my retching, the coolness of the day feeling delicious on my skin.

  I wiped my hand across my sweaty face, wondering when this part of pregnancy ended.

  I placed a hand over my belly, now able to notice the small, hard lump in my lower abdomen.

  Meleryn may still have been skeptical, but I was positive.

  All I needed was that little confirmation from the midwife.

  I leaned against the building, musing about what this new information would mean for me.

  For Jon.

  Would he have been happy? Scared? Children was never something we'd discussed.

  I felt lost without him, though I knew for certain I was thrilled.

  In an instant my life had changed.

  Things that once worried me no longer did; only Jon and the fragile life of our unborn child mattered now.

  I smiled up at the clouds.

  Distant memories of my mother's pregnancies drifted back to me.

  In between Benji and Anna, she'd lost a child.

  It was an instinctual fear of all mothers to be; to protect what we held most dear.

  Although my mother and I were never close, I missed her at this time in my life.

  I missed my father and my siblings.

  They'd rejoice at the news of a child, for they were rare in the mountain.

  I stood straight and dusted off my green and brown plaid skirts, flattening my bodice and taming my wild hair in an attempt to appear more mature.

  Sounds of a scuffle came to my ears from the ajar tavern door.

  I pushed the heavy wood open, my eyes falling upon a grisly sight.

  Thaniel held Meleryn from behind, pinning her arms to her sides.

  She thrashed and kicked and growled like an angry beast, while Thaniel struggled.

  His dirty blond hair came loose from his tether, and he was straining to hold her tight, though he was laughing in between her outbursts.

  The men that had awoken early for fresh breakfast (or who had not bothered stumbling up the stairs to bed from the night before) were standing from their seats, slowly drawing daggers and swords.

  I followed Mel's deathly glare, my eyes landing on a familiar woman whose eyes were rimmed in black.

  ""Ye canna kill the only midwife in town,"" Thaniel chuckled, clearly finding amusement in a tense and ironic situation.

  Vala smirked from across the table, her strange eyes as piercing as I'd remembered them.

  I was silently grateful for her poisoning Thran, though.

  ""That bitch killed my brother, my blood.

  "" Mel seethed, contorting against her restraints.


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