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Chasing The Sun: A Small Town Romance (Angel Sands Book 7)

Page 20

by Carrie Elks

  He was going to take her in his office. There was no choice. He couldn’t wait until tonight. That was for sure. The need for her throbbed through his veins, making his thoughts fuzzy and his movements sure. Sliding his hand down her thigh, he hitched her leg around his hip, grinding against her until her hips were moving with a rhythm of their own.

  “What are you doing to me?” he murmured. She didn’t answer, she didn’t have to. They both knew what they were doing, after all. Kissing at lunchtime in his office, their bodies full of need, the bagels and coffee she’d brought for them both long since forgotten.

  With her eyes on his, Lydia pulled out of his hold. For a moment, he felt bereft. She took his hand and looked up at him, her expression full of mischief.

  “Why don’t you show me your meeting room? I have an agenda I need you to fill.”

  The words were barely out of her mouth before Jackson was pulling her across the office, his hand tight around hers as he kicked open the door to the meeting room, tugging her inside.

  The door banged closed as he pushed her until the back of her thighs hit the thick oak table. His hands curled around her waist and he lifted her up until her backside was firmly against the surface.

  Something about him had changed. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but he was different. More certain. The closed off Jackson of yesterday had been replaced by this dark-eyed, masculine sex god, who was setting her whole body on fire with just a brush of his fingertips against her thighs.

  She sent a prayer of thanks to the pleasure gods that she’d worn a skirt today. Jackson’s hands were firm as he pulled her legs apart. He stepped into the space they’d left, deftly pulling her t-shirt over her head and exposing her skin to the cool air.

  She glanced at the door to make sure it was shut. His lip curled as he followed her eye movements. “Are you worried about us being disturbed?”

  She shook her head. “Not in that way. I just don’t want you to start something you can’t finish.”

  Flashing her a wicked grin, he dropped to his knees and pulled her panties down, pressing his lips against her inner thigh. “Lisa takes an hour for lunch,” he told her, kissing his way up to the crease at the top of her legs. “I can probably make you come five times before then.”

  “Promises…oh!” He slid his finger along the neediest part of her, making her whole body contract with need. Tiny pinpricks of pleasure danced through her abdomen, her thighs, and right down to her feet. He dropped his head until his lips were against her, moving his tongue in a long, languid lick.

  Her head dropped back, a sigh escaping her lips as he licked her again, this time circling her nerve center in the most delicious of ways. Her hips gyrated on the table as the pleasure built up inside of her with every lick of his tongue and every suck of his mouth.

  “Jackson, I…”

  “Hush,” he murmured against her, sucking and licking until stars were bursting behind her eyelids. “Relax.”

  She was trying, she really was. But it was impossible to relax when a Californian god was kneeling between her legs, pushing two teasing fingers inside her. The movement intensified everything, making her toes curl tightly, as she felt the pleasure coil and whip at the bottom of her belly.

  He curled his fingers inside her, and everything exploded, her sweet moans filling the air as he coaxed the pleasure from her. Her body contracted around him, and she reached for him, raking her fingers through his hair as he slowly brought her down from the peak.

  “Come here,” she told him, her voice thick and low. “I need you inside me.” Reaching for his belt, she fumbled with the buckle, finally releasing it and unzipping his pants. He was warm and hard, so hard, as her fingers coiled around him, sliding her palm up and down until it was his turn to gasp.

  He leaned down to give her a wet, lazy kiss. She could taste herself on him, and was amazed at how warm it made her. “Condom,” she murmured.

  He stilled in her hand. “Fuck.”

  Her eyes widened. “No condom?”

  “Nope.” He shook his head. “I don’t have a stash of them in the office.”

  Her body ached for him. She let out a ragged breath. “I’ve got an IUD.”

  His eyes met hers. Dark and needy. “You sure?”

  Yeah, she was. So damn sure. “Just get inside me,” she told him, running her thumb along him until he gasped again. “I need you.”

  His jaw twitched as he slid his hands along her thighs, pulling her forward on the table until she could feel his tip press against her. He swallowed hard, as though he felt the significance of the lack of barrier between them. She felt it, too. It was like they were removing the last obstacle between them. Opening themselves up in a way neither of them ever had before.

  And as he slid inside, she felt him everywhere. But most of all in her heart, that was beating like crazy, and aching as if she’d just finished a fifteen mile race.

  “So good,” he muttered. “So warm and tight.” He rocked against her, and her body quivered. “I don’t know if I can keep going like this for long.” Reaching down between them, he circled his finger against her, making her tighten around him as he buried himself deep inside her. She grasped onto the fabric of his shirt as he captured her mouth with his, the rhythm of his movements setting her on fire all over again.

  This time the spasms wracked through her whole body, making her jerk against him as she let out a loud shout. He dug his fingers into her hips, pumping against her until she was soft and pliant in his arms, his movements stilling as he let out a low, needy moan.

  When he lifted his head, their gazes connecting, she could feel the electricity connecting them, sizzling and sparking as they panted out their breaths. Could he feel it, too? This thing that was making her want things she’d never believed in before.

  As he gave her a lazy smile, she found herself hoping he did.


  Jackson leaned in the doorway of his kitchen, watching Lydia as she sat cross-legged on the tiled floor, Eddie curled happily on her lap. It was early in the morning, the dawning sunlight catching the waves as they danced in the ocean and softly reflected into the kitchen as the sun lazily made her way above the mountains.

  True to her word, Lydia had spent last night at his place, their bodies entwined in his bed, as he’d made good on his promise and gave her another three orgasms to make up for the ones he’d missed earlier.

  After that, they’d talked about Eddie. Whether he knew that he’d be leaving soon. The dog had been back to his usual self by the evening, though they still hadn’t taken him down to the beach, just in case. Instead they’d played with him in the yard, throwing balls for him. Jackson had grabbed her for kisses in between Eddie’s catches, the two of them laughing as Eddie had tried to nudge them apart with his nose.

  It had been a good night. Carefree and light, even though they knew Eddie would be gone in the morning. And now that morning was here, his breath was catching in his throat as he watched Lydia gently tickle Eddie’s ears the way he liked it, her voice so soft that Jackson had to lean in to hear her words.

  “It’s going to be okay,” she murmured softly in his ear. “You’re so loved. There will always be somebody to take care of you. Your family, of course, but if you need him, Jackson will be there. You know where to find him.” She buried her face in Eddie’s fur. “And he knows where to find me, if you need me.”

  Jackson’s throat tightened, but he said nothing, standing still as he watched them.

  “I love you,” she told Eddie, her voice muffled by his coat. “So much. We were meant to find you. You know that, right? I remember glimpsing this flash of fur and just knowing that we needed to stop that car.” She sighed. “I’m going to miss you, baby.”

  Jackson listened to her words, his jaw tight. There was an ache in his chest that he couldn’t shake off. Not just because Eddie was leaving, though that was hard enough, but because she was saying the words that Jackson wanted her to say to him. />
  He wanted her to tell him she’d miss him. That she didn’t want to leave. That she loved him so much.

  Because he’d already fallen for her.

  Lydia looked up, a smile curling her lips when she saw him standing there. “Hey,” she said, stroking Eddie’s ears. “I was just telling him how much we love him.”

  Jackson walked into the kitchen and dropped down behind her, his legs surrounding hers as he pulled her against his chest. He pressed a kiss to her hair as he cradled her the same way she was cradling Eddie. “Yeah, we do,” he agreed.

  For a moment, the three of them sat there in silence, holding each other as the sun slowly rose high enough to cast her rays across the yard. They inhaled and exhaled in unison, their three heartbeats pounding sure and strong against their chests.

  He wanted to take a picture of this with his mind. Not just a 2-D image of the three of them curled up on his kitchen floor. But a full 4-D experience, with sounds, touches, smells, and most of all the emotions that were coursing through him. A memory that would carry him through the days without this perfect woman who’d changed his life, and the dog who’d made him realize he had more than coding to give the world.

  Lydia rested her head against his chest, inclining it until her lips brushed his. “We have two hours before his owners come,” she said, stroking Eddie’s velvety ears between her fingers. “Let’s take him for a walk on the beach. Finish watching the sun rise over the mountains.”

  “Yeah,” Jackson agreed. “I’d like that. And so would Eddie.”

  And it would be another moment he could add to his library of memories with Lydia.

  Maybe that would be enough.

  The knock on the door came at ten o’clock that morning. Jackson stood and blew out a mouthful of air, walking to the front door to open it. Eddie was lying next to Lydia on the sofa – and he lifted his head at the sound of movement, a muted growl rumbling from his throat as he looked over at the door.

  “Simba!” a high voice cried out. A boy – aged maybe nine or ten – ran in, sliding onto his knees and throwing his arms around Eddie’s neck. Eddie’s tail started wagging so hard it was whipping Lydia’s legs as he licked the boy’s face.

  “You bad boy. We were worried about you,” he said, his voice muffled by Eddie’s fur.

  “This is John and Alice Maxwell,” Jackson said. Lydia looked up to see a couple follow him into the living room. They were well dressed, in expensive jeans and polo shirts, maybe in their early forties. “This is Lydia. She’s the one who spotted Eddie… I mean, Simba, in the bushes.”

  “Thank you so much.” Alice walked forward, giving Lydia a smile. “I’m so grateful to you. We left Simba with a friend while we went to New York for a couple of weeks. She didn’t even tell us he was lost.” She lifted an eyebrow. “Said she didn’t want to ruin our break. Not that it would have mattered. We would’ve come home right away if we’d known.”

  “We won’t be leaving Simba with her again,” the man – John – added grimly. “And of course we’ll pay you for the cost of having him.” He pulled a wad of bills from his wallet, and started sorting through them. “Damn dogs aren’t cheap.”

  Jackson gave him a faint smile. “We don’t need your money. Simba was a pleasure to take care of.”

  It was strange hearing his real name. Lydia wasn’t sure she liked it. Eddie didn’t look like a Simba at all. But he did wag his tail every time somebody said it, like he knew they were talking about him.

  “He smells funny,” the boy said, wrinkling his nose as he looked up.

  “He’s had a few baths,” Lydia told him. “He got sick from eating a jellyfish and we needed to clean him up. That’s probably what you can smell.”

  “I heard you paid the vet bill,” John said, looking at Jackson. “At least let us reimburse you for that.”

  Jackson shook his head. “It’s fine. He wouldn’t have needed the vet if he hadn’t eaten that jellyfish while we were walking him. That one definitely wasn’t your fault.”

  “But he’s okay now, right?” the boy asked. “He’s not gonna get sick and die or anything?”

  “The vet said he should be back to normal very soon,” Lydia reassured him. “He might need a lot of extra cuddles for the next few days, but I have a feeling you’ll be good at those.”

  “Oh yeah.” The boy smiled, nodding rapidly. “I’m an ace at hugs.”

  John glanced at his watch. “We should go. We got in late last night and haven’t unpacked yet.” He reached his hand out to shake Jackson’s. “Thanks again for taking care of him.”

  Jackson nodded, his face impassive. “No problem. I’ve got his leash in the hallway. You can take that.” He glanced at Eddie’s bed, and his toys. “Maybe you’d like these too,” he said, pointing at them. “I won’t need them anymore.”

  There was a catch in his voice that made Lydia’s heart ache.

  “It’s okay,” Alice said, glancing at her husband. “We have way too much stuff for Simba as it is.”

  As Jackson went to the hallway to grab the leash, Lydia leaned forward to stroke Eddie’s fur. “Be good,” she whispered. “We’re gonna miss you.”

  Eddie licked her hand, his eyes wide and warm. He nuzzled against her as though he knew it was goodbye. She tickled him above his neckerchief, and his tongue lolled out.

  “Come on, Simba,” Alice called out, shaking his leash. “Let’s go.”

  The dog lazily climbed to his feet and jumped off the sofa, trotting obediently over to where she was waiting. Clipping the leash onto his collar, she beckoned to her son, who joined them.

  Jackson’s face was pale. Lydia saw him swallow hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat. He scooted down to stroke Eddie with both hands, ruffling his fur as Eddie nudged him with his muzzle.

  “Be good,” Jackson murmured to him. “And don’t run away again. We might not be there to save you next time.”

  “He won’t be going anywhere for a while,” John promised. “Next time we go away, he comes with us.”

  As they walked down the steps toward their waiting car, Lydia stood behind Jackson, sliding her hand into his. “He looks happy,” she whispered, as John opened the car door and Eddie readily jumped into the backseat, letting out a bark of joy when the little boy climbed in after him.

  “Yeah, he does.” Jackson nodded. “But that name.”

  She laughed. “It doesn’t suit him, does it?”

  “Nope. He’s definitely an Eddie. At first I thought it was a weird name, but it’s him, you know. He’s laid back and relaxed, but will always try and get one over on you.”

  “That’s it exactly,” Lydia agreed. “He’s an Eddie for sure.”

  John climbed into the driver’s seat, starting the engine.

  “Do you think he’ll be okay without us?” Jackson asked her. There was still an edge to his voice that sent a shiver down her spine.

  “Yeah. That kid obviously loves him. And he seemed happy to go with the mom. I think they’ll take good care of him.”

  Jackson nodded again, leaning against the doorjamb as the car reversed. The back windows were open, and Eddie stuck his face out, letting out a bark of joy when he spotted Lydia and Jackson standing at the door. The car pulled away, and he was gone, leaving the two of them and the empty house.

  “I’m gonna miss him,” Jackson said, swallowing hard.

  She slid her arms around his waist. “Me, too.”

  Kicking the door closed, Jackson turned and wrapped his arms around her, burying his head in her hair and breathing her in. Sliding his hands beneath her shirt, his fingers traced along the line of her tattoo on her hip, warm and teasing as they reached the hem of her shorts.

  “You know what?” he said. “Let’s get out of here. Go and do something before I start staring at the empty dog bed and get all crazy and miserable.”

  “Okay.” She smiled. “Where should we go?”

  He winked. “It’s a surprise.”

  24r />
  “You sure you don’t want to practice your driving?” Jackson asked, as he drove along the cliff top road. The sun’s rays were dancing and sparkling on the tips of the waves as they undulated into the shore. They had the windows down, and the spring breeze lifted the tips of Lydia’s hair and made them tickle her shoulders.

  He hadn’t mentioned Eddie once since they’d left the house. He also hadn’t told her where they were going – in spite of her insistence. All she knew was that he’d made a quick phone call as she was climbing into his car, and she’d heard him promise to head straight over to wherever it was he was driving.

  “I don’t think so. You’ve probably had enough trauma today,” she said lightly.

  “Do you think you’ll keep practicing while you’re away? That’s what you need to do if you want to get your license.”

  “I don’t know. I don’t really have access to any cars abroad.” She shot him a grin. “Not everybody is as laid back as you when it comes to driving. Plus there are all those rules of the road that I don’t understand. You ever tried driving around a roundabout in the middle of Paris?”

  “You mean a traffic circle?”

  “Yeah, those big round things with all the roads leading off them. They make a four way stop feel like a walk in the park.” She shuddered. “Nah, I think I’ll just keep using public transport.”

  He opened his mouth to say something, but closed it again. His unspoken words seemed to linger in the air anyway. Was he going to suggest he teach her again when she was back here to visit Autumn?

  They drove past the Silver Sands Resort, and Jackson turned the car left, toward a strip mall on the other side of the road, parking outside a shop with tinted windows, and the words Beyond Ink in gold lettering on a dark background.

  Lydia turned to him, excitement fluttering in her belly. “A tattoo parlor?” she asked, her eyes lighting up. “Are we going in?”


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