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Chasing The Sun: A Small Town Romance (Angel Sands Book 7)

Page 14

by Carrie Elks

“Griff and Autumn are going out for the evening, and I’m babysitting. I wondered if you’d like to come help me.” She cleared her throat. “I’m not exactly practiced with babies. I’ll need all the support I can get.”

  “And you thought of me?” he asked, making sure his voice was light. “I know less about babies than you.”

  “Autumn suggested you come actually.”

  “And what does Griff think about that?” Jackson asked. Across the office, he could see Lisa had finished her call. She was pretending to read something on her computer screen, but he could tell by the way her back was ramrod straight that she was trying to listen in to his conversation.

  He shook his head. She was nosy, but she was good at what she did. Nobody was perfect.

  “Griff knows better than to contradict Autumn,” Lydia said, her voice bright. “And I think he’s genuinely scared about leaving me alone with Skyler. I got a lecture this morning about how to hold her head. She’s four months old. She can hold her own head up perfectly. He’s losing it, he really is.”

  “I’d love to come help you.” He wanted all of her nights right now. “But I have Eddie. I can’t ask my dad to watch him again. It’s his chess night with the guys.”

  “Wait one moment.” He heard muffled voices, as though Lydia was covering up the mouthpiece of the phone. A moment later, she came back on the line. “Autumn says Eddie can come if we keep him in the yard. Do you think that’ll be okay?”

  He glanced down at the dog sleeping at his feet. “Yeah, we can make that work.”

  “Great. Because I don’t know if I’ve told you, but I’m horribly allergic to poopy diapers. So that’ll be your job, okay?”

  “Hey, I deal with Eddie’s stuff. That’s enough crap for me on a single day. The diapers are all yours.”

  She laughed. “Listen to us discussing who’s cleaning up after the dog and the baby. We sound like an old married couple.”

  “I guess I’d better get back to work. What time shall I come over?”

  “They’re leaving at seven. So maybe ten minutes before? That’ll give us enough time to give Griff the heebie jeebies.”

  “I’ll bring some takeout with me. We’ll need fuel to look after the baby.”

  “Perfect. See you tonight, Mr. Nanny.”

  Shaking his head, Jackson hung up the phone.

  Lydia opened Autumn’s front door, a smile breaking out on her lips when she saw Jackson standing there, his hands stuffed into his jeans, Eddie’s leash wrapped around his wrist. Eddie was sitting patiently next to him, but when he saw Lydia, his tail started to wag like crazy.

  Jackson leaned forward and pressed a sweet kiss against her lips and she felt all giddy and warm. Damn, he smelled good. She wasn’t sure what cologne he was wearing, but it made her leg muscles feel like mush. Would it be wrong for her to go through his bathroom cabinet the next time she was over and find out? Just for the sake of curiosity, of course.

  “Hey,” he said. “Shall I walk Eddie around the back?”

  Autumn appeared behind Lydia, fastening an earring. “You can bring him through,” she said, inclining her head at the hallway. “The kitchen door is open. I’ve put a few beanbags out in case he wants somewhere soft to rest.”

  “I’ll take him through.” Lydia held out her hand for the leash. Jackson passed it to her, his fingers caressing hers.

  She swallowed hard. He was so damn distracting.

  “Let me see this dog,” Griff said, as she walked him into the kitchen. Skyler was cradled in his right arm, her hair fluffy from her bath, wearing a fresh pink onesie covered in printed sheep. She lifted her hand from her drooly mouth and smiled as she looked at Eddie, her eyes full of interest as the dog stopped at Griff’s feet.

  “Sit, Eddie,” Lydia said, willing him to obey her. She really wanted to spend tonight with Jackson, and if Eddie wasn’t welcome here, he wouldn’t stay.

  Eddie took a calculating look at her and slowly sat, looking up at Griff, his tongue lolling out.

  Griff touched the pup with his free hand, and Eddie gave what almost sounded like a purr.

  “He likes you,” Lydia said. “That’s his contented sound.”

  “Does he always do what you tell him?” Griff asked her.

  “It’s Jackson he listens to the most.” She turned her head to see Jackson and Autumn standing in the kitchen. “He can get him to do anything with a command.”

  Griff raised a disbelieving eyebrow. Jackson grinned at the challenge.

  “Lay down, Eddie,” Jackson said, and Eddie immediately dropped to the floor. Griff blinked, surprised.


  Eddie plopped his backside onto the tile.

  “Now come here.”

  Without a complaint, Eddie got to his feet and walked over to Jackson. Lydia had to follow him, the leash still coiled in her hand.

  “He can stay, right?” Autumn said, looking at Griff.

  He shrugged. “Yeah, I guess. But not in the nursery, okay?”

  “Of course.” Lydia caught Jackson’s eye. “He’ll be on his best behavior.”

  “You’d better be on your best behavior, too,” Griff told his friend. “No getting dirty with Autumn’s sister while I’m out.”

  Autumn gave Griff a pointed look. “Ignore him,” she told Jackson. “He’s just anxious about leaving Skyler.” Her expression softened when she mentioned her daughter. “Talking of the baby, I’ve made a list of everything you might need. It’s on the kitchen counter. She shouldn’t need feeding, but if she cries too much there’s a bottle in the refrigerator.”

  “It’s breast milk,” Griff said, his eyes crinkling. “So don’t go tasting it to see if it’s warm enough.”

  Jackson shrugged. “I drink milk from cow’s breasts. I can handle human ones.”

  Autumn covered her mouth, but her laugh still escaped. The smile slipped from Griff’s face.

  “Don’t be drinking my fiancée’s breast milk. That’s not a request.”

  Jackson winked at Lydia, and she bit down a grin. “Don’t worry,” she promised. “Autumn’s boob milk is safe with us.”

  “If we could all stop talking about my breasts, maybe we could get out of here.” Autumn lifted Skyler from Griff’s arms and passed her to Lydia. “Bedtime at eight. And we should be home by eleven. But make sure you call if there are any problems.”

  “We will,” Lydia agreed. “I promise.”

  “And maybe send me a photo or something. Just so I know she’s alive.”

  To Lydia’s surprise, Jackson took Autumn’s hands in his own. “We’ll take care of her,” he said softly. “I promise. You’ll come home to her asleep and hopefully you’ll both get a good night’s rest, too.”

  Autumn leaned forward to kiss his cheek. “You’re a good man, Jackson Lewis.”

  His lips curled as he whispered against her skin. “But it’s our secret, right?”

  She stepped back and smiled at him. “It’s not a secret. We all know it. Now have a good evening, you two lovebirds. And don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” Autumn kissed the top of Skyler’s head and grabbed her purse from the counter, reaching out for Griff’s hand. “And thank you both. We’re grateful for the break, aren’t we, honey? With all the planning for Skyler’s celebration, I feel exhausted as soon as I wake up.”

  “Yeah, I guess we’re grateful.” Griff managed a smile. “I’ll see you later.” He glanced at Jackson then back at Lydia. “Good luck with the babysitting.”

  “Go!” Lydia said, laughing. “Before we change our minds.”


  “She’s asleep,” Lydia said an hour later. They’d divided the work between them, with Lydia reading a bedtime story to Skyler while Jackson warmed up the food he’d brought, then played with Eddie in the yard. The dog was curled up in a sweaty heap in the middle of the grass, snoring loudly. Throwing the ball for him about a hundred times had finally tired him out. Mission accomplished.

  Jackson looked up from where he w
as standing on the deck, drinking her in with his gaze. She was wearing jeans today, with a white silky shell on top, her tanned arms glowing in the light of the setting sun.

  “Come here,” he said, his voice low. She bit down a smile, her green eyes meeting his as she slowly sashayed to where he was standing.

  He cupped her face with his warm palms. “You look beautiful tonight,” he told her, brushing her temple with his lips. “I’ve been thinking about you all day. I had to listen to thrash rock music to finally concentrate on my work.”

  Her gentle laugh rippled through the evening air. “I was thinking about you, too. When I woke up this morning and I realized I was alone it was so disappointing.”

  “Stay tonight,” he urged. “Come with me when Autumn and Griff are back.”

  She nodded. “Yes, please.”

  Her easy acquiescence filled him with warmth. She reached for him, sliding her hands beneath his t-shirt, her palms caressing his back. Her nearness was overwhelming. He couldn’t remember ever craving somebody like this. He pressed a tender kiss against her lips, desire flooding through his body the same way it always did when she was near. Lydia sighed softly, her breath tickling his mouth. She kissed him back hard, arching her body into his as though he’d lit a fuse inside of her.

  He was immediately hard. Emotions whirled and kicked inside him as he slid his hands down her sides, cupping her behind to pull her closer against him. When she felt the outline of his desire against her, she curled her arms around his neck, her tongue sweeping against his as they both gave in to the need they were feeling.

  She was the first to pull back, her face flushed, her eyes wild.

  “We need some ground rules,” she said breathlessly. “Otherwise we’re going to end up defiling Autumn and Griff’s living room, and they’ll never let us babysit again.”

  Jackson nodded. “Maybe we should pick a base,” he suggested. “And make a pact to go no further.” Until he got her back to his place, at least.

  “First?” Lydia said, wrinkling her nose. “No, let’s make it second. Any self-respecting babysitter would let her boyfriend get to second.”

  “Am I your boyfriend?” Jackson asked, wanting to know the answer.

  “For the purposes of this discussion you are.” She bit down a smile. “Maybe we should pretend we’re teenagers. You can be the football god and I’ll be…” her voice trailed off as she thought through the options. “Definitely not the head cheerleader. That would be boring, and so predictable.” Her eyes lit up. “I know, I’ll be the nerd you’re completely attracted to, but you only make out with me when none of your friends are around. I can be your dirty little secret.”

  The way she said dirty made the blood rush to parts he was trying to control. “We’re playing make believe again?”

  “It’ll be fun,” she told him. “Let me show you.” She led him into the living room, and pushed him down onto an easy chair. “Jackson Lewis, the next time you want me to tutor you, maybe you could not touch me beneath the table.”

  He wanted to laugh. She looked so adorable as she tried to get into character. It made him wonder what she was really like when she was at school.

  “Yeah, well if you’d stop staring at my dick every time I’m wearing my football pants, maybe I’d be able to concentrate.” Hey, maybe this was easier than he’d thought. And yeah, he might be a thirty-three year old guy pretending to be a teenager, but if it made her happy, then why the hell not?

  “You’re an asshole, you know that?” Her eyes narrowed. “I hate you.”

  “I hate you, too.” His mouth was dry with the need of her.

  She let out a little scream of annoyance and leaned over him, her hands bracing herself against the wings of the chair. If he’d met her when he was a teenager, he’d have been toast. She would have overwhelmed him.

  Who was he kidding? She was overwhelming him now.

  His eyes dipped, taking in the smooth lines of her neck, the dip at the base of her throat, and the top that gaped open as she leaned. He could see the soft outline of her breasts, and his fingers curled with the need to touch her.

  “Look at the eyes, not the tits, Lewis.”

  “Your tits are more interesting than your eyes.”

  “Yeah, well your dick is a hundred times more intelligent than your brain.” She gave him a dirty look. “But we all have our crosses to bear.”

  “Come here,” he told her.

  “Why?” she asked coyly. Her half-smirk made his skin heat up.

  “Because I want to try out a theory.”

  “What kind of theory?” she asked. “If it’s got anything to do with my chest, it’s a no.”

  “I won’t touch your chest,” he told her, his voice low. “Not until you beg me to. And you will beg me to.”

  “You’re so full of yourself,” she muttered. But she still climbed over him, her knees on either side of his legs, her body lifted so it didn’t touch his. His dick was straining against his jeans.

  “Kiss me,” he told her.

  “What? No.” Her brow crinkled. “Why would I do that?”

  “Because you think about it every time you look at me.” He sat up until his face was inches from hers. He could feel her hot breath against his skin. “Because you’ve never been kissed, and if you’re going to kiss anybody, you should do it with somebody who knows what they’re doing.”

  “And that’s you?” She quirked an eyebrow.

  He smirked, and it made her eyes flash. She swallowed hard, her throat undulating. He watched her intently, waiting to see what she’d do.

  “If you tell anybody, I’ll cut your dick off,” she muttered, leaning in to brush her lips against his.

  He slid his hands around her behind, and she promptly reached around to lift them up, so he was cupping her hips. “First base only,” she told him.

  Taking control, he leaned forward and crushed his mouth to hers, sliding his tongue along her bottom lip until her mouth parted. Her arms curled around his neck as she kissed him back, hot and heavy, and that aching pulse in his dick intensified.

  He wanted to grind against her. To make her purr with pleasure against his lips. Wanted to kiss his way down her neck, across her chest, then down to her breasts, to capture her nipples between his lips until she was calling out his name.

  He dug his fingers into her hips, his mouth hot and needy as he plundered hers. But a loud cry cut through the silence.

  Lydia leaned back, swallowing hard as her eyes met his. “The baby’s crying,” she said.

  “I figured.”

  “I should go and…” she inclined her head.

  “You want me to do it this time?”

  Her lips pursed as she blew out a mouthful of air. “Do you mind? I’m feeling a little, um, flustered right now.”

  He grinned. Thankfully his body was calming down. Lifting her gently until she was standing, he caught her eye. “Hold that role play,” he told her. “I was going to try for second base.”

  She laughed. “And I was going to fight you off. It would have been hot.”

  Skyler cried again, her sobs echoing down the hallway. “That’s my cue,” he told her, leaning forward to steal a kiss from her soft lips. “Wish me luck.”

  Lydia walked back in from the yard where she’d been petting Eddie, who was snoring on one of the old bean bags Autumn had put out. Jackson still wasn’t back, though Skyler’s cries had quieted at least ten minutes earlier. Maybe she was having her diaper changed. Lydia wrinkled her nose. She’d leave him to finish that before she went in.

  He’d left his phone on the coffee table, next to his brown leather wallet. The screen was lit up, though no sound was coming out. Curious, she glanced at it.


  The screen faded as the call diverted to voicemail. Lydia picked the phone up and carried it into the hallway, quietly pushing open the nursery door so she could give it to Jackson.

  He was in the rocking chair with Skyler. The baby was crad
led against his chest, her tiny fingers clutching the thin fabric of his t-shirt, and the two of them were sound asleep.

  Lydia’s heart did a little leap at how adorable they looked.

  There was a flicker in her memory – of the other night when Griff held Autumn sweetly as they both smiled at Skyler. But instead of Autumn and Griff, Lydia’s mind replaced them with her and Jackson.

  Her breath caught in her throat at the image of them cradling their own baby. Jackson would kiss her shoulder, and whisper dirty things in her ear to make her hurry up and get the baby to bed.

  The thought was so sweet she could almost taste it. In another world, another life, that would all be hers.

  Jackson cracked an eye open. “Hey.”

  She made herself smile, chasing the thoughts out of her mind. “Hey yourself,” she whispered. “I don’t know who is putting who to sleep here.”

  He looked down at Skyler and stroked her downy head with his hand, the baby so tiny in his big arms. Lydia swallowed hard. She might not need her ovaries right now, but she also didn’t want them to explode.

  “Holding her is like taking a sleeping pill,” he murmured, his eyes soft as he pressed his lips to Skyler’s cheek. “I don’t understand why Griff moans about not getting enough rest. All he has to do is cuddle her.”

  Lydia chuckled. “You don’t hear her in the middle of the night.”

  “This is true.”

  Standing, he carefully cradled the baby against his chest before he leaned to place her in her crib. Then he checked the wall thermometer, just as Autumn’s detailed instructions had suggested he do. “One blanket,” he said to himself, pulling the pink fluffy square over Skyler’s sleeping body. “Sleep tight, sweet girl.”

  Walking quietly across the room, he took Lydia’s hand. “Wanna go make out some more?” he asked her.

  She glanced down at the phone in her other hand. “Yeah,” she said, trying to ignore the melancholy feeling lying heavy on her shoulders. “But your mom called. You should call her back first.”

  He took the phone from her hand and slid it in his back pocket. “She can wait. Let’s go back to the living room. I need you.”


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