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Companion's Dilemma

Page 5

by Viola Grace

  “It means that instead of being classified as a telepath in your own right, you are designated as a sensitive who can assist me with mental overload.”

  “Do you suffer from that?”

  He smiled. “No. But I have found a fit for me and chosen a companion, so you are protected as an extension of my office.”

  “Oh. Right.” She blinked. She hadn’t considered that attaching to him might be a form of protection.

  “You will also have a wardrobe change, but clothing has been ordered.”

  “I am familiar with the procedure. I delivered the outfits to the Breeder compound.”

  “Ah, right. Your courier work. Would you prefer to ride your cycle to and from the city?”

  Their cubicle slowly halted, and the doors opened. She gave him a wry look. “Not until I figure out how not to drink all the tea.”

  He laughed as they left the tube area and walked to the lift that would take them to the upper levels.

  When they stepped out and walked to his offices, she peeled away and headed for the restroom. His laughter continued down the hall.

  She sighed and finished her business in the restroom. It was a benign training method as far as it went. Punishing a telepath wouldn’t have a good result, but making their body annoying was something to be avoided. It was a pretty good tool.

  Sarah washed her hands and smiled as she felt Isabella and Iktabi enter the building, buzzing from early morning sex. Sarah quickly walked down the hall to Lekorh’s office before the other two could make it to the admin floor.

  She might have been a little wild around the eyes when she got into the office and closed the door, leaning against it and feeling like she was being pursued.

  “You get used to it. We are on this world, and all the humans are slowly cycling into a mood to mate with the Rrassic. The Rrassic are simply waiting for the authorization from the females.” He tapped the side of his head as he sat at his desk. “It is noisy up here.”

  She nodded. Minds were waking up all over the city, and a lot of them had sex on the brain. When they started doing something about it, she had to take a seat and close her eyes.

  The psychic noise stopped suddenly. Lekorh was sitting in front of her, and he leaned in to kiss her, curving a hand around her neck.

  She closed her eyes and leaned in, seeking out his mind and only finding that rippling curtain. Sarah reached out and put her hand on his chest, feeling the thudding of his heart. At least he wasn’t faking it. His body was reacting just as hers was.

  He leaned back, and she grabbed the edge of his vest, pulling him back to her. She felt his surprise, but he deepened the kiss.

  When she started to feel the minds around them getting closer, she touched his neck and slowly pulled her fingers away. He leaned back with his third eye blinking sporadically. He didn’t apologize, he smiled.

  She smiled back and licked her lips to get the last taste of him. His third eye flashed brightly.

  He straightened. “Right. We should get to work. You get us tea, I will start the morning sweeps and reports.”

  She paused as she stood. “Are you going to keep blocking for me?”

  “I could, but I think you would be better off developing your own mechanism to keep them out.” He smiled and settled behind his desk. “Do not worry, I will monitor you for any stress.”

  “Do you know why it is worse today?”

  He nodded. “You are healing. As your body recovers, the connections get stronger, and you are hearing more.”

  “When will it stop expanding?”

  “When you can hear all of Imrahl by simply focusing.”

  She nodded. “Right. I will get the tea.”

  He smiled. “Thank you.”

  She exited his office and walked down the hall, slowing slightly when she felt Isabella approaching her.

  “Sarah!” Isabella walked toward her with a grin.

  “Good morning, Isabella.” She inclined her head. “I appear to have changed occupations.”

  “Are you all right? I mean, yesterday was rough.”

  “I am fine. How is Vedder’s transition?” Sarah paused a few feet away from Isabella.

  “I don’t know. Would you like me to check on him and find out how it is going?”

  “Please. I could intrude on him, but I don’t really want to.”

  Isabella nodded. “Right. Wait, can you actually pick out a mind to find?”

  Sarah felt the urge to caution in herself and from Lekorh. “If I am close enough. I was thinking of asking Lekorh if I could go for a visit to the med centre later.”

  Isabella smiled, and there was relief in her mind. “Right. Where are you off to?”

  “Just getting some tea for Lekorh and myself. He is going to teach me a bit about what he does all day.”

  Isabella nodded. “Good. Come and get me if you need anything. I am pretty sure you remember the way.”

  “Since yesterday? Yes. Thanks though. This is a little weird.”

  Isabella took a step backward, and that was the point where the link between her and her mate was apparent. They were not only bonded by affection, but the metal bands kept Isabella from moving out of Iktabi’s range. She was incarcerated as a security risk.

  “I will see you later, Sarah.” Isabella turned and walked back toward her office.

  Sarah exhaled softly and went to get the tea. She had seen the bracelets in action, but the fact that they were an actual tether was a bit of a revelation. Lekorh was going to have to explain what was going on there. Sarah had read Isabella’s mind, but since she wasn’t actively thinking about the bands, there had been nothing more than acknowledging the summons.

  The tea set was where she had passed it a hundred times over the last few months. She set up a pot, put in the leaves, and filled it from the nearly boiling water dispenser. She set two cups on a tray with the pot, and she carried the assembled bits and pieces down the hall with careful and quick steps.

  She balanced everything on her left arm and opened the door with her right. All the years of table service were paying off in a strange way.

  She set the tea on the edge of his desk and checked the brew. It was just the way Lekorh liked it, so she poured him a cup and removed the tea basket.

  The cup was set where he could reach it with his left hand, and she poured one for herself. “What do I do next?”

  “Check in on your friend Vedder. Isabella will find out where he is, and you can find out how he is actually doing. To do it, you will have to focus on only him, so this is your first challenge. You have until lunch to find him and learn what you can about his state.”

  She blinked. “Just like that?”

  “Just like that. You can kneel in front of my normal station and do your search. I will arrange a second meditation station for you.”

  “Thank you.”

  “If you need assistance, I will help when I can, but I am trying to let you find your current skill level.”

  “Right. Good plan.”

  She took a tiny sip of the hot tea, and then, she set it where it was safe, and she knelt down in front of the lit altar. The light was bright, and as she settled, it drew her in. She took a deep breath and stared at the light as she sent her thoughts toward the med centre.

  At first, the search was fine, but as the workers got onto their transport to their occupations, her focus was shattered a thousand times per foot.

  Sarah kept having to reel herself in in order to expand her mind once again. She did it over and over, trying to force her mind through the tangle of thoughts when she felt hands on her shoulders and a warm wall at her back.

  His body surrounded her on all sides, and his mind sent out a thin tendril of thought. She threw her thoughts in with him and followed that tendril to Vedder.

  Sarah blinked and gasped at the morass of pain and guilt that was wracking her friend. “Can I talk to him?”

  “You can. But it would be better if you eased him with the routine
of you standing outside the main admin building today before entering my office.”

  “I didn’t do that.”

  “I know, but sometimes projecting what folk need to see and telling them what they need to hear sets their mind at ease.”

  So, with him helping her, she built a scenario about her wanting to contact the med office but being unsure about it. She brushed her hair and made a face in the mirror and then an image of her standing outside the admin building.

  “Good. It is all verifiable. Now go.”

  She nodded and sent the scenario into Vedder’s mind. His pain and guilt faded. His amusement at the mirror thing was palpable, and she withdrew from his mind as he focused on dampening his own pain.

  She leaned back against Lekorh. “Thanks for helping.”

  “You did well with the construction. What was the significance of brushing your hair?”

  “It was the face that I made at myself in the reflection. It is something that I did in the kitchen to the shining metal surfaces and my distorted reflection. He knows I am fine, and where I am.”

  “Good. You don’t give your affection easily.” He chuckled.

  “I do not. I know what lies beneath their polite flirtation.” She enjoyed the moment of peace before she asked, “What am I taking you away from?”

  “Nothing. I was going to ask if you would like to go for lunch and get measured for a new wardrobe?”

  She snorted. “Don’t you have other stuff to do?”

  “There is always time for lunch.”

  He eased to his feet with a light hop and pulled her up until she was standing.

  “It is going to take some time for me to get used to being on my knees all the time.” She clapped her hand over her mouth as a mental image of her up on her knees and opening his trousers entered her mind.

  “Right. Maybe we should eat something ice cold. I could dump it on my lap.” Lekorh chuckled. “Do not get upset. I find your fascination with me flattering. It is reciprocal.”

  She blushed. “I know. I have gotten flashes that were definitely not me.”

  He raised his brows. “Really, which images?”

  “The one with me draped across your desk. This is the one that I would have thought of.” She sent him an image of her wrapped around him, his hands on her butt and holding her so that her face was even with his.

  He blinked and cleared his throat. “Yes, I believe that definitely is different from one of mine.”

  She smiled and flicked a glance below the belt under his robes. “So, lunch?”

  He sighed and slid his arm around her waist. “You are definitely going to be a distraction.”

  She smiled brightly. “Good to know.”

  They exited the office, and Lekorh stopped by the overseer’s office before they left the building.

  Iktabi stared at the expression on Lekorh’s lips. “You look... you are in a good mood today.”

  Lekorh grinned. “We are going out to the market for lunch. Did you want us to bring anything back for you?”

  Iktabi blinked. “Out? You never go out.”

  “I know. Today, I need to take Sarah out for training. We are working on her blocking out crowds, so having lunch in the market area should give enough stimulus.”

  Iktabi nodded. “Right. This is unusual. You will be listening for information on the raiders?”

  Lekorh inclined his head. “I will. Hopefully, they will soon give up and seek females of another species.”

  They left the building, and Sarah walked with him, his arm around her back a constant presence. The weird thing was that no one was noticing them.

  When the Saya was out and about, everyone knew it. The Rrassic stopped and bowed in respect, but the humans stared. Either way, he was never not noticed.

  She blinked. “Why is no one staring?”

  He chuckled. “They can only see you. You will be ordering for us, and I will hide my presence until we eat, and then, I will appear to be a Luthin.”

  She chuckled. “So, talking to you would be weird?”

  “You can. They will not take notice. How is the pressure on your mind?”

  “Not bad. I am trying to create a fog bank around me. It seems to soften the sharp edges.”

  “Good. You seem more relaxed.” His hand on her back was wide and warm, and as they moved into the market area, she was definitely glad he was there.

  Chapter Eight

  She put in their order at her favourite kiosk and lifted the loaded tray to carry it to where Lekorh was waiting.

  He was particularly interested in eating at the food court. It wasn’t something that he was normally able to do. Saya-Rrassic were figures of spiritual significance. Their minds were conditioned to still when they saw him. It made it difficult to get information casually, unless he was looking at everyone in a wide sweep, in which case, pulling out specific data was difficult.

  She used her senses to move through the crowd, and most of the Rrassic who saw her coming got out of the way. A sharp whistle got the other roadblocks to shift to the side.

  Sarah slid the tray on the table, and she got her eating prongs ready. There was one of all of her favourites and two of his special requests.

  She felt him pulling the identity of a Luthin over his own aura, and he grinned. She chuckled. She still saw him with his silvery skin and three eyes.

  “On your mark, get set, go.” She grabbed some pieces of fried vegetable, stuffed the steaming articles into her mouth, and then, she nipped her favourite bits in the noodle bowl, swallowing and lifting the molten noodles into her mouth.

  Lekorh wasn’t waiting. He dove into the buffet of hot junk food, and she could feel the happy enjoyment in his mind. She smiled, giggled, and kept eating. His mood was pulling up her mood, and when she glanced around, everybody eating had a blissful smile on their faces.

  She paused for a bit of a breather and asked, “So, how often does your particular brand of Rrassic find a mate?”

  He paused with noodles in his lips. He slurped them in and started chewing. “To date, I have never heard of one. We have companions, but they are usually male and take care of our needs to allow us to focus on our other work.”

  She nodded. “Right.” That they were sexual companions was implied, though she didn’t verify it.

  “No, sex isn’t a part of it.”

  She was relieved and sad for him at the same time. “That sucks.”

  He blinked in surprise. “You think so?”

  “Sure. There are tons of therapeutic and emotional benefits to touch and intimacy. It helps to stabilize you.”

  Lekorh cocked his head. “And yet you don’t spend much time in that pursuit.”

  “It is nice, it isn’t necessary. I find knowing what my partner is thinking, or at least feeling, isn’t very flattering.”

  He nodded and got some more snacks. “You have been choosing the wrong partners.”

  She blinked and chuckled. “I would have to agree. I had a narrow selection spectrum. I took what was on offer.”

  Lekorh was still feeling around for specifics. “The Zjin have popularity with your people.”

  “Stripes make me dizzy.”

  He choked at the image she sent him of the blurry stripes moving over her.

  “Luthin?” He waved a hand at himself.

  “I don’t like surprises.”


  “They want a fuller figure. They consider me to be some kind of female larval form.”

  His shoulders shook in amusement. “Dorbin is out. He is taken.”

  “Yeah, and that weird bondage thing they have going creeps me out.”

  “And the midair matings take some getting used to, or so I hear.”

  She shivered. “Bleah. I guess I am out of luck unless there is another option that would consider me as attractive and charming.”

  He grinned. “There may be one.”

  She held up her hand. “Don’t say Sthik. I like them, but they have
their own thing going on.”

  He laughed, and heads turned. “There might be another option.”

  “Well, I am partial to guys with pretty eyes. The more, the better.” She batted her lashes at him.

  She felt the cool wash through her mind.

  “It doesn’t bother you?”

  “No. It is just what you are. I don’t have makeup, so as long as we never fight over eyeliner, I will be fine with it. I like it when it glows.” Sarah let him feel the truth of her words.

  He looked a little shy when she replayed their kiss earlier. She didn’t even know how she did it, it just happened.

  He chuckled. “We are going to have to work on your control.”

  “We need to work on a lot of things.” She sighed.

  They worked their way through the rest of the tray, knowing that they had just committed to whatever brand of relationship they could manage given his social class.

  She cleared their tray and set it on the reclaim station before returning to Lekorh’s side.

  “Right. So you mentioned wardrobe?”

  He nodded. “You are already familiar with the tailor that is used for specific requests.”

  “Yoris!” She clapped her hands.

  “Correct. Shall we?” He offered her his arm, and his broadcast of Luthin energy got stronger.

  She took his arm, and they walked through the market on a delightful first date. Sarah accepted it as a first date even though their circumstances were bizarre.

  Yoris looked at her with concern the moment they entered the shop. “Sarah, I heard you were attacked.”

  She shook her head. “No, I tried to help a friend who was beyond help at the moment. There is no blame.”

  Yoris frowned. “You are all right?”

  “I am. This is...” She wasn’t sure if she was supposed to expose Lekorh. He did it for her.

  “Sarah needs your assistance. Her wardrobe is not appropriate for a Saya companion.”

  Yoris stared in shock. “A companion? They normally wear only the loose upper vest.”

  Lekorh smiled. “As tempting as the thought is, I believe one of the new breast bands would be appropriate in the place of a naked torso.”

  “I will work on something. Sarah, I will need to take your measurements.”


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